The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, August 31, 1992, Image 12

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Page A12
The Battalion
Monday, August31
Serbs devastate marketplac
Howitzer shell explodes in crowded Sarajevo market;
Bosnians reach Gorazde after lift of five-month siege
SARAJEVO, Bosnia-Herzegov-
ina — A howitzer shell crashed
into a crowded marketplace Sun
day, killing 15 people and wound
ing dozens in one of the bloodiest
single attacks during the Serbs'
siege of Sarajevo.
Meanwhile, troops supporting
Bosnia's Muslim-dominated gov
ernment reportedly reached
Gorazde, one day after Serbs an
nounced they were lifting their
five-month siege of that city
southeast of Sarajevo.
Gorazde, as the lone govern
ment holdout against Serb insur
gents in eastern Bosnia-Herzegov-
ina, has been an emotional symbol
of the war that began when the
majority Muslims and Croats vot
ed for independence from Yu
goslavia on Feb. 29. As many as
100,000 people have been trapped
U.N. officials said they were
cautiously optimistic about devel
opments in Gorazde, but they
condemned the attack in Sarajevo.
One suggested that Serb forces
had fired on the market purpose-
Between 35 and 100 people
were wounded when the howitzer
shell exploded in the market. The
toll was the worst since May 28,
when mortar rounds killed at least
20 people in a bread line and
wounded 100.
That attack prompted the Euro
pean Community to impose trade
sanctions on Serbia, which it ac
cused of supporting Serbs fighting
to carve their own state from part
of Bosnia. U.N. sanctions on Ser
bia-dominated Yugoslavia fol
lowed on May 30.
The shell hit as Bosnian loyal
ists continued an offensive aimed
at breaking through Serb forces
encircling Sarajevo in the sur
rounding hills.
Rescue workers slung bodies
into pickups parked on blood
stained ground. Officials said
many of the wounded were not
likely to survive.
Survivors screamed for family
and friends as they wandered
around market stalls strewn with
limbs and other human remains.
The deaths soured hopes that
agreements reached last week in
London at an international peace
conference would reduce violence
in the 6-month-old war.
At least 8,000 people have died
in the war, and U.S. Senate inves
tigators put the figure ai
In Sarajevo, U.N. spoke;
Fred Eckhard suggestedtk
tillery round was fired f
"It would be nice if i
turn ourselves into a po
and run up into the hills
those people and arrest then
bring them to justice," he to]
British Broadcasting Corp.
"All the parties told us
would stop fighting so
could come in here andbei
peace process," he said, all
to the London conference,
immensely frustrating fonts.
He described the attack:
blow to the solar plexus of
Eckhard said U.N. obse:
planned to visit Gorazde on
day, along with a 14-truckcc:
of the U.N. High Commiss
for Refugees.
Confusion remained aboi
situation in Gorazde.
Sarajevo radio said Bos:
government troops hadent
the city, lending some creden
Serb claims Saturday tha!
Serbs were pulling back men
artillery. But the report also
the loyalists fought tneirwaji
Golan Heights residents nervous
Jewish settlers fight to save horn
JERUSALEM (AP) — Jewish settlers in the Golan
Heights, nervous about peace negotiations with Syr
ia, stepped up demands Sunday that Israel refuse to
give up any of the strategic plateau.
The settlers met with sympathetic Parliament
members in the Golan town of Katzrin, and some
urged a general strike to make the rest of Israel take
Ori Zecharya of Katzrin told Israel radio that
Golan residents should follow the activist example of
West Bank settlers.
"Our behavior in the Golan is apathetic," he said.
"We need now, immediately, to organize a strike in
the Golan's private and public businesses."
Settlers and politicians began voicing concern last
week when Israel's delegation to the peace talks an
nounced-that U.N. Security Council Resolution 242
— which calls for trading land for peace — applied
to the Golan.
Primd Minister Yitzhak Rabin told partis
members .a day later that Israel would note:
down off the heights but need not "hold
centimeter" of the territory.
On Sunday, he reiterated that position aFa Ui
Jewish Appeal fundraiser. "I'm not convinced
that Syria is ready to say yes to a full-fledged [t
treaty with Israel," Rabin-said.
He said he would not follow the precedentse
the 1979 peace treaty with Egypt, in whichb
pledged to return all Egyptian territory it
Syria says it won't make peace unless Israel
the entire 444-square-mile piece of land, capture:
the 1967 Six Day War.
Faced with the possibility of peace with Syrii
Israel's most powerful enemy — liberals and
vatives have been arguing whether the country
afford to give back all or part of the territory
Israel declared the Golan annexed in 1981, bn:
move has not been recognized by most countrie
eluding the United States.
