The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 23, 1992, Image 4
I The Battalion Page 4 The Battalion Wednesday, September23,1! Classified ads PhonQ: 845-0569 / Office: Room 015 (basement) Reed McDonald Building Death penalties on the rise —& 'AGGIE' Private Parly Want Ads o CO $ 10 for 20 words running 5 days, if your merchandise is priced $ 1000 or less (price must appear in ad). This rate applies only to non-commercial advertisers offering personal possesions for sale. Guaranteed results or you get an additional 5 days at no charge. If item doesn’t sell, advertiser must call before 11 a.m. on the day the ad is scheduled to end to qualify for the 5 additional insertions at no charge. No refunds will be made if your ad Is cancelled early. Business Hours THE ASSOCIATED PRESS 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday through Friday VISA accepted Help Wanted DEPRESSED-MOODY TIRED FEELING SAD OR BLUE The Dept, of Psychology is conducting a study of the causes and treatment of individuals who are depressed, often feel tired even though they sleep a lot, suffer from headaches, or are very moody and generally seem to feel bad and unhappy most of the time. If you have one or more of these symptoms and would like to participate in the study, leave a message for Dr. Larry Christensen or Kathy Duncan through the Psychology Clinic at 845-8017. TENSION HEADACHE STUDY Subjects with a history of tension headaches needed to participate in a short research study with a single dose of a marketed medication. NO BLOOD WORK, Eligible volunteers will be compensated. G & S Studies, Inc. (close to campus) 846-5933 WOW! RAISE $500-1000 IN JUST ONE WEEK' For your frat, sorority, dub, etc. Assist Marketing Finn naming fun event cm campus for Fortune 500 Co’s. FR£E HEADPHONE RADIO just for calliag 1“800-950-1(I37. ext 25 POSTAL JOBS AVAILABLE! Many positions. Great benefits. Call (800) 338-3388. Ext. P-3332. EXCELLENT EXTRA INCOME NOW! ENVELOPE STUFFINQ - *600 - *800 «v«ry wMk FrM Detail*: 8A8E to International Inc. 13B6 Coney laland Ava. Brooklyn, New York 11230 EARN CASH! $110/Mth AND UP Be a plasma donor! Safe and easy procedure provides guaranteed income. Join thousands of A&M students as regular donors. WESTGATE PLASMA CENTER 4223 Welborn Rd. 846-8855 Immediate Employment Telephone Fundraising for national charities part-time & full-time, evenings & weekends. Call Mary 776-4246. Part-time assistant to dental office manager, hours. Apply 2101 Texas Avenue C.S. Stafford House is accepting applications for bartender persons. Call 775-4082. Earn $6-$ 15 an hour. Pro Tutors needs tutors. Physics 201-218, Chemistry 101/102, Statistics 211/303, Math all, SANA 217. Call 775-2600 and leave message. CLINICAL RESEARCH COORDINATOR - seeking RN, LVN, or individual with medically related college degree to join local established professional pharmaceutical re search firm. Salaried position. Must be willing to work long hours. Biopharma, Inc. 776-0400. Now hiring delivery drivers. Paid CASH every night. Call 76-GUMBY. Help Wanted Automobiles $200-$500 WEEKLY. Assemble products at home. Easy! No selling. You’re paid direct. Fully Guaranteed. FREE lnformation-24Hour Hotline. 801-379-2900 Copy right# TX14KDH. 88 NISSAN MAXIMA SE 32K MILES, 6/75 WARRANTY $10,000 846-6460. Experienced nursery worker needed Sunday mornings and occasional evenings. Apply at St. Paul's UMC 2506 Cavltt. Computers Live in sitter over 18. Up to $825/mo. plus tuition assis tance 713-789-2360. Macintosh classic 4 megabytes RAM, 40 megabyte HD, 1.44 MB Floppy Drive. One year old. $850 0.8.0. Call 846-6560 (Steve). Dependable people wanted for Houston Post route. $400- $900/mth. 846-2911,846-1253. Will buy/sell used PC computers and peripherals. Will pick up. 764-8578 ext. 310. New Physical Therapy Clinic accepting limited part-time volunteers with possible future employment. Send re sume picture to P.O. Box 3218 Bryan, Texas 77805. Mac+, 40 meg external hard drive, 800k external drive, Imagewriter II, Word 4.0, accessories. $850. 