The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, June 28, 1991, Image 4

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    World & Nation
Friday, Juno 28,1991
The Battalion
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Yugoslavia fights Slovenians to preserve splintering nation
LJUBLJANA, Yugoslavia (AP) — Yu
goslav troops battled Slovenian seces
sionists Thursday in at least 20 areas
with helicopters, tanks and hand gre
nades to try to preserve the fracturing
nation. One official reported about 100
Slovenian Defense Minister Janez
Jansa said his troops had shot down at
least six federal air force helicopters on
the first day of open warfare in the
breakaway republic. He spoke of about
100 dead or wounded.
Other sources, however, said only
that at least six had been killed in the
fighting, which raised the prospect of
all-out civil war in the Balkan nation.
The federal government also sent
tanks into the breakaway republic of
Croatia, driving panic-stricken citizens
into the streets.
Slovenia and Croatia declared inde
pendence on Tuesday after failing to
get the central government to agree to
a looser federation, despite warnings
that a civil war could erupt.
The federal army sought Thursday
to cut off Slovenia — and possibly also
Croatia — from the outside and dem
onstrate that they remain part of the
Croatian television showed federal
armored vehicles rolling through the
city of Osijek, forcing residents to flee.
But TV reporters theorized it was likely
only a show of force, and it was possi
ble the vehicles were sent to keep the
peace in areas of Serb-Croat tension.
Most of the clashes in Slovenia oc
curred at or near border stations, the
main target of the federal army, which
seeks to reestablish Yugoslavia's origi
nal borders. But fighting also was re
ported elsewhere.
Countless street barricades blocked
the army tanks, but they met little re
sistance as they advanced toward Slo
venia's borders with Austria, Italy and
Adm. Stane Brovet, the federal dep
uty defense minister, said in Belgrade
that by early evening, the army had
taken over all border posts in Slovenia.
Among those killed were two federal
army troopers who burned to death af
ter their tank caught fire in a shootout
with Slovenian forces at Train,
miles northeast of Ljubljana.
Associated Press photograp:
Srdjan Ilic, who saw the fight, was:
jured in the head when a shelf
ploded and everything within 50\t
caught fire.
Slovenian forces killed a Yugos
officer in a clash with army units e
ing toward the Hungarian horde:
Ormoz. Two civilians and two Sit
nian troops were injured, official
the republic said.
Tobacco industry pushes for further review
EPA delays smoking report
NEW YORK (AP) — The Envi
ronmental Protection Agency
has agreed to a tobacco industry
demand for further scientific re
view that could delay release of a
report on the dangers of second
hand cigarette smoke.
The report was completed in
April after an extensive review
by scientists inside and outside
the EPA.
"It seems that the EPA has
swallowed the tobacco indus
try's line that more study is al
ways needed," John Banzhaf,
executive director of Action on
Smoking and Health in Wash
ington, D.C., said Wednesday.
"The clear consequence is going
to be further delay in protecting
The federal Occupational
Safety and Health Administra
tion has said that the EPA's stud
ies of second-hand cigarette
smoke will help OSHA decide
how and when to regulate smok
ing in the workplace.
The report in question is re
ferred to as the "technical com
pendium" on environmental to
bacco smoke. It is a summary of
existing research on passive
smoking, and has attracted at
tention primarily for its conclu
sion that tobacco smoke kills
53,000 American non-smokers
each year, 37,000 of them from
heart disease.
The EPA revealed its decision
to seek the second review in a
June 21 letter to Rep. Thomas J.
Bliley, R-Va. Bliley had echoed
many of the tobacco industry's
complaints in a long letter to
EPA Administrator William K.
Reilly on May 9.
Brennan Dawson, a
spokeswoman for the Tobacco
Institute, said the industry has
been seeking the review for
more than a year.
"We expressed that point of
view to the EPA," she said. "It is
a very wise idea to send it to the
Science Advisory Board."
The board is an EPA agency
established to provide indepen
dent review of EPA scientific re
Program provides loans,
low-interest mortgages
WASHINGTON (AP) — Low and moderate-in-
come rural home buyers would have an easier
time pinning down a mortgage under a pilot pro
gram announced Thursday that targets 2,000 fam
ilies in Texas and 19 other states.
