The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, September 15, 1992, Image 4
The Battalion Classified ads Page 4 The Battalion Tuesday, September 151- Roomies - “Waiting for Godot” bygeor* Phone: 845-0569 / Office: Room 015 (basement) Reed McDonald Building CO ’AGGIE' Private Party Want Ads Business Hours $10 for 20 words running 5 days. If your merchandise is priced $1000 or less (price must appear in ad). This rate applies only to non-commercial advertisers ottering personal possesions for sale. Guaranteed results or you get an additional 5 days at no charge. If item doesn't sell, advertiser must call before 11 a.m. on the day the ad is scheduled to end to qualify for the 5 additional insertions at no charge. No refunds will be made if your ad is cancelled early. 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday through Friday accepted Help Wanted For Sale LIFE SCIENCE MAJORS Neutral colored, wood framed couch and chair, with match ing table and matching bar which includes stools all for only $225. Please call 764-7615. RESEARCH Put your career on ^ The Leading Edge Of Pharmaceutical Research Pharmaceutical Research ranks as one of the top 25 career fields for the 90's INTERN POSITIONS VIP Research is currently seeking applications from senior and graduate level students for this challenging position. VIPR Inc. provides a flexible schedule and a dynamic environment that allows you to develop your maximum potential. 100% of the previous interns have taken positions with VIP Research, are attending professional school or secured positions in industry. To find out more about VIP Research and the intern program call or send resume for immediate consideration. Volunteers in Pharmaceutical Research, Inc. 2901 East 29th Street, Suite 117 Bryan, Texas 77802 (409) 776-1417 (/> b S< 2 N OH O Q. Needs 30 drivers to deliver fresh, hot pizzas to the Aggies! Earn $5-8 per hour. Must be 18, have own car w/insuranee, T.D.L. and good driving record. Call or stop by: 4407 S. Texas (260-9020) TENSION HEADACHE STUDY Subjects with a history of tension headaches needed to participate in a short research study with a single dose of a marketed medication. NO BLOOD WORK. Eligible volunteers will be compensated. G & S Studies, Inc. (close to campus) 846-5933 'SUBumv* Now hiring delivery personnel. All deliveries will be on bicycle only. A reliable bicycle is required. Evening shifts needed. $4.25 plus commissions and tips. Flexible hours. Apply at 330 George Bush Dr. GREEKS & CLUBS RAISE A COOL *1000 IN JUST ONE WEEK! PLUS $1000 FOR THE MEMBER WHO CALLS! No obligation. No cost You also get a FREE HEADPHONE RADIO iuat for caUms 1-800-932-0528, Ext 65 EXCELLENT EXTRA INCOME NOW! ENVELOPE STUFFING - «600 - <800 .very weak - Fra. Detail.: BASE to International Inc. 13S6 Coney leland Ave. Brooklyn. New York 11230 EARN CASH! $110/Mth AND UP Be a plasma donor! Safe and easy procedure provides guaranteed income. Join thousands of A&M students as regular donors. WESTGATE PLASMA CENTER 4223 Welborn Rd. 846-8855 New Physical Therapy Clinic accepting limited part-time volunteers with possible future employment. Send re- sume picture to P.O. Box 3218 Bryan, Texas 77805. Healthy males wanted as semen donors. Help infertile couples. Confidentiality ensured. Ethnic diversity desir able. Ages 18-35, excellent compensation. Contact Fairfax Cryobank. 1121 Briarcrest Suite 101, 776-4453 Wanted part-time or full-time tire changers and mechanics. Experienced, mature and able to work with the public. Apply in person House of Tires 1401 S. Texas Ave. 779-2458 Immediate Employment Telephone Fundraising for national charities part-time & full-time, evenings & weekends. Call Mary 776-4246. Looking for EXPERIENCED VISUAL AND PERFORM- ING ARTISTS or instructors to conduct workshops with young people. Creativity, patience, flexibility a must. Contact the Arts Council between 9am-3pm 268-ARTS. Chick-Fil-A Post Oak Mall accepting applications for work schedules 8-2 p.m. or 12-6 p.m. Experience preferred. Interview Wednesdays 9-11 a.m., Thursdays 2-4 p.m., Fridays 9-11 a.m. Graduate