845-3451 ext. 31. Healthy males wanted as semen donors. Help Infertile couples. Confidentiality ensured. Ethnic diversity desir able. Ages 18-35, excellent compensation. Contact Fairfax Cryobank, 1121 Briarcrest Suite 101, 776-4453 PACKARD BELL 286-12MHZ, 40MEG HARD DRIVE, 1 MEG RAM VGA MONITOR 1.44/1.2 FLOPPIES $500. GORDON 764-8853 AFTERNOONS. Services ATTN: STUDENTS AND STAFF! EDUCATIONAL PRICED SOFTWARE AVAILABLE FROM 3 OFF-CAM- PUS UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORES. JOY'S Professional Typing. Word Processing, Resume Service, Laser Printer; 764-8538. For Rent Typing, Editing, Reports, Resumes, $1.50/SS, $1.00/DS, Academic Editorial Services 693-5504. RIDING HORSES FOR RENT. For information call 779- 7052 or 823-4615. WASHINGTON — More prisoners likely will be put to death in the United States this year than in any year since states were allowed to resume capital punishment in 1976. The execution of a Texas murderer Tuesday raised this year's total to 25, tying the previous high set in 1987. Texas death row inmate James Demouchette was killed by lethal injection Tuesday for two 1976 murders in Houston. His was the 10th execution in Texas this year. More than 2,600 men and women are on death rows across the nation; dozens of them have executions scheduled in the remaining three months of 1992. Many are likely to win postponements, however. Leigh Dingerson of the National Coalition to Abolish the Death Penalty predicted a growing number of executions in future years. "More death row prisoners are exhausting their appeals, and it's also very clear there's a new mood in federal and state courts that is much less tolerant of death row appeals," she said. Those factors will cause "a slight rise in the yearly totals," Dingerson said, adding, "I don't believe there will be any sudden release of the floodgates. There are many complex factors that go into the pace of executions." .ns The Supreme Court in 1972 ruled thatcapit | punishment as then practiced was uneonstitution Wedm States subsequently passed new laws and in 19 court ruled that the death penalty could, i certain guidelines, be constitutional. Demouchette's execution was the 182nd sincellt ruling. N< Year-by-year summary: 1977 — One. 1985 —18. 1978 -— None. 1986 — 18. 1979 — Two. 1987 -25. 1980 — None. 1988 -11. 1981 — One. 1989 - 16. 1982 —Two. 1990- -23. 1983 —Five. 1991 -14. 1984 — 21. 1992- -25. The last year more than 25 execute , occurred in the United States was 1962,*’ 47 prisoners were put to death. Executions were far more common in the 1950s, with os fewer than 49 in any year that decade. The record year for U.S. executions this: century was 1935, with 199. m; g° II QUICK MOVING SERVICE FOR APARTMENTS AND DORMS. CALL FOR PRE-ESTIMATE 823-3935, 779- 2796. Newly remodeled 1 bed furnished apartment, quiet neigh borhood, no pets, no children. Prefer graduate student. $300/mth. $300 deposit. No bills paid. 823-5868 after 6pm. For microcomputer training, tutoring and assistance, call 846-0259. Storage spaces 12ft X 27ft. located 2 1/2 miles west of University on FM 60. Ideal for boats 846-6470. Kissinger disputes POW, MIA allegations BIG SAVINGS! Endorsed by Dr. PAT ROBERTSON. APB Family Savings Network. Groceries to Ski-Condos. 764-8848 for Information. Gigantic 2bdrm apartment available now. 3 miles from campus, semester lease okay. 822-5752. THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Typing on MAC Laser prints. 