Monday, November 2,1992 Texas A&MOPINIONThe Battalion Page 11 er 2,1992 his letter ts in Bra- esidence :hat they n Brazos election, te in the eir "resi- registra- ■s sliould e in the ie confu- an "Affi- or "Chal- n. If the :ioned at iding be- ;r has the ^orn affi- e. If the ffidavit" ligible to sworn to s a regis- this case , I invite sion at \- ny ques- >istration ould ask mty Vot- 361-4492 wna It,, Jr. / of State ha viaws of th* o not represent, editors of other ns express the and will print as Letters must be style, and acctr stop 111' ie seek a out of t. , the : the /isions of yand oodness? des, the you of a* 1 can make 1 take - Icolm ;e the zn; t still- lean and cationd hnoloftj Voting for politics a real wasted vote If you don't vote for Ross Perot, you're throwing your vote away. If you don't vote for Ross Perot, you're voting for politics as usual. There is no difference between Bill Clinton and George Bush. They are both part of the system. A system that has created a national debt of over $4 trillion. Vote for a real change on Tuesday. David Cooksey Class of '93 Clinton way too nice to be president Clinton is nice to Congress when he says no term limits. He is nice when he says more gov ernment spending without taxing me. He is nice when he says: "Don't wor ry about inflation or the deficit." He is nice to defense contractors with his high-tech boondoggles. He is nice to teachers' unions when he says: "No competition for public schools." He is nice to lawyers when he oppos es tort reform. He is nice to exporters when he sup ports free trade. He is nice to inefficient industries when he opposes free trade. He is nice if you supported the Gulf War. He is nice if you opposed the Gulf War. He is nice to pro-choicers when he says no restrictions on abortions. He is nice to pro-lifers when he says fewer abortions on his watch. He sounds nice to everyone. He is too nice to be president. Michael Murray Research assistant Cyclotron Institute Study reveals Clinton economic flaws Despite all the rhetoric by Clinton's supporters on how Clinton will revive the economy, a study by a private orga nization says otherwise. According to the study, sponsored by the National Center for Policy Analysis, Clinton's policies would re sult in the loss of 747,000 jobs over the next four years and increase the federal deficit by $113 billion. This study was conducted by an or ganization that has frequently criticized Bush administration economic policies. However, it said that the president's tax package proposed last spring was considerably better for the economy than the Clinton proposal because the Clinton plan would discourage private sector investment. By contrast, the study said that the Bush plan would lead to the creation of 396,000 new jobs by 1996. This seems to be supported by the fact that the country's gross domestic product grew 2.7 percent over the third quarter of 1992. Michael Buck Graduate Student Say no to four more years of excuses In just a few days, we all have the in credible chance to change our country for the better. Ask yourself whether you want four more years of — a president who lied to the Ameri can people about taxes during the last election, publicly admitted lying about his opponent's last record during this election and says he'll continue to lie because he'll do anything to be re-elect ed — the worst economy since the Great Depression. — pro-family lip service and anti family legislation. — flagrant disregard for the environ ment on all levels. — a vice president who's a national embarrassment. — tremendous unemployment. — inept foreign policy. Remember that Bush built up the Iraq military in the first place. Clinton says that we can create new jobs without sacrificing the environ ment. And that college education should be available to everyone. And that the welfare system needs to be changed so that welfare recipients who can work, do work. Clinton is actually talking about the issues, and his ideas are good ones. After 12 years of excuses, it's time to re-enfranchize all of the American peo ple and move forward. Bush had his chance and failed; let's give Clinton the reins in November. Sharon Semik Veterinary student Truth about Clinton's economic plan Kyle Sanders' letter states that "Hopefully, some people will make an effort to learn more about the real is sues concerning the economy..." Please allow me to help educate the voters on Clinton's economic policy. According to a recent report by the National Center For Policy Analysis (a non partisan think-tank which studies the economic impact of every major bill) Clinton's economic policy would result in the following: (1) Private sector investment in the United States would be $413 billion less than under present policies, resulting in more than 1 million lost jobs by the year 2000. (2) The nation's output of goods and services would be $173 billion lower by 1996 and $584 million four years later. (3) The loss of tax revenue would re sult in the federal deficit increasing by $113 billion. This forecast does not include the negative effects of mandatory health in surance, which could double the ex pected number of lost jobs. This to me is not the plan of a vision ary, unless that visionary sees a nation in worse decline than it supposedly is now. I agree with Kyle Sanders that the important issues involve the economy, the federal deficit and our future. But, according to this report, Clinton is not the answer. Paul Ache Graduate Student Get the facts straight before writing This letter is in response to the Fri day, Oct. 23 letter by Kyle Sanders. I will grant that the upcoming elec tion is