The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, August 06, 1992, Image 3

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    The Battalion
gram are the Mi
■rts Communicat:
le Gulf of Met
uin Group, and;
Thursday, August 6, 1992
Page 3
Summer's hits: The five best bets
By Anas Ben-Musa
The Battalion
The summer of 1992 has been filled
I with inspiring acting and action-
I packed fun. Yet, the best films have
I starred a versatile group of actresses.
Indeed this was the summer of the
I actress. Unfortunately, the there is a
I lack of recognition when it comes to a
I paycheck. Actresses still are paid far
I less then their male counterparts.
It is time to change and correct this
I problem because of all the films I re-
|viewed this summer, the best ones
\ were about women.
Here are the top five movies and
the runners-up for the summer:
1. "Look at me! Tm a nun... a pen
guin," shrieks Whoopi Goldberg in her
movie, "Sister Act" - a hilarious come
dy about a lounge singer played by
Goldberg, who witnesses a murder by
her mafia boyfriend.
Goldberg's character, Delores,
hides from mafia thugs in a nun's con
vent while she waits to testify at her
boyfriend's trial.
I consider this film the best of the
summer because of the wonderful
comedy and singing.
Hard to visualize Goldberg
singing? Well, close your eyes and
imagine because Goldberg belts out
some great songs in this film. "Heat
wave" and "My guy" are some of the
60s classics sung in the film.
Delores is given the job of improv
ing the nun's choir in the convent. Of
course, Delores does more then neces
sary and creates a modern pseudo-
Motown, gospel choir singing "My
God" instead of "My Guy."
"Sister Act" is a must-see film for
anyone who is looking for a good
2. "A League of Their Own" came a
close second. An innovative film
where the stars of baseball are women,
not men.
"A League of Their Own" is a film
based on the women's baseball league
rt getting pain I established during World War II. Cre-
focusing om
nything from
ind pesticides
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L or nutrient
which is vital to
i, or the loss of
urces, or any
i Gulf areas for):
American women during World War
Buy a ticket to the ball game.., buy
a ticket to "A League of Their Own."
3. "I just punched a perfectly inno
cent Hungarian!" screams Steve Mar
"That's the nicest thing anyone's
ever done for me," replies Goldie
This is one of the numerous zany
scenes in "Housesitter." A film based
on lies, lies, and more lies, which
makes "Housesitter" such a wonder
fully comical film.
What made this movie the third on
my list is the way director Frank Oz al
lowed these two great veteran comedi
ans to be spontaneous. The "couch
scene" is a perfect example of how un
intentional and natural Hawn and
Martin worked together.
The scene was shown in many of
the television previews of "Housesit-
Sigourney Weaver and friend from "AlienT"
It makes "Housesitter" a hilarious
film and worfh a trip to the theater.
4. "Alien 1 -’" is a spectacular film,
not for its great special effects or blood
drenching scenes, but for its inspira
tional and courageous acting by
same muscles fe
paralysis befoii
»ys. Sometime
they didn't nolic
>le before, get
aid. "It is pair,
quick fatigues'
they can't real
polio was
agious and easili
n the past, post
\e is not. Wta
in, it is no longs
irus. , J
I ated to help the morale of the country,
[the league becomes widely popular
throughout the states.
The film is a fascinating story of
I how our American pastime is loved by
I women as much as men.
I ■ "A League 6f TheW'Own" is no or-
I dinary baseball game'With women. It
lisa film about memorable characters,
I relationships, and the struggles of
The cast of "A League of Their Own."
ter." It shows Martin falling over a
coach and jumping strait up demand
ing why Hawn said they were married
to the whole town.
The whole scene was done on acci
dent. Martin had tripped on a rug be
hind the couch and rolled over the
coaoji in the process. Martin kept play
ing his character and Hawn almost
starts laughing, but she resumes play
ing her role, too.
Oz keeps this type of pace through
out the film. Each scene is never pre-
Sigourney Weaver and Charles S. Dut
In one of the early scenes, Ripley
(Weaver) is forced to examine the
body of Newt, the little girl from the
second movie, after suspecting that
one of the aliens had infected her.
