The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 01, 1993, Image 3
Monday, March 1,1993 The Battalion Page 3 1,1993 country, by a high- ^ale coun- ■ example, "art attack - months, badge of OK if a months to / person ? chances ^ce or sex. an A&M said there /ersity. It to be cre- f perspec- Jkes good ica has to -friendly, id people tions they corporate society," ? faculty d on the were re- of Texas :as A&M /ersity of 'ersity of $45,813; $45,571; it Arling- her ale for forma- ul, call -TIPS, lo not name, issign jmber rotect ■ads to ry in- s will cash, s cash : elony T any ^ships rs for bed to Branch Davidians' roots go back to early 1900s THE ASSOCIATED PRESS WACO — The roots of the Branch Davidians date back to 1934, when a disgruntled Seventh Day Adventist split with the church over interpretations of Bib lical teachings about the end of the world. The sect began when Victor Houteff split from Seventh-day Adventists, who accused him of being a disruptive influence. Houteff, born in 1886 in Bul garia, grew up as a member of the Standoff Continued from Page 1 and shooting at agents, Stanford said. Howell, who has legally changed his hame to David Kore- sh, told CNN a 2-year-old child was killed. He also said he was among those injured. He told one re porter he was wounded in the stomach and arm and was resting on blood-soaked blankets. In a rambling interview with CNN, Howell said, “They fired on us first." Later in an interview with Dal las radio station KRLD, Howell said he was the most seriously wounded of three people inside the compound. "I've been shot. I'm bleeding bad," he said as a baby cried in the background. “I'm going home. I'm going back to my fa ther. "Your weapons have over come me this time. I begged these men to go away." He began to cry as he talked about the 2-year-old child that was killed, he identified as his own daughter. Authorities have said about 75 eople were at the compound, ut Howell said there were many more there, including children of all ages. "There are a lot of children here," he said. "I've had a lot of babies these past two years. Its true that I do have a lot of chil dren and I do have a lot of wives." Howell said he offered to send out two children each time radio stations would play a message he bad given them. The messages were played, and two children were released sometime around 9 p.m. Stanford said. Two more Newspaper Continued from Page 1 as a makeshift ambulance for wounded ATF agents. Lott said the newspaper arti cles followed allegations of sexual abuse of young girls and other misdeecls, allegedly taking place in the cult. In an editorial on Saturday, the newspaper urged citizens to 'start asking hard questions of their local enforcers of the law. "How in heaven's name could these officials have allowed to flourish in the shadows of Waco Ihe kinds of abuses against hu man beings detailed in a series of Eastern Orthodox Church, accord ing to Baylor University religion professor Bill Pitts, who has writ ten several papers on the Branch Davidians. Houteff disassociated himself from the church after a disagree ment with church leaders. He emigrated to the United States and in 1918 attended a tent meeting and joined the Seventh Day Adventists. He later moved to Los Angeles, where he became the assistant superintendent of a Seventh-day Adventist Church Sabbath school, Pitts wrote. children were released sometime around 10 p.m., and two more an hour later. Negotiations were continuing into the night. Dr. Ken Ethridge, a surgeon who operated on some of the wounded ATF agents, said, "Some of these guys said they were surprised they got shot at so quick. They said the fire power was impressive." The assault came one day after the Waco Tribune-Herald began publishing a series on the cult, quoting former members as say ing the 33-year-old Howell may have abused children of group members and claimed to have at least 15 wives. ATF spokesman Jack Killorin in Washington said the assault had been planned for several weeks, although he added, “I think the newspaper's investiga tion set up heightened tension." The cult's fortress, called Mount Carmel, is dominated by a tower with lookout windows fac ing in all directions. Guards re portedly patrol the 77-acre grounds at night. According to witnesses, feder al agents hid in livestock trailers as they drove up to the com pound. As three National Guard helicopters approached, the 100 law officers stormed the main home, throwing concussion grenades and screaming "Come out!" For a moment, there was no re sponse. Then the shooting began. “They immediately fired," said Ted Royster, head of the ATF office in Dallas. "As soon as they saw us they immediately opened fire." For the next 45 minutes, offi cers traded shots with cult mem bers. "I cannot tell