Page 4 The Battalion Wednesday, February 18 ■ Agents rate animal rights guide effective Spade Phillips, P.l. by Matt Kowalj Continued from Page 2 titled to many of the same rights." "They (animal rights activists) have zero tolerance for the utiliza tion of animals by humans," Goodwin said. Animal welfare proponents "believe that it is acceptable to use animals for the benefit of humans as long as those animals are treat ed with compassion and dignity," Goodwin's written guide says. The true test for the tapes comes from the professional ex tension agents who will use it, and their response has been extremely favorable. Out of 258 agents who re viewed the tape, 92 percent rated the program as effective, but much more information is needed on the subject, Goodwin said. "This is really the first and most aggressive extension level program for education on this subject." Goodwin said. Yfl hwoo>, SPADE , If YOU THtHK You'Re boim, n> die haviwo sex uke rooR obituary 5flip, perhaps rouf\ Rendezvous with TRnciE Rt THE CKateau la Hi (ion TbtVISKr SHoouD BE CAwcrtcCP. The tapes are not in wide re lease, but Goodwin says he will show the tapes and their accom panying lecture to any group that contacts him and sets up a time. 'Deep dark secret' adoptions create problems Continued from Page 2 gry," Schmitt said. "He was told growing up that his birth parents had been married with three chil dren, and gave him up because they wanted to pursue Ph.D.'s. "His daughter convinced him to search, and now he's finding out that none of what he was told was true," she said. Patricia Young, an adoption counselor with Catholic Families in San Antonio, said the 'deep dark secret' aspect of adoption has been the major contributor to psy chological problems in adoptees. "A lot of the clinical problems adoptees face are really grief based," Young said. "The avail ability of information in open adoptions allows the adoptee a form of closure on who they are. "We're finding that with a pic ture of their birth mother and even limited communication, the child has much less difficulty over the years." Slate said openness will have a positive effect on current and fu ture adoptions. An estimated 15-40 percent of psychiatric patients in the U.S. are adoptees. The reason for the large fraction is partly due to the atti tude that the child had no history prior to the adoption. Slate said. "There has been extensive psy chological damage to some adoptees because of the way it's been handled in the past," Slate said. "It's almost like a marriage, in that the child brings a unique his tory all its own to the union." (the story so far. Yovii, ni sisttek aw i Mill, be peBarj**;- luir4 sec. I V MAfJT To CHCCK sotierwijq HUV7 aha [ jostas. i TUOU^nr, MOflMKTY. by thomas deei VoU'Rff Jt/JT 4 TSMllW WITH A TISCVIBoPlO* HCAO. Loon. I M£ Too. 1 MOiViKjlj / The Battalion FISH OUT OF WATER by GREGORY GOWM Classified Ads MIW-. yod THE - Jog. Mod WoU Uk-t To 5ay {) 7/~ T ^ r~ -i y Phone: 845-0569 / Office: Room 015 (basement) Reed McDonald Building 'AGGIE 1 WANT ADS $10 for 20 words running 5 days, if your merchandise is priced $1000 or less (price must appear in ad). For private individuals, not businesses. Guaran teed results or you get an additional 5 days at no charge. If item doesn't sell, advertiser must call before 11 a.m. on the day the ad is schedule to end to qualify for the 5 additional insertions at no charge. fcysioesa Hours 8 a.m. -5 p.m. Monday through Friday accepted Yts. Do*4't -roual Mty Look AT Mt, 114IMK- Of |tJ AMY V//W. bon'-r