The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 02, 1993, Image 2
'SUBWflV* NOW DELIVERING (Main campus only) M-F 4 - close Sat - Sun 10 - close 696-1654 $5.00 Minimum order. Cash only. faicr tfearts & Crosses *'**’66^ Uetle^u b \v^ 0 ■5 S'! Tu&s.., „ r lUHPUES K1VTATIVK IJUUtY TATUM GIJKST SPEAKEH YCT MEETING MARCH 2, TUESDAY 8:30, 308 RUDDER SKI WEAR CLEARANCE SALE « 20% - 30% off our already low prices! tri-state SPORTING GOODS 3600 Old College Road ■ Bryan 846-1947 (across from Chicken Oil Co.) “We have not successfully rolled back the frontiers of Socailism from the State of Britain only to see them reimposed at a European level..! -La^y Margaret Thatcher 20th Century Insights 7kafokes* A discussion of die future of Economic Communities in die emerging Global Economy by The Lady Thatcher, OM, PC, FRS RUDDER AUDITORIUM Friday, March 26, 1993 8:00pm ox Hafe at tAe /If£CSoxr Call 845-1234 Students $12, $17, $22 — Non-Students $25, $35, $50 MSC Wiley Lecture Series Texas A&M University w/tcg’. ..Sr/xp/fy tAe- li/ox Act to 7~Max Adcflf dxfotxx/tp Career Fair and Summer Work Opportunity Tuesday March 2, 1993 7-10 pm Professional Dress College Station Conference Center Just a few of the many exciting career fields represented: •Airlines and Hotels •Federal Agencies •State Agencies such as Texas Parks and Wildlife •City Park and Recreation Agencies •Non-Profit Organizations All majors welcome and encouraged to attend! Bring resumes! Sponsored by Department of Recreation, Park and Tourism Sciences Undergraduate Professional Committee Campus /t{r«exa& Bacfyacl? NO GIMMICK Page 2 The Battalion Tuesday, March 2,1993 The Big Event Community to benefit from Aggie volunteers By MATARI JONES The Battalion For the eleventh year in a row, Bryan-College Station will benefit from the nation's largest single-day community service project - The Big Event. "The Big Event builds unity and camaraderie," said Nicole Newber ry, director of the Big Event. "It feels good to know that you've done something good for somebody else." The Big Event is a cooperative event where A&M volunteers per form community services such as painting houses and cleaning up yards and highways. This year's event is March 27. Newberry said The Big Event is a way to thank Bryan-College Sta tion for the year-round support the community has given to A&M stu dents. Elissa Love, sub-chairman of campus publicity for the Big Event, said students benefit from The Big Event as well. "To give is to receive," she said. "Although we are not paid mone tarily, we are paid through thankfulness and appreciation." "It feels good to know that you've done something good for somebody else." -Nicole Newberry Big Event Director Chris Kryzak, assistant director of campus publicity for the Big Event, said their main goal is to get as many students involved as possi ble. However, participation doesn't seem to be a problem since more than three thousand students are expected to participate - including representatives from the Aggie Wranglers, Corps of Cadets, Gay and Lesbian Student Services and Greek community. The participants give a little bit of themselves by helping others, Newberry said. Students say the Big Event is fun but rewarding work too. "I heard it's a lot of fun", said Jennifer Johnson a first-year Big Event participant. "It's a great chance to give back to the community because you never know when you'll need help." Liz Johnson another first-year Big Event participant agreed. "You can't take something without giving back." People within the community submit job requests to The Big Event's organizing committee. Then, the committee assigns groups of people to particular jobs. "We're off to a great start already with over 100 job requests," Love said. Local businesses and merchants play a big part in the Big Event by providing supplies, equipment and advertising in addition to drop-off sites for the job requests. • ' ^ "It's nice to know you can do something for others," Love said. "That's the spirit of service." STEP. WEIGHTS. FUNK. LITE. SUPERSESSION. AND OF COURSE. A ALL THAT JAZZ. There’s always something new at Jazzercise. Because you’ll dance to the latest steps and your favorite songs. Plus, we’re always adding more of the newest moves and music. And if variety is the spice of life, we’re hot. Because there are also classes with weights, steps, longer sessions, less- *19.93 1 month unlimited classes new members only expires 3/9/93 intense workouts, stretching and toning, and programs for kids. So call for the classes near you. And start jazzing up your fitness routine. .vazzercise. The fitness professionals. •FIRST CLASS FREE •No Membership Fee .Childcare Available •Former Member Specials *14 Years in the B/CS Area •Morning, Anernoon and Evening Classes Jazzercise Fitness Center Wellborn at Grove, College Station, 1 block south of George Bush Drive Call Cathy Lyles at 764-1183 or 776-6696 RESEARCH Urinary Tract Infection Study • Lower Back Pain • Frequent urination • Painful Urination *Fever VIP Research is seeking individuals 12 years of age or older with complicated urinary tract infections. If you have a urinary tract infection, you may qualify for an eight week research study using a currently available antibiotic medication. Participants who qualify and complete the study will be paid $200. Pneumonia Study • Productive Cough • Nausea/Vomitting • Difficulty Breathing • Fever VIP Research is seeking individuals 18 years of age or older with