The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, July 27, 1992, Image 1

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day, July 23,199J
uthor says
The Battalion
Vol. 91 No. 182 (6 pages) “Serving Texas ASM Since 1893” Monday, July 27, 1992
Former A&M quarterback
Bucky Richardson adjusts to
NFL...Page 3
s the back-to-schocl
ady started,
ing early this year
■ted setting up our
stuff, but kids havt
ed coming in. li
from 'Batman'an:
aretty popular."
pects business it
kids head back It
ss usually picks uf
it. It's really tougli
se there's only so
i town and compe-
tition is pret
ty fierce,'
she said.
„ Wal-Mart
FS in Colleg;
Station er-
percent increaseii
f August, thepeai
-school season,!
nanager said. Wal-
preparing fortlit
rush for about!
j kids acrosstli!
>nd $300 milliono;
y and $8 billion of
i snack items, $20i
own and $3.9 bil-
rents' on clothes
nillion for shoes.
ional prison dira-
ided the prison at
ves and capture!:
nth nine other,car
least speech lati
to surrender ano
aat soldiers comb
;s might find him.
ied reporters, say-
would fight totk
•n a bluff
5I over the prisoi
Escobar was gout
oe Blackburn,
ice that the arms
offered no expla-
s/e escaped whe»
a U.S.
Rub a dub dub, four men in a tub
Roommates (left to right) Mike Nabors, Brian Gill, Charles Scott their makeshift pool on their front lawn. The four do this often,
and Jake Jump relax and enjoy the sun as they play dominoes in with their pet dogs sometimes joining them in the water.
Regents OK TAMUS budget
Board approves $1.1 billion for system
in / 92- , 93; A&M receives $550 million
By Jason Loughman
Juli Phillips
The Battalion
The Texas A&M Board of Re
gents approved a $1.1 billion
budget for the University System
on Friday, of which Texas A&M
University will receive more than
5550 million.
The budget for the 1992-93 fis
cal year was approved simultane
ously with about 20 other items
after little open discussion at the
Board's meeting.
The Board of Regents also ap
proved a $12.75 million budget for
the Texas A&M University Athlet
ic Council.
Mary Jo Powell, associate di
rector of the University Public In
formation Office, said the athletic
council's budget comprises schol
arship money for all A&M school
At the meeting last Thursday
and Friday, the board also:
• Heard a report discussing re
pairs and expansions to buildings
housing the University Police De
partment, University Mail Ser
vices, and Facilities Planning and
Construction, among other de
• Reported the special appro
priation of $41,666 for legal coun
sel relating to a Hispanic group's
lawsuit against the state of Texas
over higher education inequities,
• Authorized the director of
treasury services to raise the ceil
ing on "interim financing notes"
issued by the University System
to $125 million in order to finance
eligible projects,
• Formally honored Dwight
Look, Texas A&M Class of '43, for
his gift to the University of ap
proximately 1,000 acres of land,
worth more than $50 million, on
the island of Guam.
The Board of Regents, during
roughly five hours in closed ses
sion and six hours in open session,
reviewed 50 agenda items over
the course of two days.
Vt, Netherlands
■ of caring for one
)S in the United
ed to $38,OOOa
loping countries
disease struggle
hundred dollars
said costs have
y in the last year
:ause of the high
ere disclosed in
this week at the
)nal Conference
?k-long meeting
y on the medical
ragedy of the
research shows
mcial disaster as
)f costs can't he
irs — thecostof
;rief, the cost in
crimination and
t of a pandemic
ive the attentio:
lid Dr. Danie
Harvard School
showed the
lities in the
>r worldwide
AIDS between
id poor ones.
4 S
i B E R 3
FRI 9-8.
O N D A V S-
and Exhibitions
-sy of the center for
ling Rights Trust A "
University teaching salaries to increase
Juli Phillips
The Battalion
Effective August 1, Texas A&M University
teaching salaries will increase by almost 1 per
Acting on the Legislature's concerns that
higher education is slighting undergraduate
education, the Coordinating Board issued rec
ommendations to reappropriate funds propor
tionate to the amount of undergraduates.
Texas A&M came out ahead in the reappro
priation since the University serves approxi
mately 33,000 undergraduates and 7,000 grad
uates a year.