students needed as notetakers. Apply in person . For more information call 846-2255. Part-time computer operator day. evening and weekend hours available. VAX/VMS helpful but not required. Call Gail at 260-9665. Live in sitter over 18. Up to $825/mo. plus tuition assis- tance 713-789-2360. Hair color models needed for Monday Sept. 14th 776- 5008. Now hiring delivery drivers. Paid CASH every night. Call 76-GUMBY, Part-time help needed. Earn over $400 a weekend. In state tuition Texas National Guard. For more information contact Terry Boike 779-0943, pager# 759-3352. Topless female dancers guaranteed salary part-time. Call 775-1578 after 3 o'clock. CLINICAL RESEARCH COORDINATOR - seeking RN, LVN, or individual with medically related college degree to Join local established professional pharmaceutical re search firm. Salaried position. Must be willing to work long hours. Biopharma, Inc. 776-0400. Earn 100's/week stuffing envelopes. Write MX Enter prises P.O. Box 674 Stony Point, New York 10980. Dependable people wanted for Houston Post route. $400- $900/mth. 846-2911,846-1253. New Physical Therapy Clinic accepting limited part-time volunteers with possible future employment. Send re sume picture to P.O. Box 3218 Bryan, Texas 77805. Healthy males wanted as semen donors. Help infertile couples. Confidentiality ensured. Ethnic diversity desir able. Ages 18-35, excellent compensation. Contact Fairfax Cryobank, 1121 Briarcrest Suite 101, 776-4453 Wanted Need ride to Uvalde, San Antonio, or any point between. Leaving Thursday or Friday. Will pay gas. Liz 764-8393. Services For microcomputer training, tutoring and assistance, call 846-0259. STAR OF THE SEA CATHOLIC BOOKSTORE TAMU NORHTGATE -UPSTAIRS 846-8699. BIG SAVINGS! Endorsed by Dr. PAT ROBERTSON. APB Family Savings Network. Groceries to Ski-Condos. 764-8848 for information. Typing on MAC Laser prints. 24 hours or less 696-3892. AAA DEFENSIVE DRIVING. Ticket dismissal, insurance discount. Mon-Tue (6-10 p.m.), W-Th. (6-10 p.m.), Fri. (6- 10 p.m.)-Sat. (8-12 noon), Sat.. (8-4:30 p.m.). Across the street from University Tower. Walk-ins welcome. $20.00 per class. 411 Texas Ave. South. 693-1322. For Sale DIAMONDS FOR AGGIE RINGS Highest quality, lowest prices 776-3069 For personal appointment BUY THIS BIKE! 23" Fuji League, like new, maintained by professional mechanic. ONLY $250. Call Todd at 846- 9289. 1982 Yamaha Maxim 400, black, 13,000 miles, excellent condition $695. 764-8934. Washer an dryer $275. Dresser w/mirror and night stand $175. Table and four chairs w/wheels $195. Call (409) 825-2489. Chevrolet Monte Carlo 1973. Runs good. Needs brake work; $500 or best offer. Tom 847-3989. King size waterbed, excellent condition. Must sell. 90% wave-less mattress and cover, heater frame with shelf, headboard $200. Negotiable 823-0521. 1973 Suzuki GT 250 street bike, good condition, new tires 4,000 original miles, great transportation! $400o.b.o. Call Shane 696-6709. 2-piece living room set couch and chair $120.00. Call Sam 846-8831 or 845-0966. Three one-way tickets from College Station to New York forOct. 10th, $115 perticket. Negotiable. Call 696-4062. 1990 Buick Riviera immaculate, and loaded, leather, aluminum wheels, 4-wheel disc brakes. After 5 846-9764. Men size 10 rollerblades/with knee pads $65; custom- made, cherrywood platform bed frame $50. New medium size weight lifting belt. $20 690—0882. Boa Constrictor, 6ft. long, 3 yrs. old with 58 gallon aquarium, all supplies needed $650 value. Will sell for $450 or best offer 696-0996. Porsche82Turbo924, garaged, pampered, 5spd., 39,000 mites, $9500/o.b.o. 774-4588(w), 696-9047(H). FUTONS NEW, $89 and up. Stacey 696-0689. Waterbed-Queen solid oak mirrored headboard with liner, heater, full set of sheets, excellent condition. $200 O.B.O. 764-7134 COUCH: Sleeper rattan couch, good condition, navy & tan fiorai, $100 O.B.O. Call 693-9349. USED HOMES, NEW LISTINGS WEEKLY 2500 AND UP, THE GOOD, THE BAD AND THE UGLY 1-800-880- 2020. NEW 3 BR/2BTH. $195.03 PER MTH. Factory Special includes DELIVERY, SET UP A/C & fully carpeted com plete with drapes. SAVE