The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, July 29, 1992, Image 2

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    The Battalion
Wednesday, July 29,1992
Scholar discusses
plight of Muslims
By Anas Ben-Musa
The Battalion
Politics are a fact of life and as
essential to Muslims as air, a
prominent Islamic scholar said.
Invited by the Islamic African
Relief Agency to lecture in the
United States, an Islamic scholar.
Dr. Ahmed Nofel spoke to the Is
lamic community in Bryan-Col-
lege Station last Wednesday. Dr.
Hosame Abu-Amara, assistant
professor of electrical engineering
at Texas A&M translated Hofei's
Nofel is a Muslim scholar
working as a professor in Islamic
Sharia, jurisprudence, at the Jor
danian University in Amman, Jor
Nofel discussed the problems
and plight of many Muslim na
tions dealing with the changing
political views and influence of
western countries. His lecture ex
pressed the feelings of many Mus
lims in relation to the United
States and European countries.
Ironically, Islam is one of the
fastest-growing religions in the
United States. Many studies re
ported in newspapers and maga
zines, such as the Wall Street
Journal and Newsweek, predict
Islam to become the second
largest religion in the U.S. by the
end of the decade, surpassing the
Jewish religion.
There is an opportunity for the
Islamic movement to gain political
Yet Nofel was cautious in his
outlook about the Islamic move
ment in the United States.
"There is a big difference be
tween Islam and Judaism in
America," Nofel said. "America
treats the Jews with great generos
All Muslims are treated as if
they are terrorists, Nofel said. In
fact, Nofel witnessed several
Americans converting to Islam.
"Muslims have no qualms with
the American people," Nofel said.
"We only have a problem with the
American government."
However, Nofel denounced the
use of violence against the U.S.
"We have nothing to fight them
with even if we wanted to fight,"
Nofel said. "We are only advo-
See Scholar/Page 6
Walnut boxes
play war hymn
By Tanya Williams
The Battalion
Aggieland students are used
to hearing the familiar tune of
the Aggie War Hymn blared
with meticulous perfection by
the Fightin' Texas Aggie Band at
Aggie sporting events. Now,
students and former students can
listen to the soft chiming of the
war hymn in a music box de
signed by Robert Brooks of San
The music boxes, made of
walnut, are hand-produced by
Brooks and his wife, Karen, un
der their company name. De
signs in Wood. Brooks, who did
not attend Texas A&M, has a
son, Marc, who is a member of
the Aggie Band.
Brooks said he got the idea
before his son began attending
"We came down to A&M in
December of 1988 for the Texas
game and bought the War Hymn
music at the campus bookstore,
and it gave me the idea to make a
music box/'Brooks said.
In 1989, Brooks got a colle
giate 1 icense on campus to pro
duce A&M paraphernalia. The
rest is history. He sells the boxes
for $77.50. Now, Brooks orders
his music through an importer in
Japan. He and his wife make the
boxes and finish them by hand.
"We produce about 20 to 25 a
week," said Brooks. "And they're
all personalized."
The box that Brooks had with
him Tuesday was personalized
for his son, hut he said he has
made many for both current and
former students. This week he
was in town to give the Brazos
County A&M Club a box for
their silent auction. He has pre
viously given personalized music
boxes to seniors in the Fightin'
Texas Aggie Band as well as to
coaches on campus.
■'These music boxes are gifts
to give to someone important to
you," Brooks said. You're not
going to find these in retail
"If someone cannot find some
thing to fit their bill, this is it"
DARRIN HtlU The Balfe
Robert Brooks poses with one of his handmade jewelry boxes.
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Summer Fun Keeps
Youngster On His Toes
Four-year-old Christopher Contrez eagerly awaits the softball Christopher says that he likes to play softball with his friends
to be thrown home while playing ball at Fairview Park, during the afternoon.
Schizophrenia explained
Expert details
mental illness
By Robin Roach
The Battalion
Contrary to what many people
may believe, people who suffer
from schizophrenia do not suffer
from split or multiple personali
Schizophrenia is a biological
disorder which involves a chemi
cal imbalance in the brain. It is
characterized by drastic changes
in one's usual pattern of living
and personality traits.
"It's a thought disorder that af
fects someone's behavior and
causes them to behave in unpre
dictable ways and it can cause
their emotions to change," Byron
Cargill, staff psychologist at Men
tal Health Mental Retardation
(MHMR) Authority of Brazos Val
ley, said.
"They may experience what's
usually known as more psychotic
features — hallucinations and
Although the causes of schizo-
phrenia are not known for sure, it
is believed to have a biological or
genetic connection.
Although one's chances of suf
fering from schizophrenia in
crease if a person is a child of
schizophrenics, the illness is usu
ally caused by a stressful or tragic
event in one's life.
"It (schizophrenia) tends to be
more common in large urban ar
eas and low SES (socioeconomic
status) areas," Cargill said. "But
there is certainly a substantial
number of people in this area who
suffer from schizophrenia."
"It's a cross-cultural
non found all around the woil
which is not true for a lot of me
tal disorders."
Schizophrenia is equally
mon in males and females. 1
tend to develop the illness in
late teens to early twenties w!
females develop the illness
slightly older age — in their raid
Medication can be used
the symptoms of the mental diffl
der in many cases.
Early treatment is the best pi
vention of permanent mental
"Medication is not effective(f
100 percent of the schizophrei
population," Cargill said,
third of the population will
completely, one-third will ex
ence minor episodes throug
their life, and one-third will
severe symptoms throughot
their life."
The MHMR Authority of Bii
zos Valley is sponsoring a suppoS
group for families who are cops
with a schizophrenic relative.
Each Thursday for the nex
three weeks, the MHMR suppot
group will meet from 7:00 pm
8:00 pm.
MHMR Authority of Brazo
Valley offers services for the mas
ic depressed, major depresset
mentally retarded, schizophreni
and substance abusers.
The family education and s
port group, "Understanding:
Coping with Schizophrenia,'
free of charge and open to
public. For more informationci!
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The Battalion
TODD STONE, Editor-in-Chief
MACK HARRISON, Opinion Editor GARY CARROLL, City Editor
JAYME BLASCHKE, Lifestyles Editor MARK EVANS, Asst. City Editor
HEIDI SAUER, News Editor ROBERT REED, Photo Editor
Staff Members
Reporters — Robin Roach, Chris Carroll, Robin Goodpaster, Juli Phillips, Christ! Ray,
Tanya Williams, Julie Chelkowski, Susan Westmoreland, Ursula Simms, and Erin Bradley.
Copy editors — Kyle Burnett, Kenneth McWatters, Ali Steere, David Thomas and Lauri
Photographers — Darrin Hill, Sandra Alvarado, Nick Pena, Michael Marshall, and Huy
Lifestyles writers — Anas Ben-Musa, Tricia Martinez and Kim McGuire.
Sports writers— Michael Plumer and Don Norwood.
Columnists — Anthony LoBaido, Stacy Feducia, John Deshazo, and Paul Greco.
Assistant to the Editor - Darra Dees
Editorial Cartoonist — William Harrison
Graphic Artist — Jennifer Maxwell
Clerks - Allison Lewis, Shelley Rowton and Carrie Miura.
The Battalion (USPS 045-360) is published daily, Monday through Friday during the fall and
spring semesters and Monday through Thursday during the summer session (except
university holidays and exam periods), at Texas A&M University. Second class postage paid
at College Station, TX 77840. .
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MSC Dinner Theatre & The Aggie Players
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