you what went wrong. It appeared as though they were waiting for us," Roys ter said. articles beginning on today's Page 1A? "How long before they will act?" Lott said Sunday that "local authorities knew about it and had done nothing . . . The ATF sug gested that they were going to do something, but couldn't say what, or really when. "After several days of careful consideration, we decided it was time to let the public know of this menace just outside our city," the editor said. "You can't sit on that sort of stuff if you're a newspa per." Lott said the newspaper had notified the ATF of its publication plans on Friday. "That we took this unusual step demonstrates our concern," he said. Houteff's theological views — especially his interpretation of the book of Revelation — did not fit the views of the Seventh-day Ad ventists, Pitts said. Several who followed him saw him as an "inspired prophet," Pitts wrote. In Waco, Houteff's following as well as his holdings grew. In 1942, Houteff changed the group's name to Davidian Sev enth-day Adventists. Houteff's belief that the restoration of David's kingdom in Palestine was imminent prompted the change. In 1955 Houteff died, though many members didn't think he would. Some thought he would be the king in the new kingdom or at least Elijah announcing the kingdom. His wife, Florence, as sumed power. The Davidians splintered, the largest group going with a rival prophet, Ben Roden. Roden's group was known as the Branch Davidians When Roden died in 1978, his wife, Lois, took over leadership. In 1984 Vernon Howell, now David Koresh, took over the cult. Ii Wha^s Up Monday Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority, Inc: On Monday, March 1, at 7:00 p.m. in room 410 Rudder Sigma Gamma Rho Sorority Inc. presents Sigma Week..."The Legacy Continues." The feature will be a Black Movie Classic, "Imitation of Life." For more infor mation contact Glenda Clausell (847- 0055). Honors Student Council: There will be a surprise speaker on Monday, March 1 at 8:30 in room 404 Rudder. The topic will be moving. For more information contact Chris Duvall (268-4595). Texas Environmental Action Coali tion (TEAC): A meeting will be held on Monday, March 1 at 7:30 p.m. in room 202 Francis. TEAC has several field trip opporunities. There will be member discounts, but everyone is welcome. For more information con tact James (847-2021). Natural Resource Conservation As sociation: A general meeting will be held on Monday, March 1 at 7:00 p.m. in room 402 Rudder. Don Plitt from the Texas Municipal Power Agency will be speaking. Brazos Valley Delta Gamma Alum nae Association: There will be a Founders Day celebration on Mon day, March 1 at 7:30 p.m. at 716 Edgewood, Bryan. For more infor mation contact Sue Durden (693- 7612). Golden Key National Honor Soci ety: An induction ceremony for all new members will be held on Mon day, March 1 at 7:00 p.m. in room 201 MSC. All old and new members are invited to attend. For more informa tion contact Julie Frey (260-1778). National Organization For Women (N.O.W.): A general meeting will be held on Monday March 1, 1993 from 7-8:30 in room 228 MSC. For more information contact Tawny (764- 9575). 12th Man Student Foundation: Join us at our second general meeting on Monday March 1 at 7:00 p.m. in room 110 Student Services Building. Our guest speaker will be Coach Tony Barone. Preparation for the GMAT - Verbal: Sessions will take place Tuesday, March 2 from 4-5:00 p.m. in Blocker room 242. Material presented in these sessions is designed to improve verbal and math score on the GMAT. Register free in advance in room 241 Blocker. For more information con tact the Center for Academic En hancement at (845-2724). Aggies for Life: A meeting will be held on Tuesday, March 2 at 7:00 p.m. in room 502 Rudder Tower. A guest speaker from the Brazos Valley Life and Family Advocates. T-shirts will be available for only $7. Every body is welcome. For more informa tion contact Bridget (764-0619) or Ron (822-1976). Floriculture Ornamental Horticul ture Club: A greenhouse work party will be held on Tuesday, March 2 at 6:00 p.m. in the FOH Greenhouse (next to KAMU transmitter). There will be a free meal after work. For more information contact Brad at (693-6672). The Griot Society: A general meet ing to enlist membership will be held on Monday, March 1 at 9:00 p.m. in room 302 Rudder. The goal of the Griot Society is to increade the knowledge of African and African American HISTORY, HERITAGE, and CULTURE. Join us in this quest. For more information contact Brian Ingram (693-6760). Financial Service Organization: A meeting of the Finace Division will be held on Monday, March 1, at 7:00 p.m. in Blocker room 124. The orga nization and events that will take place in March will be discussed. Career Fair