Under the program, the Farmers Home Admin
istration is authorized to guarantee up to $100 mil
lion in housing loans by commercial credit institu
tions through the end of the fiscal year, Sept. 30.
The Federal National Mortgage Association
(Fannie Mae) announced Thursday that it had en
tered a partnership with FmHA to start purchas
ing the loans from lenders and housing finance
agencies that make them available.
The program offers guaranteed, no-down-pay-
ment mortgages, some with lower interest rates,
to low and moderate-income families in commu
nities of 20,000 or less, located at least 25 miles
from a major metropolitan area.
FmHA administrator La Verne Ausman said
the pilot program would reach 2,000 homek
ers, out that the Bush Administration was seek:
another $694 million for the program nextfk
year. That would allow the program to reach-
other 15,000 to 18,000 home buyers.
The House, however, voted Wednesday to i
aside just $350 million for the program in fisc
1992. Although Agriculture Department offit
said the fight wasn't over yet. House Agricult
Committee Chairman Kika de la Garza saidpr
pects for boosting the total don't appear good,;
spite the need.
"There is inadequate housing in the Unit
States of America, in the city, in the countrysic
and we're chipping away very slowly at it. I:
program is intended to help," said de la Gara
But de la Garza said he was not confident ak
getting more money for the program in the fisc
year that starts Oct. 1.
The Battalion
Classified Ads
Phone: 845-0569 / Office: English Annex
Report says census
misses 10 million
Moscow clubs relax
from pre-reform era
Help Wanted H For Sale
Visiting Europe this summer/fall?
Notes-n-Quotes needs simple
research done. Call 846-2255.
Spain, Italy, Austria, Greece,
Switzerland, and others. Knowl
edge of the language helpful.
Clean my house weekly. Suppliesfurnished. References
needed; $5/hr. 775-4115.
Exercise physiologist of OT and physical therapy assis-
tant lor busy rehab center. Callfor appointment 822-1454,
Part-time service station attendant wanted. Experienced
preferred, not required. Apply at Villa Maria Chevron at
29th St. & Villa Maria Rd. Bryan. 776-1261.
National Marketing Company now hiring for all positions in
local office. No experience needed. Good pay. Part-time
or full-time openings. 693-2539.
Earn $45 and a chance to win $100, $60, or $40 more
playing a video game for 10-one hour sessions. Right
handers only. Call 845-3165 anytime.
Graduate student couple to manage 40 unit apartment
complex. Apartment plus salary. Resume to: 1300
Walton Drive, College Station, Texas 77840. 846-9196.
LAW ENFORCMENT JOBS. $17,542 - $86,682/yr. Po-
lice, Sheriff, State Patrol, Correctional Officers. For info
call (1)805-962-8000 Ext. K-9531.
Management trainees needed. Call 693-2539.
Super Cuts now hiring full or part-time stylist 696-1155.
Healthy males wanted as semen donors. Help infertile
couples. Confidentiality ensured. Ethnic diversity desir
able. Ages 18-35, excellent compensation. Contact
Fairfax Cryobank, 1121 Briarcrest Suite 101,776-4453.
Gun Club
ARROWHEAD GUN CLUB. Non-members welcome.
Skeet-Pistol-Trap-RUIe Ranges. Open Tues-Sun. 10 a.m.
Hwy. 6 S. 1/4 mile past Texas World Speedway. 690-
Professional typing, word proc
essing, resume writing and editing
services are available at
call 846-2255
Professional Word Processing
Laser printing for Resumes,
Reports, Letters and Envelopes.
Typist available 7 days a week
113 COLLEGE MAIN 846-3755
Private Scholarships. You receive minimum
of 8 sources, or your money refunded!
America's Finest! Since 1981.
Box 1881, Joplin, MO
64802-1881.1 -800-879-7485
TYPING in Macintosh computer. Laser writer print-tout.
done 24 hrs. or less, 696-3892.
Defensive driving classes, ticket dismissal, insurance
discount. AAA, 909 S.W. Parkway, 693-1322.
Roommate Wanted
Female roommate needed July 1st. Own bed and bath,
pool, tennis and shuttle 512-892-4967.
1983 Plymouth Colt. Well maintained, excellent condi-
tion, sunroof; MUST SELLI $1200 o.b.o. 693-8597.
