The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 28, 1992, Image 1
a The Battalion fol. 92 No. 21 (8 pages) ‘Serving Texas A&M Since 1893’ Monday, September 28, 1992 est Texas State adds 'A&M' to name By REAGON CLAMON Reporter of THE BA TTA LION The Board of Regents Friday over whelmingly passed a measure to change he name of West Texas State University, li :ated in Canyon, to West Texas A&M University. The Board voted 8-1 to change the iname, with board member William A. llcKenzie being the lone dissenter. He ex pressed his concerns to State Senator Bill Bivens, co-author of the Texas legislature ^ill to change the name. "Are you familiar with the fact that nany of your constituents, including the /est Texas State University Alumni As sociation, the West Texas State University Faculty Senate, and the West Texas State University student body oppose the pro posed name change?" McKenzie asked. He said a university without an agri cultural or engi neering college should not be al lowed to use the name "A&M." Bivens respond ed to McKenzie's objections by quot ing polls which had been commissioned during the research phase. The most recent polls revealed nothing more than "rampant apathy" over the proposed change. He pointed out that Texas A&M Uni versity officially deleted the understood "Agriculture and Mechanics" from its own title years ago. "When it (Texas A&M) changed from "The student body is by no means overwhelmingly against the name change. Forty-nine point six percent of the students want to maintain the name. Forty-nine point four percent want to change the name." -Richard Perez, WTSU student body president college to university there was great tur moil," Bivens said. "And I think you can see what has happened to this great insti tution. I can only hope we (WTSU) flour ish half as well." Richard Perez, WTSU student body president, told the board he was involved with polling the student body about the issue and did find the students were against the name change — by one vote. "The student body is by no means over- w h e 1 m i n g 1 y against the name change," Perez said. "Forty-nine point six percent of the students want to main tain the name. Forty-nine point four per cent want to change the name." Perez said he was "between a rock and a hard place" because there were many students on both sides of the issue. Students and faculty formed an orga nization four weeks ago to protest the name change. Kevin Casey, president of the Save West Texas State University Foundation, said he had considered leaving the uni versity if the name was changed. "I am still opposed to the new name, but now I've decided to channel my ener gy toward promoting acceptance of the new name," Casey said. "We lost fair and square." The change from West Texas State University to West Texas A&M Universi ty will be official as of June 1,1993. 5 billion state deficit threatens further cuts. University prepares By JULI PHILLIPS Reporter of THE BATTALION The Texas state legislature's vaming that the budget for high er education may be cut by as much as 10 percent, to cover part of the $5 billion state budget Beficit, has sent Texas A&M Uni versity System officials scram- pling to find more places to cut losts. I Deputy Chancellor of Finance land Administration, Dr. Eddie J. Bavis, described the System's im- ipending money problems as "a Rategory-five economic hurri- f ne '” I Davis stressed that there is : enough time for measures to be iaken to prevent disaster, but the | measures need to be adopted and |initiated as soon as possible. | "It is important for us not to panic but to be prepared in case the storm decides to move over bur institutions," he said. I Although the cuts are not guar anteed, higher education, Davis 'aid, will almost surely bear a big >art of the budget deficit which he state legislature expects to md at the end of this fiscal year. Davis' pessimistic speculations Ire due to the current trends of the Texas government. Over the past seven years, ac- ording to figures released by the Mational Center for Education md the Texas Legislative Budget 3oard, the higher education de- nand has risen while the real dol lar amounts needed to meet those iemands have shrunk. Funding for public safety and directions and health and human services has increased in the last jight years by 127 percent and 101 percent respectively, while higher education's funding has risen only one percent. Another foundation for the budgetary concerns is the general makeup of the Texas budget. Eighty-four percent of the bud get is fixed. Due to statutes, court orders, federal dictates and pre dedications, only 16 percent of the budget can be carved up to make up short-falls. "You can't squeeze out of this small piece (of the budget) all that we need to deal with this deficit," Davis said. This area has already had to cut back to make up for other deficits, and finding more places to cut back is getting more and more difficult, he said. Davis said their future options for cutbacks would have to in clude further tuition increases, further reductions and perhaps elimination of student activities and services, eliminations in the development of new programs, further reductions in library sup port and eliminations in student employment. System Chancellor Dr. Herbert Richardson said the cutbacks must be chosen with care, so when the budget for higher edu cation comes back up, the System will be stronger and more com petitive. Future options for University cutbacks include: ♦tuition increases •reductions, or elimina tion, of student activities and services •eliminations in new pro gram development ♦reductions in library sup port •eliminations in student employment Gray Schroeder, a senior environmental studies major in Squadron 13, tops a log on Sunday to be carried out of the woods by the freshmen and sophomores. Juniors and seniors in the ROBERT ]. REED/The Battalion Corps cut the trees and the underclassmen clear brush and carry the logs out. Squadron 13 is normally a loading outfit, but since this weekend was the first cut there was no loading. Effects of cable bill reverberate through CS By REAGON CLAMON Reporter of THE BATTALION When Mike Deza began looking at cable service for his dorm room, he was shocked at the high price of installation and monthly rates — but that's entertainment. Deza, a junior electrical engineering major, signed up for a basic cable package for $20 per month, but said it was the start-up fees that hurt. "Twenty dollars is a little high, but it's the installation