August 31,1' troo today," Thou Southgate Bat le had never ice with a ey all knowi into by theti rber shop, en a fish gets Thomas sai irl stuff. ieve what oelkel said, hair is them f his personal: .jue." be easier tori assmen and lonely individ, ’iiddies will Is reshman Tim; d it all up for' unified hak n you conclt, dudes forn 'tie, he said rink I'm mal: ey's dau Michel: ennifer, Class, ome advice n. He said it: age timecard tage of the nt ci independas miority. it it is import; ire having troi y- erous prograi \&M's Stude: ment, ?r students wi Terns get. ay calls hisp ig, but veryf a /