The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, July 28, 1992, Image 2

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    The Battalion
Tuesday, July 28,1992
DARRIN HILL/The Battalion
Jason Oakes, a senior
psychology major from Plano,
D.J.'s for radio station KAIMM in
the Student Service's Center on
Wednesday. Oakes, an
alternative D.J., is also a
member of the band “Seventy
KANM survives
another relocation
By Christi Ray
The Battalion
KANM 99.9 FM Cable moved
their radio station from the Pavil
ion to the Student Services Build
ing in the University Center
Parking Garage across from Rud
der Tower.
"This is the first time we have
had a room designed specifically
for the station," Beth Weissinger,
KANM station manager, said.
"The department of student ac
tivities moved and included
KANM and had a three-room
studio built for us."
The station was originally an
idea of the Student Government,
Weissinger said. The ties were
later cut from Student Govern
ment and KANM became an in
dependent station,
"The station was operated by
students off campus at one
time," she said, "There was even
one point that it operated out of
the back of a barber shop.
"The station was shuffled
from building to building for a
while until they settled in the
Pavilion," she said.
The station is funded by three
main sources, Weissinger said.
The primary funds are member
ship dues from the disk jockeys,
the alternates and other general
It is also funded by program
underwriting or sponsorship
from local businesses and fund
raisers such as T-shirt sales and
benefit concerts.
"We're a very low budget sta
tion, and all staff members are
volunteers, which definitely
saves a lot of money," she said.
"The biggest expense we have is
paying for the phone line to
transfer the signal which is about
$200 to $300 a month.
"The station is run by the stu
dents who take the time, effort
and energy to get involved,"
Weissinger said.
"Our main staff members are
all students, but some communi
ty members come in and help
with the news."
People who are interested in
working go through a training
program to be an alternate for
the D.J. Most D.J.s have one
show a week with a three-hour
time slot.
"The first time the station
went on the air it was under a
different name," Weissinger said.
"It has existed in some form
since 1973."
links users
to world
By Juli Phillips
The Battalion
Information about events
around Texas A&M and around
the world is now just a terminal
Due to the addition of a new
general information system
server, nicknamed Gopher,
information about Texas A&M's
computer resources, bus
schedules, local entertainment
and University Plus is readily
Student and staff phone listings
can also be accessed through this
Dawn Lee, a graduate student
working with the Gopher system,
said an important aspect of
Gopher is that it links Texas A&M
to 80 other Gophers located
around the world
"Anyone can get information
about A&M, but you can get to
many places around the world
using the system," she said.
Gopher can reach universities
in Canada, Mexico, Israel and
Ireland as well as any business in
the world with a Gopher system.
"It (the information accessible)
is much more comprehensive than
just libraries," Lee said. "If we
know about it, and we feel it is
important enough, then we'll get
to it through Gopher and establish
a link so users can get the
Lee said one of the highlight
See Network /Page 6
Health Tips
Insulin instability
By Amy Lamb
A.P. Beutel Health Center
One million Americans suffer from an insulin
deficiency. Insulin is used by the body to move
sugar, obtained from the foods we eat, into the
body's cells for energy. If there is no insulin to help
the body utilize the sugar, serious health problems
can arise.
Here are a few signs and symptoms of diabetes
to look for:
• frequent urination
•feeling hungry even after eating
•being weak and fatigued often
•having extreme thirst
•being irritable and moody
Occasionally, complications can arise if your
blood sugar level drops too low or rises too high.
Hypoglycemia occurs when the blood sugar level is
too low and you have enough insulin but not
enough sugar. Hyperglycemia or diabetic coma oc
curs when you have too much sugar and not
enough insulin to break down the sugar into glu
Signs and Symptoms of Hypoglycemia:
•shaky and sudden weakness
•excessive sweating
•bounding heartbeat
Signs and Symptoms of Hyperglycemia
•excessive thirst and hunger
• drowsiness
•flushed skin
• heavy breathing, like hyperventilation
• having fruity or wine-like breath odor
• appear to be intoxicated
If you see anyone with these symptoms, consid
er giving them sugar and get them to professional
medical attention immediately! Maintain their vital
functions, i.e. breathing and pulse. If the individual
is unconscious, transport to hospital quickly to en
sure proper action.
causes problems
There are several types of sugar that are appro
priate to give the victims. Give only one of the fol
lowing to treat their condition.
• a packet of table sugar
•1/2 can of sugar-containing cola (no diet
• a piece of hard candy
•1/2 of a candy bar
•a 4 oz. glass of fruit juice with sugar added
If you have diabetes, following the instructions
of your health care provider, i.e. physician, is the
key to preventing either of these conditions from
arising. Take your medications as ordered.
Another key to proper health for diabetics and
non-diabetics is sufficient exercise. Diabetics need
to exercise to facilitate the burning of glucose in the
Help control your weight by burning up extra
calories that are present in the glucose. Exercising
three to four times a week will improve your over
all health and make you feel better and more ener
getic. Everyone, not just diabetics, needs this type
of exercise program.
One more key to keeping healthy is a proper
diet, the right balance of carbohydrates, protein and
fat. The "ideal" food choices should consist of high
complex carbohydrates, for example, grapes, ba
nanas, carrots, rice, pasta and potatoes.
Each meal should include a normal serving of
protein that might include beef, chicken, fish or cot
tage cheese. Limit table sugar and lower the fat in
Fat is found most commonly in nuts, salad
dressings, butter, chips and whole milk to name a
few. Be sure to read labels and watch out for foods
with sugar, honey, fructose, dextrose, sucrose or
corn syrup that are listed at the beginning of the in
gredients list on the label.