MAXE o£ TEtl ^ ABoUT VouF petfcMS d£ MAnI LIt'l&SS. .STTW Awk-S . IF You HAME TO ffcLL Mk CALU ME QfA THk Of^FIGf PboMk SUT X>0 kBFAOte HkAWwW. ( bdHV |n1 SfYukUw-f pU, Ahlb fcoHT yod Mg: VJHA.T Osl YcUe Coyifc rlAN . Q£ ( \ ^ whoop by Help Wanted SUMMER JOBS. Warehouse work. 3 shifts, eight hours each. Two locations. Dallas (214)-869-0250), Houston (713) 820-3820). For Sale BACK PAIN STUDY Patients needed with acute (recent) onset of muscle spasms (back pain,'etc.) to participate in a consumer use research study with an FDA approved drug. Medical evaluation at no cost to patient. Eligible volunteers wllfbe compensated. G & S STUDIES, INC. 846‘.5933^ Waitresses/bartenders needed immediately at Yester days. Apply 4421, S Tx. Avenue Bryan, 846-2625. No experience required. 88 Mazda MX-6; 32,000 miles, Immaculate condition ,$7700. Call 696-1683. Losers Wanted! We pay you to lose 10to180 pounds. Call Rosemary 512-452-4901. Mobile home 14x70 2bd/1ba, close to campus, island kitchen 775-9218. A FfW 0AY5 AGO, THIS SKIP Rfl/SfD 50HFQUf5T/0MS A£ TOW MfSfNCE OF HEROES in OUR. SOCIETY-WLLUE'K nwH mCED TO RE-fHIM ooe POSITION LACERATED AND BtOKEU AW JA5ow Found mooch prim AND DICNiTT TO HEROICALLY KICK HIS NEHESIS INTO THE COtiMNS FOOD PROCfSSIWO UNIT... YELLOWSTONE NATIONAL PARK. Summer Jobs! Hir ing over 2,000 for our hotels, restaurants and support operations. Room and board. Recruiters interviewing on campus, Monday, February 17th- sign up in the Place ment center, Rudder Conference Tower. TW Recre ational Services, PO Box 165, Yellowstone Park, WY 82190. 406-848-7481 or 307-344-7901, ext. 5323. AA/ EOE M/F/H/V. Four month old male ferret. Neutered and de-scented. With some supplies. $90.00. Call 696-6796. 1988 T-bird Turbo coupe fully loaded extra; keyless entry equalizer, more. 50,000 miles $7300 693-0058. '85 80cc Rlva Scooter with helmets. $550. 845-1568, 776-1588. Ask for Tony. 1984 JEEPCJ-7, brown with hard top Call Brandon 847- 6397 $4,300. NEW ENGLAND BROTHER/SISTER CAMPS - MASSA CHUSETTS: Mah-Kee-Nac for Boys/Danbee for Girls, counselor positions for program specialists: All team sports, especially baseball, basketball, field hockey, soft- ALPINE RACING BIKE-Shlmanocomponents 14 speed, black, chromoly frame, 1 yr old, $325. Jim 846-3909 or BCS 696-6581. ball, soccer and volleyball: 25 tennis openings; also ar chery, riflery, weights/fitndSs and blklngf other openings 1985 Honda Rebel Motorcycle Black, Excellent Condi tion. $700. 696-6194 "STREP THROAT STUDY" Volunteers needed for streptococcal tonsillitis/pharyngitis research study comparing two antibiotics, (one of which is an investigational drug). Qualifying symptoms include: fever (100.4 or more), pharyngeal pain (sore throat), difficulty swallowing. Rapid strep test will be done to confirm diagnosis. Eligible volunteers wilf be compensated. G & S STUDIES. INC. 846-5933 include performing arts, fine arts, newspaper, photography, cooking, sewing, rollerskating, rocketry, ropes, and camp craft. All waterfront activities (swimming, skiing, sailing, windsurfing, canoe/kayaking). Inquire: Mah-Kee-Nac (BOYS) 190 Linden Avenue, Glen Ridge, NJ 07028. Call 1-800-753-9118. Danbee (GIRLS) 17 Westminster Drive, Montville, NJ 07045. Call 1-800-729-8606. Upright piano $600 696-3901 for the Tex; The sea gies are 6-4 1986 when but it's still still remain really havei kind of rhy Stephen to be the A) season but ] and decidet some more one. The Ag) the 1992 sea west Confei eled to Hou Owls. The / two of three the new sch ference garr It's not 1 make the di losing the S’ matter that: Aggies have decade. It's not i February is start thinkin and spring 1 ally enter pe The Agg able to get tl Aggie quilts. Twin, full or king 1-632-6712. CHEAPI FBI/U.S. SEIZED: 89 MERCEDES...