According to discussion at last week's
Board of Regents meeting, the salary increase
has been authorized by the state comptroller's
The action adds $721,000 to A&M's budget
for teachers' salaries raising it to over $101.2
Southwest Texas State University, the Uni
versity of Texas at San Antonio and UT-E1
Paso are also looking at increases in their
teachers' salaries.
The losers in the money shift are the Uni
versity of North Texas, the University of Hous
ton, UT-Austin, UT-Dallas and Texas Women's
"This was a public policy decision to move
money from comprehensive research universi
ties to undergraduate schools, done on the
back of UH," University of Houston President
James Pickering told the Houston Chronicle
last week. "We're being penalized for fulfill
ing our mission of offering graduate and pro
fessional education to the fourth-largest city in
the country."
The plan reflects a national movement to
make higher education institutions focus on
undergraduate education, where critics claim
students are forgotten.
"I'm not sure we are doing a bad job for our
undergraduates," John Quarles, the speaker
for the Texas A&M Faculty Senate, said. "But
it (the Coordinating Board's recommenda
tions) would only add to our teaching mission,
but it really won't take anything away from
our research mission."
Investigator quickens probe
into possible Reagan conspiracy
Prosecutor questions former president's Iran-Contra involvement
"There is no evidence that President Reagan has
violated any law or has been anything less than
completely forthcoming. He has cooperated fully,
voluntarily and honestly with all aspects of the Iran-
Contra investigation and any suggestion to the
contrary is false."
-Catherine Goldberg, Reagan spokeswoman
Contra prosecutor Lawrence
Walsh is speeding up an investi
gation into
whether for
mer President
Reagan and
top aides con
spired to cover
Up U.S. in
volvement in
arms ship
ments to Iran,
sources close
to the probe
said Sunday.
A federal grand jury at the U.S.
Courthouse in Washington, D.C.,
has questioned several former
Reagan administration figures in
recent weeks, said several non
government sources, who spoke
on condition of anonymity.
The Washington Post reported
Sunday that Walsh will decide
Within 10 days whether to initiate
legal moves that could lead to the
indictment of Reagan, former at
torney general Edwin Meese III,
former secretary of state George
Shultz and former White House
chief of staff Don Regan.
Walsh's office issued a state
ment saying the Post story
“sounds like speculation by de
fense lawyers.
"No one knows the true status
of this investigation except people
who work in this office. None of
us is commenting on such mat
ters,'' said Mary Belcher, a
spokeswoman for Walsh's office.
A private attorney close to the
probe said that “I don't feel the
prosecutors see the former presi
dent as a potential defendant in
any indictment." He spoke on
condition of anonymity.
In response to the Post story,
Reagan spokeswoman Catherine
Goldberg issued a statement say
ing any suggestion that the former
president is a target of the investi
gation is “false and unfounded.
“We have been assured by the
independent counsel (Walsh) that
President Reagan is not a target of
that investigation," said Gold
"There is no evidence that
President Reagan has violated any
law or has been anything less than
completely forthcoming. He has
cooperated fully, voluntarily and
honestly with all aspects of the
Iran-Contra investigations and
any suggestion to the contrary is
The word “target" is a legal
term used by U.S. attorneys' of
fices and refers to someone facing
probable indictment. The Post sto
ry did not say that Reagan had
been named a target.
A source close to Reagan said
Goldberg's statement was using
the word “target" ip a more gen
eral sense — in an attempt to con
vey that Walsh's office was not
contemplating an indictment of
the former president.
But the sources say that
Walsh's office is focusing
nonetheless on whether Reagan
and his former aides tried to con
ceal the White House role in the
deliveries of 508 TOW anti-tank
missiles and 18 Hawk anti-aircraft
missiles from Israel to Iran in
Iraq allows
U.N. access
to ministry
Hussein compromises in latest series
of disagreements with resolutions
U.N. official said Sunday that Iraq
had agreed to permit weapons in
spectors to search the Agriculture
Ministry in Baghdad, ending a
three-week standoff that had
threatened to explode into war.
Iraq's U.N. ambassador had
been the first to announce an
agreement, although hours before
in Baghdad, President Saddam
Hussein had said the “mother of
all battles" he promised during
the Persian Gulf War was not
It appeared his government
had backed down in the face of
veiled U.S. threats. President Bush
expressed satisfaction that Iraq
had agreed to let inspectors into
the ministry, but said he remained
concerned about Saddam's intran
sigence in other areas.