If you are diabetic or borderline diabetic, always
have identification with you in case of an emer
Also, if you need more information on diet, exer
cise, support groups, or education, come to the
Health Education Center located in Room 016 in the
A. P. Beutel Health Center Tor a list of resources in
the Bryan-College Station area.
A Burning
Firefighters complete
A&M training school
By Erin Bradley
The Battalion
Firefighters from 30 states
and five nations fought blazing
fires and dealt with 90-degree
temperatures at Texas A&M's
Brayton Fireman Training Field
last week.
Approximately 2500
participants in the 63rd Annual
Municipal Texas Firemen's
Training School gained
experience in all aspects of
At 41 projects or practice
stations, students combatted
fires and practiced rescue
techniques as if the situations
were real.
"The first thing they've got to
learn is not to run," said
Midland Fire Chief James
Roberts, who is an Assistant
Field Safety Supervisor at the
field. "But a lot of them look
forward to coming."
"I'm having a great time,"
said O. J. Winston, who has
been with the League City
Volunteer Fire Department for
three years. "I like to travel and
meet people, like the different
Bryan Fletchall, who is also
with the League City
department enjoys "helping
people out and the
camaraderie." Fletchall has
been training in rescue,
pumping, and with other fire
equipment, such as aerial
Professional, volunteer.
veteran and rookie firefighters
have been coming to the school
from rural departments which
do not have the capabilityto
offer in-house training. In tun,
the citizens of communities
which send their firefighters to
training receive reduced firo
insurance rates.
Approximately 10 percentof
the firefighters who attend fe
school each year are women,
said Brenda Sims, information
specialist for the Texas
Engineering Extension Service,
which started the fireman
training school in 1931.
The camaraderie of the
firefighters bridges the gap
between male and female and
solidifies each firefighter's
dedication to serving theii
"Not that we're anti-female,
but some of this type of wort
requires upper-body strength,
and a small stature can beared
disadvantage," Roberts said,
"Of course, this can be a
problem with males, too."
Phylis Williams has beena
volunteer firefighter in San
Antonio for eight months, and
"got into it because of the
people. My ex-husband was
paralyzed in an accident. Now
I want to help other people, and
so far I really like it.
"I've actually had people die
on me and that's been hard, but
we're out there to do a job,to
save lives and to save people's
homes," Williams said. "We
have to do the best we can."
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The Battalion
TODD STONE, Editor-in-Chief
MACK HARRISON, Opinion Editor GARY CARROLL, City Editor
JAYME BLASCHKE, Lifestyles Editor MARK EVANS, Asst. City Editor
HEIDI SAUER, News Editor ROBERT REED, Photo Editor
Staff Members
Reporters — Robin Roach, Chris Carroll, Robin Goodpaster, Juli Phillips, Christi Ray,
Tanya Williams, Julie Chelkowski, Susan Westmoreland, Ursula Simms, and Erin Bradley.
Copy editors — Kyle Burnett, Kenneth McWatters, All Steere, David Thomas and Lauri
Photographers — Darrin Hill, Sandra Alvarado, Nick Pena, Michael Marshall, and Huy
Lifestyles writers — Anas Ben-Musa, Tricia Martinez and Kim McGuire.
Sports writers— Michael Plumer and Don Norwood.
Columnists — Anthony LoBaido, Stacy Feducia, John Deshazo, and Paul Greco.
Assistant to the Editor - Darra Dees
Editorial Cartoonist - William Harrison
Graphic Artist — Jennifer Maxwell
Clerks — Allison Lewis, Shelley Rowton and Carrie Miura.
The Battalion (USPS 045-360) is published daily, Monday through Friday during the fall and
spring semesters and Monday through Thursday during the summer session (except
university holidays and exam periods), at Texas A&M University. Second class postage paid
at College Station, TX 77840.
POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Battalion, 230 Reed McDonald Building,
Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77840.
News: The Battalion news department is managed by students at Texas A&M University in
the Division of Student Publications, a unit of the Department of Journalism. Editorial offices
are in 013 Reed McDonald Building. Newsroom phone number is 845-3316. Fax: 845-2647.
Opinions expressed in The Battalion are those of the editorial board or the contributor and do
not necessarily represent the opinions of the Texas A&M student body, administration, faculty
or staff.
Advertising: For campus, local and national display advertising, call 845-2696. For
classified advertising, call 845-0569. Advertising offices are in 015 Reed McDonald and
office hours are 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Monday through Friday. Fax: 845-5408.
Subscriptions: Mail subscriptions are $20 per semester, $40 per school year and $50 per
full year. To charge by VISA or MasterCard, call 845-2611.
MSC Dinner Theatre & The Aggie Players
present )
Alan Bailey's
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Of Bap th
"Smoke on the
Written by Ala:
Starring Steven
ca Lowe, Jenny
Directed by Ro
Playing at Rud
MSC Sumn
on the Mountai
Poking fun
a small Baptist
Pastor Mer
Sanders clan, a
cert at the chur
about it for plo
On a whole
"Smoke" make
of singers and f
On "I'll Ne-
played by Kris
lous Baker Boy
lewd behavior,
Director Ro
ence to familiar
In "Smoke,'
talks directly tc
duction, "Talle
the beginning c
Christina Vela
someone quote
other by stating
Yet, the best
begins to desen
But, with a
this summer
summer mak
and has com
tween travel a
Sonya Brc
said the sumi
lowered their
"People 1
Bruce said. "
decided they
"We wer«
days a week,"
The airlim
and did not r
June 5.
Mitzie Bry
scribed the sit
"We coulc
lock the door
out of room,"
ferred to my 1
5 a.m. It was
Some trav
summer sale <
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