Piano For Sale. Wanted: Responsible parly to assume
small monthly payments on piano. See locally. Call credit
manager 1 -800-447-4266.
Diamond ring, .33 carat solitaire, 14k gold , new, never
worn, size 6, $950. Tim 846-7161.
MUST SELL 9 month old king size bed $250 775-0174.
1986 red Z-24 Cavalier. 2-door, automatic IMMACULATE
Honda Elite 80, 2 helmets Ike new, $650 or best offer.
Puppies: Miniature Schnauzers. AKC registered. Full-
btooded, $150, After 6 p.m. 764-1108.
Sofa & loveseat. Good condition. Very comfortable. For
more information 823-8040.
For Rent
Snook, TX
1bdrm $200 2 Bdrm $248
Rental Assistance Available
Call 846-8878 or 774-0773
after 5 p.m.
Equal Opportunity Housing/Handicapped Accessible
House tor rent second summer session. Graduate, non-
smoker. 845-5338.
2/1 four-plex units available. Options include: fenced
yard, fireplace, extra storage, minis, some with W/D.
Wyndham Management Inc. 846-4384.
Northgale One- 2 bedroom apartment, $200-$320. Two
bedroom houses, 846-8432, 846-5800.
A2/1 four-plex. W/D, $350,3b/2ba, $425. C.S., shuttteT
693-0551, 764-8051.
SCHOLARSHIPS avallablefrom private sector (to $20,000/
yr.) Call 24-hr. message for details: 213-964-4166 Ext.
Lost & Found
For lost diamond sapphire
ring. Lost 6/22/91 in parking
lot of Schulman 6 Theatre.
Janet 693-7926.
Lost gold solid heart anklet. Reward. Dawn 845-4837
before 5:00 p.m.
Talk Live
2.50/min., 10 min/minimum
Live conversation
one on one.
10 min/minimum.
Wanted: Single female; intelligent, petite, elfin features.
Contact Brian, 847-5301,
Live one on one, adults only. 1 -900-884-7644,2.50/min„
10 min ./minimum.
Nearly 10 million people may
have been overlooked in the
1990 census, congressional in
vestigators said Thursday.
That's nearly double the Cen
sus Bureau estimate, L. Nye Ste
vens of the
General Ac
counting Of
fice told a
House sub
ers made 14
million errors
in counting
the U.S. pop
ulation last
year, which
Stevens said
were a combi
nation of people counted more
than once and those never
"The 1990 census appears to
have had at least 50 percent
more errors than it had in 1980,"
Stevens told the House Post Of
fice and Civil Service subcom
mittee on census and popula
The Census Bureau's estimate
was based on a survey taken
shortly after the census. But the
estimate doesn't include other
types of errors, such as people
placed in the wrong location or
infants counted even though
they were bom after census day.
The Bush administration must
decide by July 15 whether, for
the first time in the history of
U.S. census-taking, to replace
the population count with esti
The deadline was set by a fed
eral court in New York hearing a
lawsuit filed by states and big cit
ies to force a census correction.
The 1990 census counted 248.7
million people in the United
States, but the Census Bureau
estimates that number is 5.3 mil
lion short of the true population.
Blacks and Hispanics were more
likely to be missed than were
Census officials have blamed
errors on a number of problems,
including the tendency of poor
people in big cities not to mail
back their forms and difficulty in
getting correct address lists in
some areas.
Under the court order. Com
merce Secretary Robert Mos-
bacher can't decide to correct the
numbers unless the estimate is
more accurate than the count.
Stevens said the dependability
of the estimates "as a tool for ad
justing census counts remains an
open question at this point,"
particularly when estimating the
population of small areas.
MOSCOW (AP) — Several
nights a week, Mrs. Gorba
chev drops sharp knives onto
her husband's bare stomach.
Then she watches silently as
he climbs a ladder blindfolded
and jumps barefoot onto a pile
of broken glass.
The place is Moscow's Delhi
Restaurant and the daredevils
are Elena and Sergei Gorba
chev. No relation to the Gor
bachevs of the Kremlin, they
have traded on their famous
name and risky stunts to be
come stars of an increasingly
bizarre world — the restaurant
floor shows of once-staid Mos
As bars and nightclubs are
almost unheard or in Moscow,
many restaurants provide a
complete evening's entertain
ment along with the food.
