The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 09, 1992, Image 1

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Aggies lose ground in SWC
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Page 7
George Bush and
Bill Clinton deserve their
parties’ nominations
-Battalion Editorial Board
Page 9
The Battalion
Vol. 91 No. 110
College Station, Texas
‘Serving Texas A&M since 1893"
10 Pages
Monday, March 9, 1992
mobilize for
Super Tuesday
Senator Harkin to end bid
for Democratic nomination
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WASHINGTON (AP) — President Bush and
Democrat Bill Clinton headed toward delegate-rich
Super Tuesday" races claiming big boosts from
weekend victories. The
Democratic field was expect
ed to narrow by one as Iowa
Sen. Tom Harkin decided to
call it quits.
Harkin scheduled news
conferences for today in
Washington and Des Moines
after a series of disappoint
ing finishes, including a 6
percent showing in South
Carolina on Saturday.
Two Iowa Democratic
Party officials said Harkin
would announce his with-
Cv Ij drawal from the race today.
Nevada Democrats,
meanwhile, held party cau
cuses Sunday to begin the delegate selection process.
Republican challenger Patrick Buchanan remained
winless but vowed to take his insurgent candidacy all
the way to the GOP convention in Houston in August.
"This campaign ... is about more than piling up
delegates," Buchanan said in a TV interview.
However, Buchanan strategists are now looking
beyond Super Tuesday — where they are not opti
mistic of scoring wins — to the March 17 showdown
in Michigan as a make-or-break state for the conserva-
Sen. Tom Harkin
:ed in ed: J
lent c tive TV commentator,
liege £4 Bush's 67 percent win over two conservative GOP
ower In 'challengers and Clinton's 63 percent dominance of the
jl locatio Democratic field in South Carolina's primary on Sat-
jtion, tk urday are likely to spill over into this week's Super
ial Librai Tuesday.
There are 11 Democratic races and eight Republi-
t econonii|can ones on Tuesday, most of them in the South.
"We've got a good victory out of South Carolina
m-Collegland Wyoming and Arizona. But I need Texas on Tues-
iploymen day," Clinton said while barnstorming across Texas,
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BILLY MORAN/The Battalion
Two injured in auto accident
John Harrison of New York is removed
from a car by the Texas A&M
Emergency Medical Services after the
car he was riding in collided with a truck
at the intersection of Wellborn and Joe
Routt Saturday. Two of the five
passengers were treated for minor
injuries at Humana Hospital.
voice anger
at monitors
'Thought police' use illegal means
to evaluate alleged political bias
By Gina Howard
The Battalion
Texas A&M liberal arts instruc
tors expressed their displeasure
Friday over a classroom monitor
ing program set up by a conserva
tive student group, calling the
concept a case of thought-policing
and censorship.
David McWhirter, an assistant
professor of English, said he is not
sure one group is qualified to de
cide what political bias actually is.
"I think they understand very
little about teaching and about
what a university ought to be,"
McWhirter said. "They pretend to
be speaking from an unbiased po
sition and see truth as their own
bias. In a way, they are thought
The monitoring carried out by
the A&M chapter of Young Con
servatives of Texas involves plac
ing members in classrooms to
scrutinize instructors suspected of
teaching in a politically biased
At least two monitors sit in
unannounced on each targeted
class for three days. The group
plans to publish their results for
student use in the fall.
The observation methods the
group uses are not allowed under
University Rules and Regulations,
said Dr. William Perry, dean of
faculties and associate provost.
"If a person is going to visit a
class, then they should secure per
mission," Perry said. "That is the
rule of the University and we are
bound by these rules. My point of
view is (if someone attends) with
out permission, a professor is free
to ask any person to leave."
Randy Keetch, Chairman of
YCT, said his group wants to let
students know which professors "
teach with academic honesty and
which largely preach ideology -
especially when their grades
might lie in the balance."
Dr. Larry Hill, head of the his
tory department, said professors
try to be objective, whatever their
"Why should I trust their
(Young Conservatives of Texas)
judgment on what political bias is
when they are going on only one
perspective," Hill said. "We all
See Professor/Page 6
Capturing the Spirit' fund-raiser kicks off with $185 million
By Karen Praslicka
The Battalion
Texas A&M has already raised $185
million of the $500 million University of
ficials and volunteers hope to raise with
the "Capturing the Spirit" campaign -
and the fund-raising has just begun.
The multi-year campaign is Texas
A&M's first volunteer-led Fund-raising
campaign, and the largest effort undertak
es, a receifen by any public university. It is intended
tk to reach the goal by August 31,1996.
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Menachem Begin dies;
leaves legacy of peace
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TEL AVIV, Israel (AP) - For-
Texas , mer p r i me Minister Menachem
Resean t ^ e pugnacious Israeli lead
er who made peace with Egypt
but led his nation into war in
Lebanon, died yesterday. He was
Begin died in Tel Aviv Ichilov
Hospital, where he was on a respi
rator in the intensive care unit fol
lowing a heart attack on Tuesday.
