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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (Sept. 29, 1992)
Page 6 The Battalion 1 ’AGGIE’ Private Party Want Ads Business Hours $10 for 20 words running 5 days. If your merchan- dise Is priced $ 1000 or less (price must appear In mm ad). This rate applies only to non-commercial 6 t advertisers ottering personal possesions for sale. Guaranteed results or you get an additional 5 Uj days at no charge. If Item doesn't sell, advertiser must call before 11 a.m. on the day the ad Is £1^ scheduled to end to quality for the 5 additional m Insertions at no charge. No refunds will be made If your ad Is cancelled early. 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday through Friday accepted Tuesday, September 29,151; Safety Continued From Page 2 "I always tell students, 'A&M is not an Alice- in -Wonderland world/" Wiatt said. "It is a microcosm of society. And although most Ag gies do not lie, cheat or steal, some do. And then some do worse." Wiatt said A&M has always been very se curity conscious. He said the act didn't affect any of A&M's safety or security policies, but it did guide them in gathering all of their data into one publication. "Before, it might have been confusing to collect all the information you might have wanted," he said. "Now, everything you need to know is in one pamphlet." Eighty-five thousand copies of Texas A&M's campus security pamphlet, A Commit ment to Your Safety, were printed this month. Copies of the pamphlet were mailed to 41,000 students and placed with 11,200 employee paychecks. Wiatt said he has had total financial sup port from A&M administration and has been able to invest in the students' safety. A&M has 42 commissioned peace officers, 42 non-commissioned security officers and two full-time Crime Prevention Specialists. The Crime Prevention Specialists talk to students and groups about personal safety and proper security, warning them to be alert and aware of their surroundings. "Students must realize that their safety is their own responsibility and they could bo victim if they walk around without beint aware of the situations and conditions arounl them," Wiatt said. "Some students havethej heads in the cloud and don't anticipate anj problems on campus except finding a parking space. You can give students all of the info mation in the world, but until they decideb consciously act on it, you cannot protect them." Texas Tech University and the Universityof Texas at Austin also publish pamphlets con taining their campus security policies. University of Texas reports indicate less re ported crimes than either Texas Tech or Texas A&M. For Sale TENSION HEADACHE STUDY Subjects with a history of tension headaches needed to participate in a short research study with a single dose of a marketed medication. NO BLOOD WORK. Eligible volunteers will be compensated. G & S Studies, Inc. (close to campus) 846-5933 PREMENSTRUAL SYMPTOMS STUDY The TAMU Psychology Department is studying ways of helping women cope with premenstrual symptoms. If you suffer from moderate to sever premenstrual symptoms and are interested in participating, contact the Psychology Clinic at: 845-8017 between 1 and 5 p.m. DIAMONDS FOR AGGIE RINGS Highest quality, lowest prices 776-3069 For personal appointment U2 tickets for sale. Floor seats. Great price. Call 693- 6150. 88 Mazda 323 loaded, runs great, 50K miles. Call 693- 6150. 1987 Honda Elite 50 Scooter. 45 mph. $450; includes helmet. Call Staci at 847-0431. Negotiable. Selling wooden paddles for sororities and fraternities with deslgns/pattems of your choice. Call Rose Betty at (409) 825-7869. Womens senior boots size 8, excellent condition $300 696-2216. Ask for Pat. 1989 Raider (Montero), 2 dr, 6 cyl., low mileage, black, excellent condition 764-9586 $8,850 Jake. Two tickets for U2 Oct. 14th Astrodome $40 each. Call 268-6849. Passport radar detector 2 band. Regular $300, will sell for $175.00. 764-3005 NEED CHEAP CAMCORDER? ONLY $380 W/CASE BOSE AM5II SPEAKERS LIKE NEW $550. CALL 696- 1896 LEAVE MESSAGE. Ken more washer and dryer $125 each, cash 693-9871. Mary Kay products discounts available 779-1844. USED HOMES, NEW LISTINGS WEEKLY 2500 AND UP, THE GOOD, THE BAD AND THE UGLY 1-800-880- 2020. NEW 3 BR/2BTH. $195.03 PER MTH. Factory Special Includes DELIVERY, SET UP A/C & fully carpeted com plete with drapes. SAVE THOUSANDS!! $19,000 10% DOWN 180 MOS, 10.25% 1-800-880-2020. Large 3BR/2BTH with garden tub, spacious vaulted ceil ings, big kitchen & utility. Free delivery, set up S ale. Only $23,911,10% down 180 mos. 10.25%. Call free at 1-800- 880-2020. Gorgeous 3BR/2BTH home with shingled roof, hardboard siding, appliances etc. Factory special with full one year warranty. Limited time offer. $25,00010% down 240 mos, ,25% 1-800-880-2020. CHEAP! FBI/U.S. SEIZED. 