Monday, January 25,1993 The Battalion Page 3 , 1993 ne its be re- ie's 24- ed this nentin ;r cam- upervi- ment, Stop- me or ounty i*:): JS. MS, ORE. TEP, RE. Tubularman By Boomer Cardinale p£ET THE OWCTgFg s/x R055 VlwfcviT TUBUL^MAN WADE PJQLC SkAet iverrrtTY Of TatvuWTvfiN. rtti-nw stvpcnt 4T TtXAS MM. Ufvkix sufamelto. LEFT All rue GLITTBE To mjtry IT VP IN MOlECWb. Ross wmtHiirr's Room*Aft. HELPS GOT TvevUWtyN. 8o/JC£E 3t*ps NVW IN HIS SPfXE TIME. TLtf£^S , Mch-bwN. TYPICAL EVIL VOCX&. SKCoNO coi/SiN To P£. HANtMl IECHteP PiUAS-PE&TbN OLPHANh ROSS'S foEpieR. AcofiWPTE. Now fuli-tae pytaio. i l V\ a J v>> •wKafc has gor->« bef-orc* 3 mysterious stranger appears m a f*eld south of town, ; Searching... meanwhile, our hero, er-icj^reiynn enjoys lunch... - bvj thorn as deeny A* Ar r-A- ▼-A-V-A-'V-A-T-A-^-A-▼-A-V- A'^-A V-A-T^A-ST-A r is for- schinar TEXAS A&M UNIVERSITY Monday. January 25.1993 •> Rec Facility Hotline 845-0737 ❖ Court Reservations 845-2624 ❖ IM Rain Out Info 845-2625 'v s ■' • „ v ' « i.o l : m K T X r x.. ^ ' TI-68 For engineering stu dents who require the most comprehensive and powerful technical functions. TI-36X SOLAR The solar choice for advanced algebra, trigonometry, chemis try, computer science, and statistics. V Texas Instruments seloupots 5 ® OUT WHERE 1 f0 ' 5 ** Northgate 335 University Dr. 846-6312 ©1992 Texas Instruments Incorporated Redmond Terrace 1422 Texas Ave. 693-0838 Southgate 308 George Bush Dr. 693-2278 MSC OPEN HOUSE II SATURDAY, JANUARY 30, 1993 2 P.M. - 6 P.M. . MSC Open House II is Sponsored by the MSC Public Relations Committee r, an- vould of its about ar ear- id em- rategy in its could loyees aq, no ight. jssary siness 90s/' trong really e on For more information on any Rec Sports program, please stop in tve Rec Sports Office, 159 Read or call 345-7626. Ti* Department of Recreational Sports is a part of the Dmsjon of Student Sehuices. Uisa. MasterCard, and Discouer accepted. ORGANIZATIONS REGISTRATION IS NOW GOING ON FOR MSC OPEN HOUSE II DON’T BE LEFT OUT! • Pick up a form in your organization’s box in the Student Finance Center or in the Student Programs Office in the MSC. • Reserve a table from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. with Nancy Adams in the SPO, Rm. 216 MSC. THE LAST DAY TO RESERVE A TABLE IS TUESDAY, JANUARY 26, 1993. NO LATE REGISTRATION! ^DABOUTAGCtt^ ^ \ ptvt.oA /LnVMNTWnrA ▼ s*-' \ ALTTVmU \s CTV in- ate- she inal i are lant IS lent on. itu- ent out on. led los r of we ca- se- the ns, gi- at- 3 a ip- ts, >n- ur :a- n- D- iat