The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 10, 1993, Image 9
Politics Wednesday, March 10,1993 The Battalion Page 9 Reno hearing Confirmation process going smoothly for female AG nominee on Capitol Hill THE ASSOCIATED PRESS WASHINGTON - Janet Reno promised on Tuesday to blend tough law enforcement with re spect for people's rights at a smooth confirmation hearing that both Democrats and Republicans predicted would lead to her ap proval as America's first female attorney general. Miami's chief local prosecutor for 15 years, Reno described her self as a no-nonsense person who lived by the credo: “Don't pussy foot, don't equivocate, don't talk out of both sides of your mouth." For members of the Senate Ju diciary Committee, an especially welcome quality seemed to be that she was non-controversial. "You have no idea how happy we are to see you here today," said chairman Joseph Biden, D-Del. President Clinton's first nomi nation for the top Justice Depart ment job, Zoe Baird, was with drawn after criticism of her hav ing illegally hired aliens as house hold help. The president then dropped federal Judge Kimba Wood from consideration because she also had hired an illegal alien to be her child's nanny — though she had broken no laws in doing so. Reno, 54, seemed nearly free of personal controversy and Biden scheduled no other witnesses for the confirmation hearing. Sen. Or- rin Hatch of Utah, the ranking Re publican on the committee, said the panel might vote on her nomi nation this week. “Having read every page of your FBI report, I am impressed with your credentials and what you've done with your life," Hatch said. He and Biden both said rumors that she had been pulled over but never charged with drunken dri ving were checked by the FBI and committee investigators and proven unfounded. Hatch called them a "hate-mongering cam paign." When asked about accusations that she was loathe to prosecute public corruption cases in Florida, she said she had passed some on to federal prosecutors because the court rules were more favorable in that system. She said she did this despite advice that it would be “political suicide." “When I took office I saw that there was enough to do and you didn't have to claim credit for everything. And you should do it the best way possible and stop worrying about the credit," she said. Her answers seemed to please both liberals and conservatives. “I wish you well on the bench. I predict you'll be confirmed. I ex pect to vote for you," Sen. Strom Thurmond, R-S.C., told her. At the midday break. Sen. Howard Metzenbaum, D-Ohio, gave a thumbs-up. "She was OK," he said. In the hearing, the committee concentrated on eliciting her opin ions on legal issues likely to come before her and the Congress. Reno said she wanted to apply nationwide the lessons she's learned fighting crime in the Mia mi area, including working with ex-offenders, families and chil dren to try to prevent violence. But, she said, “I think it's im perative to understand that you HEALTHY MALES WANTED AS SEMEN DONORS Help infertile couples; confidentially ensured. Ethnic diversity desirable, pges 18 to 35, excellent compensation. 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Telephone (806) 742-3184, FAX (806) 742-3958. 1-800-882-6220 Filing for Student Body Elections ends Friday, March 12 If you plan to run for Student Body President, Yell Leader, Student Senate, Class Officer, or RHA and OCA officers, come by Room 133 of the SSB to fill out applications National News Briefs Americans often out of home state WASHINGTON (AP) - More than one-third of all Amer icans live outside their state of birth, the Census Bureau said Tuesday. In 12 states, more than half the people came from some where else. Nevada had the biggest share of outsiders. Nearly four out of five Nevadans came from some place else, mainly California. Pennsylvania had the biggest share of stay-at-homes. Only one Pennsylvanian in five was born outside the state. Altogether, 95 million Ameri cans were born outside their pre sent state. The total population was 248.7 million. The government study used information gathered in the 1990 census. Geographer Alex de Sherbinin with the Population Reference Bureau in Washington said America's widespread and varied economy causes most of the movement. Temporary freeze slows defense cuts WASHINGTON (AP) - President Clinton is freeing about $1.5 billion to help com panies, workers and communi ties adjust to defense cuts — a sign tnat he will push for a more active federal role in weaning the economy from its defense dependence. The $1.5 billion is one piece of a broader, long-term effort by Clinton to demilitarize the econ omy and end the overwhelm ing focus on military uses of technology that prevailed dur ing the decades of preparing for war with the Soviet Union. Congress has tried for sev eral years to increase the pace of this defense “conversion," but it was a philosophical bugaboo for Republican ad ministrations, which argued that government should stay out of the way. "During the Reagan and Bush administrations their po sition was that. . .their job was fielding weapons systems, keeping the troops equipp' d, and that problems in the in dustrial base would be han dled by the market one way or another," Sen. Jeff Bingaman, D-N.M., said. More terrorism unlikely, FBI says WASHINGTON (AP) - A "well-known terrorist group" is likely responsible for the bombing at New York's World Trade Center, an FBI official told Congress on Tuesday. But law enforcement ex perts said there was no reason to fear a wave of such inci dents. "We're saying it's a group that knows what they're doing, and perhaps not an ad-hoc bunch of terrorists," said James Fox, head of the FBI's New York office. Fox told a House Judiciary subcommittee that it w'as in vestigators' "gut feeling" that experienced terrorists were re sponsible for last month's blast that killed five, injured 1,000 Sore Throat/Strep Throat Individuals at least 13 years old needed to participate in a sore throat (strep throat, tonsillitis) research study involving an investigational oral antibiotic in capsule form. $100 incentive paid to those chosen to participate upon completion of the study. Free Spring Allergy Skin Testing Individuals, age 12 and older with spring allergy symptoms to screen for upcoming research studies. 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