The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 25, 1992, Image 7

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Dies arela
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Political intolerance
.&M should stand for higher ideal
•t feel bad! ^ ce President Dan Quayle re
ed. EveuBBived far more respect at A&M
gthemsBuesday than did some Aggies.
■onfusec:||Vhi]e the crowd at the Quayle rally
I was described as basically well-be-
; laved, some students saw the vice
President's visit as an opportunity
’thgjrat’.. to suppress a basic right,
eededfel After posting hundreds of signs
s assoc and fliers inviting Aggies to attend
lie meeting, some supporters decid-
encour.:. gd that the expression of opposing
ss wu fyiewpoints could not be permitted.
i US wM ^ *
■ Some students showed up carry-
i otherifrg a that read "The only thing
sit's likeworse than an ignorant Republican
They is Dan Quayle." Having been es-
iut usgelfcorted out of G. Rollie White, the
protesters moved to the sidewalk
jfcross the street. The protest turned
[violent when certain Quayle sup-
ltr ytoN .porters decided that ►the signs across
they lea: the street should not be allowed on
sides of ll
jston has
le past,
lould no:
; schedu* ::
J, area
and Te<i
and Bail'
University property. They crossed
the line from supporter to protester
and destroyed the signs that they
deemed inappropriate.
Surely, the vice president expect
ed to see some protesters. He was
visiting Texas A&M, not Tiananmen
Square. Dissension is allowed here.
Like the right to vote, which is
presumably tolerated by Quayle
supporters, dissension and protest
allow people to voice their opinions.
Such opinions are considered valu
able in the this democracy where
people are allowed to assemble and
speak freely.
Welcoming the vice president
showed that some Aggies have
learned how to support their candi
date. Destroying the signs of
protesters showed that some Aggies
still have a lot to learn about matu
rity and tolerance.
s when
ind class*
I want to thank the Batt staff for the
pod job they did of informing students
divinefaculty about the man), aspects of
/ice President Dan Quajde's visit to
College Station. We had only four full
lays to make all the preparations and
to the ^
ferediW nany students would have missed the
to "Kyle
and rela !
me, too.
Thanks for making
Quayle visit success
event without the Batt's coverage.
Thanks must also go to the Presi-
lent's Office and the Athletic Depart
ment for their cooperation and assis-
ance with arrangements. The profes-
ionalism and good will of the Rudder
Theater Complex staff was amazing
ivith such a short time to do so much.
Of course, the thousands of students
md volunteers from the Aggie Band
ivho gave Mr. Quayle such a rousing
welcome were great, too!
Finally, all Aggies can be proud of
the work of the Texas A&M College Re
publicans. The outstanding campus
program and promotion was handled
entirely by their officers and hundreds
of members ... many of whom slept
only a handful of hours between Friday
md Tuesday.
Now, let's translate that enthusiasm
into massive voter registration in every
dorm and student organization before
the October 4 deadline. That's the only
Way our Aggie views can be expressed
at the polls in November.
Rodger Lewis '76
County Chairman,
Republican Party
University appeared
o endorse candidate
I was shocked to read in the paper
today that the Aggie Band and yell
leaders were present and active at the
Quayle political rally hosted by the Col
lege Republicans. The yell leaders and
Band represent all the students, faculty,
and staff of Texas A&M University, not
just the Republicans. That was a purely
political program and the sponsors and
the university should make sure that
nothing gives the appearance of official
university sanction of one candidate
over another. Having such well-known
representatives of Texas A&M partici
pating in partisan politics betrays the
many Aggies that do not agree with
that particular position. Are there
plans for the Band and yell leaders to
lend similar support if Governor Clin
ton or Senator Gore appear? If not,
then a university reprimand should be
given to the Aggie Band, yell leaders,
and College Republicans along with an
apology to the university community.