89 MERCEDES $200; 86 VW $50. 87 MERCEDES $100; 65 MUS TANG $50; CHOOSE FROM THOUSANDS START ING $25. FREE INFORMATION-24 HOUR HOTLINE. 801-379-2929 COPYRIGHT #TX14KJC. Automobiles GREEKS & CLUBS RAISE A COOL •1000 M JUST ONE WEEKl PLUS $1000 FOR THE MEMBER WHO CALLS! No obligation. No cost You also get a FREE HEADPHONE RADIO hut for caDins 1-800-932-0528, Ext. 65 Optometric Assistant M-F. 1:00-5:00 p.m. No experience necessary. Typing required. Call 846-0377 for interview. EARN CASH! $110/Mth AND UP Be a plasma donor! Safe and easy procedure provides guaranteed income. Join thousands of A&M students as regular donors. WESTGATE PLASMA CENTER 4223 Welborn Rd. 846-8855 CLINICAL RESEARCH COORDINATOR - seeking RN, LVN, or individual with medically related college degree to join local established professional pharmaceutical re search firm. Salaried position. Must be willing to work long hours. Blopharma, Inc. 776-0400. Organist to play two Sunday worship services and Tues day choir practice at A&M Presbyterian church. Call 846- 5631. Part-time Hardware/Software/Service/Design help needed. Ask for ext. 400 for job description 764-8578. Part-time evening floor maintenance. Weekdays starting wage $5/hr. Call for appointment 823-5031. Full-time professional carpet upholstery fire and water restoration technician. No experience necessary. Will train. Call for appointment. 823-5031. Secretarial work. Write transcripts from video-tapes. Must know how to type, must know a word processor. Demanding work. Well paid. 15-20 hours a week. Call 268-7483 and leave your name and phone number. Starts immediately. ASSEMBLERS: Excellent income to assemble products from your home. 504-646-1700 DEPT. P777. . CRUISE SHOPS NOW HIRING - Earn $2,000+/month ♦ world travel (Hawaii, Mexico, the Caribbean, etc.) Holi day, summer and career employment available. No experience necessary. For employment program call 1- 206-545-4155 ext. C5855. Part-time assistant to dental office manager. Flexible hours. Apply 2101 Texas Avenue C.S. Stafford House Is accepting applications for bartender jrersons. Call 775-4082. Earn $6-$ 15 an hour. Pro Tutors needs tutors. Physics; 201-218, Chemistry 101/102, Statistics 211/303, Math all, BANA 217. Call 775-2600 and leave message. $200-$500 WEEKLY. Assemble products at home. Easy! No selling. You're paid direct. Fully Guaranteed. FREE lnformation-24HcHjr Hotline. 801-379-2900 Copy right# TX14KDH. Wanted Seeking good flute player for lessons and protecting duets. One hour per week. FeenegotlabF ' ’ rt provide list of credentials. Call 776-5006 or 845-fc Wanted...Reliable 1/2 ton truck. Not necessarily pretty. 693-1398 Guitarist needed ASAP for rock band. Gigs already lined up. Contact Brad 764-6475. Services Professional Typesetting and Layout-Resumes and Pa- pers-Graphics Available 776-8113. JOY'S Professional Typing, Word Processing, Resume Service, Laser Printer; 764-8538. QUICK MOVING SERVICE FOR APARTMENTS AND DORMS. CALL FOR PRE-ESTIMATE 823-3935, 779- 2796 Typing on MAC Laser prints. 24 hours or less 696-3892. AAA DEFENSIVE DRIVING. Ticket dismissal. Insurance discount. Mon-Tue (6-10 p.m.), W-Th. (6-10 p.m.), Fri. (6- 10p.m.)-Sat. (8-12noon),Sat. (8-4:30p.m.). Across the street from University Tower. Walk-ins welcome. $20.00 per class. 411 Texas Ave. South. 693-1322. PERFORMANCE AUTO SALES. We buy and sell Used Cars! 601 Harvey Road College Station 693-6189. 88 NISSAN MAXIMA SE 32K MILES, 6/75 WARRANTY $10,000 846-6460. Computers Macintosh classic 4 megabytes RAM, 40 megabyte HD, 1.44 MB Floppy Drive. One year old. $850 0.8.0. Call 846-6560 (Steve). Mac*. 40 meg external hard drive, 800k external drive, Imagewriter II, Word 4.0, accessories. $850. 845-3451 ext. 31. ATTN: iTUDENTS AND STAFF! EDUCATIONAL PRICED SOFTWARE AVAILABLE FROM 3 OFF-CAM PUS UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORES. For Rent Gigantic 2bdrm apartment available now, 3 miles from campus, semester lease okay. 822-5752. Adoption Loving, professional couple (doctor, full-time mom) ready to share their hearts, devote their lives to your newborn. Confidential/Legal. Allowable expenses paid. Call Nancy collect 0-919-942-9666. Miscellaneous BUYING YOUR USED LEVI BLUE JEANS. ADULT SIZES $3-$6. CHRIS 846-6295. Personals MISS SHERI LIVE 1-900-884-9993 S25/CALL 1-900-454-4722 $2.99 minute / no minimum DIVERSIFIED ENTERPRISES Lake Worth, Florida 18+.... Travel SKI BRECK! Ski-in Condos Lift Tickets Parties Bus Ski Rentals from only •229 r*- Lm- Call Today! ^ U. BSki 1-800-232-2428 SKIING Luxury Townhouse in Red River N.M. near Taos & Anglefive. Sleeps 17. $125-$350 night. 