Doctors installed a pacemaker
Thursday but his condition took a
turn for the worse Friday.
The hospital's director, Dan
Michaeli, said Begin died at 3:30
a.m. (7:30 p.m. CST Sunday). Be-
gin's two daughters and son were
at his bedside, Israel radio said.
The government announced the
news in a statement on Israel Ra
dio 11/2 hours later, and said it
would hold a special session to de
cide funeral arrangements.
Begin was a giant of the Jewish
A Polish Jew whose parents
were killed by the Nazis, he came
to political power labeled by many
as a terrorist for his part in the un
derground that helped found the
At a formal gala Friday night to pub
licly kick off the campaign. University
president William Mobley announced a
$52 million gift commitment from former
student Dwight Look of Sinajana, Guam.
University officials and campaign leaders
say the pledge is the largest gift to any
public university and the rourth-largest to
any institution of higher education.
"We can indeed be proud of capturing
the spirit of that Aggie," Mobley said.
Look wrote in a letter to Mobley that
he intends to give A&M 1000 acres of real
estate on the Island of Guam. Details are
not finalized, but Look wrote that he be
lieves the gift should benefit A&M with a
minimum of $52 million.
The property will be deeded to the De
velopment Foundation over the next sev
eral years, and is adjacent to the largest
real estate development currently under
way in the Pacific region.
Look's gift will establish endowments
for the College of Engineering and Ster
ling C. Evans Library, and for other high-
priority University projects.
Mobley said the campaign is the
largest undertaking of any public univer
sity in the nation, and the program will
challenge everyone involved. He said
A&M is on the verge of being Widely rec
ognized as one of the top ten universities
in the nation.
"In a number of respects we're already
there, but in some we're not," he said.
"The challenge is to offer support, pro
vide the facilities and offer a margin of ex
cellence you can't get from state support."
"Aggies obviously have always been
fond of challenges," he continued. "We
want to be number one."
Frederick D. McClure, a former A&M
student body president, spoke to the
crowd during dinner at Duncan Dining
Hall about why it is important to give to
the campaign.
McClure, also a former Assistant to
President Bush for Legislative Affairs,
said the reason the guests were there was
plain and simple-"to convince you either
to sign on the dotted line or commit your
selves further to the cause."
He said believers in A&M must cap
ture the spirit and make it work for them.
See A&M fund-raiser/Page 6
state of Israel.
Begin shared the Nobel Peace
Prize with Egypt's President An
war Sadat for leading his country
to its first, and so far only, peace
treaty with an Arab country.
For that 1979 treaty, he sacri
ficed the Sinai Desert, one of the
most precious prizes of the 1967
Mideast War. But he clung tena
ciously to other territories cap
tured by Israel, annexing the
Golan Heights of Syria and filling
the West Bank with Jewish settle
He took an aggressive posture
toward Israel's enemies, bombing
Iraq's nuclear reactor to rubble in
1981. The following year, he sent
the army into Lebanon to wipe out
the PLO in what became Israel's
most unpopular war.
Then, after six tumultuous
years, hq resigned without expla
nation and spent his remaining
years in virtual seclusion.
His 1983 resignation, some the
orized, was driven by guilt over
being abroad on state business
when his wife died.
Thumbs Up For Spring Break
Koldus reflects on hitchhiking home
during brief spring vacation of 1950
Spring break memories
KARL A. STOLLEIS/The Battalion
Dr. John Koldus, vice president for student
services at Texas A&M
Editor's note: This is the first of a four-part se
ries on Texas A&M administrators reflecting on
their past and present spring break experiences.
By Bridget Harrow
The Battalion
Spring break of yesteryear. No beaches,
no babes, no beer. Just two young college
men heading home. No planes, no trains, no
transportation at all. Thumbs up, luggage
light, the two freshman friends decide to
The year was 1950. And one of the young
men was John Koldus, now Dr. John Koldus,
vice president for student services at Texas
A&M University. The other young man was
Koldus' college buddy, Rudy Wagner.
Koldus says now as he thinks back, it was the
most exciting and unusual spring break he
ever had.
"Spring break was not a week long like it
is now," he says. " It was shorter and it tied
■ Dr. John Koldus, V.P. for student services -
□ Tony Barone, basketball coach - Tuesday
□ Dr. William Mobley, A&M president -
□ R.C. Slocum, head football coach - Thursday
in with Easter. You had Good Friday, Easter
weekend and the following Monday off from
school. So you did not have as much time to
do as many things;"
Since he went to school at Arkansas State
University in Jonesboro, Ark., and his home
was 570 miles north, in Gary, Ind., Koldus
didn't go home for spring break after his
freshman year. The reason he went home
that one time was because his parents were
giving him a 1937 Chevy. It was the first time
See Koldus/Page 6