Page 6 The Battalion Wednesday, June 19, r Health educator advocates testing, prevention of AIDS to students Continued from page 1 this time, they are giving it to ev ery person they have sex with." Health officials estimate by the end of 1992, 365,000 Americans will have AIDS. In Brazos County this year, 35 cases of AIDS were reported. Thirty peo ple have died from the disease. Anderson said those deaths are just the cases that have been documented. "You don't think of AIDS hap pening in small towns like Bryan and College Station," Anderson said. A person can contract AIDS by having sex with someone who is infected with the AIDS virus, or by sharing drug needles and sy ringes with an infected person. Anderson said there are three main groups of people who come to the health department to get tested for AIDS. The first is IV drug users. She said most of them have come off a bad trip, and they are worried because they shared a needle with someone they did not know. "You would be very surprised how many IV drug users there are in this area," Anderson said. The second group are young adult men who are scared they have AIDS because they have had sexual contact with a homo sexual. "Homosexual experiences run paraUel with AIDS," Anderson said. The third group is young adult women who discover their boyf riends are IV drug users, bisex ual or have had multiple sex partners. "A lot of people have the atti tude of 'Why should I get tested? There is no way I have AIDS, and if I do, I don't want to know because I am just going to die anyway,'" Anderson said. The Texas health department offers free testing for STDs and distributes free condoms. The testing is confidential at the health department as well as at the campus health center. The A.P. Beutel Health Center offers presentations in residence halls on forms of contraception and STD prevention. Women who want to start a birth control program through the health center must attend the presentation. The presentation informs stu dents about what STDs are, what the symptoms are, how STDs can be prevented and what Z "Get to know your sexual part ners," she added. "The idea is that STDs grow globally. If you prevent one, you are preventing all of them. The way to prevent is very simple — know who you will happen if the diseases go are sleeping with. Senate study reports rural crime 'plague' WASHINGTON (AP) —Small town America is suffering a "pla gue of violent crime, drug traf ficking and drug abuse," accord ing to a Senate chairman whose staff documented major in creases in murders, rapes, rob beries and assaults in some rural states. The study released Tuesday showed rural criminal violence "growing at an astonishing pa ce," Senate Judiciary Chairman Joseph R. Biden Jr, D-Del., said. Montana suffered the biggest percentage increase, 23.4 per cent, among rural states in the number of violent crimes re- Northgate Eastsiders Explo: Thunder Featuring Whole Wheat & French Rolls-Baked Fresh Each Day $1 00 OFF Sandwich & Drink Any We Deliver! Dine-In Only { 268:7474. Expires 7-7-91 ^ 104 College^Mam | •rers search for sunken ship spit HOUSE .a i mi it i li r. /i i e "Still the Best Cheeseburger in Town & Home of All You Can Eat Fries." Open 11 a.m. -9 p.m. FREE DRINK With Any Platter Good Thru 7-7-91 846-5273 108 College Main Continued from page 1 years since, the ships might ac tually lie under dry land. However, he added, the re searchers are almost certain that the ships are underwater be cause measurements indicate that no more than 300 feet has been added to the beach since the failed voyage. Columbus Caravels Project re searchers returned to St. Ann's Bay earlier in June to continue their work. A location A&M scientists are now investigating lies underwa ter about 270 feet from where the proposed shoreline was. Snip timbers recovered from that site and charcoal and fish bones from a nearby underwater refuse pile have been traced back to the early 1500s through the use of carbon dating. Archaeolo gists also say the shape of the wreckage suggest it could be two ships side-by-side. The INA group hopes to locate the vessels before the 500th anni- verary of Columbus's first voy age to the New World. WiRKD X KEAL untreated. "Some universities include only the subject of condom use in their birth control presenta tions," the former director of the health center Erika Gonzalez- Lima said. "A&M has gone a little bit beyond that." The presentation stresses the fact that everyone is susceptible to STDs. Gonzalez-Lima said if students know how to prevent STDs, incidences of contracting diseases will decrease. ...IF YOO’KE Not CAREFUL... THEV VIVN'T USTEW. THEY PJPA/'T CAKE. T//EX PfFW'T BELIEVE. *35= LWEP AlA? LCV^. ON UK* ALL by Scott McCullar ... MJP TH&V P*>LEP AKOUVP WITH MULTIPLE PAJOWEKS yooNG. VJILP. HEU" KAISIHG... uif arts'. ... AHv CEKTAIV PEATH. Y p,K£CTEr> By cAtr-LfSSHtSS Vol Ph.D by Michael Mogor serious long term Tiealth problems can occur. One of the reasons STD cases do go untreated is 80 per cent of women with STDs have no symptoms. "Some people do have symp toms, but they are too scared to find out if they do in fact have a STD," Gonzalez-Lima said. "People must face the problem. If someone has symptoms, see a doctor immediately. “PITCHY <3tA/>" ASSESSA4TAJT#0Z ported to police last year, accord ing to the report based on figures provided by 15 of the country's 19 rural states. Court upholds $5 M award to