pneumonia. If you’ve been diagnosed by a physician or you suspect having pneumonia, you may qualify for a six week research study using antibiotic therapy. Participants who qualify and complete the study will be paid $150. For more information, call: Volunteers in Pharmaceutical Research, Inc. 776-1417 ^Campus News Briefs B-CS to carry Olympic torch this summer Bryan-College Station resi dents will have the opportuni ty to be among 4,000 Texans who will carry the U.S. Olympic Festival '93 torch this summer. The torch will pass through Bryan-College Station June 22 starting at noon as it winds its way along a 4,700 mile route spanning 41 days across Texas. Each participant will carry the torch one-fifth of a mile. The distance has been estab lished to allow everyone four years or older to take part. The torch will be flown to Austin June 13. Following ceremonies, the torch will be gin its journey which will take it through 100 Texas counties with local runs in 58 commu nities. Local routes for the torch run will be announced in June. Application forms are available by calling 210-222- 1993. City councils proclaim day for mentally ill Today is not only Texas In dependence Day, it will also be "Blue Ribbon Day" in Bryan-College Station to signi fy that Texans with mental ill ness and mental retardation deserve the chance to be inde pendent. Bryan Mayor Marvin Tate and College Station City Council representative Lynn Mcllhaney will issue a joint proclamation today as part of a local awareness campaign sponsored by the Mental Health Mental Retardation Authority of Brazos Valley (MHMRABV). MHMR Authority of Bra zos Valley will be the host of an open house today from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. to generate awareness that state funds must be maintained to ensure mental health and mental re tardation services will be available to Brazos Valley citi zens. A&M relations wins 4 awards at PR competition Texas A&M's Office of Uni versity Relations won four awards from the Texas Public Relations Association's annual competition to recognize the best public service and pro motional programs and pro jects in the state. Texas A&M was one of four institutions of higher learning with winning entries and the only such institution to earn more than one award at the "Silver Spur and Best of Texas" awards banquet. The University won two awards for public service an nouncements - one for televi sion and one for radio as well as a third-place award for a video tape to support fund raising activities and a runner- up award for overall cam paigns.' ' ' . o-tdla \ (i .:*> :■ ATTENTION JUNIORS, SENIORS & GRAD STUDENTS! SPRING BREAK EMPLOYMENT! END YOUR SPRING AND SUMMER SEMESTER JOB SEARCH NOW! The Texas A&M Telefund needs articulate, enthusiastic, goal oriented, and professional students to join our team. •Valuable career experience •Sharpen communication skills •$5.50 per hour •Excellent training provided •Flexible scheduling Applications available at the Clayton Williams Alumni Center 10:30 a.m. - 4 p.m. Call 845-0425 The Battalion STEVE O'BRIEN, Editor in Chief JASON LOUGHMAN, Managing Editor STACY FEDUCIA, Opinion Editor KYLE BURNETT, News Editor DAVE THOMAS, News Editor TODD STONE, City Editor DON NORWOOD, Sports Editor SUSAN OWEN, Lifestyles Editor DARRIN HILL, Photo Editor Staff Members Reporters — Mark Evans, Melody Dunne, Reagan Clomon, Cheryl Heller, Matari Jones, Juli Phillips, Jennifer Smith, Brandi Jordan, Gina Howard, Stephanie Pattillo, Robin Roach, Julie Chelkowski, Jeff Gosmano, Jason Cox, Will Healy, Cynthia Trevizo, Kevin Lindstrom, Natalie Giehl, Heather Henderson and Shelia Vela News desk — Belinda Blancarte, Carey Eagan, Lance Holmes, Elizabeth Lowe, Jennifer Mentlik and Heather Winch Photographers — Kevin lvy ; Robert J. Reed, Billy Moran, Joseph Greenslade, Richard Dixon, Craig Fox, John W. Bartram and Mark Ybarra Lifestyles — Anas Ben-Musa, Dena Dizdar, Melissa Holubec, Tanya Williams and Jenny Magee Sports writers — William Harrison, Michael Plumer and David Winder Columnists — Julie Ralston, Toni Garrard Clay, Matthew Dickerson, Chris Whitley, Robert Vasquez, Rich Henderson, Dave Brooks, John Scroggs and Janet Holder Cartoonists — Thomas Deeny, George Nasr, Clay Welch, Boomer Cardinale and Jeff Crone Graphic Artist - Jennifer Petteway Clerks- Julie Chelkowski, Dora Dees, Wren Eversberg, Carrie Miura and Shelley Rowton The Battalion (USPS 045-360) is published daily, Mondav through Friday during the fall and spring semesters and Monday through Thursday during the summer session (except University holidays and exam periods), at Texas A&M University. Second class postage paid at College Station, TX 77840. POSTMASTER: Send address -changes to The Battalion, 230 Reed McDonald Building, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843. News: The Battalion news department is managed by students at Texas A&M University in the Division of Student Publications, a unit of the Department of Journalism. Editorial offices are in 013 Reed McDonald Building. Newsroom phone number is 8*5-3313. Fax: 845-2647. Advertising: For campus local and national display advertising call 845-2696. For classified advertising, call 845-0569. Advertising offices are in 015 Reed McDonald and office hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Fax: 845-5408. Subscriptions: Mail subscriptions are $20 per semester, $40 per school year and $50 per full year. To charge by VISA or MasterCard, call 845-2611.