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About The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current | View Entire Issue (April 15, 1992)
Page 6 The Battalion Wednesday, April 15 1 Report backs use of genetic fingerprinting Spade Phillips, Rl. by Matt Kowai WASHINGTON (AP) - Genet ic fingerprinting is a reliable and valid way of convicting the guilty and freeing the innocent, and should continue to be used in courts, a National Research Coun cil report said Tuesday. The report said that genetic identification techniques now in use are good, but that they could be improved by setting a national standard for laboratory tech niques and by the certification of lab personnel. "We think it is a powerful tool for criminal investigation and for exoneration of innocent individu als and one that should be used even as standards are strength ened," said Victor A. McKusick, chairman of the NRC panel of ex perts that conducted a two-year study. "We did not say that courts should cease to admit this evi dence," he said. McKusick, a Johns Hopkins University gene expert, said that the committee found no reason to call for a halt in use of the current genetic identification system, called DNA fingerprinting. ottflY.So Youf\ Fame's k«t You pr£tty much crsmc ) TH£ OMlY WOMM r £VE/e \C0VED (HiO ANP 5H£ The Battalion Classified Ads Phone: 845-0569 / Office: Room 015 (basement) Reed McDonald Building , AGG1E , WANT ADS $10 for 20 words running 5 days, if your merchandise is priced $1000 or less (price must appear in ad). For private individuals, not businesses. Guaran teed results or you get an additional 5 days at no charge. If item doesn’t sell, advertiser must call before 11 a.m. on the day the ad is schedule to end to qualify for the 5 additional insertions at no charge. Business. Hours 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday through Friday Visa dHHi BwiMl mbb accepted For Lease Skin Infection Study Volunteers needed for Skin Infection Research Study comparing two antibiotics (one of which is an investigational drug.) Infection must be culturable. Qualifying infections include: infected blisters, earlobes, boils, fingernails, infected cuts, scrapes and insect bites. Call to see if eligible. Eligible volunteers will be compensated. Strep Throat study Volunteers needed for Strep Throat Study comparing two antibiotics (one is an investigational drug.) Qualifying symptoms include at least two of the following: Sore Throat, Difficulty Swallowing, Swollen Glands and Fever. Rapid strep test will be done free of charge to confirm diagnosis. Eligible volunteers will be compensated. G&S Studies • 846-5933 Close to Campus OUR PRICES ARE RIGHT ON TARGET! EASTGATE 696-7380 INTRUDER ALARM 24 HR. MAINTENANCE Sublease 1/2 of a 2bd/2ba furnished apartment in Brtarwood for summer. $200/mth plus 1/2 utilities. Call 693-8061. APARTMENT AVAILABLE FOR SUMMER SUBLEASE. 2b/1,1/2ba, furnished, $395/mth. 307-D Manuel Drive. College Station 693-9902. For Lease: Newly remodeled mobile home beside Bryan Municipal Golf Course. Washer/Dryer-dishwasher. Must see to appreciate. 2601 Roundtree #7. Summer lease $295.00, 846 4100. Subleasing 3b/2ba apartment for summer at Parkway Circle Apartments 696-8393. Sublease Huntington Apts., 1bd/1ba, patio. $350.00. Available June 1 or possibly sooner. 