Page 4 fm Discover A Career In Management Consulting With Price Waterhouse v V ^. Graduation is approaching. You're caught up in the excitement of embarking on a promising and challenging career. You want to succeed in the competitive environment of the nineties and beyond. L-E.T 'S •>£ £ ) "• J5AJS4G.E. ... ALL- HAYi&JRGB d ... j/ -zi&hti entice Hi a* JjL 'TTkt r (syr / V 4 4 Price Waterhouse provides you the opportunity to excel in the decades ahead. Our Management Consulting Services (MCS) offers a dynamic atmosphere for gaining practical business experience and technical knowledge. We will hold an Information session at Texas A&M University As a new MCS Information Technology consultant, you will participate in an extensive training program, combining self-study with hands-on experience. We help develop your skills so that you may continue our tradition of providing the highest quality information technology services to clients from Boston to Bangkok. October 14, 1992, 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. Rm. 206 MSC Bldg. We will be conducting interviews on October 27th and 28th. Contact the Placement Office for more Information. If you are among the best and the brightest in an analytical major (MIS, Computer Science, Engineering, Math, etc.), we invite you to come meet with us and learn why you should consider joining Price Waterhouse. Look to a bright new future with MCS and discover what the nineties hold for you. Price Waterhouse Committed to our clients Committed to you Price Waterhouse An tc‘iu‘4l'C)'pporlunpy employer r iim LOOKING FOR DIRECTION IN VOUR FUTURE? CHECK OUT LOW DAY (N THE MSC MAIN HALL TUESDAY, OCT. 20 From 11:00 to 3:00 on Tuesday, you will have the opportunity to talk to admissions representatives from over 60 (aw schools from around the country. Find out about job opportunities with a (aw degree and how to app(y to the schools of your choice. Sponsored by the MSC MBA/Law Committee C O M M I T T E E Bavlor/Columbia/Cornell Law School/Univ. of Denver Georgefown/Harvard/Univ of Housfon/Kaplan Educ. Cfr. Notre Dame/Princeton Review/t.u./Vanderbilf/Yale... By Clay Weld 61LLY KAY cm»e/ suckck's EVEN IN OOTET? Sf*CE NO ! members and open to newcomers at 6$ p.m. in 003 Reed McDonald. Formt* information call Kelly at 696-7825. TAMU INLINE SKATING CLUB: Rollerblade Hockey at 7 p.m. in PA 71 on West Campus. All levels of ability are welcome. For more information call Shawn at 764-7830. INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS ASSOCI ATION: Speaker meeting with Dr. luliana Cetina, Fulbright Scholar from Romania, Assistant Professor with The Academy of Economic Studies in Bucharest, at 8:30 p.m. in 402 Rudder. For more informa tion call Amy at 847-0116. AG COMMUNICATORS OF TOMOE ROW: Meeting at 7:30 p.m. in I® Scoates. Also, sign up for Quark# shop by October 16 in 214or215RD^ GYMNASTICS CLUB: Workout from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. in 307 Read. For more information call Eugene at 764-9613. ASSOCIATION FOR COMPUTING MA CHINERY: General meeting at 7 p.m. in 124 HRBB including guest speaker Dan Leffel of EDS with a presentation on “Quality in Engineering.” Free pizza for ACM members. For more information call Seann at 268-8183. YOUTH FUN DAY: Chair positions an! captain applications available in 142Sir dent Services Building. For more#' mation call Wendy at 847-0821. CLASS OF ‘94: Help design Eleptf Walk t-shirts! Turn designs in loll 1 * class of ‘94 cube in the SP0 byOc# 19. For more information call Radie |S 764-1832. WESLEY FOUNDATION: Worship at 7 p.m. at the Methodist Student Center. For more information call 846-4701 UNITED CAMPUS MINISTRIES: Week ly Aggie Supper Fellowship from 6 to 7:20 p.m. in the A&M Presbyterian Church Fellowship Hall. Multi-denomina tional group—everyone welcome. Sign up for retreat October 20 through Novem ber 1. There are a few spots left for Jan uary ski trip! For more information call Stacy Fletcher at 693-5623. AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF CHEMICAL ENGINEERS: Meeting at 7 p.m. in the Kyle Field Press Box with pizza after wards. ABB Lummus is speaking, mem bership dues will be collected and t-shirts will be sold, and engineering paper will be sold. Take the elevator on the west side of Kyle Field (Former Students’ side). For more information call Jennifer at 847-6061. EUROPE CLUB: General meeting^ officer elections and planning of new pf ty at 10 p.m. at Two Pesos. All me# must be there. For more informatiord Antoine at 764-9799. THE TEXAS A&M TENNIS CLUB: Applica tions for officers are now available. For more information call Sabrina at 696- 7484. WESLEY FOUNDATION: Bible Study and Lunch ($1.00) at 12:30 p.m. in the Methodist Student Center. Worship at 7 p.m. at the Methodist Student Center. For more information call 846-4701 AGGIE ANTHROPOLOGISTS: M. with movie, “Mountains oftheMoonTj p.m. in 214 Anthropology Bui Everyone welcome. For more ini#|| tion all Scott at 775-0463. Wt INKSHED PRESS AND ENGLISH DE PARTMENT: Book signing with Award winning New York poet Molly Peacock at 7:30 p.m. in 203 C Sterling Evans Li brary. For more information call Jen at 862-2652. TAMU BICYCLING CLUB: General meeting at 8:30 p.m. in 407 Rudder. Wayne Bryan of Aggieland Schwinn will be speaking. FLORTICULTU RE-ORNAMENTAL HORTICULTURE CLUB: Meeting at 7 p.m. in 102 HFSB. For more information call Melanie at 847-0514. GAY AND LESBIAN STUDENT SER VICE: There willl be an open panel which will discuss “Everything You Want ed to Know About Homosexuality, But Were Afraid to Ask” at 7 p.m. in 401 Rud der. For more information call Gayline at SOCIETY OF EDUCATIONAL ADMINIS TRATION STUDENTS: Social and short meeting at 8 p.m. in 225 Harrington Tow er. Special guest will be Department head Dr. Yvonne Lincoln. Important Items for What’s Up should be su to The Battalion, 016 Reed McDonald ■ I later than three business days before <*1 desired run date. We only publish^ I name and phone number of the cortti j you ask us to do so. What’s Up Isa’ talion service which lists non-profite\ and activities. Submissions are m E first-come, first-served basis. r/)ereril| guarantee an entry will run. II you H'; I questions, call the newsroom al{ J J 3315.