former lover of Rock Hudson Rural states, for the purposes of the report, are those with pop ulation densities of 50 or fewer people per square mile. LOS ANGELES (AP) — An ap peals court upheld a $5 million award to the onetime lover of ac tor Rock Hudson, ruling the sum isn't too large to compensate for "the ultimate in personal hor ror," the fear of developing AIDS. The California 2nd District Court of Appeal rejected argu ments by the actor's estate that Marc Christian failed to show a likelihood he contracted the AIDS virus during sexual rela tions with Hudson. A jury ruled in February 1989 that Hudson was guilty of "ou trageous conduct" for concealing his AIDS diagnosis from Chris tian, his lover for two years. Christian said he didn't learn of the actor's illness until a few months before Hudson, 58, died Oct. 2,1985. Although Christian didn't contract AIDS and tested neg ative for the presence of the vi rus, the Superior Court jury and a judge found he deserved dam ages. Hudson's estate appealed. Hcrbcrt picks the wrong my to go suRpmn Insurance reform may result in lower prices "In the case at bench, we deal with the ultimate in personal horror," the appeals court said. Its decision was filed Thursday but released Monday. Attorney Marvin Mitchelson, who represented Christian in the appeal, said the ruling sends a cautionary message to couples everywhere that "this is a ratal disease and you should be hon est with your partner." "I think it sends a very strong message that should be heeded by everyone before they engage in sex," Mitchelson said. "People need to be honest and disclose to their partners where they stand." Legislature overrides Gov. Roemer's veto of state's tough anti-abortion legislation Mario and Sons Italian Restorante $2 OFF Large Pizza or $1 OFF Medium Pizza (excluding Full House) Exp. 7-7-91 Mario & Sons Buy Dinner or Entree & Get One FREE (excluding Veal or Chicken Parmisan) Dinc-ln Only Exp. 7-7-91 Mario & Sons BATON ROUGE, La. (AP) — The Louisiana legislature voted Tuesday to override Gov. Buddy Roemer's veto of a tough abor tion bill that would jail doctors who perform the procedure. Opponents of the legislation said they would immediately move in court to stop enforce ment. Supporters of the bill said they hoped the court challenges would lead to reversal of the 1973 Supreme Court decision that established abortion rights. The House voted 76-25 to override the veto after suspend ing rules that would not have al lowed debate to begin until Wednesday. The Senate's 29-9 vote earlier in the day came as a surprise since the upper chamber sus tained Roemer's veto of similar legislation in 1990 despite the House's overwhelming vote to 14 also nught . , ° wav fn nnrp-nvmcr i overnde. Continued from page 1 for consumers with questions about their policy and also has a "plain English" requirement. McDonald said this require ment might mean more to con sumers than any other part of the bill because policies must be approved by the OPIC based on their clarity and readability. Keck compared the consumer hotlines to the advertised toll- free numbers for anonymous callers to report ways state tax dollars could be saved or are be ing wasted. "The hotline is advertised, but no successes are heard of," he said. "It (the OPIC) may be simi lar to that, but it remains to be seen." Keck said the market is the best enforcer of change. "People will gravitate to the insurance company with the best deal," he said. "Price is not the only factor, but it leads the way." John Opperman, chairman of the Texas Senate's Finance Com mittee, said the reforms will "tighten up" the insurance in dustry. Opperman, also former chair man of the joint committee on insurance reform, said an exemption to the Texas antitrust laws had allowed insurance companies to work together. ave given way to price-fixing in the indus try, he said. Insurance comp nies are no longer exempt und; the bill. Opperman said the insurar industry, which was representt in the reform negotiations, &■ cided it "wasn't worth the figlt to try to keep the antitnf exemption. The bill goes a step furtheri' addressing insurance fraud ar solvency problems, but the it; forms might not be complelt Opperman said. some extent this is an ei periment," he said. "We mayl ba >ack next session to do some fir; tuning." T Mi The bill has other major pro' sions for the industry. A timely payment plan sets time limit in which insurant companies must pay claims i face an 18 percent interest pa' ment along with the claim. u A non-cancellation plan state that an insurance company car not cancel a policy without prif notice to the policy holder. A bank draft agreement alio' insurance companies to wit! draw payments directly from policy holder's checking a count. Previously, this payme: could increase or decrease will out the policy holder's kno" edge. Te parti Seat! tiona tratii goal safel IT Urinary Tract Infection Do you experience frequent urination, burning, stinging or back pain when you urinate? Pauli Research will perform FREE urinary tract infection testing for those willing to participate in a short investigational research study. $100 incentive for those who qualify. Pauli Research International® X$*oo 776-0400 $xoa Blood Pressure Research Study Individuals currently on medication needed to participate in a one week high blood pressure research study. 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