5ns are ssidentfor 'ffice, ‘I lege of >tember27 'ation. ■4 Blocker members 515 or 693. ! won the ITIONS: Dr,; 1 th e arts. 7 y neeting, g for more ARCH ces. ders. 8:30 f for mote 315 for more i istianity, er. Call ie. 5:30- i Tucker at al meeting, 'j 740 for more! vlautical i, r Columbus ; more all 1991.7 ] formation. : LISTS: Hod n. in 003 n 9 a.m.toJf abana. 5 at 693-236: | 01 Rudder :ing agenda ested r more . 7 p.m. in 2nd floor o! 141 Bright Dr. Sicilio 30 p.m. in jdder. Cal! red