The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, February 19, 1992, Image 2

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Page 2
The Battalion
Wednesday, February 19,
Taught by
Library tests 31-database system
Police Beat
By Karen Praslicka
The Battalion
Sterling C. Evans library is
testing a new online library sys
tem that can offer users access to
up to 31 databases in areas such as
the arts, business, education, sci
ence and consumer news.
"Our library is a test site to see
how much use the system gets
with unrestricted access," Kathy
Jackson, head of systems at Evans
library, said.
FirstSearch, the electronic in
formation system, also offers stu
dents and faculty access to World-
cat, the Online Computer Library
Center online union catalog.
Computer offers users access
to wider variety of subjects
Worldcat holds more than 24 mil
lion bibliographic records from
13,000 libraries worldwide.
Jackson said students and fac
ulty can use FirstSearch from their
homes or offices. However, they
need a computer account on cam
pus, which is available free of
The system has 14 databases
presently operating, and the 17 re
maining databases will be in
stalled at a later date.
"Eventually, there will be
databases of interest for all disci
plines," Jackson said.
One of the main advantages to
the system is that users can access
it from their own computer termi
nals, she said.
Jackson said Evans library can
not own every book and journal in
print, but FirstSearch identifies
other locations for materials not
available at Texas A&M. The in
ter-library loan office can borrow
books from some of the other loca
tions identified by FirstSearch for
graduate students and faculty.
The FirstSearch testing is in its
second phase. The first phase,
which began last February, tested
the technical operation of the sys
The second phase, which will
end in June, focuses on how many
people use the system. Evans li
brary gets access to the system at
no cost until June. At that time, a
decision will be made about
whether to keep the system.
"The response has been really
good," Jackson said. "Students
and faculty have expressed con
cern about keeping it."
"We're really interested in
people trying it, and giving us
feedback," she said.
The following incidents were reported to University
during the period between Feb. 10 and Feb. 13.
Misdemeanor Theft
A 26-inch rim and tire and a Gel bicycle seat were stolen
bicycle rack between Dormitory 5 and Underwood Hall.
The front tire and rim from a Trek 7000 bicycle were stole
from a bicycle rack at the Zachry Engineering Center.
Several items of unattended clothing were stolen from
washing machine in the laundry room adjacent to the Militai
Property Warehouse.
A blue Windspeed boys bicycle was stolen from the Dormitoji
4 bicycle rack.
A black leather purse and contents were stolen from a sea®
Videos give both sides of animal rights
floor room of the Eller Oceanography and Meteorology Building,
A black Giant Nutra boys bicycle was stolen from the bicp
rack on the north side of the Memorial Student Center.
An unattended bank bag that was being used by the
store personal property was stolen from atop a change machines
the first floor of the Sterling C. Evans Library.
A silver and black aluminum dolly loaned to an unidentifa
person was not returned to the Printing Center
By K. Lee Davis
The Battalion
With three million outspoken animal rights
activists' in the United States, one Texas A&M
graduate student thought it was time the agri
culture industry got fair treatment from animal
rights groups.
Jeff Goodwin, veteran of an eight-year stint
as an agricultural extension agent in the Texas
panhandle and a doctoral candidate in the Col
lege of Agriculture, has made two videos he
hopes will dispel some of the myths surround
ing animal treatment in the agriculture indus
Goodwin is currently the trustee of his fam
ily farm and ranch near Sunray, Texas, as well
as an extension associate with the Texas Agri
cultural Experiment Station.
The videos were created as part of Good
win's doctoral thesis and are primarily for the
use of agricultural extension agents for further
education and keeping up with current issues
in agriculture.
His first video, "What's the Beef," deals
with the quality of agribusiness in the United
States today, and what he considers the exag
gerations of animal rights activists on the lack
of humane livestock care.
In "What's the Beef," Goodwin debunks
several popular criticisms against beef con
sumption, one being the dangers of growth
hormone in meat production.
