The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, December 04, 1992, Image 3
riday, December 4,1992 The Battalion Page 3 The Battalion What’s Up ember 4,1 se !/ police said lice shotii n, 26, ling, who} d run over attempting ined Dnds total ; and Lave, irged with urder and pted capi ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS: Gen eral discussion from 11:30 a.fn. to 12:30 p.m. Newcomers and latecom ers welcome. Call the Center for Drug Prevention—The Rainbow Center at 845-0280 for more information. d at the nter in I million. up inpai S.M.A.R.T.: Students Making Aware ness A Real Topic is accepting appli cations in the cubicle in the SSB through December 10. For more infor mation call Jeni at 693-9594. CLASS OF ‘95: Any defective T-shirts may be exchanged or new shirts may ie bought at the Class of ‘95 table or the SPO in the MSC. For more infor mation call Jeb at 847-5279. practical dealer said, orth at mi CLASS OF ‘93: Elephant Walk T-shirt Borders through December 7. Con tact the Class of ‘93 Council in the SPO at 845-1515. ig the ler each ol le thieves; ding up •oles, caiB ■stand to all estern icedo said, It to salvap >anies wo: er theft aw requiii es to get icense, vet id address lore than FRIDAY AGGIELAND: Junior pictures will be taken for the Aggieland through De cember 17 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at AR Photography, located at 707 Texas Avenue next to Taco Cabana. TEXAS A&M LACROSSE TEAM: Practice Monday through Friday from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. at the Polo Fields. Everyone welcome, no experience necessary. Come be a part of the State Championship tradition. For in formation call Tom Weaber at 764- 7974. SPEAKER’S SEMINAR: Applications are still available in Room 125 of the Student Services Building for the Speakers’ Seminar class taught by Dr. arolyn Adair. These applications are :o be returned no later than 5 p.m. in 63 Student Services Building. Ju- liors and seniors who still have at one year of study left at Texas are encouraged to apply. Any questions may be directed to Dr. Car- alyn Adair or Sandy Briers at 845- 1133. w i least < li A&M, STAGECENTER COMMUNITY THE ATRE: “Any Wednesday” by Muriel esnick at 8 p.m. at StageCenter The atre in Bryan. For information and eservations call 846-0287. OFF CAMPUS AGGIES: Mistletoe aash at 7 p.m. at Bennigan's. All off campus students are welcome. For more information call the Off Campus Aggies at 845-0688. EUROPE CLUB: Party at Treehouse I Clubhouse from 11 p.m. to 4 a.m. For more information call Antoine at 764- 3799. NOVA ACU-I GAMES: Table tennis and table soccer from 4 p.m. to 9 p.m. in the MSC. For more information call David at 845-1514. MUSLIM STUDENTS ASSOCIATION: Friday prayer from 12:50 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. in 110 Student Services Building. For more information call Widodo at 845-4278. PUERTO RICAN STUDENT ASSOCI ATION: Meeting at 7 p.m. in 501 Rud der. For more information call Winston at 846-5926. BLACK GRADUATE STUDENTS AS SOCIATION WITH THE AFRICAN STUDENTS ASSOCIATION AND THE CARIBBEAN STUDENTS AS SOCIATION: Christmas Social at 7:30 p.m. at A&M Methodist Church Fellowship Hall. For more information call Janice at 693-0868. BAHAI CLUB: Informal discussion. Call Leslie at 822-3039 for more infor mation. CLASSICAL ANTIQUITY SOCIETY: Meeting at 6 p.m. at Double Dave's on Harvey. For more information call Mary Ann at 847-0652. SATURDAY A.R.M.Y.: Everybody come out and support Aggie Hoops as they take on Mizzou at 7 p.m. in the all new G. Rol- lie White Coliseum and “Fill ‘er Up for Tony" for the ‘92-’93 home opener. All ARMY members meet at 6:30 p.m. in the GRW lobby before the game. For more information call Martin Carcas- son at 847-5379. STAGECENTER COMMUNITY THE ATRE: “Any Wednesday” by Muriel Resnick at 8 p.m. at