Weaver plays the scene of the autopsy
with raw and powerful emotions of
grief, loss arid 1 Sadness. Weaver's face
engblfs the.screen and all the pain of
losing her surrogate child is masterful
ly played.
Yet, Weaver is not the only one
with the powerful scenes.
If you liked how "Aliens" was dif
ferent from "Alien," then go see
"Alien ." The movie has great depth in
its major characters and unlike the first
two movies it has much to say about
our society.
5. Goldie Hawn has shined this
summer with two strong portrayals.
Her latest film, "Death Becomes Her,"
shows the actresses ability to create
memorable characters.
Hawn is absolutely breathtaking as
the red-head vixen Helen Sharp. Helen
is a character of incredible beauty and
In addition, the film has the latest
techniques in special effects from
George Lucas's Industrial Light and
Magic company.
A strong cast of actors and actress
es (Meryl Streep, Isabella Rossellini,
and Bruce Willis) makes "Death Be
comes Her" one of the best dark come
dies ever made.
It was difficult to choose the top
five movies of the summer. Compared
to previous summers, 1992 has been
exceptionally strong.
My list did not include "Lethal
Weapon III," "Boomerang," "Patriot
Games"or "Prelude to a Kiss." These
movies were top contenders, but they
were not as well rounded as my top
Tomorrow, "Raising Cain" starring
John Lithgow and "The Unforgiven"
starring Clint Eastwood, Gene Hack-
man, Morgan Freeman, and Richard
Harris will open at local theaters.
These movies have been highly an
ticipated, and with such strong casts, ' J |
could be the first post-summer hits of
the year.
Make room for the
Samples 1 new sound
By Tricia Martinez
The Battalion
The Samples
"No Room"
W.A.R. ltd. Records
The Samples' second LP, No Room, definitely
expresses the band's musical versatility.
The Samples really seem to shine on No Room
and it's no surprise considering their self-titled de
but album sold over 50,000 units without being un
der a "major" label.
One of the strongest appeals to No Room is tha t
parts of it sound like The Police in their earlier
days, or possibly the Ram ones. Everything from
their ska sound to Andy Sheld on, whose lead vo
cals are a dead ringer for a younger Sting really add
flavor to the band's music. The Samples are
unique in their music, but yet they have re-cap
tured the familiar sound thatgot lost somewhere in
the mid-BOs, : l|
No Room is really easy to listen to with crosses
of rock, reggae and country aiding in the diversity
of the music. The four member quartet from Boul
der, Coio., really mix well and each member seem*
to have his own identity within the album.
On "Did You Ever Look So Nice," the group
sounds as if they are having a blast It has a great
reggae sound with clapping every so often to keep
the one's body bouncing and swaying to the beat.
All the music on No Room works this way. The
Samples never lets the listener get bored with the
Andy Sheldon, bass/lead vocals and Sean Kelly,
guitar/slide guitar wrote the music for No Room
and the lyrics really seem to hit on the issues of to
day with topics of crime, school drop-out rates and
lost faith in humanity. For instance, in the song
"Pain," one line says "On the T.V., or in the news
on the front page, you can choose you know some
one, someone strong you know someone doing
something wrong." The lyrics really make one stop
and think and sometimes reevaluate things.
Jeep MacNichol, drums/percussion and Al
Laughlin, keyboard/piano/backup vocals, should
not go unmentioned because the two really have a
great sound together. "When It's Raining," and
Another Disaster" are songs in which these two
musicians really come together. The listener rises
and falls with each beat. It's very refreshing, 1
The transitions between songs is great. A
change doesn't just come at you. It Is more a gradu
al builder and the reggae and ska gets bolder as the
LP goes on.
Ail in all No Room is "really jammin" men" and
deserves more attention than what it's getting. This
band, who got their name from supermarket food
"samples" in which they relied on to survive, will
be back sometime in 1993 with a new project. For
now fans will have to remain satisfied with No
Room and also a late August tour. '
Student Centei
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