The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, October 20, 1992, Image 5
Page 5 The Battalion Tuesday, October 20,1992 tttii irtists University president calls for nap time THE ASSOCIATED PRESS say, vomen^ J in Naslij sa DES MOINES, Iowa — Gather a blanket, uck yourself in. Take a snooze. At midday. [That's what the new president of Teikyo ind there ot make ; Vs | nilis. "|l vlarycrest University says people on campus should do. Latin, Asian and Mediterranean peoples to Lynnqq liave long known that contemporary medical ’■ll’andD(| s esearchers have discovered naps are very f her word} ^ood for us, spiritually, mentally and physical- y," Joseph D. Olander wrote in his first direc- ive after taking over Oct. 1. "Therefore, I should like to encourage each )n , Horiuj af you, sometime between 1 and 2 p.m. every artist shot? : (j a y ; to take a 10 to 15 minute nap. Please take •Stablishfoj ^0 away from work to refresh yourself by 'tsexpeoj, this simple 'wellness' program.' Olander, who also took over last month as president of Teikyo Westmar University in Le tihide (toifj ging." cent Com s. Bogguss rtswith"Lj aouta Mars, issued the same memo for that school. Some on Marycrest's 1,400-student campus in Davenport, 160 miles east of Des Moines, are nodding their heads in approval. Others say, "No Way!" "I have a class from 1 to 1:50, so I don't take 10 minutes out then, but I take 10 minutes out of my own schedule. I just kind of relax a lit tle," said David Stedwell, an associate profes sor of communications. "It's a positive experience. I have to admit I was not an experienced napper. I'm used to coming in early and staying late. But I have found the 10 minutes I take out of my sched ule, I gain it back later on. I'm more re freshed," Stedwell said last week. Olander said it's OK to nap during class. "I would like to encourage faculty who are teaching during that hour to ask students sim ply to lower their heads at their desks with them and take a nap," he wrote. Yeah, right, said Kim Brown, a junior from St. Peters, Mo. "Tm sure the professors are going to give up 10 minutes of their lecture for a nap," she said. Does napping work for her? "Absolutely not," Brown said. "I do the bulk of my sleeping at night." As news editor of the school paper, she is constantly on the move. "I'm very busy, very stressed. For those who have time for a nap, it's great, it's a good refresher," Brown said. "But those who don't have time, it's impossible." Besides, she said, she doesn't dare close her eyes during the day. "I know if I would take a nap. I'd just be sleeping the whole day," Brown said. The school was founded in 1939 as Marycrest College, a private women's institu tion. Men were admitted in 1966. More breast cancer research needed, representative says THE ASSOCIATED PRESS BOSTON — U.S. Rep. Patricia Schroeder and feminist Gloria Steinem called Sunday for more support for breast cancer research, and Schroeder accused the Bush administration of doing too little to fight the disease. "The reason we are losing is be cause we are being too nice," Schroeder, D-Colo., told a rally of about 4,000 people. She noted that the federal government has OK'd $1.9 billion for AIDS research. Schroeder also blasted President Bush for not supporting legisla tion, eventually passed by Con gress, to transfer $210 million in defense spending for use in breast cancer research. She said the mon ey was to be used to set up "quali ty mammograms" nationwide, particularly for low-income women. The National Cancer Institute estimates that women run a l-in-8 risk of developing breast cancer. Schroeder and Steinem were the featured speakers at the rally and march, sponsored by the Massa chusetts Breast Cancer Coalition. On Saturday, Vice President Dan Quayle's wife, Marilyn, was one of the celebrity runners in a 5-kilo- meter race in Dallas to raise mon ey for the Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation. untry them, importantfe up their voi vision dat to sing ah® gsam ;s Town harasses homosexual man for planning private bed-and-breakfast THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ry. It's an O’ RUSSELLVILLE, Ky. - Jimmy Cates, and the man he loves, have become the scandal of his home town. For three years, residents were content to gossip about Cates and Jim Turner. But that all changed when they learned of plans to turn Cates' hilltop chateau into a men-only bed-and-breakfast. The homosexual couple have become the subject of sermons, harassment and death threats. Now, Cates says he can never go back — to his church, to friends he grew up with or even to his family. "They're part of the persecution against me now, everybody but my real mother," the 39-year-old Cates said of his estrangement from his devout Methodist father, his four brothers and two sisters. Gay-bashing graffiti has been spray-painted on the asphalt rib bon snaking a quarter mile uphill toward Cates' house. Effigies have been hanged from the oaks and maples along the pri vate roadside. "They've had their suspicions all along about me," said Cates, a cabinetmaker who was married four times and has two daughters, ages 11 and 18. He said he recon ciled himself to his homosexuality in 1989. "It would have been OK if we'd kept everything quiet, up here in the trees and out of sight and not brought in any more of 'our kind,"' said Turner, 34, who met Cates at a gay bar in Nashville, Term., and moved in with him in 1989. fli iirkey iteakFI# Ihickenfi^ Chicken Present coupon to waiter when ordering.* Open 11 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. Lunch Specials Evening Specials Tuesday - Sunday Tuesday - Friday Wed. &. Thurs. Beer & Wine 11a.m.-2 p.m. 5 p.m.-9 p.m. *Not valid with any other offer Exp. Nov. 13, 1992 ASK E T kstore | ^317PaW J id Aggie Bookstore Ci en Fajitas & Appetizers pnch 11-2 Dinner 5-10 with coupon 1er coupon. Dine in or pickup /4lb,HtnW i16oz. drink or ’ ies or vy, TX toast or fries, gravy, TX toast or Appet !li Not good lor delivery. quick as a flash Photo Lab & Portrait Studio 2 FOR 1 PRINTS On One (1) Roll of C-41 Color Print Film Processed & Printed using our 1-2 hour service. Includes 135, 126, & 110. One coupon per customer. Not good with any other offer. 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