StageCenter The atre in Bryan. For information and reservations call 846-0287. ASSOCIATION OF A&M GUI TARISTS: Aggiepalooza, a benefit concert with six local bands sponsored by Shiner Bock and Partner’s, at 8 p.m. at 401A Cross Street. For more information call Annie at 693-3365 or Kelly at 696-3522. Items for What’s Up should be submitted to The Battalion, 013 Reed McDonald, no later than three business days before the desired run date. We only publish the name and phone number of the contact if you ask us to do so. What’s Up is a Bat talion service which lists non-profit events and activities. Submissions are run on a first-come, first-served basis. There is no guarantee an entry will run. If you have questions, call the newsroom at 845-3315. Classified Ads Phone: 845-0569 / Office: Room 015 (basement) Reed McDonald Building Business Hours Call or visit us: Monday through Friday 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Fax us at 845-5408 Deadline 11 a.m. prior to publication ■V/SA*i MMBHWMgil O VISA, MasterCard accepted CO 'AGGIE' Private Party Want Ads $ 10 for 20 words running 5 days, if your merchandise is priced $ 1000 or less (price must appear in ad). This rate applies only to non-commercial advertisers offering personal possesions for sale. Guaranteed results or you get an additional 5 days at no charge. If item doesn't sell, advertiser must call before 11 a.m. on the day the ad is scheduled to end to qualify for the 5 additional insertions at no charge. No refunds will be made if your ad Is cancelled early. Services CHEMISTRY 101 QH TUTORING FINAL EXAM Review Sessions Bizzell cscc COMMONS f CO QUAD “ Review#2 will have different questions than #1, So come to BOTH! Held at College Station Conference Center-—> iV 15-20pg Review Packet Included in Price & No Waiting in Line—Reservations Required Call 775-2600 fr Small Classes/Lots of personal attention today! TUTORING BLOWOUT!!!!!!!! WE HAVE LOWERED OUR PRICES TO ATTRACT NEW CUSTOMERS AND IN APPRECIATION OF OUR REGULAR ONES. •SPECIAL RATE AVAILABLE TO THOSE WHO PREPAY ON MONDAY NIGHT(REG $3/HR.) ATTENTION SKIERS: Professional snow ski tune-up $22/pair only. Call 696-5895. Office/Desk Space with Full Secretarial/Computer/An swering Services available. 90-239 Sq. ft. Excellent location. 209 University Dr. E Suite B 260-1006. Accurate, experienced, fast typing 823-4867 days or evenings and weekends. Typing on MAC Laser prints. 24 hours or less 696-3892. AAA DEFENSIVE DRIVING. Ticket dismissal, M-Tu(6- 10 p.m.), W-Th. (6-10 p.m.), Fli. (6-10 p.m.)-Sat.(8-12 noon), Sat. (8-4:30 p.m.) Across from University Tower. Walk-ins welcome $20.00. 411 Tx Ave. So. TYPING: ACCURATE, PROMPT, PROFESSIONAL. 18 years experience. 764-7337 evenings/weekends. Drivers Unlimited Driving Service dispatches full size automobiles, mini/large vans, luxury Lincoln Town Cars, plus a 47 passenger fully equipped motor coach with qualified drivers for in town or to surrounding cities. We also dispatch drivers only. For more information call (409)779-1819. Help Wanted Help Wanted For Sale Optometric Assistant M-F. 1:00 - 5:00 p.m. No experience necessary. Typing required. Call 846-0377 for appointment. DEPRESSED-MOODY TIRED FEELING SAD OR BLUE The Dept, of Psychology is conducting a study of the causes and treatment of individuals who are depressed, often feel tired even though they sleep a lot, suffer from headaches, or are very moody and generally seem to feel bad and unhappy most of the time. If you have one or more of these symptoms and would like to participate in the study, leave a message for Dr. Larry Christensen or Kathy Duncan through the Psychology Clinic at 845-8017. Honda Civic 83, 4 doors, new tires, 693-6780. ASSEMBLERS: Excellent income to assemble products at home. Info 1-504-646-1700 DEPT. TX-777, Need individual or couple to manage small apartment