The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, June 13, 1991, Image 2
Page 2 State & Local The Battalion Thursday, June 13, The Battalion (USPS 045 360) Member of Texas Press Association Southwest Journalism Conference The Battalion Editorial Board Editor Timm Doolen Managing Editor Todd Stone City Editor Sean Frerking News Editors Jennifer Jeffus Callie Wilcher Art Director Richard James Lifestyles Editor Rob Newberry Editor Krista Umscheid Sports Editor Jayme Blaschke Editorial Policy The Battalion is a non profit, self-supporting news paper operated as a commu nity service to Texas A&M University and Bryan-College Station. Opinions expressed in The Battalion are those of the edi torial board or the author, and do not necessarily rep resent the opinions of Texas A&M students, administra tors, faculty or the A&M Board of Regents. The Battalion is an entirely student-managed branch of Student Publications, an inde pendent entity that operates closely with the Department of Journalism. The Battalion is published daily, except Saturday, Sun day, holidays, exam periods and when school is not in ses sion during fall and spring se mesters; publication is Tues day through Friday during the summer session. News room: 845-3313. Subscriptions Mail subscriptions are $20 per semester, $40 per school year and $50 per full year: 845-2611. Our address: The Battal ion, 230 Reed McDonald, Texas A&M University, Col lege Station, TX 77843-1111. Second class postage paid at College Station, TX 77843. POSTMASTER: Send ad dress changes to The Battal ion, 216 Reed McDonald, Texas A&M University, Col lege Station TX 77843-4 111. Advertising Advertising information can be obtained from the ad vertising department at 845- 2696 Monday through Friday 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., or visit the of fice at the English Annex. Advertising Manager Patricia Heck Battalion Adviser Robert Wegener Production Manager Paige Force BATTIPS The Battalion encourages its readers to contribute story ideas and suggestions by call ing BATTIPS, The Battal ion's phone line designed to improve communication be tween the newspaper and its readers. The BATTIPS number is 845-3315. Ideas can include news sto ries, feature ideas and person ality profiles of interesting people. Readers also are en couraged to offer any other suggestions that could im prove the newspaper. Drinking water necessary for summer activities Editor's note: The Battalion will run weekly column on better health habits provided by the ed ucation department of the A.P. Beutel Health Center. By Dr. Jane Cohen Special to The Battalion Water is the ultimate thirst quencher, the wet refresher you can't live without. Water has a role in almost every major func tion of the body. Drink plenty of water during these hot days of summer. For healthy people, water can help keep you cool. More than half our body is water, so the average adult should drink at least eight 8-ounce glasses of water a day. Drinking water is the best way to increase your fluid intake. Cool water is more quickly ab sorbed than cold water. Beverages such as soft drinks, milkshakes, beer, wine and spir its provide liquid but in excess they may contain too many cal ories. Many fruits and vegetables also are high in fluid content. Juices, milk and soups also pro vide necessary liquid. Some wa ter is even a by-product of me tabolism. You might lose 2 to 3 quarts of water a day through perspira tion, urine and breath. This wa ter loss needs to be replaced da- ily. A reduction of as little as 3 per cent of your body weight can af fect your strength and endur ance. A 15 to 20 percent loss can be fatal. You cannot always rely on your thirst to tell you when your water level is low. To make sure you get enough water, drink fluids before and af ter you exercise or when you are perspiring heavily. One guideline to use is a cup of water every 15 minutes. air conditioning. It also is advisable to stay out of the sun during the hottest part of the day. When the relative humidity gets around 75 percent, you might not sweat causing your body to not be able to lose the body heat you would normally ?ni lose through perspiration. Another precaution is to check the temperature before you exer cise, work or go outside. If you plan to be outside, start when it is cooler and stay indoors with If you plan on traveling this ' oft summer, reduce the risk of trav- State income taxes Think tank: Proposed tax could harm economy AUSTIN (AP) — Creation of personal and corporate state income taxes could have a negative impact on Texas equivalent to an other recession, a Dallas-based think tank reported Wednesday. The National Center for Policy Analysis said an income tax such as that proposed by former Lt. Gov. Bill Hobby would lower the state's output by 2.7 percent, or about $10.6 billion a year. John Goodman, the center's president, said Hobby's proposal of a 6.5 percent cor porate income tax would "raise a tiny bit of revenue but cause enormous harm." On the other hand, Goodman said, a tax proposal advanced by former Gov. John Connally, to replace the current corporate franchise tax with a new "business activity tax," would be a boost for the state's econ- proposal indicates it could boost production om "Jc oodman said his group's analysis of that of goods and services in Texas by 4.3 per cent, or about $16.9 billion. Connally heads the Governor's Task Force on Revenue, which will be making recommendations to Gov. Ann Richards and legislators who convene in special ses sion July 8 to write and fund a 1992-93 state budget. The state faces a projected $4.7 billion def icit if all current services are maintained at their present levels, according to legislative budget analysts. Hobby is a member of the task force, which may vote Saturday on its recommen dations. Last week, the committee heard a tax pro posal from Connally and one from Hobby and Dallas financier Jess Hay. Connally proposed boosting the motor fuels tax from 15 cents to 35 certfs per gal lon, doubling state college tuition, increas ing the motor vehicle sales and hotel-motel taxes from 6 cent to 6V4 cents, charging a 5- cent per gallon aviation fuels tax and replac ing tne corporate franchise tax with a ousi- ness levy suggested by Comptroller John Sharp. That tax would be 2.35 percent on gross receipts, minus raw material costs. Hobby-Hay proposed establishing a 6 ersonal income tax on earnings over 16,000 per year for a family of four, and a 6.5 percent business income tax to replace the franchise tax. Their proposal also calls for a 25 percent reduction in property taxes, broadening the sales tax base to include most services but lowering the sales tax rate from 6.25 percent to 5.25 percent. Jail crowding solution deadline approaches ugl Harris County balked at the state's offer to end jail crowding lawsuits. Gov. Ann Richards re mains hopeful that a deal might be struck before Saturday's deadline, an aide said Wednes day. "It certainly doesn't help," Bill Cryer, the governor's press sec retary, said of the Harris County rejection. "But we're still work ing on it, and we still have hopes we can work something out." The Harris County Commis sioners Court voted Tuesday to reject a plan to solve crowded conditions at county jails, a move state officials said could scuttle the Legislature's $500 mil lion prison reform plan. ing transfer to already over crowded state prisons. Last month, the Legislature approved a bill to end lawsuits against the state over inmates backlogged in county jails await- Twelve counties won a lawsuit in state court to force the state to pay them for holding thousands of state prison-bound felons. Harris County was involved in a separate suit in federal lawsuit. But a provision in the bill holds that if all of the counties involved do not agree to the set tlement by Saturday, the plan dies. What’s Up Thursday ADULT CHILDREN OF ALCOHOLICS: General discussion at 6 p.m. Call COPE at 845-0280 for more information. CAMPUS CRUSADE FOR CHRIST: Weekly meeting will be held in 308 Rudder at 7:30 p.m. Everyone Welcome! Call John Ferguson at 696-1091 for more information. ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS: General discussion at noon. Call COPE at 845-0280 for more information. A&M CYCLING: To discuss summer racing and training. New members welcome at 7 p.m. in 231 MSC. Call Stephen Haydel at 696-3945 for more information. Friday ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS: General discussion at noon. Call the COPE at 845-0280 for more information. Items for What’s Up should be submitted to The Battalion, 216 Reed McDonald, no later than three business days before the desired run date. We publish the name and phone number of the contact only if you ask us to do so. What’s Up is a Battal ion service that lists non-profit events and activities. Submissions are run on a first- come, first-served basis. There is no guarantee an entry will run. If you have ques tions, call the newsroom at 845-3316. 