Under the puritanical mor
als of the pre-reform era, res
taurant entertainment was
limited to dreary bands play
ing state-approved music. But
the advent of glasnost has al
lowed the Soviet floor show —-
loud, tacky and often risque —.
to come of age.
The Gorbachevs at the Delhi
restaurant are a tough act to
follow. Even the man who
waltzes with three enormous
live pythons and the female
contortionist find it difficult to
compete with them.
Robert Mosbach-
er’s hands are
tied for the mo
ment in correcting
the census.
Mobil settles environmental lawsuit
"I've never heard anybod;
react negatively to our art
said Sergei, 32, who makes th:
most of his last name. Befor;
he hit the Delhi, his poster:
proclaimed "GORBACHEV
in six-inch letters, with "Sei
gei" in tiny type just above.
"People think it's funny ft
see Gorbachev walking or
glass," he explained.
Other restaurants have sim
lar shows. At the Hole
Moskva, a huge gray buildiK
across the street from (lit
Kremlin that caters to Coir
munist party officials, womer
wearing bikini bottoms art!
tassles gyrate to rock 'n' roll.
The Slavyansky Bazaar, out
of the city's oldest restaurant
was once a favorite of Russia:
literate. Now people cometc
watch folk dances inter
spersed with acrobatic dree:
feats and disco numbers.
Out in the suburbs at (lie
restaurant Olimp, a female©
personator croons "Feelings."
"It's the strangest entertain
ment I've ever seen," said Bill;
Leddy, a tourist from Rhodt
Island, after watching the Dei
hi's show. A Soviet-Indiar
joint venture, the Delhi is o«
of only two Indian restaurant
in Moscow.
Hefty halts 'eco-safe' claims
NEW YORK (AP) — Mobil Corp. agreed
Thursday to pay six states $150,000 to settle
charges it made misleading claims to con
sumers about the degradability of the com
pany's Hefty trash bags, ending a year of le
gal wrangling.
Texas, a party to the original lawsuit,
reached a settlement with Mobil six months
ago in which Mobil agreed to pay the state
Mobil did not admit in the agreement that
the claims were misleading. Still, the deal
marked the first broad legal settlement be
tween law enforcers and industry stemming
from the growing confusion over so-called
green claims.
In the past two years, manufacturers have
crammed shelves with everything from "de
gradable" diapers to "ozone-friendly" hair
sprays as consumers have become more
concerned about buying products that harm
the environment.
The Hefty lawsuit filed one year ago,
along with a raft of legislative proposals and
consumer boycotts, has led many compa
nies to stop claiming broad environmental
benefits for their products.
Some environmentalists said the $150,000
settlement was far from hefty for the multi-
billion-dollar oil giant. But they said it set an
important example.
"This is the first major test and had a chil
ling effect on companies considering la
bels," said Alan Hershkowitz, senior scien
tist at the Natural Resources Defense
"Obviously that's a penalty that's not de
signed to change behavior," he said. "More
than anything else this brought publicity to
the crassest form of misinformation on envi
ronmental issues being perpetuated by big
companies like Mobil."
Headquartered in Fairfax, Va., Mobil is
the nation's second largest oil company be
hind Exxon Corp. It described the $150,000
settlement, or $25,000 per state, as a dona
tion earmarked for states' consumer educa
tion efforts to allay confusion over environ
mental claims.
Mobil agreed in the settlement to halt the
assertions that its plastic bags disintegrate
when exposed to the elements.
The claim has been sharply critidzed'
leading consumers to believe the b$
would harmlessly degrade using com©
disposal methods.
The bags contain a light-sensitive cor
starch-based additive, but most U.S.
ends up buried in landfills, under dark m
of other garbage.
Mobil announced more than a years!
that it would remove the claims in respof
to criticism. But seven states subsequen
sued Mobil last summer, partly becat
store shelves continued to be stocked wi 1
Hefty products containing the critio?
The New York attorney general's oft
the lead state in Thursday's settlement, s*
packages containing the disputed daif
could be found on store shelves as lecet-
as last month.
The other states are California, Massacf
setts, Minnesota, Washington and Wistf