THOUSANDS!! $19,000 10% DOWN 180 MOS, 10.25% 1-800-880-2020. Large 3BR/2BTH wjth garden tub, spacious vaulted ceil ings, big kitchen & utility. Free delivery, set up &a/c. Only $23,911,10% down 180mos. 10.25%. Call free at 1-800- 880-2020. Gorgeous 3BR/2BTH home with shingled roof, hardboard siding, appliances etc. Factory special with full one year warranty. Limited time offer. $25,000 10% down 240 mos, .25% 1-800-880-2020. SUPER SINGLE WATERBED - EXCELLENT CONDI TION; INCLUDED MATTRESS AND COVER. HEATER, FRAME, AND COMPLETE BEDDING SET PLUS COM- FORTER. $130. NEGOTIABLE 696-0861. Rollerblades/Aeroblade, 1 wk old, excellent condition $250 o.b.o. Call Bryan 847-2005. New sofa/loveseat suit, $450. Kids table $5.00. 15spd. Raleigh racing bike w/extras $125.00. Allen 846-4031. Classic 1970 Chevy Impala. Runs great, dependable, fiJ C, stereo, cassette $1000 846-5474. Gray sleeper for Ford Ranger pickup for $275.00. Rusty 693-9342. Ford's Resale Furniture clothing appliances and more! 427 S. Main Bryan. CHEAPI FBI/U.S. SEIZED 89 MERCEDES $200; 86 VW $50. 87 MERCEDES $100; 65 MUS TANG $50; CHOOSE FROM THOUSANDS START ING $25. FREE INFORMATION-24 HOUR HOTLINE. 801-379-2929 COPYRIGHT #TX14KJC. Computers PACKARD BELL 286-12MHZ, 40MEG HARD DRIVE. 1 MEG RAM VGA MONITOR J.44/1.2 FLOPPIES $500. GORDON 764-8853 AFTERNOONS. PC-XT by AT &T. 20M HARD DRIVE, ONE FLOPPY DRIVE, 640K RAM, MATH CO-PROCESSOR, 2400BPS MODEM, $300. CALL 846-0694 ATTN: STUDENTS AND STAFF! EDUCATIONAL PRICED SOFTWARE AVAILABLE FROM 3 OFF-CAM PUS UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORES. Automobiles ff I > H By Clay Welc (the Story SO far...) by thomas deeny What’s Up PERFORMANCE AUTO SALES. We buy and sell used cars! 601 Harvey Rd , College Station, 693-6189. For Rent Gigantic bed apartment available now, 3 miles from cam pus, semester lease okay. 822-5752. STALLS OR RENT: 3 ARENAS, ROPING CALVES & STEERS AVAILABLE, A.M. FEEDING $50.00 MONTH 778-3084. We have good used mobile homes for rent 690-0945 $400/mth. For Lease House for lease/sublease 203B Richards, College Station 3 bed/1 bath, W/D HKUP, central air/heat, close to Tamu & shopping. Fenced yard, lawn-care provided. Available Oct. 15,$465/mo.$300deposit. Call696-9273after6pm. Needed SOFTBALL TOURNAMENT DOUBLE ELIMINATION PRIZES AWARDED. SUNDAYSEPTEMBER 13. MUST ENTER BY MIDNIGHT THURSDAY. FOR DETAILS CALL TIM 693-2597, Expressions Studio CS Jazz Funk class. Ladies only, Wednesday from 7:45-8:45. $23.00/mo. Kathy 693- 0249. Lost & Found Calico kitten found in Albertsons lot, on College Avenue 764-3017. Personals MISS SHERI LIVE 1-900-884-9993 $25/CALL : 1 -900-454-4722 $2.99 minute / no minimum, .j DIVERSIFIED ENTERPRISES Lake Worth, Florida 18+.... n 11th ANNIVERSARY CHRISTMAS BREAK 1 STEAMBO DECEMBER 12-19 • 5, 6, OR 7 NIGHTS JANUARY 2-16 • 5, 6 OR 7 NIGHTS iS"" VAIL/BEAVER CRj DECEMBER 14-21 • 5, 6, OR 7 NIGHTS JANUARY 2-14 • 5,6 OR 7 NIGHTS t r ~ BRECKENRIL JANUARY 2-14 • 5, 6 OR 7 NIGHTS tr~ j U202i 11th ANNUAL COLLEGIATE I*/ WINTER SKI BREAKS TOLL FREE INFORMATIONXRESERVATIONS 1-800-321-5911 TUESDAY ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS: General discussion in the Rainbow Center from 12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. Call the Center for Drug Prevention—The Rainbow Center at 845-0280 for more information. WHO’S WHO AMONG STUDENTS IN AMERICAN UNIVERSITIES AND COLLEGES: Applications are available from the following locations across campus through Sept. 30: Commandant’s Office (Military Science Building), Student Programs Office (MSC), Student Activities Office (Student Services Building), Blocker Building (First Floor), WANTED!! Youth Fun Day Director The Student Y Association is looking for an energetic, enthusiastic person with at least one year of Youth Fun Day experience as counselor or higher! Applications available in Room 142 of the Student Services Building. Deadline Wed., Sept. 16 by 5 p.m. Questions?