696-9423,846-8116. M.T. or M.L.T. Must be ASCP certified or eligible. Duties include routine and complex laboratory analysis, performs general lab duties, assumes responsibility for problem solving and quality control. Must possess phlebotomy experience. Afternoons and evenings, part-time. Scott & White offers excellent benefits, and competitive salaries. Apply in person: SCOTT& WHITE 1600 University Drive East College Station, TX 77840 E.O.E. 1,000 sq. ft. 2b/1ba duplex, Southwood Valley, fenced backyard, pets allowed, W/D connections, sublease May to August $400. 764-8364. FREE LOCATORS New Job, new city leasing apartment and condos. All areas of Dallas. Free service. We will drive you. 18 years experience. 1-800-594-3496,214- 369-5410. YOUR BEST HOUSING VALUE. 1670 sq. ft., 4bd/2ba., two 1/2 bathrooms at Sundance Apartments with great rooms, wet bar, FF refrigerator, W/D connections, celling fans. Intrusion alarms, pool and park. Call Sandra 696- 9638 3b/2ba four-plex with w/d. On shuttle starting at $495 696- 4384, 764-0704, or 693-4783. For Sale THE GREENERY is interviewing for land scape team members 9-11 a.m., M-Th. 1512 Cavitt Bryan, Texas EARN CASH! $110/MTH. AND UP. Be a plasma donor! Safe and easy procedure provides guaranteed income. Join thousands of A&M students as regular donors. WESTGATE PLASMA CENTER 4223 Wellborn Road 846-8855. ALASKA SUMMER EMPLOYMENT - Fisheries. Earn $5,000+/month. Free transportation! Room & Board. Over 8,000 openings. No experience necessary. Male or Female. For employment program call Student Employ ment Services at 1-206-545-4155 ext. 1601. SEIZED CARS, trucks, boats, four wheelers, motor homes, by FBI, IRS, DEA,. Available your area now. Call (805)682-7555 Ext. C-1201. Dependable people for Houston Post route $400-$900 a/ month. Early morning 846-2911, 846-1253. FORD'S RESALE: Has headboards for beds for all sizes and coffee tables, couches, dining tables, mattresses, box springs, washing machines, dryers, clothing and much, much more. 427 S. Main Bryan. MOVING SALE: Pair Dr. Fong DJ speakers #325. Dinette set $40. Recliner $35. EVERYTHING MUST GO. Healthy males wanted as semen donors. Help infertile couples. Confidentiality ensured. Ethnic diversity desir able. Ages 18-35, excellent compensation. Contact Fairfax Cryobank, 1121 Briarcrest Suite 101, 776-4453. 1984 Toyota P/U, red, tinted sliding window, trlickbox, a/ c, $2500 696-3396. Loftforsale 1 semester old $200 or o.b.o. Rob 847-1882. 1988-T-bird Sport V8. Loaded with options. One owner - TAMLI faculty. High mileage, but perfect condition. 18 months remaining on an unlimited mileage factory war ranty. $6600 or best offer. 845-0619. POSTAL JOBS AVAILABLE! Many positions. Great benefits. Call (800) 338-3388. Ext. P-3332. Professional Word Processing Resume Services Reports & Merge Letters Typist available 7 days a week ON THE DOUBLE 113 COLLEGE MAIN 846-3755 PANASONICDX-2000BICYCLE. RED. SHIMANOCOM- PONENTS, HANDMADE FRAME, WITH VETTA CYCLOCOMPUTER. GREAT CONDITION. $165.00 693-8893. STEREO PAIR HOME SUBWOOFERS. 150 w/channel, super loud, powerful. Crossover extra. 30“ tall 15” diameter. Call for audition 847-2701 $275.00. Moving must sell 16 cubic ft. Hot Point frost-free refrigera tor, like new. Only 20 months old $350. 