and Summer Work Op portunity Night: A career fair will be held on Tuesday, March 2 from 7- 10:00 p.m. in the College Station Con ference Center. All majors are wel come and encouraged to attend. Dress professional and bring re sumes. This event is sponsored by R.P.T.S. Gymnastics Club: A workout will be held on Monday, March 1 from 3:30-6:00 p.m. in room 307 Read. Anyone is welcome. For more infor mation contact Beth at (764-7566). Dancers for Casino '93: A dance clinic will be held on Monday, March 1 from 8:30-10:30 in room 292 MSC. We will start teaching the tryout rou tine. Everyone is welcome. For more information contact Jennifer Ludewig (847-0098) or Janel Schroder (847- 5874). The BIG Event: Applications are due on Monday. March lip (room 127 SSB. For more information call (845- 3051). International Students Association: Opening ceremony for the 14th An nual Internation Week will be held on Monday, March 1 at 10:00 a.m. in the MSC Flagroom. There will be live musical performances. Come discover the world at Texas A&M. For more information contact Usha Busch (847-6655) or Ranjan Natarajan at (846-2717). From 11:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. there will be cultural displays in the MSC main hallway. There will be over 45 different countries sharing cultures and handicrafts. For more information contact Parviz Izadoo at (845-1221). What's Up is a Battalion service which lists non-profit events and ac tivities. Items for What's Up should be submitted to The Battalion, 013 Reed McDonald, no later than three business days before the desired run date. Application deadlines and notices are not events and will not run in What's Up. If you have ques tions, call the newsroom at 845-3316. 00 544 r •nnifer lason Cox, eathe r >x, John V4 :h nesters old ) ( ot Texas University. 0 f Student j Building' Executive Council of Health Organizations (E.C.H.O.) Presents* MEDICAL & DENTAL "BASICS" WORKSHOPS The Basics workshop is a one-time mandatory meeting for all students who are planning to enter medical or dental school for the fall of 1994. The workshop is a wonderful opportunity to get important information on the application process. The following are the scheduled workshop times for the spring: March 2 March 3 March 3 March 3 March 10 March 23 March 24 March 24 8:30 pm 4:30 pm 5:15 pm 8:30 pm 8:30 pm 8:30 pm 4:30 pm 5:15 pm March 30 March 31 March 31 April 7 April 7 April 7 April 14 April 14 8:30 pm 4:30 pm 5:15 pm 4:30 pm 5:15 pm 8:30 pm 4:30 pm 5:15 pm Call 847-8938 to register. rtising. co ; ay ltiroo9 h For Help When the Flu Gets You! No Appointment Necessary 10% Discount with A&JVI Student I.D. 696-0683 Texas Ave. at S. W. Pkwy. College Station Open until 8p.m. - 7 days a week charge by THIS YEAR A LOT OF COLLEGE SENIORS WILL BE GRADUATING INTO DEBT. Under the Army’s Loan Repayment program, you could get out from under with a three-year enlistment. Each year you serve on active duty reduces your indebtedness by one-third or $1,500, whichever amount is greater, up to a $55,000 limit. The offer applies to Perkins Loans, Stafford Loans, and cer tain other federally insured loans, which are not in default. And debt relief is just one of the many benefits you’ll earn from the Army. Ask your Army Recruiter. Classes are starting right now. Call 696-3196 KAPLAN Th« answer to the tost question. xSUBUinV* NOW DELIVERING (Main campus only) M-F 4 - close Sat - Sun 10 - close 696-1654 ARMY BE ALL YOU CAN BE.* $5.00 Minimum order. Cash only. CUSSES COMPUTE $28” A Round) Clear plastic lenses and frames by the ■ hundreds included at • Open to Public [optic Oil L rnortj College Station these prices. 900 Harvey Road Dr’s Rx or lens duplicated H Ms- w of Call 693-5358 for more details ,,ost0ak Mal1 ) WANTED: INSTRUCTORS With Something Interesting to Share University PLUS workshops Come by the MSC Basement and fill out an application to teach Summer 93 courses. Good pay - Great hours - Good folks Call 845-1631 *First Aid ^Interviewing *Yoga *Watercolor ■"Landscaping ‘"Public Speaking '"Guitar "Voice Training "Interior Design "Accounting "Clay Sculpture "Bird Watching and more... COME GET WET WITH US IN FLORIDA THIS SPRING BREAK AT PANAMA CITY BEACH!!! TAMU SCUBA CLUB WILL DISCUSS PLANS FOR OUR SPRING BREAK TRIP ON TUESDAY MARCH 2 @ 8:30 302 RUDDER POVERTY NOT AN OBSTACLE/EQUIPMENT PROVIDED W/DUES PAID COME WHETHER YOU DIVE OR NOT! FOR MORE INFO CALL GLEN ROUGHER 847-6694 Ideas for Class of ‘93 Gift?? Drop your suggestion off in any suggestion folder on campus or in the Class of '93 cubicle in the Student Programs Office!! CLASS OF '93 SUGGESTION FORM GIFT SUGGESTION DESCRIPTION (as detailed as possible please) WFHERE (if applicable) NAME- PHONE If you have any questions contact the Class of '93 at 845-1 51 5. Thanks and Gig 'em '93