1600 S. Texas Ave! Mm College Statio l y-funneyCBee (TncPiinrt'riionr -fnr ftCf This Week’s Specials Coors Light $10" 24 pack 12oz cans Busch $9" 24 pack 12oz cans Keystone/Keystone Light $7" 21-FACES 24 pack 12oz cans Bud Light $1 l 39 24 pack 'Av* 12oz cans 693-2627 We accept cash, checks, or debit cards on sale items specials Rood thru Sat., June 15,1991 § Fasfiionzuear for Alt Sizes ACCESSORIES .PERFUMES • BEAUTY SUPPLIES 10% Discount w/ Student ID § !> 693-9595 707 Texas Ave., Suite 306 C THU-FRI 6pm-9pm SAT 9am-6pm 3 Urinary Tract Infection Do you experience frequent urination, burning, stinging or back pain when you urinate? Pauli Research will perform FREE urinary tract infection testing for those willing to participate in a short investigational research study. $100 incentive for those who qualify. Pauli Research International® VSioo 776-0400 $xooy Blood Pressure Research Study Individuals currently on medication needed to participate in a one week high blood pressure research study. No investigational medication.$10Q incentive paid to those choosen to participate upon completion of research study. Pauli Research International® ^$100 776-0400 $100/ ewer's diarrhea by avoiding fe water and ice cubes in arei where sanitation is poor. Piui the water that you plan to drini use in cooking or to brush yo; teeth. Heat problems can be very se rious. The terms include heat cramps, heat exhaustion and heat stroke. Symptoms to watch out for include muscle aches and pains, elevated body tempera ture, extreme fatigue, clammy skin, dizziness or fainting. Drink extra water before you feel symptoms if you are hot and perspiring. Bring the water to a rolling be and let it cool to room tempec hire. At high altitudes, boll water for a few minutes longe for an extra margin of safe! Bottled water that has unde gone carbonation has halted I growth of harmful substances Water is an essential nutrien: Enjoy cool water to stay coolar: healthy this summer. Plan to attend the Sum® Health Day from 11 a.m. p.m. June 26 at the A.P. Ben- Health Center where exhibit and suggestions to stay heal! during the summer will be tured. Unlicensed doctors able to practice AUSTIN (AP) — Despit unanimous opposition from tit Texas medical board, a bill allot ing doctors to work for two yea: in rural state mental hospital without an official Texas media license has become law. Gov. Ann Richards allow; the bill to become law witho: her signature, spokesman Quo McDonald said. The State Board of Medical t aminers had been planning: ask the governor to veto the! because board members beta the measure could jeopardii mentally ill patients. The new law applies to thre of the eight hospitals run by I Texas Department of Menfe Health and Mental Retardatioi in Terrell, Big Spring and Ve non. It was written by Rep. Trc Fraser^ R-Big Spring, to help sni MHMR overcome a doctor shor age. T think it's a disaster," si Cindy Jenkins of Stowell, amec ical board member. "It's inuu; ral. I live out in the boondock and I don't think those of us wit live in rural areas deserve sei ond-best medical care." The new law, which takes e: feet Sept. 1, allows physidait from other states and Canada:: work in rural state mental hosp tals for two years without takir; exams on Texas medical lav: and medical competency. Tk exemption applies only to phys dans who have not been disc plined elsewhere. Richards signs official MLK holiday law AUSTIN (AP) — Martin Lt ther King Jr.'s birthday will be n<' full state rioli- day, cele brated the third Monday in January, under a bill signed into law by Gov. Ann Rich ards. The slain civil rights leader's birth- V M.L King Jr. day has been an optional holida 5. Th for state workers. That meant efi ployees could take the day off if lieu of another holiday from i group of five, including Confedei ate Heroes Day. Richards announced signing!' measure Wednesday. The new law also deletes 0 lumbus Day, the second Monda in October, from the list of stat holidays. Rep. Ron Wilson, L Houston, who sponsored the K! holiday bill, said Columbus Da had not been funded as an officii holiday for several years by stai budget writers. Day still should be observed wit appropriate ceremonies througi out the state. But state worket may not take the day off with pa) id s and state offices will remain open S/