The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, August 04, 1992, Image 3
Pa f The Battalion let jran kind of compli not yet specific extent to whit over time. Ik nt as a fertilize! ifestyles Tuesday, Augusts 1992 Page 3 quickly it read termined o he fertilizer sb /stique to this® one without t nallenging, in rent disciplines antitative hopefully I'lllii : after the nextl: :ants seeking pi >ur recipients* lastic record, ori es. "Each year, iis recognition lips have excel sident, said in a: rals and theire; ide in the level ute is a market orld-wide izers by educat informations circulation depi Dmetow in efforts have hnson Space 0 ledical Center ston, but thee 11 accounts for ical economy, the oil paten, am industry int in one of the mo ditions I'veet :hel Halbouty man who haste or 63 years, son it has deva ndent segment ere are very, ver ts left. I'm oneo: ear-old Houston Blood feud: Two views on 'Buffy' Awful film should be staked, not vampires By Kim McGuire The Battalion "Buffy The Vampire Slayer" Directed by Fran Rubel Kuzui Starring Kristy Swanson, Donald Sutherland, Paul Reubens, Luke Perry and Rutger Hauer Rated PG Now playing at Manor East 3 So I keep asking myself, "Like, what's the stitch with this movie? The plot was like so five minutes ago. I wish the director would have taken a chill lozenge and quit with all this infantile valley lingo. I mean, like, even Luke Perry was far from toasty with his Hamlet do and not quite goatee. Like, this movie is a total blemish to society!" Imagine "Valley Girl meets Dracula" and you've got a pretty good grasp on "Buffy the Vampire Slay er," the new movie starring Kristy Swanson as Buffy and Luke Perry as her rebel boyfriend. Pike, (aka Dy lan McKay of Beverly Hills 90210). "Buffy" begins in the Dark Ages, where director Fran Rubel Kuzui makes a vain attempt to explain the whole vampire legacy which goes something like this: "In each generation since the beginning of time, a female is born who is destined to rid the world of vampires. She is guided by a "Watcher" who trains her in the art of vampire killing. It just so happens that the twentieth century's fate • ' la y s u P on the shoulder's of Buffy, a valley girl cheer- y V^A LL leader interested in nothing else but shopping and her jock boyfriend. (Randall Batinkoff) Buffy meets Merrick, the "Watcher" (played by Donald Sutherland) who inform her of her birthright and tells her its her destiny to become the next Slayer and rid the world of the vampires that are now plaguing Southern California. At first, Buffy is reluctant to accept her destiny. "Like, all I want to do is graduate, go to Europe, marry Christian Slater and die." But after the vampires knock off a few of Buffy's dosest friends, she's ready to kick some supernatural butt. Surprisingly, the acting in this movie is not that bad. Swanson is pretty good as Buffy. She handles the role as if she were indeed an air-head valley girl. Perry makes the transition from television to the big ling in the Unite screen quite well. Although his character is similar rally non-existe b th e one h e plays on TV, he disguises the obvious. ■ ' Also, iDirector Kuzui managed to somehow pull in big name film stai^tlike Donald Sutherland and Rutger Hauer as the head vampire, Lothos. Both Sutherland and Hauer are excellent actors, but their roles are extremely small and the movie suffers as a result. Goofy film good for a glorified B-movie By Todd Stone Tlte Battalion Buffy (Kristy Swanson) does what she does best in "Buffy the Vampire Slayer." ce part of ny feel he has "Buffy's" biggest downfall, however, is without a doubt the storyline itself. In the beginning, the whole Slayer legacy is set up, but Kuzui never ex plains it. There are a lot of unanswered questions: Why Buffy was chosen? What happened to the past slayers? Exactly how does the vampire Lothos fit into the plot? In one of the most confusing scenes, Donald Sutherland gives Buffy a long; mysterious philo sophical babble about her cLeptiny beingjulfilled "when the music is stopped," but never again is anything brought up about music. Supposedly, the movie is about believing and ac cepting oneself. If it's true, this issue was never ad dressed . It is obvious that the maker of "Buffy" were tar geting a junior and high school audience with his move. Its pretty clear "Buffy" was supposed to cash in on Perry's 90210 fame, and somehow both he and Swanson just get lost in the shuffle. In a few weeks or so "Buffy" will be all bu^ for gotten and producers will be scurrying to get it on videocassette by Christmas. Luke Perry will be back on the set of Beverly Hills 90210 hoping none of his cast mates saw it while on summer hiatus, and Pee Wee will probably be somewhere in Florida wonder ing, "Where's a good Playhouse when you need one?" "Buffy The Vampire Slayer" Starring: Kristy Swanson, Donald Sutherland, Paul Ruebens, Luke Perry and Rutger Hauer Director: Fran Rubel Kuzui Rated PG Now Showing at Manor East 3 "Buffy The Vampire Slayer" is a goofy film one hates to admit enjoying. But there I was, laughing at the film's infectious silliness. Basically, "Buffy" is a glorified B-movie, but a tal ented cast and clever dialogue could elevate this film as the sleeper hit of the summer. The title alone is good for a laugh. I wonder if the filmmakers thought of the title first and made a movie from there. The story revolves around a ditzy, valley-girl cheerleader, Buffy (Kristy Swanson), who discovers she follows a long line of vampire slayers. She has to somehow kill the head vampire, Lothos (Rutger Hauer), to save her fellow high school