I'm sure other people will address
the censorship issue exposed by the ac
tions yesterday. Political candidates
should expect tough questions and re
sponses from the opposition. Remov
ing people from G. Rollie White, hurl
ing obscenities, and physical attacks are
not acceptable behaviors for adults in a
major university.
By the way, this is the opinion of
someone who has voted Republican in
every presidential election since 1980,
but is seriously considering alternatives
this election year.
Troyce Wilson
Texas Forest Service
I attended Tuesday's visit of Dan
Quayle expecting him to give a speech
in his function as vice president of the
United States. I was thus deeply disap
pointed as the event turned out to be a
platitudinous pep rally for the Republi
can party, crowned by an (I hesitate to
say speech) appearance of Dan Quayle
in front of a cheering crowd for about
15 minutes.
The point of my criticism now lies in
the fact that elements of university tra
ditions and rituals were being misused
during this event. The Fightin' Texas
Aggie Band represents our university
as a whole and should not support any
political party by participating in a ral
ly. I see a great danger in the applied
strategy to pep up the students by fus
ing university yells and songs with the
support of the Republican party (or any
other political group.) The appearance
The Battalion Page 7
No understanding Perot support
Psuedo-candidate offers no real leadership for U.S.
Who is this Ross Perot? The more appropriate question
might be, who does he think he is? First he was a simple
Texan heading a grass roots campaign for change in Ameri
can government. Then he was a billionaire businessman
who knew when to cut losses and abandon an unsuccessful
venture. Now the man who never actually said "yes" to
America's voting public, and finally said "no," is
squeamishly smirking "maybe."
What I want to know is why would anyone want this
man to lead our country?
As Clinton and Bush begin the political slugfest staged
immediately before voters select the lesser of two evils, Per
ot elects to boo from the sidelines. After quitting the game,
Perot contents himself to heckle those who continue to fight
it out.
Instead of debating issues as the real candidates should,
Perot simply skips from one talk show to another, touting
his ideas for a better America. Back in April, when Perot
appeared on those same shows as an instant political giant,
his ideas of a new approach to government using simpler
methods for complex problems sounded like the panacea
Americans longed for.
But after jumping ship when the campaign had only be
gun, the ideals spouted by this little man from Texas now
sound as hollow as a tap on a broken fiddle.
Critics say Perot left the race because his acute business
sense told him to. After promising supporters to stage a
world-class campaign Perot flatly refused to pay for a di
rect-mail blitz suggested by a campaign manager. When
told of the price that quality commercials would cost, Perot
shuddered, whining that he could have his own political
ads produced at a fraction of the costs suggested.
Shortly after Perot rejected the marketing proposals, the
expert he himself had hired to mastermind his "world-
class" campaign quit, a casualty of Perot's acute business
Soon Perot himself quit, telling the American voters,
and the thousands of volunteers who had worked to put
him in office, that he was removing himself from the list of
contenders. He said he was leaving because he didn't want
to throw the vote into the House of Representatives.
Suddenly Perot wasn't so sure of his victory. He said
that excusing himself from the race ensured that the elec
tion would be politics as usual. Isn't that the reason Perot
entered in the first place? Didn't he say the nation needed
a change, and that he would put an end to politics as usual?
Now Perot is showing up in places where candidates
are normally expected: talk shows, political rallies, and
hurricane ravaged towns, where there are plenty of TV
cameras — oh yes, and homeless people.
It's no coincidence that the media is suddenly hyping
Perot's image as it did when he first announced that he was
thinking about the possibility of running for president —
maybe. In order to be certain that America wanted him as
their leader, Perot needed to be placed on the ballot in all
50 states. Five months after he told Americans that he
would not run for president, Perot's name has made it onto
every state's ballot.
Yes, Americans are looking for a change. Perot repre
sented a fresh new chance to restore the concept of govern
ment for the people and by the people. But how many
times will he change his mind, telling the people one thing
and then doing another? Perot represented ideas and ide
als that made him appear too good to be true. And he was.