-Call Christie 847-5466. r Yes! 1 We have student airfares W Belize $129* London $299* Paris $315* Madrid $375* Moscow $409* Hong Kong $569* 'ay f Houston. Restrictions apply. Taxes not included. Council Havel 2000 Guadalupe St. Austin, TX 78705 512-472-4931 We issue Eurailpasses on-the-spot! Biochemistry/Biophysics Building (Reference Reading Room), Evans Library, Veterinary Medicine (Dean’s Office), Office of the Vice President for Student Services (Tenth Floor Rudder) and in the Dean’s Offices of all the colleges across campus. Completed applications must be received by the Student Activities Department no later than Sept. 30 at 5 p.m. Any questions may be addressed to the Student Activities Department at 845-1133. DELTA SIGMA PI: Rush Interviews at 7:30 p.m. in 230 MSC. For more information call Brent Burpee at 260-1501. PISTOL TEAM: Tryouts for 1992- 93 team at 7 p.m. on the range in the basement of the Military Sciences Building. Women, freshmen and Corps of Cadets welcome. For more information call Curtis Burns at 846-0906 for more information. AGGIELAND: Senior pictures will be taken for the Aggieland Sept. 7-Oct. 2 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. at AR Photography, located at 707 Texas Ave. next to Taco Cabana. INKSHED PRESS: Accepting prose, poetry, and graphic arts submissions for Fall journal. Drop submissions by 207 Blocker no later than 5 p.m. on Oct. 30. TAMU WOMEN’S RUGBY: Rugby practice at the Rugby Fields next to the Polo Fields at 5:15 p.m. No experience needed! For more information call Michelle at 774-7375 or Faye at 847-1291. ELECTION COMMISSION: Freshman filing from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. in 139 Student Services Building. For more information call Michelle at 845-3051. MANAGEMENT SOCIETY: General meeting and election of BSC officers at 8 p.m. in 153 Blocker. Free food. For more information call Crystal or Anita at 693-3511. AGS (AGGIE GIRL SCOUTS): General meeting at 8:30 p.m, in 501 Rudder. If you have any questions or need further information call Alix at 693-3963 SOCIETY FOR HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT: Come join in our first meeting at 7:30 p.m. in 158 Blocker. Important information about our semester will be covered. Some officer positions still available so come ready to become an active member of SHRM. For more information call Colleen at 847-0912. UNITED CAMPUS MINISTRIES: Choir practice at 8:30 p.m. in the A&M Presbyterian Church Fellowship Hall. Come make a joyful noise! Everyone welcome. For more information call Stacy Fletcher at 693-5623. TAMU FLYING CLUB: New member/September meeting at the Airport Clubhouse at 7:30 pi For more information call Mark at 696-7257. PRACTICAL FRENCH FOR BUSINESS AND CULTURE: A non-credit course offered by the Center for International Business Studies from Sept. 15 to Oct. 22. Pick up a registration form at the Center for International Business Studies, 505 Blocker or call for information at 845-5234. Items for What’s Up should be submitted to The Battalion, 215 Reed McDonald, no later than three business days before the desired run date. We only publish the name and phone number of the contact if you ask us to do so. What’s Up is a Battalion service' which lists non-profit events and activities. Submissions are run on a first-come, first-served basis. There is no guarantee an entry d run. If you have any questions, call the newsroom at 845-3316. CASH FOR COLLEGE There is plenty of money available (over $30 billion) for almost every student who needs it. Find out where the money is, and how you can maximize your chances to qualify for $1000's of dollars in grants, scholarships, and financial aid. (409) 693-0381 For more free information, please call 8:00 a.m. - 9:00 p.m. mmm Tuesdi R< lif re trovei rounc jor lea baseb year, i wond any oi itive c rences the se, have i any at at all. Rol Yount run fo penna worke remin that w televis egos. But desire nostal sary o events sports hand £ For son w. first tii tire ra< pastin' To; hero, c er maj Robin: more t they si call. Cor rentm white, mind-1 back a the me on a p] two-sp Deion eyes. . ball pi, type o: had to and ov cant ar lives o Unf either ] ships e player: or they Hank, his aut mer," 1 League threats shot di bleach* Eve: J FEU