The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 27, 1992, Image 6
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For more information, call Stephen Archer 12th Man phone: 846-8193, 696-5377 did you know:.. *A study abroad experience will make you more marketable in the future *This is the best time in your life to see the world * Knowing a foreign language may be the most valuable asset you have in the 21st century *Study Abroad IS financially possible for anyone Come to MINI OVERSEAS DAY April 28, 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. MSC Main Hallway . and learn about TAMU Study Abroad Programs for 1993 NOW IS THE TIME TO PLAN!!! Study Abroad Program Office 161 Bizzell Hall West 845-0544 Texas sweeps two in Boston BOSTON (AP) - Pinch hitter John Cangelosi singled home the go-ahead run in the ninth inning Sunday and the Texas Rangers beat the Boston Red Sox 4-2 for a doubleheader sweep. The Rangers broke a four- game losing slump in winning the first game 3-1. Bobby Witt worked out of two bases-load jams and the Red Sox left 13 runners, including nine in scoring position. Texas capitalized on reliever Greg Harris' wildness to complete the sweep after Brian Downing tied the score with a two-run homer in the eighth. Harris (1-1) started the ninth by walking Julio Franco and Dean Palmer. Tony Fossas relieved and struck out A1 Newman, but Jeff Reardon took over and gave up RBI singles to Cangelosi and Ivan Rodriguez. Terry Mathews (1-1) was the winner and Jeff Russell pitched the ninth for his second save of the day and fifth of the season. In the first game, Witt (2-2) al lowed seven hits, walked four and struck out four in seven innings. Kenny Rogers replaced Witt at the start of the eighth, then gave way to Russell, who got the final out. By leaps and bounds... A&M hurdler Richard Murphy, far right, flies over a hurdle Saturday at the Penn Relays held at Penn University. Murphy finished third in the finals of the university high-hurdles competition. A&M also won the B finals of li Court 4 x 100 relay and placed third in the A Finals the 4 x 400 relay. A&M will host the Souths Monda Conference meet which begins on April 30. Four headed to NFL Continued from Page 5 the 19th and minutes later traded up to 17th to take Smith, the Southwest Conference's all-time leading interceptor. Even though he was not stunned with his selec tion, Smith said he was pleased to stay in Texas. "I wasn't very surprised," Smith said. "I felt like that was the place that I was going to end up going. Just from meeting those guys at the combine and talking with coach Johnson, I felt like that was going to be the place for me. Smith, a native of Orange, agreed verbally to a four-year deal with Dallas, as did the Cowboys' other first-round pick, Robert Jones of East Carolina. Cowboys head coach Jimmy Johnson said Smith would be a player that can contribute right away. "We really liked Kevin Smith," Johnson said. "We had seen him work out at Texas A&M, and he is the career interception leader at A&M, so we saw that he could make a big contribution. "Smith is a talented cover cor- nerback. He can help us in our nickel packages and is a good punt returner. Smith said that he felt Dallas made a good choice in taking him over top defensive backs Terrell Buckley of Florida State and Troy Vincent of Wisconsin. "I think I'm more a student of the game," Smith said. "1 feel I can compete against the best of those receivers. Those guys (Buck- ley and Vincent) have a lot to of fer, but I think if I had to go head up and compete against those guys. I'd win. "Dallas got the best cornerback in this draft." Wheeler, led all A&M defen sive linemen with 41 tackles and tied for third with 4.5 sacks. He had tried out for the Buccaneers earlier and had hoped to be select ed by them. "They came down and worked me out, and I have been wearing a Bucs cap ever since," Wheeler said. "I just wanted to go some where where it was hot. I'm excit ed." Grooms, who also hails from Baytown, joined Smith in creating one of the best secondaries in the nation in 1991-92. He had 51 tack les on the season, the fifth-best on the team. The Aggies were among five college teams that had two players picked in the first round. Stan ford, Washington, Miami and Ten nessee rounded out the list. A&M tied with Texas as the teams in the SWC with the most players selected in the first five rounds, each having four. There were 11 SWC players selected Sunday. Coryatt and University of Houston quarterback David Klin- gler made the first SWC duo since 1984 to be picked in the top 10 of the draft. Klingler went to the Cincinnati Bengals with the sixth pick in the first round. Dallas do defense Two first-round pi O’Brien Continued from Page 5 Instead of hopping on the phone, Jerry and Jimmy just