24 hours or less 696-3892. We have good used mobile homes for rent 690-0945 $400/mth. AAA DEFENSIVE DRIVING. Ticket dismissal, insurance discount. Mon-Tue (6-10 p.m.), W-Th. (6-10 p.m.), Fit. (6- 10 p.m.) - Sat. (8-12 noon). Sat.. (8- 4:30 p.m.). Across the street from University Tower. Walk-ins welcome. $20.00 per class. 411 Texas Ave. South. 693-1322. Notice WASHINGTON - Henry Kissinger on Tuesday denounced as "a flat-out lie" the allegation that he and For Sale GRADUATING SENIORS OF THE BUSINESS COL LEGE ARE INVITED TO A RECEPTION!! Hosted by Nations Bank on Tuesday Sept. 22 from 5-7 p.m. Nations Bank A&M Banking Center at 111 University Drive East. SEIZED CARS, trucks, boats, 4 wheelers, motorhomes, by FBI, IRS, DEA. Available your area now. Call (800) 338-3388 Ext., C-1201. DIAMONDS FOR AGGIE RINGS Highest quality, lowest prices 776-3069 For personal appointment Lost & Found Calico kitten found in Albertsons tot, on College Avenue 764-3017. Personals MISS SHERI LIVE 1-900-884-9993 S25/CALL 1-900-454-4722 $2.99 minute I no minimum DIVERSIFIED ENTERPRISES Lake Worth, Florida 18+.... Travel n 11th ANNIVERSARY n Two tickets for U2 Oct. 14th Astrodome $35 each. Call 268-6849. CHRISTMAS BREAK TREK-850 Mountain bike. $220. Noel: 696-3312. Passport radar detector 2 band. Regular $300, will sell for $175.00. 764-3005. Loft - APP. 5ft. clearance. Will hold double bed , sturdy, easy to assemble $50. Russell 693-0414. Labrador pups chocolates and blacks. All shots dew- claws removed 16weeks. Asklng$150.O.B.0.693-2924 Leave message GREAT FOR HUNTING! NEED CHEAP CAMCORDER? ONLY $380 W/CASE BOSE AM5II SPEAKERS LIKE NEW $550. CALL 696- 1896 LEAVE MESSAGE. Kenmore washer and dryer $125 each, cash 693-9871. 1988 Honda Elite 250 Scooter 70mph $1395. 778-7580 after 6pm. 1985 Honda Elite 250 Scooter 70mph $1095 778-7580 after 6pm. 1987 Yamaha Razz Scooter $350. $795 778-7580 after 6pm. 1980 Honda 750K 1983 Nissan Pulsar NX . Good mechanical condition. $1795. 778-7580 after 6pm. ’86 Yamaha Riva Jog; good condition; low miles; one owner; 713-977-1998, 713-266-0808. STEAMBOAT DECEMBER 12-19 • 5, 6, OR 7 NIGHTS f JANUARY 2-16 • 5, 6 OR 7 NIGHTS IT VAIL/BEAVER CREEK DECEMBER 14-21 • 5, 6, OR 7 NIGHTS JANUARY 2-14 • 5, 6 OR 7 NIGHTS BRECKENRI JANUARY 2-14 • 5, 6 OR 7 NIGHTS 11th ANNUAL COLLEGIATE WINTER SKI BREAKS TOLL FREE INFORMATIONTRESERVATIONS 1-800-321-5911 others knew U.S. service men were left behind when the war in Southeast Asia ended two decades ago. Two people who made such sugges tions Monday were Kissinger's colleagues from the Nixon administration — de fense secretaries James R. Schlesinger and Melvin Laird. The former secretary of state and national security adviser ac knowledged that even as he nego tiated peace with the North Viet namese, he recognized they had not provided an adequate ac counting for missing Americans. "I think it's improbable any are alive today," Kissinger said. "I have always kept open the possi bility in my mind there were some in Laos." Kissinger testified a day after other former Nixon officials, in cluding Schlesinger and Laird, said they believed some American prisoners were still in Vietnam or Laos after the withdrawal of U.S. troops and the 1973 release of more than 591 prisoners of war. The former defense secretaries cit ed reliable reports of more POWs than were released. Kissinger "If we had known, if we had heard this, we would have acted on it," Kissinger said. He bitterly disputed sugges tions "that when President Nixon announced that all prisoners were on the way home, he or his aides knew that many were left be hind." "The allegation is a flat-out lie," Kissinger said, blaming the asser tions on "leaks that could only M Ulcer Studies Do you have stomach pain? Indigestion? Heartburn? Perhaps we could help! If you have an ulcer (duodenal or gastric) and participate in this pharmaceutical company-sponsored clinical research trial, you will receive free medical treatment, the chance of healing your ulcer, up to $700 and the satisfaction of contributing to a nationwide ulcer trial. If you or someone you know might benefit from these studies, contact: % BioLogica Research Group, Inc. 776-0400 Mary Kay products discounts available 779-1844. Womens senior boots size 8, excellent condition $300. 