The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 23, 1993, Image 1
•*»»* Vol. 92 No. 1J5 (10 pages) The Battalion 1893 - A Century of Service to Texas A&M - 1993 Tuesday, March 23,1993 would id con- leed to les and i reten- ividual be pre grab it or self d indi- iptions should ljudg- itizen's vidual which having lly car- teem,! Is with :them- gainst 'daris- issuch alaried a day. d trust Jo just Belkr >of'M nel otthe iyas srless sthe N«ig 5 led be rill Id. all Next year's commander stresses non-Corps involvement ' RICHARD DIXON/The Battalion Mark Haraway will be the 1993-94 Corps Commander By JEFF GOSMANO The Battalion At the end of every spring se mester, during the Corps of Cadets Final Review, the current Corps commander turns the posi tion over to a new commander. Will Haraway, a junior from Harlingen, will replace this year's commander. Matt Michaels. Within the past few years, the Corps has been received negative ly by many students and Universi ty organizations, Haraway said. The Corps can improve its percep tion by becoming involved in or ganizations independent of the Corps, he said. "Those who don't know us or our systems, may have foggy per ceptions of what we stand for," he said. "If cadets get involved with the University, we can better our University relations." He said the Corps perception would greatly improve if "cadets would get off the Quad and join other student organizations." Maj. Jake Betty said the Com mandant's office felt Haraway was the best candidate based on previous performance and the di rection he wants to take the Corps. "Haraway will be a positive in fluence," he said. "He's got a real good head on his shoulders and will do a good job handling vari ous incidents." Candidates for Corps comman der are nominated by officers of the Corps Commandant's staff and other cadets. The Comman dant's office interviews and rec ommends a candidate to Universi ty President Dr. William H. Mob ley, and he makes the final deci sion. Matt Michaels, the current Corps commander, said Haraway was selected because he will "look out for and provide leadership to people in the Corps." In the upcoming year, Har away will face many challenges not encountered in the past in cluding assimilating gays into the Corps and increasing female and overall enrollment. Because the Corps contains ROTC detachments, it must abide by President Clinton's plan to lift the ban on gays in the military. Haraway will be the first Corps commander to deal with the con troversial issue. Michaels said regardless of per sonal opinion, Clinton's decision to lift the ban must be recognized. "It's an order from higher up," he said. "It doesn't matter what Will or other cadets think about the policy. Those are our march ing orders." Haraway said he will educate the Corps about the new situation. He said cadets must be aware of the consequences of inappropriate actions directed towards homo sexuals. "However unpopular the deci sion may be, we will do what the commander in chief says," he said. "Although many people are adamantly opposed to gays in the military, if a cadet decides to at tack a homosexual cadet, that's as sault." Homosexual cadets will also be carefully watched and scrutinized for inappropriate actions, he said. "We must also address those homosexuals that will join the Corps, they will be upheld to strict behavioral standards," he said. To combat decreasing cadet en rollment, Betty said, Haraway has bold, new ideas for Corps recruit ment. "Currently, only certain cadets recruit," he said. "Will wants to get every cadet involved in the re cruiting process." However, Haraway may have difficulty increasing cadet enroll ment because of President Clin ton's proposed military cuts. The See Commander/Page 2 Former Prime Minister Thatcher to discuss European unity at A&M By JEFF GOSMANO The Battalion Former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher will discuss the effects of a unified Europe on the United States, Great Britain and other countries dur ing her first visit to Texas A&M Friday in Rudder Auditorium. Thatcher's appearance is spon sored by the MSC Wiley Lecture Series in a program entitled "An evening with Margaret Thatcher: A discussion of the future of Eco nomic Communities in the emerg ing global economy." Because this year marks the 10th anniversary of the lecture se ries, Wiley's traditional round table format was discarded and replaced with a single keynote speaker. Similar to previous presentations, Wiley members pursued a well-known speaker that would attract a large audience, said Anissa Plotkin, director of special projects for the Wiley Lecture Series. Thatcher Plotkin said since discussion subjects are chosen nearly one year in advance "the Wiley committee looks for topics or current events that are on the hori zon but not really in the news." Past discussion panelists have included former Presidents Ford and Carter, former Secretary of State Henry Kissinger and Sam Donaldson of ABC News. "We wanted a big name like a past president," Plotkin said. "We came up with Thatcher because she is a dynamic speaker and would be comfortable here because its a conservative school." Katherine Mitchell, chair of the Wiley Lecture Se ries, said Thatcher was selected because "there are very few who are more qualified and who have such distinct opinions" on the European communities. Mitchell said most people will attend to see Thatcher because she is a high profile leader in the international community. "This is a chance to see the history books coming to life," she said. "That's part of the star-struck draw. Others are particularly interested in foreign See Thatcher/Page 4 Officer remains in critical condition THE ASSOCIATED PRESS HOUSTON — A police officer shot while substituting for a sick co-worker remained in very criti cal condition Monday with a bul let pressed against his brain. The condition of Dan Vaughan, 36, has remained unchanged since he was shot twice in the head Sat urday, Ben Taub Hospital spokes woman Beth Branley said Mon day. Meanwhile, Vaughan's sus pected attacker, 22-year-old Gilbert Earl Smith, appeared in court Monday on an unrelated murder charge — the Friday slay ing of a college student shot while working for his brother's bail bond agency. Smith, a Texas Southern Uni versity freshman is accused in the murder of Steve Lee Meyer, 26, a junior at Indiana State University. Meyer was home in Houston to earn money during spring break. Smith's appeared in court, but his hearing was rescheduled for Tuesday morning after he refused to accept a court appointed attor ney. The math major insisted on his own private attorney. Police have no motive in either shooting. "He (the suspect) has