: had sc:
Tornado ravages Wisconsi
WAUTOMA, Wis. - A double
dip tornado trashed a wide area
on the outskirts of this rural town,
hurling homes like litter in the
wind. Two died and dozens were
Shaken homeowners salvaged
belongings Sunday — or just sat
and tried to let the devastation
sink in. Damage was estimated at
$5 million.
The tornado late Saturday cut a
miles-long path of destruction,
smashing rural homes and farm
buildings into kindling, uprooting
trees and overturning cars. It
touched down at least twice.
After viewing the scene from a
helicopter, Waushara County
Sheriff Patrick Fox said the dam
age was overwhelming.
"I couldn't begin to guess how
many. It is more than we first
thought," Fox said.
Gov. Tommy G. Thompson said
316 buildings were damaged or
destroyed. Wautoma is a town of
1,600 residents.
After weathering the fierce
twister, Alvin Dredske simply sat
in his pickup Sunday morning,
surveying the collapsed walls of
his repair garage.
"I am kind of stunned. You
would be too," he said. "It was a
pretty nice place here until last
Jo Anne Monty, 66, died when
the tornado hurled her mobile
home and garage several hundred
feet into a beauty parlor parking
Her husband, Lou, was in the
hospital Sunday with broken
bones and cuts that required 70
stitches, said their daughter,
who lives in Milwaukee,
100 miles southeast.
Ashley <
with her
carpet fo
;ery in thi
ontoeii brave the 1
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The Montys lived south
Wautoma in Southgate Ten
subdivision, the hardest-hit arc
"He got up to close theJ
and was knocked up againsi
wall. The next thing he knew,
was sailing through the air.
came down over there inadi
in the water," Judy Montys
pointing to a trench lOOyi
An unidentified elderly!
who suffered heart problems!
in his home during the tom;
said Jerry Miller, Waushara Cl
ty emergency governments
Among the 30 people
three were hospitalized in oi!
condition Sunday, Miller said
the Home
ordering t
An au p
ter, must l
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dents, acc
Starving Somalis lose aid to looter
politicians; relief workers fight bad
MOGADISHU, Somalia — Airlifts are the easy
part. To save starving Somalis, aid must first get past
warlords, politicians and looters — who are some
times the same people. Prospects are dim.
The international symbols of neutral persuasion,
the red cross and the blue helmet, are fair game in
Somalia. Noyv, aid professionals say, it is time to get
tough. But how?
Frustrated relief workers argue that a world which
stood down Saddam Hussein can find a way to get
food to 2 million people who will die without it.
Ignoring this challenge, many say, is callous if not
In London, the humanitarian group Save the Chil
dren finally said out loud Saturday what some vol
untary workers and U.N. people have long said
among themselves: U.N. backbiting and bungling in
Somalia is "pathetic."
If unfair to some people who worked hard in the
face of death, it sums up a general lack of coordina
Mohamed Sahnoun, the U.N. secretary-general's
special envoy to Somalia, is blunt on the failings of
the United Nations and member states.
"We are a year and a half late," he told The Asso
ciated Press.
The Security Council on Friday approved deploy
ment of another 3,000 troops for Somalia, but Sah
noun warns not to expect them anytime soon.
Sahnoun insists that diplomacy must now undo
the damage. A show of force now, he said, would
only trigger more violence and broaden the calamity
of neglect.
He fought hard to persuade Somali factions to
cept the first 500 troops, Pakistanis. Agreement'
reached Aug. 12, and they won't be here before!
Meantime^ people are dying at a rate of 2,®
day, and armed gangs routinely hit ports, truck:
voys and rural food stocks.
If the obstacle was only a civil war, it woulf
easy, says Andrew Natsios, the.U.S. relief coorff
tor for Somalia.
Any U.N. presence is a risk. Two of the50 !
armed cease-fire observers were wounded Eric?'
s 10
David Bassiouni, U.N. humanitarian coordii
here, said the risk must be taken. He was shako!
the clan-style "ethnic cleansing" recently at
southern port of Kismayo.
Men linked to Mohanied Farrah Aidid'sU
Somali Congress executed 11 northerners, all la-
national Red Cross workers, as the Red Cross trio*]
Tly them to safety.
Two main warring clans ceased fire in Mard 1
lowing agencies to deliver food under the gtirt
hired Somalis. Much of it gets through, but a lot 1
ishes in complex undercurrents.
Some losses are to desperate fathers whop;
rice for their families. Much more is trucked oft
thugs paid by people with vested interests:
money or both.
Organized looting allows a merchant to com
market and raise prices. It gives an aspiring wa!> 1
the wherewithal to rent an army's loyalty. Ou-
aid is all there is to steal.