The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, August 03, 1992, Image 2

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    The Battalion
Monday, August 3,1992
Got your goat!
Todd Prewitt, a sophomore business major,
takes Bock, his and his brother’s pet, for a walk.
Bock is a pygmy goat named after Shiner Bock
beer. They have had Bock for seven months.
Co-dependents must emotionally
distance themselves to aid addict
By William Wilson
A.P. Beutel Health Center
Have you ever had a roommate
who would not study without
your constant prodding?
Does your spouse consume all
of the sweets you buy as soon as
you get them into the house?
When was the last time you
called in sick for someone who
was actually hung-over or still
Do any of these sound like situ
ations you, or someone you know,
have been in? Then just maybe
you are a co-dependent. That is,
(according to Melody Beattie) "a
person who has let someone else's
behavior affect him or her and is
obsessed with controlling other
people's behavior."
Obsessed with controlling oth
er people's behavior may be a
strong way to describe the feeling
of control that you are seeking,
but there is no denying the at
tempt at control. In addition,
when you constantly give to oth
ers, it is easy to forget how to re
ceive. Through this constant giv
ing, you facilitate the problem and
neglect yourself. The problem is
called addiction, the loss of con
trol over an activity or use of a
So what does all of this mean?
Well, it means that as long as you
are co-dependent, neither you nor
the individual you are co-depen
dent on will begin to get better.
You will continue to feel used and
he/she will continue with the
The big issue of co-dependen
cy is the tendency to try to take
control of everything except one's
own life. What is needed is to re
alize the need to be self-sufficient:
each person is responsible for
his/her own happiness. You can
only solve your own problems,
not anyone else's. Therefore, you
must become detached. That does
not mean not caring, but learning
to love and care without sacrific
ing yourself.
This emotional distancing, not
basing your happiness on the ad
dict's, will help the addict take
control of his/her own life. Once
one does take control of his/her
own life, the person is on the road
to recovery.
The next step, and often the
most difficult, is to stop trying to
control the addict's life. This is
difficult because for so long the
only way that the co-dependent
could get the addict to do any
thing was through manipulation,
whining, and nagging.
However, what you need to
understand is that it is not your
responsibility to take care of the
addict; you are not responsible for
the addict's well-being. By at
tempting to be responsible, you
are actually making it easier for
the addict to remain addicted.
Bryan's drinking water
gains federal approval
Residents claim tapwater quality, EPA guidelines all wel
Juli Phillips
The Battalion
Bryan's drinking water has received the approval
of the Environmental Protection Agency, but resi
dents disagree over whether the approval holds wa
"This validates what we've been saying all
along," said Water Services Division Manager
Michael Collins in a press release. "Bryan has very
good, clean drinking water and the city will continue
working to make sure it stays that way."
However, one Bryan resident dismissed the feder
al approval.
"When the EPA says the water is okay, they are
saying, 'Well, you can drink it and you won't die,"'
said Bryan resident Andrew Tomczeszyn. "They are
not saying that the water tastes good or that it's par
ticularly good for you."
Tomczeszyn said he resents that he feels the need
to spend money on bottled water in a city the size of
Other Bryan residents said the water is not really
bad, it just takes some time to adjust to it.
"It's drinkable," said Bryan resident Owen Cm
"The water really isn't bad, it just takes a whileto]
used to the taste."
Another Bryan resident originally from Oklalio;
agreed with him.
"Compared to Oklahoma City, the water hsrt
terrible," she said. "But that's because it is soft
after you get used to it, it's really not all that bad.
Sixty homes were randomly tested overall
month period, according to EPA guidelines. Thela
and copper content in the water was found to be
within the acceptable range.
Of the homes tested, the guidelines state, 90ji
cent of them must not have water that exceeds
milligrams per liter of lead and 1.3 mg/L of coppe
According to an official release by the citj
Bryan, none of the 60 tested homes exceeded tk
Lead enters the household's water through
corrosion of the plumbing, Collins said in a releaj
The city plans to hold another period of test:
this fall.
University Press one of best
in Southwest, director says
Julie Chelkowski
The Battalion
Hidden away in a corner of
Texas A&M's 5,142 acre campus
sits another pride of Aggieland
that goes unnoticed by many stu
dents and faculty — the Texas
A&M University Press.
To some, it may seem a menial
or unnecessary contribution to the
University, but University Press
Director John Stetter said the
school needs it.
"A university press is very im
portant in the dissemination of
scholarly knowledge, but here, it's
a cause," Stetter said.
All major universities that fo
cus on dissemination and ad
vancement of knowledge through
publishing will have a university
press, Stetter said. Currently,
there are 100 university press de
partments nationwide.
A&M's press was established
in 1974 by Frank Wardlaw, who
also founded the press at the Uni
versity of Texas in 1955. Stetter
said that Wardlaw designed the
press to focus on Texas history
and culture.
