The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 22, 1993, Image 6

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    Classified Ads
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89 Bronco II, 5-speed, red and beige, 69,000 miles, $6300
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Dalmatian Puppies 4 males, 7wks. old, A.K.C. registered
shots, wormed. Males -$200. Contact Jess after 4 p.m.
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Brass bed, queen size, complete with firm orthopedic
mattress set, never used, still boxed cost $750. Must sell
$200 cash, 713-855-8474. 1
Daybed white iron and brass complete with trundle and
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Call 845-2696
The Battalion
Monday, March 22,1993
The Battalion
Refugee describes losses of war
the associated press Bosnian woman cries for her
kids she had to leave behind
MAINE. Need skills in: Tennis, WSI/Swimming, Water-
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couples. Confidentiality ensured. Ethnic diversity desir
able. Ages 18-35, excellent compensation. Contact
Fairfax Cryobank, 1121 Briarcrest Suite 101, 776-4453
TUZLA, Bosnia-Herzegovina
— As others fought to get on the
U.N. trucks leaving besieged Sre
brenica, Sabera Bosancic was
screaming to stay. But foreign re
lief workers didn't understand
her words: "Don't tear me away
from my family!"
Many fellow refugees from the
town on Sunday savored their
first day in nearly a year in which
they did not have to fear dying of
starvation or Serb shelling.
But Bosancic, among the 673
hustled by U.N. personnel into
trucks and driven to Tuzla Satur
day, wept while thinking of the
two children she had been forced
to leave behind.
Bosancic, 37, said during the
confused evacuation she couldn't
find anyone who understood her
"I was crying and screaming,"
the sunken-cheeked woman
In February, a serb mortar shell
shredded her now swollen and
discolored left leg.
A doctor in a field hospital
picked out pieces of shrapnel.
There was no anesthesia, and she
fainted in pain.
Bosancic said she lost word of
her husband and two other chil
dren last March, a day before
armed Serbs came to her village of
Nova Kasaba.
They had gone to a doctor's ap
pointment and never came back.
The village folk sought refuge
in a forest, where they stayed for
a month, begging for food when it
appeared safe.
"Sometimes we spent a week
without a piece of bread," Bosan
cic said. "If we found something
we gave it to the children and
held our stomachs in pain as we
watched them wolf it down."
Once Serb infantryman opened
fire, killing about 50 people, she
In May, the group moved into
Cerska, which fell to the Serbs
three weeks ago.
As more refugees came,
bombed-out houses, storage sheds
and stables began to overflow.
Serb barrages increased as fall
turned to winter. "Sometimes 60
to 65 people died daily, others
were crippled,” she said.
The mortar round that wound
ed her and two children on Feb. 8
killed two other women, she said.
She was carried by stretcher to a
field hospital in Hrncici near Kon-
jevic Polje, also under Serb attack.
Bosancic split her daily ration
of oats and water with her 17-
year-old and 12-year-old daugh
Konjevic Polje fell to the Serbs
last week. Days earlier, Bosancic
and scores of other wounded
were moved by stretcher and
horse-drawn cart to Srebrenica,
past corpses mutilated by shrap
She stayed in the overflowing
hospital there until the evacuation
— without her girls.
"Those who could, fought to
get on those trucks," she said,
eyes red-rimmed. "Why didn'
they' take someone else?"
"Sometimes we spent
a week without a
piece of bread. If we
found something we
gave it to the children
and held our stomachs
in pain as we watched
them wolf it down."
-Sabera Bosancic
Man screams for assistance
after being placed in morgue
JOHANNESBURG, South Africa - A man
who was declared dead after a traffic accident
spent two days in a metal box in a mortuary before
his cries alerted workers, a newspaper said Sun
But Sipho William Mdletshe, 24, told the Sun
day Times he is heartbroken because his fiance has
rejected him, believing he is a zombie.
Mdletshe, from the township of Sebokeng south
of Johannesburg, was declared dead on March 13
after a traffic accident and taken to a mortuary, .t
He was placed in the metal box and remained
there for the next 48 hours, drifting in and out of
Mdletshe told the newspaper he slowly became
alert enough to realize he was trapped in a box
and began screaming for help.
Mortuary workers heard the commotion and
freed him.