846-8916 Ask for John. Pick up your '91-92 AggieVision in room 230 Reed McDonald 8:15 a.m. - 4:45 p.m. Monday - Friday Pakistani jet crash kills 167, rescue team reports THE ASSOCIATED PRESS KATMANDU, Nepal— A Pakistani jet filled with Europeans plowed into a pine-cov ered hillside Monday, and rescuers searching the burning wreckage reported no survivors among the 167 aboard. Officials said one American was also on board the Pakistani International Airlines Air bus A300 when it crashed on a landing ap proach, the second air disaster near the capital in as many months. The pilot had given no indication anything was wrong before contact was lost with the plane, and the weather was normal, officials said. Airline sources in Pakistan said the plane may have been flying too low as it approached this city ringed by Himalayan mountains thousands of feet high. The sources, speaking on condition anonymity, said the plane was flying at 7,500 feet when it should have been at 9,000. A Thai Airbus crashed into a snowy peak near the capital in July, killing all 113 people aboard. The Pakistani jet, on a flight from Karachi, Pakistan, crashed 14 miles south of Katman du's airport, said Nagendra Prasad Ghimire, deputy chief of Katmandu airport. Rescue crews that reached the site by helicopter said the plane was on fire. An airman lowered him self on a rope for a closer view, but found no evidence of survivors, Ghimire said. Army and police personnel cordoned off all approaches to the crash site. The state-owned Nepal Radio announced that the bodies of victims found by rescue teams would be handed over to relativesal Katmandu airport on Tuesday. Monday's accident occurred at thestartof Nepal's tourist season, when dozens of moun tain climbing teams fly into this picturesque land to climb the world's highest peaks. Air line officials said at least 89 of the 155 passen gers were Europeans and that thejethada crew of 12. Thirty-five Britons, including a missionary family with three children, were among the passengers, the Pakistani airline reported in London. Most of the other Britons were headed for climbing vacations in the Himalayas, the air line said. The missionaries were identified by thecol- lege where they trained as Andrew Wilkins, 38, and his pregnant wife, Helen, 36. S. Africa releases white supremacist from jail Attempts to revive talks on apartheid THE ASSOCIATED PRESS JOHANNESBURG, South Africa — The government Mon day released from prison a white supremacist who slaughtered sev en people and an ANC member who killed three white women with a car bomb. They were among the first pris oners freed under a government- ANC agreement to release hun dreds of prisoners in an effort to restart South Africa's political talks on ending apartheid. Barend Strydom, nicknamed “white wolf," was sentenced for a sidewalk shooting spree in down town Pretoria. He avoided reporters after he was set free. Robert McBride, convicted in the car bombing, was greeted by cheering African National Con gress supporters as he walked out of Durban Prison. He punched the air with a clenched fist and yelled “Amandla (Power)'' and “Viva, ANC.” Under the agreement, about 150 political prisoners are being released immediately and another 300 could be freed by Nov. 15. Strydom and McBride were sen tenced to death, but the sentences were changed to life in prison. Walter Sisulu, deputy president of the ANC, called the prisoner release the most important ANC demand for negotiating with the white government. “We're all celebrating today," he said. Government leaders, mean while, tried to mend ties with the country's second most powerful Lab test detects sickle cell anemia in babies THE ASSOCIATED PRESS AUSTIN- A DNA test the Texas Department of Health has been using for about a year is providing quicker verifica tion and treatment of suspected cases of sickle cell anemia in newborns. Brad Therrell directs the lab that does blood testing on the approximately 320,000 babies bom in Texas each year. Law requires the testing for five blood-borne diseases, in cluding sickle cell anemia. Ther- rell's Austin lab started ship ping blood specimens to Baylor College of Medicine in Houston last year to gain confirmation of the incurable blood disease. “It definitely is working," Therrell said. Houston geneticist Edward McCabe said he