Rolf Ekeus, head of the U.N-
commission that is eliminating
Iraq's terror weapons under the
terms of the Gulf War cease-fire,
said the threat of force “put an el
ement of reality" into negotiations
with Iraq.
But the United Nations also
compromised, reorganizing the in
spection team to make it over
whelmingly European and keep
ing American experts outside the
The agreement “means the Spe
cial Commission will conduct a
full inspection of the building of
the Ministry of Agriculture, as
previously designated for inspec
tion," Ekeus told reporters.
The United Nations says its in
spectors should have full access to
all sites in Iraq under the cease
fire, which demands that Iraq de
stroy all of its nuclear and chemi
cal weapons.
U.N. inspectors say they be
lieve material on ballistic missile,
chemical, biological and nuclear
programs are hidden in Iraq's
Agriculture Ministry. Iraq denies
this, and had said U.N. insistence
on going in was a violation of its
Iraqi Ambassador Abdul Amir
al-Anbari said Sunday's agree
ment ensured “full respect for
Iraqi sovereignty and national se
Ekeus said the inspection
would take place Tuesday and
that he would go to Baghdad to
meet with Iraqi officials to discuss
their government's obligations.
Ekeus was to leave for London
Sunday evening, arriving in Bagh
dad Tuesday.
Bush said Saddam “caved in
after a lot of bluster/' but that his
"violation continues in other im
portant areas."
“The international community
cannot tolerate continued Iraqi de
fiance of the United Nations and
the rule of law. There is too much
at stake for the U.N., the region
and the world," Bush told re
porters after returning to the
White House from the presiden
tial retreat at Camp David, Md.
Although Iraq agreed to the
cease-fire ending the war that
forced it to reverse its invasion of
Kuwait, it repeatedly has clashed
with the United Nations over the
terms, and demanded that the
U.N. resolutions be annulled.
Iraq also has maintained a vir
tual blockade of Kurdish areas,
despite U.N. Security Council de
mands that the Kurds be treated
humanely following their failed
rebellion. And Baghdad has reject
ed the findings of the U.N. com
mission that demarcated the bor
der between Iraq and Kuwait fol
lowing the Gulf War.
In the ministry dispute, Iraq
had objected to inspectors from
the United States and other coun
tries that had taken part in the
Gulf War. It said some of the in
spectors were spies.
Ekeus said the nine-member
team going in Thursday would in
clude six experts who would enter
the building: two Germans, and
one each from Finland, Switzer
land, Sweden and Russia.
Three more experts — two
Americans and one Russian —
will be working outside to analyze
documents or other materials
team members bring out.
The two Americans were on
the original team. But U.S. Army
Maj. Karen Jansen, the original
leader who left Baghdad last
week, was not returning, sources
said. The new leader will be
Achim Biermann of Germany.
Class of '92 presents
check to Bush library
By Mark Evans
The Battalion
Officers of the Class of '92
presented a $50,000 check to
representatives of the George
Bush Presidential Library and
Museum on Friday.
of the Class
of '92, in-
7,000 stu
dents, chose
the Bush Li
brary from
among five
other pro
jects sug
gested by
very hard,
for four
years, to
give some
thing back
to the Uni
said Glass
President Jennifer Collins.
"I am very pleased that we
are giving the money to some
thing which will not only bene
fit Texas A&M, but College Sta
tion and the Brazos Valley as a
William McKenzie, a mem
ber of the Texas A&M Universi-
g System Board of Regents, and
r. Perry Atkinson, director of
the Bush Library, accepted the
"It was an integral part of
our presentation to President
Bush that the ideals, the beliefs
he espouses
are all ideals
that we we
find here at
Texas A&M
said.* "This
fabulous gift
these values."
wrote Bush,
telling him of
the gift. In a
letter to
Bush ex
pressed his
to Collins,
Gift Director
Warner and the Class of '92.
Construction is scheduled to
begin on the library in 1995.
The library is funded entirely by
private donations. Currently,
over $600,000 have been raised
in the first few weeks.
"It was an integral part of
our presentation to Pres
ident Bush that the ideals,
the beliefs he espouses are
all ideals that we find here
at Texas A&M University/'
-William McKenzie, board of
regents member