This focus, Stetter said, has
made A&M's press one of the
number one publishers of books
concerning Texas history in the
Greater Southwest region.
The press also publishes topics
on women's studies, nature and
natural history, economics, mili
tary history and other general top
Gayla Christiansen, marketing
manager of the press, said the
press recently published a $60
book on the life of O'Neil Ford, a
major American architect and a
major proponent of regional archi
tect. The book sold over 1,000
copies in the first month on the
The press, that does almost
everything but print the books,
will publish manuscripts for any
one if the press has the finances to
do so and if the book passes re
views by a faculty committee and
an external reviewer, Christiansen
In addition to publishing,
University Press is alhajor distri:
utor for six other presses in Tex;
Rice University, Southei
Methodist University, Univen
of Texas at El Paso, Texas Git
ian University, University
North Texas and the Texas Sti
History Association.
Distribution is a "very irum
ing" program that benefits the
smaller presses that only publi
five to 15 books a year, Stetl
Distribution includes stori)
books, dealing with wholesafe
processing orders, and markefc
for the other presses.
"It's a lot less expensive^
them (the schools) to do businei
with us, because they don't hai
to have seven different accounts
he said. "It's just good business
The A&M press publishes3ll!
35 books each year and distribute
50. It takes one year from the tin
a book is submitted to the time
appears in print.
The Batt
What’s U
See Health tips/Page 6 —i
sion from 11:30 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Call the
Center for Drug Prevention at 845-0280 for
meeting location or for more information.
INLINE SKATE CLUB: We welcome all individ
uals with inline skates to come and participate in
a skating seminar at Research Park from 7 p.m.
to 10 p.m. All novices and experts are invited.
For more information call Randy Paterno at 847-
sion from 12:30 p.m. to 1:30 p.m. Call the Cen
ter for Drug Prevention at 845-0280 for meeting
location or for more information.
TAMU WOMEN’S RUGBY: Rugby practice at
the Rugby Field next to the Polo Fields from 6
p.m. to 8 p.m. All are welcome. No experience
necessary. For more information call Danielle
at 846-2746 or Thu at 260-9109.
Items for What’s Up should be submitted to The
Battalion, 016 Reed McDonald, no later than
three business days before the desired run
date. \A/e only publish the name and phone
number of the contact if you ask us to do so.
What’s Up is a Battalion service which lists non
profit events and activities. Submissions are
run on a first-come, first-serve basis. There is
no guarantee an entry will run. If you have
questions, call the newsroom at 845-3316.
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The Battalion
TODD STONE, Editor-in-Chief
MACK HARRISON, Opinion Editor GARY CARROLL, City Editor
JAYME BLASCHKE, Lifestyles Editor MARK EVANS, Asst. City Editor
HEIDI SAUER, News Editor ROBERT REED, Photo Editor
Staff Members
Reporters — Robin Roach, Chris Carroll, Robin Goodpaster, Juli Phillips, Christi Ray,
Tanya Williams, Julie Chelkowski, Susan Westmoreland, Ursula Simms, and Erin Bradley.
Copy editors — Kyle Burnett, Kenneth McWatters, Ali Steere, David Thomas and Lauri
Photographers — Darrin Hill, Sandra Alvarado, Nick Pena, Michael Marshall, and Huy
Lifestyles writers — Anas Ben-Musa, Tricia Martinez and Kim McGuire.
Sports writers— Michael Plumerand Don Norwood.
Columnists — Anthony LoBaido, Stacy Feducia, John Deshazo, and Paul Greco.
Assistant to the Editor - Darra Dees
Editorial Cartoonist - William Harrison
Graphic Artist — Jennifer Maxwell
Clerks — Allison Lewis, Shelley Rowton and Carrie Miura.
The Battalion (USPS 045-360) is published daily, Monday through Friday during the fall and
spring semesters and Monday through Thursday during the summer session (except
university holidays and exam periods), at Texas A&M University. Second class postage paid
at College Station, TX 77840.
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Battalion, 230 Reed McDonald Building,
Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77840.
News: The Battalion news department is managed by students at Texas A&M University in
the Division of Student Publications, a unit of the Department of Journalism. Editorial offices
are in 013 Reed McDonald Building. Newsroom phone number is 845-3316. Fax: 845-2647.
Opinions expressed in The Battalion are those of the editorial board or the contributor and do
not necessarily represent the opinions of the Texas A&M student body, administration, faculty
or staff.
Advertising: For campus, local and national display advertising, call 845-2696. For
classified advertising, call 845-0569. Advertising offices are in 015 Reed McDonald and
office hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Fax: 845-5408.
Subscriptions: Mail subscriptions are $20 per semester, $40 per school year and $50 per
full year. To charge by VISA or MasterCard, call 845-2611.
Study in
You could be studying
in Italy, a Renaissance
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attend our meeting:
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Hall West
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161 Bizzell Hall West 845-0544
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