never re ally made it clear to us why he did it. He did say that he didn't know the officer," said homicide detec tive Larry Hoffmaster. In the Saturday shooting. Smith was charged with three counts of attempted capital murder of a po lice officer. One count was for Vaughan's shooting. The remaining two counts were for pointing a gun at two other officers. Bond on all counts carried a $750,000 bond. Police said a man walked into the substation, calmly asked to see a supervisor and then shot Vaughan with a gun he pulled from a backpack. He fled the sta tion, but was arrested a few min utes later. Heavy rain floods Bryan DARRIN HILL/I'he Battalion Santos Martinez, of Bryan, watches as the rain firewood company he works for. "1 don’t know floods the driveway of a warehouse in Bryan on what to think about all this mess. There sure is a Monday. The rain later flooded the offices of the lot of water in here," Martinez said. Computer halts NASA shuttle launch Law officers stand guard at hearing on sex classes THE ASSOCIATED PRESS CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla.- Two main engines ignited and space shuttle Columbia was en gulfed by the familiar white cloud signaling a launch. Then, with just three seconds to go, the engines shut down. Officials in the launch control room gasped. Television viewers felt a ripple of alarm. NASA says the seven astro nauts aboard the German-spon sored laboratory research mission were never in any danger when computers aborted the launch Monday. Inside the shuttle, commander Steven Nagel knew what had hap pened because of the red lights that came on in the cockpit. Nagel told his crew: "Every thing's OK, just sit tight." He later told reporters: "There weren't many moments of worry. It's mostly just disappointment." The launch was delayed for at least three more weeks. It was only the third time in shuttle history that engines shut down on the launch pad. After two of Columbia's three main engines ignited in the final 61/2 seconds of the countdown for the scheduled 9:51 a.m. launch, a valve in the^ third one apparently failed to close, said shuttle projects manager Alex Mc- Cool. That built pressure in a line that is supposed to purge mois ture and other waste from the en gine, so the engine didn't ignite properly, McCool said. It did bum for 11/2 seconds but never came close to full thrust. On-board computers automat ically shut down all three engines, one by one. The five Americans and two Germans emerged from the shut tle cockpit 45 minutes later with expressions of disgust on their faces. As German physicist Ulrich Walter crawled out of the hatch, Rudolf Teuwsen, a spokesman for Germany's space agency, said, "I've never seen him that de pressed." In firing room one at the launch control center, engineers immediately began emergency procedures to secure the 18-story, 4.5 million-pound shuttle. The spaceship remained bolt ed down the entire time. NASA quickly began draining the more than a half-million gallons of fuel from the external tank. "What did work, and worked very well, was the safety system," said launch director Bob Sieck. "As pad aborts go, this is proba bly the best one that we've execut ed." Sieck said it would take three weeks to do all the necessary work on Columbia: removing valves, analyzing them and retest ing the entire engine system. Shuttle manager Leonard Nicholson said it was too soon to say how the delay would affect this year's shuttle flight schedule or whether Discovery's atmos pheric research mission planned for early April would be next. Columbia's flight was the second of eight shuttle missions planned for 1993. The nine-day mission had been delayed repeatedly over the past six weeks to replace engine pumps and hydraulic hoses. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS AUSTIN — A House commit tee met under the watch of law of ficers Monday as about 250 peo ple signed up to testify on abol ishing a panel that has recom mended state-required sex educa tion in public schools. Human Services Committee Chairman Harvey Hilderbran said the Department of Public Safety officers, who are assigned to the Capitol, were requested by a lawmaker concerned about "the opportunity for some kind of con frontation" between opposing sides of the volatile issue. There were four law officers at the hearing, with two posted out side the doors of the locked hear ing room. An overflow crowd was directed to nearby rooms. The bills being considered by the committee would do away with the Adolescent Pregnancy and Parenthood Advisory Coun cil, which includes representa tives of various state agencies and other groups. Rep. Hilderbran, R-Kerrville, said he didn't expect a vote for at least a week on the legislation. He said he didn't think there was enough committee support to pass it, although he said it is close. The council last month re leased a leport recommending to the Legislature that sex education be required. Council co-chairman Larry Shaw emphasized that the pro grams should be developed at the local level, within the guidelines that they be appropriate to the age being taught, and scientifical ly valid. The report also recommends that the state provide programs fpr pregnant and parenting teens. Sports •Baseball: Aggies host Sam Houston State at 7 p.m. tonight at Olsen Page 7 Opinion •U.S. should support Yeltsin and the changes he's trying to make •Facts on Aids: Where you can get tested and testing procedures Page 9 Columbia holds medallion from College of Agriculture By SHELIA VELA The Baitaikm The latest mission of the space shuttle Columbia, rescheduled for three weeks, will carry a Texas A&M University medallion with it into orbit after junior Scott Ross suggested sending a symbol of the University with his father. Col. jerry Ross. Jerry, a NASA mission specialist, said "Each astronaut is allowed to carry on a limited amount of items on board and I always try to fly things for universities to recognize them, so I asked my kids if they wanted to send something. Scott thought it would be nice for his school to send something." Scott, an agricultural economics major, said he suggested to Dr. Joe Townsend, associate dean and director of student development in the College of Agriculture and Life Sciences, that the College of Agriculture send something on the shuttle mission. The 4-inch square medallion, already securely aboard the shuttle, is in the shape of Texas and imprinted with the College of Agricul ture logo. Townsend said in a release the College of Agriculture plans to in vite Jerry to a ceremony placing the medallion on display sometime next fall. Although Jerry is a graduate of Purdue University, he is still See Shuttle/Page 4