According to the video, a three ounce serv
ing of peas has 200 times more estrogen than
an equal serving of hormone-implanted beef,
while an equal serving of cabbage has over
1000 times the amount of estrogen found in
"Here's the Beef," the second video, is pro
duced from animal rights activists' point of
view, addressing their concerns in a serious
way, Goodwin said.
"I'm trying to be as fair as possible with
these two videos by examining the contrasting
viewpoints on the subject" he said.
Goodwin makes a clear distinction between
animal rights and animal welfare in his written
guide to accompany the video, stating that ani
mal rights activists "believe that animals are
morally equivalent to humans and are thus en-
Two victims reported receiving harassing telephone calls during
the period.
One victim reported being harassed both verbally anil
physically by an acquaintance.
Felony Theft
A Panasonic VHS camcorder Model PF-460 was stolen froma
basement room in the Eller Oceanography and Meteorologj
Violation of University Regulation
Two individuals were issued Criminal Trespass Warnings
escorted from campus after they were detected selling magazine
subscriptions without authorization.
See Agents/Page 4
Reckless Conduct
Method gives children better self-concept
Two individuals responsible for discharging a Marksman B
gun and a large water gun on the fourth floor balconyt
Schuhmacher Hall were identified.
Open adoptions benefit adoptees
Public Intoxication
Five individuals were arrested and incarcerated in the Brazos
County Jail after they were observed urinating on E. Main Drive.
KTAM for
Cinema He
Editor's Note: This is the third of
a five-part series in The Battalion on
adoption in Texas and how it has
changed over the years. Today's arti
cle focuses on the benefits of open
By Jayme Blaschke
The Battalion
For years children have been
the ignored participants in the
adoption equation, but adoptees
stand to benefit the most from the
new open placements favored by
Texas agencies.
Because there is more informa
tion available in open adoption,
the adoptee has a more complete
self-concept, said Joanna Slate, di
rector of post-adoption wdrk at
the Texas Cradle Society. The
questioning and curiosity a child
has of his or her origin is normal
and healthy, and satisfied more
fully when answers are available.
"When I first heard of
adoptees wanting to search for
their birth parents, my first
thought was that they were un
happy with their current family,"
Slate said. "That's not true. It's just
a natural curiosity.
"Even if their search turns out
to be disappointing, the adoptees
have said they're still glad they
searched," she said. "A lot of
times adoptees and their parents
become closer after a search. Open
adoption is an extension of this.
It's not co-parenting. The child
knows who his parents are."
Many adult adoptees live with
the idea, conscious or subcon
scious, that they did something
wrong at birth that caused their
parents not to want them, said
Aria-Schmitt of Adoption Aware
ness in San Antonio. Open adop
tions prevent those damaging mis
conceptions from taking hold.
"I'm working with a very suc
cessful man from the East Coast
who's in his 50's, and is very an-
See Deep dark secret/Page 4
The Battalion incorrectly reported in Tuesday's paper thafDr.
from access fees ro
Larry Piper distributed funds from access fees for new computei
equipment for the College of Engineering. Piper is course coordi
nator for the Engineering 109 classes using the new computers.
Dr. John Dinkel, associate provost for computers and informa
tion systems, distributed the money from the fees.
The Battalion regrets any inconvenience this may have caused.
The Battalion
USPS 045-360
The Battalion is published daily except Saturday, Sunday, holidays, exam periods, and
when school is not in session during fall and spring semesters; publication is Tuesday
through Friday during the summer session. Second class postage paid at College
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News: The Battalion news department is managed by students at Texas A&M University
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offices are in 013 Reed McDonald Building. The newsroom phone number is 845-3316.
Fax: 845-2647.
Opinions expressed in The Battalion are those of the editorial board or the contributor,
and do not necessarily represent the opinions of the Texas A&M student body, adminis
trators, faculty or the A&M Board of Regents.
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