hopes his test will be adopted nationally. McCabe, a professor of mole cular genetics at Baylor, said Texas infants with the sickle cell anemia formerly were diag nosed with a more time-con suming and less accurate pro tein test. The average age of di agnosis, he said, was about 4.5 months. Now the average age of diagnosis has been reduced to about 1.7 months. Penicillin treatments must start by 4 months of age for an infant to survive the disease's initial infections. “This means the vast majori ty of the 'Kids now’ are on the penicillin treatment by 4 months of age," McCabe said. In the past year, the DNA test has confirmed sickle cell ane mia in about 65 percent of 378 Texas infants. Strip mining threatens national forests THE ASSOCIATED PRESS WASHINGTON- The Interior Department is close to approving rules that could open national forests to strip mining unless the government buys the mineral rights. Interior spokesman Steven Goldstein insisted Monday that there are no plans to allow strip mining in national parks because in each of those cases the govern ment would buy up mineral rights or arrange for a land ex change. Goldstein said the policy change involves “fundamentally a constitutional issue" over the right of those holding mineral rights to be compensated. “The rule change makes it very clear there will be no mining in the parks," added Goldstein. “This could be the most disas trous action taken by any admin istration in the 76-year history of the National Park Service," Paul Pritchard, president of the Nation al Parks and Conservation Associ ation, a private advocacy group on park issues, said in a state ment. An association spokes woman, Kathy Westra, said the is sue of compensation should not be dealt with administratively, but left to the courts, and that the proposed Interior policy change could strain the department's fund for handling compensatory claims. Strip mining has been prohibit ed on federal protected lands for 15 years, ever since Congress en acted broad-reaching strip mine legislation in 1977. The law exempted those min ing interests that held “valid exist ing rights" to coal deposits prior to enactment of the law. How to deal with those who hold such rights has been the sub ject of controversy between envi ronmentalists and mining inter ests for years, leading to a number of court cases as well as debate within the Interior Department. The department informally has defined those with “valid existing rights" as anyone who had made “good faith efforts" to mine the coal prior to Aug. 3, 1977, when the strip-mining law went into ef fect. KAPLAN The answer to the test question. December 5 111 LSAT classes start Saturday 10/3 10:00 or Tuesday 10/6 6:00 December 12 111 GRE classes start Thursday 10/1 6:00 or Saturday 10/3 10:00 January le^GMAT classes start Tuesday 10/13 6:00 or Wednesday 10/14 6:00 i Now, The Best For Less! $ 100 off our LSAT course [or $ 50 off our GMAT or GRE course] [ call TODAY 696-3196 j | ValidtillOct. 31, 1992 | I 1 Asthma Study Individuals, age 18-55, with asthma wanted to participate in a clinical research study for approximately 9 weeks with an investigational medication in capsule form. Individuals must be using inhaled steroid medication to qualify. $300 incentive paid to those completing the study. Tension Headache? Individuals with severe Tension Headaches wanted to participate in a 4-hour headache relief research study with an investigational medica tion in tablet form. Flexible hours. $75 incentive for individuals who are chosen and complete the study. Daily, till 6:30, call 776-0400. ADULT SKIN INFECTION STUDY Individuals age 13 and older wanted to participate in a research study for bacterial skin infections such as infected wounds, earlobes, infected burns, boils, infected hair follicles, impetigo, infected ingrown toenails and others. Investigational oral antibiotic in capsule form. $100 incentive for those chosen who complete the study. CHILDREN’S SKIN INFECTION STUDY Children, age six months to 12 years, wanted to participate in a research study for bacterial skin infections such as: infected wounds, bug bites, earlobes, burns, boils, hair follicles, ingrown toenails, impetigo and others. Investigational oral antibiotic in liquid form. $150 incentive for those chosen who complete the study. Sinus Infection Study Individuals age 13 and older with a sinus infection to participate in a clinical research study for 3 to 5 weeks with an investigational antibiotic in capsule form. Minimum incentive of $150 paid to those who complete the study. BioLogica RESEARCH GROUP, INC. 776-0400