The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, June 28, 1991, Image 2
The Battalion (USPS 045 360) Member of: Associated Press Texas Press Association Southwest Journalism Congress Texas Daily Newspaper Association Texas Intercollegiate Press Association The Battalion Editorial Board Editor Timm Doolen Mana Todd Editor tone City Editor Sean Frerking News Editors Jennifer Jeffus Callie Wilcher Art Director Richard James Lifestyles Editor >tyl d N Rob Newberry Sports Editor Jayme Blaschke Opinion Editor ipm Kei eith Sartin Editorial Policy The Battalion is published da ily except Saturday, Sunday, holi days, exam periods and when school is not in session during fall and spring semesters. Publication is Tuesday through Friday dur ing the summer sessions. The newsroom phone number is 845- 3316. The Battalion is a non-profit, self-supporting newspaper oper ated as a community service to Texas A&M University and Bryan-College Station. The Battalion news depart ment is managed by students at Texas A&M University and is a division of Student Publications, a unit of the Department of Jour nalism. Opinions expressed in The Battalion are those of the edito rial board or the author, and do not necessarily represent the opinions of the Texas A&M stu dent body, administrators, faculty or the A&M Board of Regents. Comments, questions or com plaints about any of the editorial content of the newspaper should be directed to the managing edi tor at 845-3313. Subscriptions Mail subscriptions are $20 per semester, $40 per school year and $50 per full year: 845-2611. POSTMASTER: Send address changes to The Battalion, 230 Reed McDonald, Texas A&M University, College Station TX 77843-1111. Second class postage paid at Col lege Station, TX 77843. Location: The Battalion, 216 Reed McDonald, Texas A&M University, College Station, TX 77843-1111. Campus mail stop: 1111. Advertising Advertising information can be obtained from the advertising de partment at 845-2696 Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., or by visiting the office at the En glish Annex. Advertising Manager Patricia Heck Battalion Adviser Robert Wegener Production Manager Paige Force BATTIPS The Battalion encourages its readers to contribute story ideas and suggestions by call ing BATTIPS, The Battal ion’s phone line designed to improve communication be tween the newspaper and its readers. The BATTIPS number is 845-3315. Ideas can include news sto ries, feature ideas and person ality profiles of interesting people. Readers also are en couraged to offer any other suggestions that could im prove the newspaper. State & Local Council hears plea to continue MTV channel By K. Lee Davis The Battalion A College Station City Council that an ordinance to rezone some land surrounding CC Creation's on Holleman Street near Well born Road. meeting that started off slowly ended as a forum on the recent decision by TCA Cable to drop MTV from its basic program ming. College Station Mayor Larry Ringer began the open meeting by reminding those in atten dance that "under federal law a community cannot set standards on what may or may not be of- ' " dc " CC Creations has tentative plans to expand its operation onto two adjacent lots but needed the rezohing ordinance to develop them. fered by a contracted cable servi ce." Charles Herrick, an employee in Texas A&M's Ocean Drilling Department, called on the coun cil to do everything within its power to show the communities' displeasure With TCA's decision. Herrick prefaced his remarks by saying that he did not like MTV in the least and had once counseled a friend to have it blocked because of a perceived effect the video rock channel was having on his friend's children. "But what TCA is doing is even worse," Herrick said. "Months after brave men and women put their lives in jeop ardy for freedom, a decision is being made in a boardroom to take some of our freedoms away." Herrick then gave the council some suggestions for making TCA aware of the communities' displeasure. Some of Herrick's proposals are to threaten to not renew TCA's cable contract, which ex pires in four years; to adopt a resolution condemning TCA's actions; and to allow the city eventually to take control of the cable service. Among some of the items on the council's regular agenda was A consideration of the pro posed final statement for the 1991-1992 Community Devel opment Block