The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, June 25, 1991, Image 6
1 Sept. 14 MCAT! What’s, up. Doc? 97.6% of our students say they would recom mend us to a friend. Find out why. Courses begin June 29. 1-800-749-6336 THE. PRINCETON REVIEW We Score More! i YES! WE HA VE STUDENT AIRFARES! k r LONDON $375 PARIS $369 FRANKFURT $405 MADRID $445 HONG KONG $559 COSTA RICA $229 ONE WAY FROM HOUSTON ALSO TEACHER and BUDGET FARES! EURAIL PASSES USSR/Europe Tours Language Learning Centers CeundlUravel 1-512-472-4931 Page 6 The Battalion Tuesday, June 25, West offers Soviets IMF membership WASHINGTON (AP) —The West's offer of limited Soviet membership in the Interna tional Monetary Fund gives Mikhail S. Gorbachev an opening in the world eco nomic community, but it doesn't provide the money or muscle to push him into more dramatic economic reforms. The proposal, put forward by President Bush last Decem ber and agreed to over the weekend by the other major industrialized democracies, would extend to the Soviets access to the fund's consider able technical expertise. And it acknowledges the Soviets as a partner in world economic af fairs, a status symbol Gorba chev has sought for years. The Soviet president is going to the annual economic summit of the world's wealth iest nations in London next month to appeal for help in fi nancing his reforms. Various estimates peg Soviet needs at about $30 billion right now, and some proposals call for spending perhaps $150 billion in the next five years. But the special status cre ated for the Soviets alone would prevent the IMF from loaning the Soviets any money. Rep. Ogden doesn't foresee tax increase Continued from page 1 said. "I looked at each of these carefully, to ensure the level of service offered to students was not damaged." Ogden said he was especially interested in making sure stu dents' rights were protected, and he would look at the fee in creases in conjunction with pro posed tuition and tax increases. "We have to make sure we don't drive people out of school," he said. "All those fees, as well as tuition, end up being paid with the same check. As a result, I don't expect to see a huge tax increase alongside a tu ition increase.' However, Ogden said he re mains optimistic about Ate future. "There have been a lot doom and gloom stories go; around, but two things keep; optimistic," he said. "First,; state's financial situation isn f as severe as we keep heart The state is running a surpf: and revenues are 12 perct ahead of where they wereb years ago. i‘&-\ "Second, the University ha; very good reputation aroundfq state," Ogden continued. 'T people of Texas see A&Ma; good investment and an asset the long run, they will notde; erately damage the Univer; and I belive we won't neec huge tax increase." Vc SALE • SALE • SALE - SALE • SALE • SALE • SALE • SALE ^ s CONTACT LENSES o > ONLY QUALITY NAME BRANDS ^ °^ seS (Bausch & Lomb, Ciba, Barnes-Hydrocurve) $ 69 00 Pair For Standard Clear or Tinted FLEXIBLE WEAR Soft Contact Lenses (Can be worn as daily or extended wear) *Eye exam not included Call 696-3754 for Appointment SALE ENDS JUNE 28, 1991 Charles C. Schroeppel, O.D., R.C. Doctor of Optometry 707 S. Texas Ave.-Suite 101D 1 Blk. South of Texas Ave. & University Dr. Intersection College Station, Texas 77840 SALE • SALE • SALE • SALE - SALE • SALE • SALE • SALE Desert Storm veteran describes arrival at gulf Continued from page 1 of Jubail, where we set up cots in a shipping warehouse that had a beautiful back-door view of the Persian Gulf. We anxiously crawled into our sleeping bags to sleep off our jetlag but were ru dely awakened at midnight by the roaring horns of the ships in dock. were painted sand brown. We couldn't wait to have 63 tons of steel around us in case of a Scud Missile attack, since the port was an obvious strategic tar get. We didn't trust the Patriot Missiles down the road either because they had never been tested against another missile. Several of us put on our gas masks, expecting a Scud attack as warned previously. Then came the cheers of "Happy New as definitely 11 Year, '91!" This was going to be a different year for a of us. As the paint dried on our vehi cles, we returned to the ware house to find more gigantic cargo ships unloading combat vehicles, artillery shells and other munitions and various mil itary supplies. We lived at the port for three weeks, but we happily drove our tanks off a RO-RO (roll on-roll off) ship on day 10. Unfortu nately, we weren't allowed to live on our iron beasts until they Marine patrol boats kept a constant, watchful eye over the whole operation. The British "Desert Rats" tank regiment was moving their Challenger II tanks and Gazelle helicopters out of port at this time as well. What's Up F iCat I in t I vidi Vail mai Tuesday ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS; General discussion at noon. Call COPE at 845-0280 for more information. ASSOCIATION OF COLLEGIATE ENTREPRENEURS: Informtional meeting for aspiring entre preneursatS p.m. in 110 Blocker. Call Tony at 693-1246 for more information. plai l yea; of t "Dt mg chai Wednesday ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS: General discussion at noon. Call COPE at 845-0280 for more information. TEXAS ENVIRONMENTAL ACTION COMMISSION (TEAC): General membership meeting- inths. tv plans for activities during the summer months. Everyone interested in environmer tal concerns welcome at 7 p.m. I concerns welcome at7 p.m. in Zachry 119A. Call Charlie at 823-3577 orPetera; 696-0735 for more information. EPISCOPAL STUDENT CENTER: Eucharist and community dinner at 6:15 p.m. at Can terbury House at 902 George Bush Drive. Contact the Rev. Benfield at 696 4245 for more information. I LUTHERAN STUDENT FELLOWSHIP: Evening prayer at 6:30 p.m. at the University Lutheran Chapel. KANM RADIO - CABLE ONLY: An interview with Gary Varner, Dept, of Philosophy aboit ‘ lie - ' Hi fo animal rights and vegetarianism from 6 to 6:30 p.m. on Cable TV. Items for What’s Up should be submitted to The Battalion, 216 Reed McDonald r later than three business days before the desired run date. We publish the nar-. and phone number of the contact only if you ask us to do so. What ’s Up is a Batti ion service that lists non-profit events and activities. Submissions are run on ate come, first-served basis. There is no guarantee an entry will run. If you have qua tions, call the newsroom at 645-3316. Clip Coupon Save Money In The Battalion - Every Tuesday U (Mot COUI | nan* com j new wee A com □ Cc recor ONE CHICK-FIL-A® SANDWICH, LARGE ORDER OF WAFFLE FRIES, AND A 20 oz, COCA-COLA $3.79 •Limit one coupon per person per visit. 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