776-5046. Matching bedroom set (desk w/chair. dresser, nightstand, bookcase); $200, will sell separately; recliner $75; sleeper sofa, $75, 696-5320. PHLEBOTOMIST: St. Joseph Hospital and Health Center Is accepting applications for part-time blood collectors to work M-F, 3pm-7pm or weekends only. Previous experi ence in blood collecting preferred but willing to train. Interested persons should apply to the Human Resources Dept, by Monday 4-20-92. E.O.E. MAKE STRAIGHT A'S Leam secrets teachers don’t know. Guaranteed. Free Details 1-800-880-4636. ATHLETES DREAM If you enjoy sports, fitness, and nutrition, this is a job for you. Call 846-9754. ARE YOU AVERAGE? If so do not read on! Summer internship available giving above average pay for above average effort. Those interested in enhancing their re sumes and developing interpersonal skills, call (409) 696- 2415. 1991 average salary $5,300.00. MUST SELL Honda Elite 80. 2yrs old, body work just completed with new parts, excellent condition, looks, rides GREAT $850 774-0469. Business Opportunity Need 10 students with ranch or construction experience to work May 15 to May 31st in exchange for summer apart ment rent. Apply at Academic Village 3900 Old College Road. Bryan from 1 to 5, M-F. 846-9196. EXCELLENT TUTOR ANY 100 LEVEL MATH, CPSC 110, 120, 210; CHEM 101, 102. 846-1837. SATISFAC TION GUARANTEED! STUDENTS NEED EXTRA $$$$? Extroverted, enthusi astic, eager, individual interested in pleasant, profitable, full-time or part-time business 713-668-5263. Call collect. SHom£TW/N6 THEN, Jl Yqu_ 5or-foNA BlTc H .. • S .WHY DiD SHE /favn Die?.../ (h 1 v ) /jl/ // \\ Someone rt> m£ /?t.So 0iet> rt F&*J r'EAFS Men. THou6H IT riFrecrET> Hf ViFrzKetJTLV r F/our Wts ft 600E> WrtY 7t> B<. _ m. YouR Mi506tniSTK ftrrruDt TStortAP SHflf-Louj WOMEN (the story so far... ) V VKOP IT- MTVFX SOCK NUNLV - NOT W/-/IL£" / ST/LU Hotb tviG urrerc hahv! tOfooT fjow WOO'D CKlPPlWqs/ quak ctuak At/q/V/ Student couple needed for summer to assist with ranch activities. Housing and salary provided. Send information to 1300 Walton C.S. 77840. CYBERGENICS TOTAL BODYBUILDING SYSTEM $99.99. LOWEST PRICES ON ALL BRANDS OF SPORTS SUPPLEMENTS. 693-1236. $1.00 PER PAGE TYPING LASER PRINTED. EDITING SERVICES 764-7191. COMPUTER ACCESS. Books, software, service and computers. 809 So.. TX Ave'. Across from TAMU (next to Red Lobster) 764-1136. Flowerama Reopening soon floral design/retail sales po sitions available at our Post Oak Mall location. Flexible hours, competitive wages, employee discounts. Call Jim at 1-800-728-6004. Experienced librarian will do library research for you. Call 272-3348. Adoption Help Wanted. Telephone Sales: All shifts. 9-1, 1-5, 5-9. 776-6474. AAA DEFENSIVE DRIVING. Ticket dismissal, insurance discount. Mon-Tue(6-10p.m.),W-Th. (6-10 p.m.,Fri.(6- .10 p.m.) Sat., (8-12 noon), Sat. (8-4:30 p.m..). $20.00/per class. 411 TX Ave. S. 693-1322. NEED RESUME EXPERIENCE? Summer work program offers appr. $450+wk. & college credit. Call 1-800-234- 3269. THE SOUTHWESTERN COMPANY. Warm, loving, professional couple longs to adopt new born. We promise a caring, happy home filled w/music/ warmth, quality education, full-time mom. Confidential/ Legal. Call Nancy collect 919-942-9666. For Rent Delivery driver needed for summer $6/hr. Some lifting required. Neat appearance. Knowledge of Houston helpful. Apply to Bluebonnet Countertops, Ranger Indus trial Park on Hwy. 21 East 778-3414. NEED DEPENDABLE PERSON TO CUEAM WED - SAT,., APPROX. 