Image provided by: Texas A&M University
About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Nov. 13, 1992)
Friday, November 13,1992 The Battalion (the story so far...) by thomas deeny HtTAMWlS, IH IS™ CSaJIURY BRrTAIfJ: ^; : r this sucks-this > .*• ' ; St/cxi..1^lS SUCKS... • ' fea® H0Y wait! if this peu, S&STfte HCP£, HAiBe ir CAtl senD ne back. . . ■r-" 7 i£sse£... WHUPS. .'. KMlfi HglZy-k ff VlK6iMU\ 6KIMST6ME, ft^O-UPE, IPpOLCxhY >^P 6UXST9 wir^i Kh>ZY 'K', PRO- CUOICE-- AgO^Ti OM IS A SIN/., ^ YOU LL g>^AlM\A^ ME, txj ra/iL/ rv^'me- is no-t ip brainwash viou... i dlon'-b care, rf vipu Worship ~^od., or vvgtweh, or ' Zoroaster, or oak trees; ihat's vpiir business, rviin^ is simply \d keep v^ou 'from intgr-ferim wifia -fk^ btsin^ss |) others.... (YiAH/).^ Foundation donates to Bush library THE ASSOCIATED PRESS HOUSTON — Houston's Ray C. Fish foundation Thursday donated $1 million to the George Bush Presidential Library Center, to be built on 90 acres at the Texas A&M University campus in College Sta tion. "It's the first $1 million gift we received and it's the first major gift from a Texas foundation," said Perry Adkisson, who is coordinating planning for the library. Only private funds may be used to meet the li brary's S42 million price tag. The Fish Foundation's gift pushes contributions over the $3 million mark, Adkisson said. The complex will include a library, a museum and FRIDAY What’s Up UNITED CAMPUS MINISTRIES (UCM): Weekly Peanut Butter Fellow ship from 11:30 a.m. to 1 p.m. in front of the Academic Building at the Sul Ross Statue. Then our weekly student- led Bible study from 5:30 to 7 p.m. at A&M Presbyterian Church. This se mester we will be discussing Galatians. We want your input. For more informa tion call Stacy Fletcher at 693-5623. THE AGGIE PLAYERS: Christopher Hampton’s Les Liaisons Dangereuses at 8 p.m. in Rudder Forum November 13-14 and Nov. 18 through Nov. 21. Tickets are $5 for students and $7 for the general public. For more informa tion call the Theatre Arts Box Office at 862-2052 or come by 146 Blocker. AGGIELAND: Sophomore pictures will be taken for the Aggieland Nov. 4 through Nov. 20 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at AR Photography, located at 707 Texas Ave. next to Taco Cabana. TEXAS A&M LACROSSE TEAM: Practice Monday through Friday from 4 to 6 p.m. at the Polo Fields. Everyone welcome, no experience necessary. Come be a part of the State Champi onship tradition. For information call Tom Weber at 764-7974. CLASS OF ‘94 COUNCIL: Elephant Walk t-shirts, sweatshirts and pins for the Class of ‘94 will be on sale in the MSC from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. until Nov. 21. COMMUNITY OF SINGLE ADULTS: Social Hour at 6 p.m. at Ramada Inn in College Station followed by dancing at the Hall of Fame at 9 p.m. For more in formation call Peggy at 846-9536 or Pat at 846-8361. SIGMA GAMMA RHO SORORITY, INC.: Sigma Tea at 7 p.m. in 410 Rud der. All are invited to to attend. For more information call Glenda at 847- 0055. BAHAI CLUB: Informal discussion and social for people of all religious backgrounds or no religion at all. For more information call Peyam at 260- 1945. TEXAS A&M SPORTS CAR CLUB: a school of government and public service made up of centers for presidential and public leadership studies. Texas A&M's economics and political science de partments also may be moved to the complex. The library was scheduled to open in 1997, but Bush's recent defeat in his re-election bid may move the date up by a year. The Fish Foundation was established in 1957 by Houston oilman Ray C. Fish, who was chairman of Fish Engineering Corp. and its subsidiaries when he died in 1962. The foundation supports a variety of cultural and educational institutions, as well as medical research and hospitals, youth and social services agencies. Since its founding, it has donated more than $17 mil lion to various Texas-based projects and programs. Night Rally and party in Zachry Lot 51. For more information call Brian at 693- 8001. A&M CYCLING TEAM: Pictures for The Aggieland at 4 p.m. in front of the Systems Building. Wear your 1992-93 team uniform and bring your road bike. Be sure it’s clean! Rain location in Zachry Lobby. For more information call Kurt at 847-6892. CAMPUS CRUSADE FOR CHRIST: Weekly CRU meeting at 7 p.m. in 108 HECC. For more information call Rob at 693-1934. Hems for What’s Up should be submit ted to The Battalion, 013 Reed McDon ald, no later than three business days before the desired run date. We only publish the name and phone number of the contact if you ask us to do so. What’s Up is a Battalion service which lists non-profit events and activities. Submissions are run on a first-come, first-served basis. There is no guaran tee an entry will run. If you have ques tions, call the newsroom at 845-3315. ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★ SCHOOL SUPPLIES At Low Prices Every Day Meet the Lady Aggies Sunday, November 15,1992 4:00 p.m. G. Rollie White Coliseum Come out and meet Head Coach Cymi Hickey and the 1992-93 lady Aggie basketball team! * Food * Fun * Freebies * Contests * Challenges * Autographs * Prizes * Lady Ag scrimmage Drawings held for Southwest Airlines tickets and a pair of Reebok athletic shoes (valued at $100). Deli Fresh Smoked In-Store Whole BBQ Chickens Deli Made w/Real Cheese Fresh Made Pizzas Coors, Miller or Budweiser Premium Keg Beer oo 12-Pk./12-Oz. Cans All Varieties Pepsi or Diet Pepsi WINN @ DIXIE America’s Supermarket Prices good Fri., Nov. 13 thru Tues., Nov. 17, 1992 in your Bryan & College Station Winn-Dixie stores. None to dealers. We reserve the right to limit quantities. Copyright 1992 Winn-Dixie Texas, Inc.