He left his supporters with empty hopes and broken
promises. For a man who claimed to be a new hope for the
nation, his actions appear to be only politics as usual.
Vasquez is a senior journalism major
/ ^
office Hours
Monday ‘
g:oo - fc is
Every other TIME
of yell leaders psychologically forced
many students to cheer for a completely
different cause, seemingly implying
that voting Republican is an Aggie tra
dition. I deeply disapprove of the par
ticipation of yell leaders and the Fight
in' Texas Aggie Band in Tuesday's
event, as they represent Texas A&M
and no particular political party, and
call for a justification of their actions.
Had Vice President Quayle appeared in
his function as vice president and not
political contender, it would certainly
agree with the spirit of Texas A&M to
use any of our traditions as a display of
Don't get me wrong. Universities
are necessarily places of political agita
tion for any political group, but univer
sity representatives should not take po
sition in their function as such.
fan Plefka
Graduate student
Liberals are strange,
amusing creatures
In regard to the appearance of Dan
Quayle at G. Rollie, I must say that I
truly enjoy the some 30 or so leftists
that we have on this campus. They are
continually making "Democratic mas
cots" of themselves and are always
good for a chuckle.
For instance, that odd person dis
guised as some form of fowl was ex
ceedingly entertaining. I only regret
not being able to read the sign that he
was holding. I am sure it would have
heightened the humor. What about the
stinging wit of the man(?) whose plac
ard compared family values to fascism?
It would be a disservice not to mention
the two long-haired, maggot-infested,
tofu-munching, tie-dyed hippies bran
dishing the banner: "Quayle is Satan".
I am sure Satan would be amused.
Unfortunately, this display does not
encourage me to vote for the liberals in
November. Who can take them seri
ously when they have representatives
such as these on our campus? I think
the problem with government now is
the number of touched people running
Charles D. Scott
Class of '93
accompanied by 11 signatures
Aggies should show
intelligence, respect
How about a little campaign rally
etiquette quiz for you, Ags? Just two
simple questions:
#1 If a person is holding up a sign
supporting the opponents, what do
you do?
a) realize intelligently that the person
is merely stating his opinion
and exercising his/her right to free
speech, and leave him/her alone
b) call the person a "two-percenter"
c) physically remove the sign from
that person's possession
#2 If you are making a sign to
display at a campaign rally that
represents the opposing view, what
do you put on it?
a) an intelligent statement
addressing some wrong you believe
has been committed by the
incumbent administration or names
of the candidates that you support
b) some sort of character slander
c) some type of lewd comment
(Hint: If you have to guess, the
longer answer is usually correct.) Jeez,
guys, let's hope at least the voters can
show some tact and maturity in this
Chris Tombari
Class of '93
Reader offers harsh
criticism of columnist
Now that Anthony LoBaido has di
rected his penetrating social analysis
away from sorority women and politics
and towards his (our) existential fears,
we the readers get to go on a journey
from Anthony's "steel trap" and to
nothingness. First, if I'm wallowing in
distress over the meaning of life or lack
thereof, and I'm grappling with my
own existence, Tm pretty sure none of
LoBaido's empty "Look ma, I took a
philosophy class" writing is going to in
spire me to start life afresh with re
newed vigor and enthusiasm. I've been
more motivated by late night infomer
cials, but LoBaido's stuff is a better cure
for insomnia. By the way, I fell asleep
last night while reading Nausea, and
Sartre came to me in a dream and said,
"Anthony is absurd, but grimly acts as
if he were not."
Bill Rankin
Graduate student
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Columns, guest columns, and Mafl Call items express die
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The Battalion encourages letters to the editor and will print
as many as space allows in the Mail Call section. Letters
must be 300 words or less and include the author's name.
We reserve the right to edit letters for length, style, arid
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The Battalion - Mail Cad
013 Reed McDonald /Mail stop 1111
Texas A&M University
College Station, TX 77843