complex. Furnished apartment plus salary. Send infor- mation to 1300 Walton C.S. 77840. Part-time dental assistant 260-9772. nsurance ssociation )roposes eforms r THE ASSOCIATED PRESS NEW YORK — The insurance lustry took a big step toward ping health-care reform Thurs- by proposing a sweeping plan universal coverage that would financed partly by taxing ericans with generous benefits, fhe Health Insurance Associa- n of America said the draft pro teal approved by its board will [imp-start health-care reform." ]A cornerstone of the plan is to [costs and provide a package of sential" benefits to all Ameri- is. Those are goals championed President-elect Clinton. Clinton skesman George Stephanopou- said it was a breakthrough for insurance industry trade up to "come around and say t we need a national health- system." he association's proposal re ts insurance-industry thinking Ig before Clinton's victory, as it I ame clearer that the nation's 0 billion health-care system i out of control. The proposal “uld give insurers a more influ- ial voice in the reform process, phanopoulos said the group a right to try to influence fu- i legislation. "If there is strong port across the country for na- lal health insurance with real t containment, and that is caus- the insurance industry to co- rate with us, we want to work h them." 'rivate insurers would agree to vide coverage to every Ameri- People would be covered ei- r through their employers or hr own means." CA$H for BOOKS JNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE THREE OFF CAMPUS LOCATIONS Northgate • Plaza • Village r\ RESEARCH Genital Herpes Study Individuals with genital herp cs infection are being recruited for a 3 week research study of an investigational anti-viral medication. If you would like to find out more about this study, call VIP Research. $400 will be paid to qualified volunteers who enroll and complete this study. CALL Volunteers in Pharmaceutical Research, Inc. , 776-1417 HOUSTON CHRONICLE NEEDS ROUTE CARRIERS Immediate and spring semester positions available. Earn $450 to $850 per month as a route carrier for the Houston Chronicle. Job requires working early morning hours. If interested call James at 693-7815 or Julian at 693-2323 for appointment. JOBS, JOBS, JOBS Telephone fundraising for national charities. No experience necessary. $5-$6 per/hr. to start. Evenings and weekends. For immediate placement call Mary 776-4246 m- a “Piece of Cote TWiODeF' I£3 suck'ouoFy. _*UNDING SUN . WHEN IN ROMf prices good thru 12/31/92 hastings We’re Entertainment!*-^ Culpepper Plaza • Manor East ATTENTION STUDENTS! Earn money over break stuff ing envelopes at home. All materials provided. Send SASE to Homemailing Program-B. P.O. Box 1961 Man hattan KS 66502. Immediate response. EARN $6-$9/Hr. TUTORS NEEDED in Math 151,161, Phys. 218, Math 141,142. Mustbegood! 775-2600leave name, number, and position desired. Student worker to work 8 a.m. till noon. Pay commensu rate with experience. Proficiency with Word Perfect 5.1. Call 845-5335. Persons needed for special projects with an accounting background or degree preferred. Full-time or part-time with flexible hours. Apply in person with resume at 1700 S. Kyle Ste. 200 C.S. INTERNATIONAL EMPLOYMENT - Make money teach ing English abroad. Japan and Taiwan. Make $2,000- $4,000+per month. Many provide room & board + other benefits! Financially & Culturally rewarding! For Interna tional Employment Group: (206) 632-11146 ext. J5855. $200-$500 WEEKLY. Assemble products at home. Easy! No selling. You're paid direct. Fully Guaranteed. FREE lnformation-24Hour Hotline. 