25, 1992
! a symposium
n Agriculture;
Merritt Taylor
in Russian
ities, anil
farm will be
anel response
hysics, will be
eveloped i
t 602 W. 2
3719 for more
dnesday, March 25,1992
The Battalion
Page 7
L's decision
instant replay
e correct call
at to expect |^ es t i n peace instant replay, and
d. 1:30 p m i|_\_good riddance,
building. Catr Last Wednesday, at the National
formation. Football League Owner's Meeting, the
owners of the 28 teams voted down
pres., VP of the use of instant replay in NFL
5, treasurer igames, and it's about time.
:er. 7 p.m.lngl For the last six seasons, whether or
913 for morepot someone was out of bounds or
had possession of the ball, or whether
or not the ground caused the fumble,
50 Cl ATI ON l las ' :)een U P to one m an and a tele-
m screen -
â–  j . I Instead of letting the officials on
o 03 ° fc the field decide what was up, the play
jalways went to the replay booth.
But that was then and this is now.
No one in their right minds will
iss the immortal phrase, "After fur-
er review..." Professional football is
eat, but lately the games have been
Center (21f| w ay too long,
of Student I Tte head honchos tried to
nt Service'|P ee ^ U P g 311168 tho last few seasons
s f or m()r ; by not stopping the clock unless it was
in the last two minutes of the quarter
and by also limiting the amount of
time a replay official has to review a
' play.
Those changes helped, but this will
les toribe the key to speeding up what had
requireo become three-hour contests.
get Request
ted studenl
I March 31 in
ent studenls
Files fofjbe thekey to s
Sail now foff Maybe now league officials will
e office and j pay more attention the the game in-
ile. Available I stead of just watching and waiting for
loore at 847-| a pl a Y t0 b® sent to the replay booth,
gihe officials seem to be competent
enough to know what happened on a
: E AvFTER P la Y without having Big Brother
.. c r , watching over them.
Oam / It seemed fhj^t the^ use of replay
See Andro/Page 8
A&M runs circles
around Bearkats
Harris hits for the cycle in 12-0 win
By Anthony Andro
The Battalion
Eric Gonzalez stumbles in a rundown between first and second base while trying
to avoid the tag of SHSLTs Bobby Johnson in the first inning of A&M's 12-0 win.
After Robert Harris's performance for
the Texas A&M baseball team last night,
one might wonder if injured Aggie Mike
Hickey has ever heard of Wally Pipp.
Pipp played for the New York Yan
kees in the late 1920s. He was injured and
replaced by a player named Lou Gehrig.
Pipp never played again, and Gehrig
wound up in the Hall of Fame.
Harris, who is substituting for Hickey
at second base, hit for the cycle Tuesday
and paced the Aggies to a 12-0 win over
Sam Houston State at Olsen Field.
Harris singled in the first inning,
tripled in the third inning, doubled in the
fourth inning and hit a three-run homer in
the seventh inning. It was the first time,
to his memory, that he had accomplished
the feat.
"I don't think I've ever hit for the cy
cle," Harris said. "If I did, it was probably
in T-ball or something. It was real excit
He went 4-for-5 in the game, scored
two runs and had five RBIs. It was his
best performance since he took over for
Hickey, who broke his hand in a tourna
ment in Minnesota more than three weeks
Once he knew he had a chance at the
cycle, Harris tried to hit a homer but
popped up.
"I had one thing left to do to hit for the
cycle, and that was a home run and I tried
to do that and popped up," he said. "I
couldn't believe I did that the last time. It
was kind of amazing.
"The last time at bat, I wasn't trying to
hit a home run."
A&M coach Mark Johnson said Harris'
rare performance is something he should
"It's a special time and not too many
people get that," Johnson said. "It only
happens once or twice in your lifetime in
baseball. It's a special day.
"Robert Harris worked hard, and ev
erything fell right today."
The Aggies were never really chal
lenged in the game. Catcher John Keller
began the scoring in the second inning
See Aggie/Page 8
Barone has no plans to leave A&M
Coach firm in commitment to rebuild fledgling basketball program
By Scott Wudel
The Battalion
n 9 a.it
33 for ,flc
Texas A&M basketball coach Tony
Barone has never been one for taking the
easy way out of a difficult situation. All
the NCAA sanctions and the other hard
ships the Aggies have faced this year
could not convince the first-year coach to
turn tail and run from Aggieland.
Tuesday, Barone reaffirmed his com
mitment to the A&M basketball program,
ending further speculation that he was lis
tening to offers from other colleges that
might give the coach a breath of fresh air
after his 6-22 inaugural season at A&M.
Since the end of the regular season,
Barone's name, along with a handful of
others, has been circulated among a num
ber of athletic directors who are looking
for the right man to fill their coaching va
Barone listened to what Wisconsin
and Wichita State had to say, but decided
to stay at A&M to rebuild what he be
lieved was the worst major college basket
ball program in the country when he ar
rived- >â– ;. i
v- "It wouldn't have been an easy way
out," Barone said. "If you look at what
happened this year, and all the circum-
s interested
he Classol
s meeting,
at 845-7511
stances that surrounded what we went
through. I'm not sure there wouldn't have
been some people who said, 'Maybe you
should go.'"
After extended discussions with both
schools, Barone took his name off their
lists and continued forward in his plans to
one day have the Aggies in the Top 25.
"I knew after I talked with those peo
ple, that those two jobs were jobs I wasn't
interested in," he said. "I know what it
takes to build a top program. I know
See Barone/Page 8
Tony Barone said he discussed offers
from other schools but will remain at A&M.
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Wed., March 25
301 Rudder 7 pm
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