$200. 86VW...$50. 87MERCEDES...$100. 65MUSTANG...$50. Choose from thousands starting $25. FREE 24 Hour Recording Reveals Details 801-379-2929 Copyright #TX 14KJC. Enough Food To Turn Your Family Meal Into A... CRUISE LINE Entry level onboard/landside positions available,.year-round & summer (813) 229-5478. Computers PARTY! PARTY! 40,000/yr! READ BOOKS an TV Scripts. Fill out simple “like/don't like" form. EASY! Fun, relaxing at home, beach, vacations, guaranteed paycheck. FREE 24 Hour Recording 801-379-2925 Copyright#TX14KEB. 60-100 hrs/wkAlaska Fisheries hiring now! R-T board provided! to $5,000+/mo. Extensive fisheries report gets job or call refunded. 1 -900-443-7274 ($3/min., complete program four minutes). MACINTOSH PLUS, 4MB RAM, KENSINGTON CPU FAN, DUST COVER, CASE; MSWORD, MSFILE, SYS TEM 6.X/7.X DISKETTES, GAMES. $650. 260-1678, LEAVE MESSAGE. AMIGA 500, 1 Meg, 2 drives, monitor, printer, word perfect, manuals, extras $700 693-5422. Earn up to $200 a day stuffing envelopes for major corporation. Rush long SASE to: USTB Marketing Dept. A-1, P.O. -Box 6504, Kingwood, Texas 77325. Personals 2 PIZZAS With One Topping (Excludes Extra Cheese) END YOUR JOB SEARCH NOWM The Texas A&M Telefund Out reach Program needs enthusiastic, goal oriented, and professional students to join our team. Valuable career experience, sharpen communication skills, $5.50 per hour, excellent training provided, & flexible scheduling. Call 845-0425 M-F, 9 a.m.-6 p.m. Contact Troy Rayburn, Clayton Williams Alumni Center. EARN CASH! $110/mthand up. Be a plasma donor! Safe and easy procedure provides guaranteed income. Join thousands of A&M students as regular donors. WESTGATE PLASMA CENTER 4223 Welborn Road 846-8855. Healthy males wanted as semen donors. Help infertile couples. Confidentiality ensured. Ethnic diversity desir able. Ages 18-35, excellent compensation. Contact Fairfax Cryobank, 1121 Briarcrest Suite 101, 776-4453. TALK LIVE 1 to 1 Share your private thoughts with beautiful, caring women. 1-900-535-KISS (5477) $2.95/min. Live Hot Phone Talk 1-800-735-KISS (5477)-MC/VISA/AM AAA Talk Miami, FI. 18 or older. 2 Gun Club ARROWHEAD GUN CLUB. Non-members welcome. Skeet-Pistol-Trap-RifleRanges. OpenTues-Sun, 10a.m. Hwy. 6 S.1/4 mile past Texas World Speedway. 690- 0276. Curl Up & Dye Hair Design. February First Visit Special. Guys $9.00, girls $11.00. 846-HAIR. SINGLE, HANDSOME COWBOY LOOKING FOR COW GIRL TO GO DANCING, DINING OUT, MOVIES AND A LASTING RELATIONSHIP. CALL PAT 774-4604, AF TER 5:00 P.M. Mon.-Fri. 2 CRAZY BREADS Two 4'Piece Orders SOFT S DRINKS 16 oz. Size Services Travel THE GREENERY is interviewing for land scape team members 9-11 a.m., M-Th. 1512 Cavitt Bryan, Texas Professional Word Processing Resume Services Reports & Merge Letters Typist available 7 days a week ON THE DOUBLE 113 COLLEGE MAIN 846-3755 GRADUATING SENIORS; Have a job in your field waiting for you. (401)782-6546. College Scholarships available. Recorded message gives details. 