Grant which will provide more than $300,000 for the local community in the way of social services as rehabilitation projects. The committee estimated that the grant had helped 12,597 fam ilies during the last year, while rehabilitating 18 homes and 11 rental units as well as participat ing in the Big Event and estab lishing programs such as Project Tool Share. The council also decided not to award a coj . act for an extension of sewer lines to four commercial properties. "It would be a bad idea to spend $138,000 to gain four cus tomers," Councilman Dick Bird- well said. "It has always been agreed upon in this city that sewage services should be pro vided when they can be paid for." Another item not on the agenda that was addressed dur ing the council meeting was James Z. Knelp's violation of a city ordinance which sets guidelines for residential land scaping. Knelp, who lives at 206 Wal ton, asked the council to take ac tion exempting him from the or dinance because he believed the 10-foot sunflowers and other na tive plants do not offend his neighbors. Councilman Fred Brown was absent from the meeting. PENNY DELOS SANTOS/TheBan Take a breather GUson Barros, a graduate student in the forestry department, tests the waters in the pool Thursday. Civil rights suit continues after plaintiff found strangled SAN ANTONIO (AP) — A lawyer for plaintiffs in a federal civil rights suit over vigilante po lice violence said Thursday his clients will press on with their appeal even though a key plain tiff was strangled to death. Leroy Sibrian, 38, was found dead Wednesday at his home with a towel twisted around his neck, police said. No arrests had been made by Thursday af ternoon. Sibrian was one of about 20 people who filed a federal civil rights suit against the city and others over the vigilante acts of police officer Stephen Smith, who was fatally shot by his part ner in August 1986. Sibrian testified Smith had beaten him in a convenience store parking lot after he was ar id during rested during a family distur bance in January 1985. Police spokeswoman Sandy Perez said investigators found no connection between Sibrian's death and the civil case. Attorney Ruben Sandoval said Thursday he is not accusing any one in Sibrian's death but asked that federal officials invest: the killing. Sandoval saido? plaintiffs have reported r terious incidents and are fe of retaliation. Sandoval said he asked fed: officials, the FBI and thell.S torney's Office to investigate GIVE - * BLOOD * Aggie Blood Drive June 24 - 28th 10:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. Bloodmobiles at SB1SA & Academic Plaza CHEAP DATE. Bring in this ad for your chance to win on month free rent! Everyone who leases! the month of June will be eligible to win FUNTITION OIKS 693-1110 Mon. - Fri. 8-6 Sat. 10-6 Sun. 1-6 1501 Harvey Rd. Across from Post Oak Mall n/ Rent starts as low as $275 per month. V Six floor plans available V Some Bills Paid V No City Utility Deposit $2.95 BARGAIN MATINEES DAILY ALL SHOWS BEFORE 6:00 P.M. CINEMA THREE POST OAK THREE i 315 College Ave. 693-2796 1500 Harvey Road 693-2796 JUNGLE FEVER A SPIKE LEE JOIINT (R) 2:00, 4:30. 7:00 & 9:30 (No Passes) Dying Young It's not just a love story. It's a liftsl«! 2:15,4:45, 7:15 & 9:45 (No Pa.® THELMA (^LOUISE 2:10, 4:40, 7:10 & 9:40 (K) NAKED GUNOW THE SMELL OF FEAR*- 2 2:05,4:35, 7:05& 9:35 (No fe® DROP DEAD fRED 2:1 5 >C A7U5 DON T TELL MO# TRUTH or DARE ,,,,5 S is 2:00,4:30, 7:00 & 9:30 (PG-IJIJ Urinary Tract Infection Do you experience frequent urination, burning, stinging or back pain when you urinate? Pauli Research will perform FREE urinary tract infection testinj for those willing to participate in a short investigational research study. $100 incentive for those who qualify. Pauli Research Internationali VSioo 776-0400 $iof Another service of APO, OPA & ^ Student Government <?° ^ Blood Pressure Research Study Individuals currently on medication needed to participate in a one weekhigli blood pressure research study. No investigational medication.$l00 incentive paid to those choosen to participate upon completion of research study Pauli Research Internationali ,A$ioo^^_776-04QP as. un me caj as: det ful ext rea poi isn pla I Afi se\ to: ph sta po1 stri dia ma eqi E I yej eve uni bas wo cro chc I she arg hut the Ji the out the ma 1 Lee not bas wa Ii ha> she sirr int< E Pat alii CO-i Ev< nee hoi out sep exr