801-379-2900 Copy- right# TX14KDH. Healthy males wanted as semen donors. Help infertile couples. Confidentiality ensured. Ethnic diversity desir able. Ages 18-35, excellent compensation. Contact Fairfax Cryobank, 1121 Briarcrest Suite 101, 776-4453 Loaded, sunroof $3400 For Rent Sonnenblick Apts. 37QQ Plainsmgri 2 bdrms, excellent location utilities partially paid microwaves, dishwashers, pool, shuttle, health club. $399 846-0226 Wanted College Court Apts. 3300 South College Avenue 2bdrms, excellent location utilities partially paid microwaves, dishwashers, pool, shuttle, health club. $399 823-7039 Need to buy 88-89 Aggieland; $40/negotiable. Daniel (W) 817-335-5050, (H) 817-429-8454. Roommate Wanted Female roommate ASAP for spring semester $190 +1/4 utilities. Own room. Call Christy 696-7776. Christian, mature, studious females 5bd/2b, alarm $250- $300/mo., bilis paid! 823-3203. Roommate for 3bd/2ba house; 4 miles from campus; $195 plus 1/3 utilities; 696-8467, 2bd/2ba Southwood Valley Apartments non-smoker fe male share with Christian female; no pets; $175; 1/2 util. 693-8311. Need female roommate to share nice Peppertree Apart ment with two other giris. Call 696-7426 after 6 p.m. Available 12-22 2/2, W/D, air, $435, 822-3295/693-1851. Large 3bd/2ba apartment has W/D connections, pets allowed, shuttle route, great condition. Call 696-6909(day) 693-6599). Faculty sabbatical house for rent Jan Ist-June 30, 1993 3bd/2ba $800/per mo. Faculty, staff, graduate student preferred 693-4401. 4 bd. house, swimming pool, fireplace. Need to rent. Students welcome Jan. 1, 1993 823-4897. Four-plex SW/Valley 2br/1ba 2409 Bosque. No pets 846- 3391. A 2 bdrm Why Pay Rent? $43,000; 5,000 down. 803 Enfield Bryan. By owner, financed. Call 764-7363. Gigantic 2bdrm apartment available now, 3 miles from campus, semester lease okay. 822-5752. Computers For Lease IBM Compatible 386 640K 8 megabyte hard-drive 3, 1/2 floppy 5, 1/4 floppy with printer, mouse and software. Graduating Must Sell $1000 764-2884. Apple Macintosh Plus 4 megs. RAM, 40 megs CMS external hard-drive keyboard mouse, great beginning com puter $500 o.b.o 774-8908. COMPUTER REPAIR AND UPGRADES. On-sight ser- vice and virus check. Special introductory rates. The Computer Diagnostic Center 764-8578 ext. 300. Business Opportunity EARN $500+ weekly stuffing envelopes at home. Send long SASE: Country Living Shoppers, Dept. El 7, 14415- E Greenwell Springs Rd, Suite 318. Greenwell Springs, LA 70739. 3/2 house Bryan; pets okay; furnished; $250 +1/2 utilities. Available Dec. 15. 776-0357. Sublease, 1 large bdrm apartment 675 sq. ft., Sevilla, shuttle bus stop. Available anytime, $395/mo. Call 696- 1258. * Sublease Huntington Apartments 1 bd/1 ha $375/mo. 696- 5442 M-F lease thru Dec. 20 - May. Sublease 2b/1ba duplex, spacious, fenced-in backyard, Bryan utilities. $425/mo. 775-0674. Sutter's Mill Condo - Luxury 2br/1 1/2 bath , 2 car carport. Reduced to $700/month. Bus route/pool/freshly repainted. One year old washer/dryer/security system available for purchase. Contact Jeanie Bauldrige at 800-877-3939, extension 7073. Reduced Rate!! Sublease University Tower double suite with balcony, 19 meals per/wk. Many Extras!! Guaran teed Lowest Price. Call Trevor 268-4545. For Lease Nice apartment at Northgate for sublease one bedroom $310 monthly starting January. Call Frank or Kelly 846- 6169. Six month lease 2bd/1 1/2ba available March 8, $420/mo. Call 845-7809(day) 846-6949(night). Close to Northgate. Sublease luxury 2bd/11 /4 Huntington Apartments; shuttle; available January; $490/mo. Call 696-8147. Lost & Found LOST AGGIE SENIOR RING during Elephant Walk near Puryear Hall. Call 693-2519 if found. Karen D. McHale '92. REWARD. Lost miniature labrador retriever. Solid black, answers to the name Topsie, loves to play ball. Taken out of yard in between Tuesday night and Wednesday morning (Nov. 17-18) of 504 Eden Lane Bryan, Texas. Call 823-8427. Miscellaneous Buying your used Levi Blue Jeans. Chris 846-6295. Adult sizes $3-$6. Personals Local "Foxy Girls” want to do it LIVE! FOXX(3699), 18+billed collect/$2.00/min. Travel good condition. Call '74 Ford Ranchero, V8, 351C engine. Runs good. $550. Call 693-0618. KING-SIZE WATERBED, California king mattress, head- board, drawers. MUST SELL. $350 or best offer. Michele, 764-8353. Futon, double $120; Papason chair $70; 2-piece computer desk $75. All great condition. Call 774-8908. MINT CONDITION Matching oak desk with chair and dresser $175 775-0550. 