8 a.m. - 12 a.m. ” TRANSPORTATION. $6/hr. 776-6373. HOMES, PHONE/ THERE'S A JOB FOR YOU IN A SUMMER CAMP: The American Camping Association (NY) will make your appli cation available, to over 300 camps in the Northeast. Exciting opportunities for college students and profes sionals. Positions available: all land and water sports, kitchen, maintenance, arts and crafts, drama, music, dance, nature, tripping, R.N.'s, M.D.'s., athletic, water front, and boating directors. Benefits may include college credit, travel expenses. Experience or certification not necessarily required. CALL OR WRITE FOR APPLICA TION. AMERICAN CAMPING ASSOCIATION. 12 West 31st Street. New York, N.Y. 10002, 1-800-777-CAMP. COTTON VILLAGE APTS. Ltd. Snook, Texas $0 w/RA $224-$360 for 1 bdrm. $0 w/RA $280 $481 for 2 bdrm. Call 846-8878, 774-0773 a/5 p.m. Equal Opportunity Houslng/Handlcapped Accessible New England country home, love of outdoors, large family and pets await your baby. A loving couple will provide a lifetime of laughter, security and LOTS OF LOVE. Please call collect Ken & Ann (802) 235-2312. Lost & Found REWARD Lost at Hurricane Harry's on Fri. 27th, small, gold half-moon charm. Has tremendous sentimental value. Please call Teal at 847-5157. Travel Apartments now available. Efficiencies In 1 bedrooms. From $244 and $275. Call 846-9196. VERY IMPRESSIVE, FULLY FURNISHED HOUSE. 2,1/ 2 MILES TO CAMPUS. ONLY $500/MO 693-3911. SUMMER TOURS TO EUROPE, AUSTRALIA AND THE GREEK ISLANDS. 15-19 days. All expenses paid includ- ingmeals. $1395-$1798. CallContikiTours 1-800-950- 1037 ext. #2. TIRED OF APARTMENT LIVING? Nice 3bd/1 ba homes, W/D connections. CA/H, fenced, dose to shuttle, lawn care. Call Buddy 696-2204. Personals Mechanic ASE certified or equivalent. Full or part-time. Flexible hours. Salary/commission. Apply at Piper's Chevron the comer of University and TX Ave. 2Bdrm,.1 1/2Ba luxury four-plex. W/D, near A&M, shuttle bus, water paid, $425; 693-0551, 764-8051. CERTIFIEDW.S.I’s&CERTIFIED LIFEGUARDS Needed for NW Houston private school; June-August 713-686- 5427. Must bring certificate! Apply during Spring Break 4103 Sherwood Lane Houston, Texas 77092. Roommate Wanted CRUISE LINE Entry level onboard/landside positions available; year-round & summer. (813) 229-5478. Roommate needed to share 2bdr/2bth., summer and/or fall. Treehouse Village. Call Emanuel, 693-6654. Great accommodations. TALK LIVE 1 to 1 Share your private thoughts with beautiful, caring women. 1-900-535-KISS (5477) $2.95/min. Live Hot Phone Talk 1-800-735-KISS (5477)-MCA/ISA/AM AAA Talk Miami, FI. 18 or older. FISH OUT OF WATER by GREGORY G0WA! \T' s kW/ tW >4 6AU «,6T TH» AVL N6hf "Mlkt T/Sori ©►f A tore’ FCkSviS. \T toMej WITH AN 18-INw R0«. OK CAW oRbtR 1Wt S»Af DR A tore* Pdc <«*.SV IT COMES WITH AJS4., Nu tort. ***** fADcwos To Tkt Alasxah whoop CAftTOCHlSfi KJC T: ICJI/AUV, fJCflf £f| THIS WftfAtyMlI COOLDfJ'j flClIttl WHAT tttf $3 DO | TODAY. -HfY, If 'fiWISj CAN G£T It SO ON 11! sonmm cm\ VIILL HAfPfiJ ftp, ffism, I CAN f(£L it! Iraft- TI Ag \cluc ions, Jnd R qualit by tea Bl about the dr lory a top. Cc drafte scouts linel very c "re she Tb rressc Jenga reed £ nrer B Ar Corya those there i Cowb middl very c left or Th seems woulc boys c FREE! pepperoni CRAZY BREAD' PIZZAS 94% MORE PEPPERONI FREE! CHOCOLATE RAVIOLI little Caesars (W) Pizza! Pizza! TWo great pizzas! One low price: Always! 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NORTHGATE COLLEGE STATION er-w-iMa Expire* CHMJMW . . not Jki aMi Mtt ■ ■■■i. ■mbImml' BT-W-fS-M Eapirw* W»1S4K 268-0220 University & Stasney 696-0191 SW Parkway & Texas BRYAN 776-7171 1775 BRIARCREST