seniors at the big dance. Indeed, plot is not the film's strong point. Within five minutes, you can guess who will live, die and fall in love. But, witty dialogue and energetic perfor mances serves the laughs in healthy enough portions to overcome some choppy directing and predictable narrative. The film spoofs itself and this lack of seriousness is the film's consistent charm. One great image is Buffy on one of her first hunts. She's all alone in a dark alley, and it's suppose to be a tense moment. But while waiting to kill a vampire, Buffy starts singing "Feelings." Swanson amusingly plays up all the valley girl stereotypes with Buffy. When her trainer, Merrick (Donald Sutherland), makes an obvious point, Buffy retorts, "Have you ever heard of the word, 'duh?'" Sutherland's presence gives the film credibility, and his dead-pan delivery of the script's stilted dia logue works well. Another of the film's saviors is Paul Reubens (Yes, the man who gave the world Pee Wee Herman) as Lotho's assistant. Reuben's death scene is a classic, as he obviously exaggerates his character's agony and despair. Luke Perry takes a "90210" break as Buffy's clumbsy love interest. The film is fun, but hardly perfect. The story could have used another re-write to fill some holes, and the directing of Fran Rubel Kuzui was predictable at best - typical car chases and fight scenes. Nevertheless, "Buffy The Vampire Slayer" charms, and the filmmakers willingness to be just plain silly makes this film a reliable matinee. ling of it. ieral discus- For more infer- r ention at 845- litted to The ater than three n date. We imber dfthe t’s Up is a Bat- 'vents and ac- 'st-come, first- 3 an entry will newsroom at A&M grad explores new musical territory Lovett experiments with jazz and blues on album By Tricia Martinez The Battalion ■ Lyle Lovett "Joshua Judges Ruth' MCA Records Lyle Lovett has released his latest project and listeners will hear a new style from him on his new LP "Joshua Judges Ruth." Lovett, a former student of Texas A&M, has sometimes been referred to as a "to rock for country and to country for rock" musician, so where does that leave him? It leaves him creating a new style of music that puts him in a class all by himself. "Joshua Judges Ruth" is Lovett's at tempt at jazz and blues. Not only does Lovett attempt it, but he conquers it like a master. This LP is definitely the strongest work of music Lovett has done. He real ly expiodes on "Joshua Judges Ruth," and gives listeners his all One song in particular, "You've Been So Good Up To Now," has already crossed over into the AOR stations for air play. The song is full of soul and Lovett possesses strong vocals in which he shows his range versatility. Lovett wrote all the songs for the al bum and was assisted by Willis Alan Ramsey on "North Dakota." Lovett seems to be writing from the heart and many of his songs are rather sad, but they in no means depress the LP. It's no wonder the album's sound is solid with musicians such as Lei and Sklar, bass, Russ Kunkel, drums, and ap pearances on vocals from Emmy Lou Harris and Rickie Lee Jones contributing to it. Other top notch performances are by Matt Rollins, piano, and Dean Parks on guitar, Lovett country fans can rest assure that he didn't totally cross over. There are a few songs on the album that pos sess his ever popular country style sound. The only difference on these songs is that instead of being his usual See Lovett/Page 4 -1 IRS rM latch O cially licensed ing a richly creation of the gold finished : movement ithin fifteen ee year Seiko .00 oo 8200.00 45.00 ig Professional Computing 505 Church St. College Station Ph. 846*5332 (One Block North of Kinko's Copies) Featuring a complete line of Hewlett-Packard Scientific and Business calculators The Best for Success HP 48SX Expandable Calculator HP 48S Programmable Calculator * 32K Built in RAM * Combined Graphics and Calculus Functions * I/O ports for data transfer to and from a PC * SX features Expansion Ports for plug-in Applications Pacs and RAM cards HP 19BI1 Business Consultant * Algebraic or RPN Logic * Graphics for cash flow and Statistical Analysis * Menus and Softkeys HP 17BII Financial Calculator * Choose between Algebraic or RPN Logic * Menus and Softkeys for easy access to solutions * Over 250 functions for real estate and finance Business Hours Mon.-Fri. 8:00-5:30 Sat. 10:00-3:00 Ttn% HEWLETT mi/iM PACKARD Authorized Dealer r V RESEARCH Skin Infection Study VIP Research is seeking individuals 12 years of age or older with uncomplicated skin and skin structure infections. 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If you have been diagnosed with osteoarthritis or would like more information, call VIP Research. $100 will be paid to those individuals who qualify and complete this study. CALL Volunteers in Pharmaceutical Research, Inc. 776-1417 \AGGliA\ S /0bNEMA/ AN ADVENTURE OF INCREDIBLE PROPORTIONS WEDNESDAY 9:00 PM THE GROVE $1 Students and $1.50 Non-Students LSAT 3MAT GRE Test Your Best Classes Forming Now. 2 STANLEY H. KAPLAN A Take Kaplan Or Take Your Chances 707 Texas Ave. Suite 106E College Station, TX 77840-1917 (409) 696-3196 (409) 696-7737 Sell with the Best Battalion Classifieds 845-0569 TAIR UNIVERSAL COMPUTER SYSTEMS FORD DEALER COMPUTER SERVICES SATURDAY, AUGUST 8th 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. (J r * OVER 100 ENTRY-LEVEL POSITIONS * UCS and FDCS are leaders in the automobile dealership automation industry. Our goal is to offer our clients the very best in systems, software and services. 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