1989 Nissan Sentra excellent condition, A/C, cassette, automatic transmission 775-0550. Car stereo system 2-10" subwoofers in enclosure $250. HiFonics amplifier $325. 847-2905. Bunk beds with drawers and desk $150. Weight bench and weights - $150. Extra cycle - $25. Loveseat - $25. dining table with 4 chairs -$50. 693-4037. Call after 4 p.m. One-way ticket from CS to LAX via Houston. Leaves CS/ Houston Sunday. Price negotiable. Kent 846-2472. COTTON BOWL TICKETS Great Seats! $75 each 713- 624-6260 (days). Ask for David. Entire Inventory must be moved out! 0 to low down payment to Qualified Buyers! Limited Time Offer. Call 1- 800-880-1376. Fleetwood 2 BR Homes starting as low as $ 166.28 per/mo. Limited time offer. “FREE” Dishwasher with purchase in December. Hurry, dial 1-800-880-1376. Factory Direct Special Purchase! Huge, 3 br/2ba all new 93 models ready for immediate delivery. Starting as low as $189.46 pr/mo. CIT 9.50 rate for 15 years. Call now for details, 1-800-880-1376. Glamorous 4br/3ba with 1920 Sq. Ft. of living space. Payments starting as low as $311.0 per month. Let us save you thousands. Call today 1-800-880-1376. 1980 Honda CM 400E excellent condition $750 firm. Call 846-7104. Cross Country Ski machine. Excellent condition. $150. Call 846-8305. CHEAP! FBI/U.S. SEIZED 89 MERCEDES $200. 86 VW $50. 87 MERCEDES $100. 65 MUS TANG $50. Choose from thousands starting $50. FREE Information-24 Hour Hotline. 801-379-2929 Copyright #TX14KJC. '67 Mustang extensively rebuilt very dependable needs cosmetic work $1700 693-9610. '88 Chevrolet Celebrity Eurosport A/C, AM/FM stereo, great conditions $4000 negotiable. Call Nestor 764-1773, NEW GUITAR - WASHBURN D12B ACOUSTIC - LIFE TIME WARRANTY - LIST $300 SELLING FOR $200 - CALL 846-5293. Contemporary couch & loveseat $700/o.b.o., drafting desk & chair $30., ceiling fan (white) $30. Call Chris 693-6218. 1988 Toyota Celica ST, under 50,000 miles - Well cared for $6,800. Call 693-8126. P.A. Equipment: 12" monitors $250 (pair), 12 band E.Q. $160, 600 watt poweramp $350, crossover $160 price negotiable. Call Ash 846-8803 leave message. 1986 Mazda RX-7 under 50K $5200. Must Sell. Call Paul 693-9676. 84 Toyota Celica GTS Coupe, o.b.o. 764-6619. PER NIGHT! .,*109 68 ,..„* 81 ,.,*129 PRICES FOR STAY—NOT SOUTH PADRE ISLAND 5 ana 7 NIGHTS DAYTONA BEACH 5 AND 7 NIGHTS PANAMA CITY BEACH 5 AND 7 NIGHTS STEAMBOAT 2, 5 AND 7 NIGHTS MUSTANG ISLAND / PORT ARANSAS 5 AND 7 NIGHTS HILTON HEAD ISLAND 5 AND 7 NIGHTS FORT LAUDERDALE 5 AND 7 NIGHTS 12th Annual Party! TOLL FREE INFORMATION & RESERVATIONS 1-800-321*5911 Spring Break! CANCUN 5-STAR RESORTS AIRFARE NON-STOP PARTIES & MORE! 1-800-B EACH-BUM (1-800-2 32 -2428) SKIING Luxury Townhouse in Red River N.M. near Taos & Anglefire. Sleeps 17. $125-$350 night. Jan. 2-20 some dates still available. Call 846-8916, ask for John. Jack, Kim is no lady. He is a lot of fun and a great skier- sure to enjoy a Colorado ski vacation at Purgatory-Durango. 800-525-0892 for lodging and tickets. Sorry about the mixup. Jil. Fundraisers GREEKS & CLUBS RAISE A COOL *1000 IN JUST ONE WEEK! PLUS $1000 FOR THE MEMBER WHO CALLS! No obligation. No cost. You also get a FREE HEADPHONE RADIO just for calling -800-950-1037, Ext. 25 PICK UP YOUR COPY. TEXAS A&M STUDENTS: If you ordered a 1 992-93 Campus Directory, stop by room 230 Reed McDonald Building between 8:15 a.m. and 4:45 p.m. Monday through Friday to pick it up. (Please bring ID) '92-93 Campus Directory