Wednesday, March 24,1993 The Battalion Page 3 The following incidents were reported to the University Police Department between March 5 and March 16. Police Beat Unlawful Carrying of a Weapon Assault •Ross Street and Ireland Street - Two indi viduals were struck by paint pellets that were fired from a passing motor vehicle oc cupied by several individuals. •Ross Street - While walking in front of the Chemistry Building, the victim was sud denly aware someone was following her. The unknown assailant grabbed her right arm and touched her in an inappropriate manner. The victim detected a strong odor of alcohol on the subject's breath. She was able to elude the subject by breaking free of his grasp. Burglary of a Vehicle •Anderson Track and Field Complex - The victim's 1987 BMW was burglarized by someone who shattered the right front win dow to gain access to the interior of the ve hicle. Once inside, a black leather wallet and a red cloth tape carrier containing 85 cassette tapes were stolen. •Anderson Track and Field Complex - A suspect has been arrested in connection with the burglary of three vehicles on March 7. The search and arrest warrant in cluded the drawing of blood for analysis and comparison to blood sample found at the crime scenes. After collecting the blood evidence at an authorized medical facility, the suspect was incarcerated in the Brazos County Jail. •Parking Area 48 - A subject who stole a baseball cap and wallet from a vehicle was apprehended. The victim had walked up on the suspect while he was burglarizing the vehicle. Upon notification of the of fense, the investigating officers located and arrested the suspect. He was incarcerated in the Brazos County Jail. Southwest Parkway - The Bryan Police De partment broadcast a radio message for all local police departments to be on the look out for a gray one-ton CMC truck occupied by three individuals who were suspects in an investigation of gunshots being fired at a Bryan club. A University Police Depart ment officer observed the suspect vehicle on Wellborn Road. With the assistance of another officer, the vehicle was stopped and the subjects arrested following the re covery of a loaded RG .22 caliber revolver in the vehicle. The driver was charged with unlawfully carrying a firearm and the pas senger with public intoxication. Driving While Intoxicated •An intoxicated motorist who was found to be in possession of a small quantity of mari juana was arrested. The subject was trans ported to the Brazos County Jail. •FM 60 - A subject who was under arrest for driving wile intoxicated damaged the Plexiglas shield that is mounted to the secu rity screen inside the police vehicle. The subject was incarcsrated in the Brazos County Jail. Criminal Trespass •College Avenue Apartments - The victim reported someone entered her apartment while she was gone and vomited in the kitchen sink. Misdemeanor Theft •Rudder Tower - The victim reported someone has been stealing small amounts of change from the desks of several em ployees who work on the second floor. •Eppright Hall - Two individuals were found in possession of a pink 10-speed Murray bicycle they found abandoned near the Agriculture Building. The bicycle was placed in storage pending notification of the rightful owner. •Rudder Tower - The suspect was caught in the act of stealing by a surveillance cam era. After reviewing the film, he confessed to the crime. Texas A&M University - Twelve letters were removed from the Texas A&M Uni versity concrete sign located at the intersec tion of FM 2818 and FM 60. Eight of the let ters were recovered on the north side of System Loop in Research Park. The letters T, A, M and S were not recovered. Criminal Mischief •Utility Plant - Someone placed an oil ab sorbent material in the oil tank of an electric generator. No damage was done to the generator because the problem was discov ered by an employee before it went on-line. The monetary loss to the University results from the shut down and repair of the gen erator. •Southside Parking Garage - Someone used a sharp instrument on the driver's side to scratch the entire length of the victim's 1992 Dodge Shadow. •Moses Hall - A security officer discovered a damaged Battalion newspaper stand and several pieces of a marble partition. Inves tigation revealed the 5' X 6' marble parti tion was torn from a wall in the fourth floor restroom and thrown from the window onto the newspaper stand. Disorderly Conduct •Hensel Park - Although the victim did not see the suspect's genitals, his actions led her to believe he was masturbating. Silent or Abusive Call to 911 Service • Hensel Park - A witness observed an indi vidual walk up to the emergency phone and activate the 911 button. The subject en tered a waiting vehicle and sped away. No evidence of an emergency was indicated. Jump Continued from Page 1 partially more interested when boxes with Sherrill written on the sides were brought out for auctioning. le auctioneer brought a shirt out of a box and I could see 'ett" on it," he said. "I wasn't sure it was Dorsett's, but I wanted to bid for it anyway." Out of about 200 people at tending the auction', Kelly said only one other person competed seriously for the box, and Kelly won the shirts with a $45 bid. Kelly had the shirts appraised by Mark Jordan of Professional Sports Appraisers in Bedford, Texas, at $600 to $1,000 each. "Jordan curbed down the value because there were no outward signs of game wear," Kelly said. "There are no holes, stitching or tears, but the lettering is faded, which probably means they have been washed. (Jordan) said he also found a small grass stain." Kelly, an avid collector of sports memorabilia, said he is not interested in selling the jerseys at this time because they are a piece of American sports history, but he will keep the letters of authentici ty- "I'll keep the letters proving the value in case I ever do want to sell them," he said. "For now. I'll probably keep them in a safe ty deposit box." Kelly said he first began col lecting sports memorabilia when working at a toy store. He began in sports cards but switched over to plastic figures of starting lineup players. "Money is definitely a motiva tor for collecting," he said. "I "At first I thought I wouldn't want to keep (the jerseys) if they are special to (Sher rill), but I look at it as he stiffed these peo ple in this small com pany. I don't feel too bad for him." ‘ -Patrick Kelley spend six or seven dollars and one year later they are worth as much as seventy dollars." To learn more about the histo ry of the jerseys, Kelly said he has mailed a letter to Sherrill. At first Kelly' believed the jer seys were not important to Sher rill because he left them in a stor age space in which he failed to pay rent. But now, he is not so sure. "The more I think about it, there has to be something to these jerseys," he said. "Why would Sherrill carry them around for 17 years if there wasn't." Kelly said he did not know what he would do if Sherrill said the jerseys were important to him. "At first I thoughj, ^ wouldn't want to keep them if they are spe cial to him, but I look-at it as he stiffed these people in this small company," he said. "I don't feel too bad for him." There was nothing else of val ue was in the box, and this is how auctions usually work, Kelly said. "You never really' know what you are going to find; it's mostly junk," he said. "You stand around for four or five hours, and sometimes you get lucky." END YOUR SPRING AND SUMMER SEMESTER JOB SEARCH NOW! The Texas A&M Telefund needs articulate, enthusiastic, goal oriented, and professional students to join our team. •Valuable career experience •Sharpen communication skills •$5.25 per hour •Excellent training provided •Flexible scheduling Qualifications: Strong Communication Skills Applications available at the Clayton Williams Alumni Center 10:30 a.m. - 4 p.m. STA TRAVEL STUDENT TRAVEL T800-777-0112 the world's largest student & youth travel organization. DON’T CRACK UNDER PRESSURE RESEARCH Panic Do you experience brief, unexpected periods of intense fear or discomfort? Have you visited your doctor or the hospital emergency room because of chest pains, shortness of breath, numbness or tingling sensations and find out that you have no physical problems? 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