696-2216 ask for Pat. 1984 Honda Nighfhawk 700S, 18,000 miles$1750 o.b.o. 696-4867. BUY THIS BIKE! 23” Fuji League, like new, maintained by professional mechanic. ONLY $250. Call Todd at 846-. 9289. Ai ■SKM BRECK! 1973 Suzuki GT 250 street bike, good condition, new tires 4,000 original miles, great transportation! $400o.b.o. Call Shane 696-6709. Three one-way tickets from College Station to New York forOct. 10th, $115per ticket. Negotiable. Call 696-4062. Ski-in Condos Lift Tickets Parties Bus Ski Rentals from only ’EBB pim m Neutral colored, wood framed couch and chair, with match ing table and matching bar which includes stools all for only $225. Please call 764-7615. COUCH; Sleeper rattan couch, good condition, navy & tan floral, $100 O.B.O. Call 693-9349. USED HOMES, NEW LISTINGS WEEKLY 2500 AND UP. THE GOOD, THE BAD AND THE UGLY 1-800-880- 2020. Call Today! UuB Ski 1-800-232-2428 NEW 3 BR/2BTH. $195.03 PER MTH. Factory Special includes DELIVERY, SET UP A/C & fully carpeted com plete with drapes. SAVE THOUSANDS!! $19,000 10% DOWN 180 MOS, 10.25% 1-800-880-2020. Large 3BR/2BTH with garden tub, spacious vaulted ceil ings, big kitchen & utility. Free delivery, set up & a/c. Only $23,911,10% down 180mos. 10.25%. Call free at 1-800- 880-2020. Gorgeous 3BR/2BTH home with shingled roof, hardboard siding, appliances etc. Factory special with full one year warranty. Limited time offer. $25,00010% down 240 mos, .25% 1-800-880-2020. Ford's Resale Furniture clothing appliances and more! 427 S. Main Bryan. CHEAP! FBI/U.S. SEIZED. 89 MERCEDES $200; 86 VW $50. 87 MERCEDES $100; 65 MUS TANG $50; CHOOSE FROM THOUSANDS START ING $25. FREE INFORMATION-24 HOUR HOTLINE. 801-379-2929 COPYRIGHT #TX14KJC. Distribution and sales of the new AGGIEVISION Texas A&M's 1991-92 Video Yearbook now going on at room 230 Reed McDonald Building 8:15 a.m. - 4:45 p.m. Monday - Friday (Please bring student ID) If you did not pre-order a video yearbook, a limited number of copies are now on sale for $29.95 plus tax. Asthma Study individuals, age 18-55, with asthma wanted to participate in a clinical research study for approximately 9 weeks with an investigational medication in capsule form. Individuals must be using inhaled steroid medication to qualify. $300 incentive paid to those completing the study. Tension Headache? Individuals with severe Tension Headaches wanted to participate in a 4-hour headache relief research study with an investigational medica tion in tablet form. Flexible hours. $75 incentive for individuals who are chosen and complete the study. Daily, till 6:30, call 776-0400. ADULT SKIN INFECTION STUDY Individuals age 13 and older wanted to participate in a research study for bacterial skin infections such as infected wounds, earlobes, infected burns, boils, infected hair follicles, impetigo, infected ingrown toenails and others. Investigational oral antibiotic in capsule form. $100 incentive for those chosen who complete the study. CHILDREN'S SKIN INFECTION STUDY Children, age six months to 12 years, wanted to participate in a research study for bacterial skin infections such as: infected wounds, bug bites, earlobes, burns, boils, hair follicles, ingrown toenails, impetigo and