one of the more important issues in the news today, but your belittle- ment of other current issues discussed in The Battalion was unnecessary. At least the people who write in con cerning local issues are expressing opinions on subjects about which they typically have knowledge, unlike your affiliation with election issues. If you had watched the news or the debates, you would know that Bill Clin ton never said anything about cutting taxes on the middle class. He said that he would not raise taxes on the middle class to support any of his proposed new programs but he nev er said that he would not raise taxes on the middle class for other reasons. In addition, you mentioned that Clinton would support a "system where students could go to other than their neighborhood schools." I guess you were letting us know that Clinton is supporting President Bush's proposal for a voucher system to reform the school system. Other changes that President Bush, the person who "does not realize that our country is in need of change," pro poses are line item veto power for the president and term limits for Congress. Your comment about President Bush being "too proud to admit that he has made mistakes" further illustrates your cluelessness. In the debates. Bush admitted that his "no new taxes" was a mistake, and he subsequently requested that Clinton admit he made a mistake when he dodged the draft and protested against the United States in Russia, which Clin ton would not do. I would much rather read accurate and informed editorials about less im portant issues than read inaccurate and uninformed opinions about more im portant ones. Ed Delise Class of'91 Perot's gas tax poison for farming economy Lately I have heard a lot of people praising Ross Perot's gas tax proposal. Obviously, none of these people live in a rural community where gas consump tion is a necessity. -I live in a rural community and I feel that Perot's proposal would hit hard at home. In a rural community, such as mine, many people make their living by dri ving around the countryside. Farmers have miles of land to cover, to check their cattle or tend to their crops. People would probably argue that the farmers should get more fuel effi cient vehicles, but has anyone ever tried to haul a loaded trailer with a little truck? Full sized trucks are required to pull the loads that farmers have to pull, which means higher gas consumption. I admit that a fuel tax would help bring air pollution to a minimum. However, that counts mainly for ur ban parts of the country where there are millions of people driving on a dai ly basis. If the gas tax proposal is passed it would take a large chunk of income out of the farmer's pocket. If anyone knows a farmer, you should know it is already hard enough for them to make a comfortable living without having another tax thrown on them. John Roane Class of '95 Panic Do you experience brief, unexpected periods of intense fear or discomfort? Have you visited your doctor or the hospital emergency room because of chest pains, shortness of breath, numbness or tingling sensations ana find out that you have no physical problems? These occurrences may have been panic attacks. VIP Research is conducting a study on Panic Disorder. Individuals with symptoms of panic attacks are being recruited to participate in a three month study of an investigational medication for the treatment of panic disorder. If you would like more information, call VIP Research. $200.00 will be paid to those individuals who qualify and complete the study. CALL Volunteers in Pharmaceutical Research, Inc. A STAN MSC Political Forum Sponcoredby MUVSKTMtfiMCOMMffS It’s your turn to be heard. Choose your own leaders. Feel the power. Vote! FEELTHE POWER OIEAMERKA AMERICA'S FUTURE DEPENDS ON AMERICA'S VOTERS A non-partisan project ot the Vote America Foundation. Memorial Student Center L.T. Jordan Institute for International Awareness Fellows Presentation > Andrew Mdtthgwt will discuss the experieiice of his year long study In China and provide a video presentation of his travels. XiPonday, November 2,1992 8:30 p.m. Rudder 302 Recep tionFollo ws For more information contact the L.T. Jordan Institute Office at 845-8770 Happy Halloween Special Good on developing and printing 2 sets of standard size 3* prints or a single set of 4'prints. From 110, disc, 126 or 35mm color print film C-41 process only. 15 disc $3.39 24 exp. $3.99 36 exp. $5.99 Limited offer from Oct 30-Nov. 9, 1992 Why process your own film? Let Photographic Services do it. We have a lot of experience working in the dark — photo darkrooms that is! PHOTOGRAPHIC SERVICES located in REED MCDONALD with drop boxes in the Common Market and Sbisa Underground Market RESEARCH Skin Infection Study VIP Research is seeking individuals 12 years of age or older with :' uncomplicated skin and skin structure infections. If you have a skin infection, you may qualify for a four week research study using a currently p available antibiotic medication. Participants who qualify and complete the study will be paid $200. Genital Herpes Study II Individuals with genital herpes infection are being recruited for a 3 week research study of an investigational anti-viral medication. If you would •;? like to find out more about this study, call VIP Research. $400 will be paid to qualified volunteers who enroll and complete this study. CALL Volunteers in Pharmaceutical Research, Inc. I 776-1417 r; U 2 CAN LIVE ABROAD Five weeks of and workin a family your major! Informational Meeting Monday, November 2,1992 8:30 p.m., Rudder Rm. 504 Applications due November 9, 1992 For more information call 845-8770