sat there. And by sitting there, they passed up a golden opportunity. There were two of the country's top defensive backs sitting right there in front of them, and they didn't even take notice. Lucky for Jimmy and Jerry it wasn't a rattlesnake. Miami Hurricane safety Dar ryl Williams and Mississippi Valley State cornerback Ashley Ambrose were the two players left dangling in front of the Cow boys after they picked Jones. But instead of trading a cou ple of their many second and third round picks for a chance at Williams or Ambrose, they de cided to go with the numbers. To get Ambrose or Williams, they only needed to trade up to a spot behind No. 24 where they picked Jones. What would it have taken? The Detroit Lions had the No. 26 pick and probably would have been interested in two picks in the top of the second round. That's where the Cowboys could have come in and cleaned house. Just think what it would be like to have K. Smith and Darryl Williams in the defensive back- field together for Dallas. Am brose would have been nice, too. Jerry and Jimmy's goof-up on Sunday, however, wasn't sur prising. They've shown over the last couple of years what their theory on the draft is - a large collection of good players is bet ter than a small collection of great ones. It's not an outrageous theory if you have to completely rebuild a team from ground-up, like the Indianapolis Colts or the Green Bay Packers. But for the Cow boys, it's time to make the moves for players like Carter and Am brose. And even if all of their picks end up being good, quality NFL players, what do they do with all of them? It seems unlikely that the Cowboys will be able to sign all four of their top picks. And if by some chance they do sign all these guys, where do all the cur rent Cowboys go? Young Dallas players, who need some time to develop, may be out of time with the influx of draftees. It just would have been smarter for Dallas to take three or four great players instead of so many good ones. For fans, who are excited about the acquisition of K. Smith, it's too bad the Cowboys couldn't do more. It wasn't that hard to find a complement to Smith. Williams and Carter were right there for the taking. There's still pollution, starv ing people and a hole in the ozone layer. And the verdict is still out on whether or not John son and Jones know how to draft in the NFL. agree to contractte IRVING, Texas (AP)-Pi memories of the run-and-sku fense put the Dallas Cowte the defensive on draft day All-American conrn Kevin Smith of Texas AM! leading interceptor in Soil Conference history, was boys first pick and thel3ll!s all, courtesy of the Herschdl er trade with Minnesota, Dallas, which lostlineW Jack Del Rio and Darrickto low to Plan B free agency,^ East Carolina linebackerEi* Jones, a tremendous 0[ tackier, in the 24th spot ofiliii round. Owner Jerry Jones#® quickly and came to agreements with bothfefc round picks. No terms*® nounced but both contrads* for four years. Dallas, blown out38-M run-and-shoot Detroit Lionsii playoffs, moved to shoreup fense that had become vuIk to passing teams. "We had those two identified a long time age we would like to beCowto Dallas coach Jimmy Johnsoi "We had a few nervousmoit- We traded down but up because we wereworrid Francisco might take Kevin.' is a talented cover cornerbad can help us in our nickel pad* and is a good punt returner Johnson said a lot of went into studying Jones. "We followed Kevinatl A&M and knew whatheconl but we probably studied more than any player in the draft,” Johnson said. "Wel« at him backward and He's a middle linebackerwl* move, and the system heph was similar to ours." Johnson also knew through Bob Slowik, a Da sistant who was linebacker at East Carolina. "He'll give Dallas dimet of pursuit from sideline tosi( •that probably hasn't beentb® a long time," Slowik said Every Wednesday Sing-Along Starts at 8:30 ^ SUNDAY ALL DAY! $1.90 PITCHERS DURING ALL LIUE ENTERTAINMENT Real Mexican PHYSICS - ECON - MATH TUTORING 3.50 / per hour ThiscoW 1 College SI* Confer Centered MON 4/27 TUE 4/28 ECON 202 Ch 12 ECON 202 Ch 12 PHYS219A Ch 9,10 RHYS 219A Ch 12 PHYS219A Ch 10,11 RHYS 208 Ch 43,44 MATH 151 MATH 152 161 WED 4/29 THU 4/30 SAT 5/2 MON 5/4 MATH 142 RHYS 219A REVIEW Ch. 9-12 7pm to 10pm MATH 152 161 MATH 151 RHYS 208 Ch 45,46 RHYS 219B Ch 26, 27 MATH 142 ECON 202 Ch 10,11 5pm to 7 pm ECON 202 Ch 12 7pm to 9pm ECON 202 Final Review Ch 1-5 RHYS 208 Ch 47, 48 ECON 202 Final Review Ch 1-5 7pm to 9pm ECON 202 Final Review Ch 6,8,9 9pm to 11 pm RHYS 219B Ch 28, 29 ECON 203 Final Review Ch 5-9 ECON® Final ChS.SJ ECON® CM2 The United to end s u p e s c h desegre Topeke subject Board i years ag It ov court r school c the raci its scho Court ; forced designs would j arbiters ones. 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