The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, November 12, 1992, Image 5
H L - J L Page 4 in a iser for iout last Tie excit- his year, ne come Friday's will be id those unch or rvations. to have rganiza- she said, md and of their Student 8 in •ver. B, >3- .m. ti- I. $5 ■;2i ad- teve nell. s fisl ?s m PlraP mm ,>< si t. ■ < P«SS:1 : : Wi< ilS I x .. : t §1 t M-' ^ ® 4 r ^ 7 ILS Large Navel Oranges Califormia. New Crop. V, DIET f^epsi xSElk ^epsi Pepsi Cola And selected Pepsi products. 2ltr. (Pepsi 12 pk., 12 oz. cans 2.99) Mother's Cookies Selected varieties. 8.5-16 oz. FRESH FROM OUR BAKERY : : y .. T 1 1 1 i? ; A ^ L» : Cranberry Nut Jumbo Muffins 4 ct. u m 2.69 Coors, Coors Light, Coors Dry or Extra Gold Beer 24 pk., 12 oz. cans. Suitcase. Available at S&F Beverage of Texas 10.99 ScotTowels Paper Towels Roll. Limit 2 with $10 or more additional purchase. INVINMIJ 70 2-P1Y njusmKirwr Ytssiji.s fAClAlTISSUK si LNSTIMm nu-MY mju. y/i lYM’-ur TKSLK wcwiosurs «,ajeY. f s ' % X New! Ultra-Soft \ : ^ : xm ■ Itc-auh, av . jt Puffs Plus Facial Tissue 70-175 ct. ffiWU55S*52t82« .99 FRESH IN OUR DELI Hickory Farms Beef Sticks 3.99 lb. UlT«A igpiiyt »can v ui-Tg A iyi 4 \ »Orvnajii©iWf' M \ v : ~ mm ::3WDn'!Oi\i£!< -"4. I Flex Shampoo or Conditioner Assorted varieties. 15oz. CHECK CASHING with your student I.D. V/SA* Charge your next purchase with your Visa/ MasterCard or Discover Card DOUBLE IWFG COUPONS Up to & including 50<. See store for details. Prices Effective thru Nov. 17, 1992 at your Bryan/College Station Area AppleTree Markets * Limit Rights Reserved