i Page 5 Pago 4 Thursday, December 3,1992 The Battalion ALWAYS LOW PRICES! \ openfoi Friday, o good as ' radio," ht 'ly wanttc Answers to geography test on page two 1) Cyprus 2) France & Spain 3) Sydney 4) Chile 5) False 6) Montreal 7) Hinduism 8) Ayers Rocks 9) Vatican City 10) three hours back Aggies give gifts to needy children By CHERYL HELLER Reporter of THE BATTALION Texas A&M University's Beta Theta Pi fraternity held a Christ mas party for Brazos Valley chil dren at their fraternity house Wednesday night. The fraternity invited children from the Brazos Valley Boys and Girls Club who don't normally re ceive many Christmas presents, said philanthropy chairman Tyson Dunn. "We went to the Boys and Girls Club and asked them to find about 20 or 25 kids who don't usually get much for Christmas," Dunn said. The fraternity bought Christ mas presents for the children and planned party games, he said. "We wrapped the presents and had stockings stuffed, and we had Santa Claus pinatas and Christ mas games," he said. "Someone also dressed up as Santa Claus." Beta Theta Pi President Conrad Hametner said the fraternity felt the Christmas party would give something back to the community. "Most of the guys in the frater nity grew up with a lot," he said. "We wanted to give something back to the girls and boys of the community that don't have a lot because they deserve a better Christmas." Dunn said that the children, ages 6-11 years old, live in Bryan homes but spend most of their time at the Boys and Girls Club. "We needed kids like this for the party, so we could give them a special Christmas that they wouldn't have had otherwise," he said. Bentsen seeks relief for Houston nk. $4 cover, ythm & other's y Dr.; 21 Senator says agency is opposed to declaring disaster area THE ASSOCIATED PRESS WASHINGTON - There are "disturbing reports" that the Fed eral Emergency Management Agency opposes declaring Harris County a major disaster area in the wake of tornadoes that caused tens of millions of dollars in dam age, Sen. Lloyd Bentsen said. The Texas Democrat wrote Pres ident Bush a letter Wednesday urging him to make the disaster declaration — without which vic tims won't be eligible for federal assistance. Failure to approve the relief would make Harris County and its residents "suffer another dev astating blow," Bentsen said. Several twisters stormed through the Houston area Nov. 21, injuring several people and dam aging nearly 1,700 homes. One in surance industry group estimated that losses could reach $90 mil lion. Tornadoes also were reported elsewhere in Southeast Texas, but the most extensive damage oc curred in Harris County. "Gov. (Ann) Richards has sent you the appropriate request for a disaster declaration; however, I have heard disturbing reports that the Federal Emergency Manage ment Agency is recommending that Harris County not be de clared a disaster area," Bentsen wrote the president. "If this is true, I ask that you in stead heed the request of Gov. Richards and make the declara tion to provide the help that is necessary and deserved." na ?ts $4 in Southern Comfort Johnny Walker Red Mesinna Hof Papa Paulo Port 750 ML. $8.79 CAROLANS 34° Irish Cream $ys9 gift set SEAGRAMS V.O. Canadian Whiskey Captain Morgan 80° SPICE RUM 750 ML Coors regular & Light 12 oz. cans, 24 pack $10.69 CHECK OUT OUR UNADVERTISED SPECIALS. WESTERN 'A STORE HOURS 701 University Dr. E. Q /ic i oc-r MON.-SAT. 10-9 AD GOOD College Station, TX o^D-lZO/ Dec. 3rd - Dec. 7th (across from the new Randall’s) IN CASE OF PRINTING ERROR, STORE PRICE PREVAILS ACOUSTIC. AGAIN. A guitar...a harmonica...thirteen classic blues and folk songs, all recorded in the same intimate style as his I9C2 debut. '"Good As I Been To You' is one of the best things Bob Dylan has ever done...a bracing shot of unadorned passionate music."—Jay Cocks. Time magazine COLUMBIA