1 Multicultural week includes Spade Phillips, Rl. skits, origami, films, awards Contined from Page 2 proactive approach," she said. An MSC Hospitality group will perform a skit on cultural aware ness Tuesday at noon. Also, the workshop "Orgami: The Art of Paper Folding," will take place at 12:30 p.m. in 292 MSC. Beekmann said students will be given paper and Dr. James Yao, head of the civil engineering de partment, will demonstrate the ancient oriental art of paper fold ing in a hands-on workshop. Students will work in target groups trying to solve actual cam pus conflicts in the role-playing workshop. The role playing will take place Tuesday at 6:30 p.m. in 292 in the MSC and is being coor dinated by Student Affairs. A PBS video about the history of buffalo-hunting warriors, enti tled "The Spirit of Crazy Horse," is to be shown at noon on Wednesday. Also, "The Killing Fields" will be shown at 6 p.m. Both presentations will be viewed in room 292 of the MSC. Readings from Chicano au thors, including Sandra Cisneros, will be read in the flag room at noon and 1 p.m. April 2. There also will be cultural display tables in the MSC between 11 a.m. and 2 p.m. The second TAMU Diversity Awards presentation will be held Thursday at 10 a.m. in room 206 of the MSC, with six categories: stu dent organizations, support staff, professional staff, administrators, faculty and students. The multicultural week will end with the fifth annual confer ence "Hispanics . . . What the Fu ture Holds" presented by the Committee for the Awareness of Mexican-American Culture on April 3 and 4. For more information, contact the Department of Multicultural Services at 845-4551. (the story so far. by thomas deenj The Battalion Classified Ads OH fU/J, vJHJtf A 1HA1 4AsreK2c*i wkz caaJ I woiJpeK vJtu