others. Investigational oral antibiotic in liquid form. $150 incentive for those chosen who complete the study. ALLERGY STUDY FOR TEENAGERS Individuals ages 12-17 with ragweed allergy wanted to participate in a 2 week, 4 visit research study using medication in nasal inhaler form. Free ragweed skin testing provided. $100 for those completing the study. ALLERGY STUDY FOR CHILDREN Children ages 6-11 with ragweed allergy wanted to participate in a 15- day, 4 visit research study using medication in syrup form. Free ragweed skin testing provided, $100 to $150 for those completing the study. Sinus Infection Study Individuals age 13 and older with a sinus infection to participate in a clinical research study for 3 to 5 weeks with an investigational antibiotic in capsule form. Minimum incentive of $150 paid to those who complete the study. BioLogica Research group, inc. 776-0400 have come from this inquiry." Kissinger acknowledgedn ceiving "some reports allega that live Americans were stil Indochina," and said they'Ve taken seriously" by U.S. offidak "But no confirmed reporlf living American prisonerserc crossed my desk, although lii not saying they did not exist,”!! said. The Senate committee root was crowded with spectator! some Vietnam veterans weariK camouflage jackets and warden rations. Some were relatives men still unaccounted for. Protest Continued from Page 1 ripped the signs to pieces. Theft I publicans then stood directly mont of the banner to obscurei message. Castillo^said the fact thattl 1 rally took place on Universi’ property means organizers shoii have allowed students to brir any type of sign they wanted. "We paid school fees, justl they did," Castillo said. "Till had thousands of [Bush-Quayl signs. What difference would make if we had just a few of® own?" Lisa Avila, vice president! programs for the A&M Colltf Republicans, said sponsorship the event, not fee payment, dete mined who could bring what. "Lots of us pay fees," AvS said. "Some of us don't agreewii funding for GLSS or NOW.Tk University didn't pay for [theri ly] — we did and the Busl Quayle campaign did. [The Uni versityj went out of their wayrf to be partisan." Quayle Continued from Page 1 Republican education policyisto allow parents to choose tht schools they send their children to, Quayle said. Another agenda item Quayle attacked Clinton on was healtl care reform. The future of tilt U.S. health care plan has been seen by many political analysts as the fulcrum of the election year see-saw. The current plan has been mired in continuous controversy and labeled ineffeo tive, and partial to middle-to up' per-class Americans. "By the year 2000 ... the aver age family will be spending $12,000 a year on health insur ance," Quayle said. The average cost of healthcare is increasing at a rate twice that of the average inflation rate which has left 34 million Ameri cans without adequate health care. The Republican agenda in cludes lowering health care costs by passing medical malpractice legislation limiting rewardslo plaintiffs in malpractice suits. "We want to make sure every American has health insurance, and we want to do it through ta< credits and vouchers, andnota national ration health care plan." The Republican plan also would grant tax credits to em ployers who provide health care for their employees, and would allow unemployed Americansac- cess to quality, affordable health care. "There is no doubt in my mind that Texas is for Georg! Bush." m Bo .bo bored bored Id know the re but 11 weeki shapi: be the recen for an Texas Yo gies a playir body light mig. secret eating ball g, Evi ways going travel searcl Thi a dow and tl mic tl Thi weeke baseb, State 1 vision ago. Thi lookir ball sc actual victor hand- of She But two ir leaves Stu - Iki