846-7391 ext. 402. CPR LESSONS. GET CERTIFIED FOR SUMMER NOW $15.00 PER STUDENT 693-9533. $1.00 PER PAGE PAGE TYPING LASER PRINTED. CALL EDITING SERVICE 764-7191. For Rent POSTAL JOBS AVAILABLE! Many positions. Great benefits. Call (800) 338-3388. Ext. P-3332. COTTON VILLAGE APTS. Ltd. Snook, Texas $0 w/RA $200-$357 for 1 bdrm. $0 w/RA $248-$428 for 2 bdrm. Call 846-8878, 774-0773 a/5 p.m. Equal Opportunity Housing/Handicapped Accessible E3 SCUBA K3 SPRING BREAK AT THE TEXAS FLOWER GARDENS LlVE-A-BoARd MARCH 19-18 ONLY $995 Indudes meals. arMs and tuoni^tf dives. r 9CVMA 115 COLLEGE MAM NORTHGATE •846 9?96* MEDIUM SIZE PIZZAS PtUS TAX Delivery available on campus! ICDEZfZ r rvLUZ BUY ONE BABY PAN! PAN! & a 32 oz. soft drink Looking for friendly, outgoing individuals to guide tourists on horseback rides through the national forest land of Colorado. Reply to Sombrero Ranches, Inc., 3100 Airport Road, Box A Boulder, CO 80301. 2b/2ba, w/d connect, shuttle, $400/mth.. Call 260-1069. RECEPTIONIST/SECRETARY. PART-TIME, GENERAL OFICE SKILLS REQUIRED, CONTACTJAN/COVENTRY GLEN REALTY 846-2894. Garage Sale Graduate student couple needed to manage a small apartment complex. Furnished apartment plus salary. Send information to 1300 Walton Drive College Station, TX 77840. 1-DAY GARAGE SALE of office equipment from recent foreclosure of large company. Desk, credenzasas, files, swivel chairs, computers, adding machines, sofas, tables and much more. Saturday February 22, 8-4. 3007 Longmire Building A Styles 3 & 4. Hello, I'm your Continental Campus Representative and a Texas Aggie. I was hired by Continental solely to assist the students with travel information and planning. Let me help you with spring break or general travel plans. Call 775-4335. For Sale Spring Break! CANCUN from only $349 plus tax 5-Star Resorts, Airfare, Parties & More! $ 2.49 plus tax ! Not valid with any other I offer. One coupon per customer. Carry out only. 1-800-BEACH-BTJMl (1-800-232-2428) BT-02-19-92 Expires 03-19-62 Crazy Eights I medium pizza! pizza! or pan! pan! | ■MM MMM. MHMM MMM In* msJr Imm Henan I I wImm Immm pepperoni, mushrooms, | green pepper, onions, ham, ■ bacon, ground beef, Italian | sausage 8 toppings for I $Q 0O I BUY ONE SANDWICH GET ONE FREE 8.88 : $ 3.25 plus tax plus tax Not valid with any other offer. One coupon per customer. Carry out only. | Not valid with any other a offer. One coupon per l customer. Carry out only. BT-02-19-92 I Expires 03-19-92 BT-02-19-92 Expires 03-19-92 AGGIES CHOICE One for you... One for a buddy 1 with everything 1 with one topping Small $ 9.49 Medium M1.49 Large $ 13.49 Not valid with any other offer, One coupon per customer. Carry out only, BT-02-19-92 Expires 03-19-92 TR 10:30-4:00. Flexible $4.25/hr. Shop clean up, some study time. Call 846-5091. Student needed from the following cities to survey child safety seat use for the Texas Transportation Institute during spring break: Amarillo, Beaumont, Brownsville, Dallas, Fort Worth, Houston, Lubbock, San Antonio, Tyler and Waco. Two students from each city will collect data at designated daycare centers and shopping centers. Approximately 4 days work plus training $5.25/hr. Call Julie at 845-2736 between 8 a m. - 5 p.m. for interview. SEIZED CARS, trucks, boats, four wheelers, motor homes, by FBI, IRS, DEA,. Available your area now. Call (805)682-7555 Ext. C-1201. FREE TRAVEL Air couriers and cruiseships. Students also needed Christmas, Spring, and Summer for Amusement Park employment. Call (800) 338-3388 Ext. F-3091. NORTHGATE 268-0220 University & Stasney COLLEGE STATION 696-0191 SW Parkway & Texas BRYAN 776-7171 1775 BRIARCREST 82 Yamaha Maxim 750. Reliable, well-maintained. $800 neg. 696-1032. SPRING BREAK 92 WITH COLLEGE TOURS; Mazatlan/ $399, Cancun/$379. Air, hotel, parties, nightly entertain ment. Callformore information, and reservations. Teresa 1-800-395-4896.