that's a killer," Deza said. "That's running about $40. Plus, they're demanding the first month's rent." Complaints such as Deza's helped push a bill through Congress last week that will regu late the rates of cable companies and break up cable monopolies in areas such as Bryan-Col- lege Station . The new bill, which President Bush has promised to veto, was passed by the U.S. Sen ate on Tuesday. Deza said he considered one of the cable options that includes fewer channels and a lower monthly rate. "It's only about $10 a month, but the instal lation is about $60," Deza said. "In the long run it's okay, but that first impression is a shocker." The new bill would allow, among other things, local broadcasters to make a choice every three years whether to sell their pro gramming to local cable companies. If broad casters did charge for their programming, they would not be guaranteed a spot on local cable channels. Currently, cable companies can transmit local broadcast programming free of charge. It is this provision, TCA Cable general man See Cable rates/Page 8 Symposium speaker stresses cultural awareness By BRANDI JORDAN Reporter of THE BATTALION "An MBA or law degree will 5ive you the flexibility to succeed n the new world," said Vance lhaw at the Texas A&M MBA/ Law symposium on Saturday. Shaw has been a visiting pro cessor for the Urban League's Black Executive Exchange Pro gram, on the Board of Directors or the National Consortium for Graduate Degrees for Minorities in Engineering and a member and secretary on the Board of Trustees for Lake Michigan College. This generation of students must be prepared to lead a cultur ally diverse work force by the [year 2000, Shaw predicted. "In 1962, I was asked to speak at a SCONA (Student Council on National Affairs) conference here at Texas A&M," said Shaw, "I was the first black ever to stay in your student center." A&M officials told Shaw he Would be staying in Bryan during his visit 30 years ago, but former Vice President Lyndon Johnson happened to be speaking on cam pus that weekend and told A&M officials that they must allow Shaw to stay on campus. "Now, while that may not seem like a big deal to you all, it Was (a big deal) at the time be- B1LLY MORAN/The Battalion Vance Shaw speaks at the MBA/Law symposium. cause this University was not yet integrated." According to Shaw, LBJ fin ished what Lincoln started. Shaw questioned students at the luncheon about their futures. He urged students to continue their education because education breeds self-confidence. "You must acquire more than knowledge," Shaw said. "You must acquire wisdom because wisdom is the application of knowledge." Shaw told the students at the symposium to be prepared for changes as the turn of the century approaches. "In the year 2000, many things will have changed, demographics especially" Shaw said. "This coun try will be more culturally diversi fied. We will be a global commu nity." "Columbus took a risk 500 years ago, and that's why we're here today as a nation. A young nation, I might add," said Shaw, "And one thing that we must keep sight of is the fact that when set tlers came to this nation, there were already people here. "The Mexicans were here until we sent them to Mexico and the Indians were here until we put them on reservations. The point is that the people who make up this diverse nation have the same rights as those who run the na tion." Shaw predicts that, by the year 2000, people will work a four-day week with a three-day weekend. He also predicted that skilled workers will take their expertise around the globe. Students have many options available to them, he said. But whatever option they choose, they should focus on their field and be come an expert. Shaw told students they are blessed to attend a university where 80 percent of the faculty is at the Ph.D. level, where the land is valued at $1 billion and 10 per cent of the students are minorities. Shaw said by the year 2000, 80 percent of the work force will con sist of minorities. This generation will have to lead a new work force, under stand different cultures and value the differences that make us all unique, Shaw said. "Remember, destiny is not luck," Shaw said. "It is the re planting of seeds of earlier experi ences, watered by hard work and enriched through effective interac tion with people. Know that des tiny is certainly with your reach." Shaw earned a bachelor's de gree in psychology from Texas A&I University in 1963, a master's degree in police administration from Michigan State University in 1967, a master's degree in urban sociology from the University of Northern Colorado in 1972 and a master of business administration from Michigan State University in 1976. Presently, Shaw is an employ ment manager with Hughes Net work Systems. He is an associate faculty mem ber in the Johns Hopkins Univer sity Graduate School, and was a 1972 recipient of the National Freedom Foundation Award, awarded by the U.S. Air Force. MBA/ Law Committee offers career counseling By BRANDI JORDAN r Reporter of THE BATTALION Texas A&M University's MBA/Law Committee in the Memorial Student Center in formed students about gradu ate programs, as well as oppor tunities in business and law. Paul Henry, the MBA/Law Committee adviser, said the committee is unique. "J. Wayne Stark, the MSC director, used to advise pre-professional students right out of his office in the 60s," Henry said. "But the campus grew so much so quickly that a committee had to be formed to be able to reach all of the inter ested students." The committee provides stu dents with an opportunity to learn from former students who have careers in business or law. "We are involved with a di verse group of students," Jonathan Cooper, chairman of the MB A/Law Committee, said. "We have liberal arts ma jors, engineering majors, psy chology majors and even gener al studies majors involved with the committee. "The main goals of the com mittee are just to let students know what they can get out of a business or law degree and to introduce them into a network of former students." The MBA/Law Committee sponsors the annual MBA/Law Fall Symposium. Each fall the committee invites law and busi ness school representatives from around the country to speak to students, pass out lit erature and answer students' questions. In addition, approximately 20 businesspersons and lawyers speak to around 200 people in panel discussions and informal roundtable sessions. "All of the speakers came to us without any expense," Henry said. See MBA/Page 8