Mdletshe says his fiance, who also was injured
in the crash, refuses to believe his story and told
nurses at the hospital where she is recuperating
that he returned from the dead to haunt her.
Pope names
two deceased
women to
Continued from Page 1
More Western governments of
fered support for the Russian
leader, echoing President Clin
ton's statement Saturday that
Yeltsin appeared the best hope for
The result of the struggle could
be a chaotic period of what Rus
sians call "dual power," in which
two competing authorities claim
to run the country and annul each
other's decisions.
The Supreme Soviet voted 125-
16 to ask Russia's Constitutional
Court to review Yeltsin's declara
tion of emergency rule.
If the court finds Yeltsin violat
ed the Constitution, he could be
impeached by the full parliament,
the Congress of People's
The Supreme Soviet's resolu
tion also asked Russia's chief
prosecutor to consider whether
any of Yeltsin's advisers bore
criminal responsibility for the de
claration of emergency rule.
Yeltsin did not attend the ses
sion. Government officials, speak
ing on condition of anony'inity,
said the president's mother had
died over the weekend in the
Siberian city of Yekaterinburg.
Russia has been crippled by
"dual power" crises twice before:
in the summer of 1917 after the
czar was overthrown and during
Yeltsin's power struggle with
then-Soviet President Mikhail
Gorbachev in 1991.
The 1917 deadlock was broken
by the Bolshevik Revolution and
seizure of power by the Commu
nists. The Gorbachev-Yeltsin im
passe ended only with the failed
hard-line coup of August 1991
and the Soviet collapse four
months later.
For months, Russia's parlia-
The Supreme Soviet
voted 125-16 to ask
Constitutional Court
to review Yeltsin's
declaration of
emergency rule.
ment has erected obstacles to
Yeltsin's free-market reforms and
tried to curb his powers.
In a nationwide television ad
dress Saturday, Yeltsin declared a
"special order of government"
until a national vote of confidence
in his leadership is held April 25.
While he stopped short of dis
solving parliament, he said presi
dential decrees would take prece-
# dence over the decisions of the
legislature and courts.
Paul II on Sunday canonized a
French nun and a Chilean nun,
calling the women "daughters of
light.' 7
The pope elevated Claudine
Thevenet, who founded the Con
gregation of the Religious of Je
sus and Mary, and Teresa de Je
sus de Los Andes, a Carmelite
novice who is Chile's first saint.
Teresa de Jesus, who was bom
Juana Enriqueta Josefina Fernan
dez Solar, was beatified by the
pope during his trip to Chile in
She died of typhus in 1920,
three months short of her 20th
birthday and six months short of
completing her canonical novi
She was praised by the pope
for her spirituality and devotion
to god.
"This Chilean Carmelite, who
with true joy I present as the
model of the perennial youth of
the Gospel, offers clear testimony
of an existence that claims to all
men and women of today that in
loving, adoring and serving God
is the greatness and the joy, the
freedom and the ultimate realiza
tion of a human being," said John
Thevenet, who was born in
1774, was 15 when she lived
through the siege of Lyon by the
army and witnessed the execu
tion of her two brothers by guil
United States Peace Corps
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* by Appointment Only.
For more information call 845-5499
Currently in high demand are people who qualify
for programs in agriculture, education,
math, science, nutrition, or health.
The Texas A&JVt University
Student Publications Board
is accepting applications for
Editor, The Battalion
Summer 1993
The summer'93 editor will serve from May 24,1993,through
August 6, 1993.
Qual ifications for editor of The Battalion are:
Be a Texas A&M student with a minimum 2.0 overall and major GPR
at the time of appointment and during the term of office;
Have at least one year experience in a responsible editorial position on
The Battalion or comparable student newspaper,
Have at least one year editorial experience on a commercial newspaper,
Have completed at least 12 hours journalism, including JOUR 203 and
303 (Media Writing I and II), JOLJR 301 (Mass Comm Law) and JOUR
304 (Editing for the Mass Media), or equivalent.
Application forms should be picked up and returned t© the
Student Publications Manager's office, room 230 Reed
McDonald Building. Deadline for submitting application: 5
p.m. Wednesday, March 31, 1993. Applicants will be inter-
viewed during the Student Publications Board Meeting be
ginning at 3 p.m. Friday, April 2, 1993, in room 327 Reed