The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, June 11, 1991, Image 3
/ 1991 am ihs ng 7 * IRS IG cs (E r >332 : peo- ne on MSC- might tment icople i pro- n 120 inter- ics to iridual ot ex- [ stu- junts, pro- t Wil- ?en to . Peo- gram, ast 18 ige of in the said. (i and dents s. from o aer- most erbug Jail of :lude • and PLUS 10 dif- and non- re are lliam- offers ;rams ig, di- :le re- j ua ge Me. 3 age6 •n 1981,1 ■son for ill hotel jpport- ; with a ;w per- Tuesday, June 11,1991 Lifestyles j|WI ^ l€ Battalion Wildlife means more than parties at A&M By Kelly Sweeney Exotic animals at A&M? Nothing new, a few can usually be seen mak ing their way across campus each day. Wildlife at A&M? No big deal, in (act, almost every weekend an affair is held to "benefit" the cause. Although there are quite a few so called unusual creatures roaming the campus, what I am actually refer ring to are the exotic and wild ani mals that reside at the Wildlife and Exotic Animal Center of the Veteri nary school. From first glance, the grounds appear to be little more than a few fenced-in pastures with some graz ing animals. But as one gets a closer look, it is evident that the inhabit ants of those areas are not the every day domesticated horse or cow, but an assortment of rather interesting characters. Dr. Jim Herman, resident of zoo logical medicine, said the variety of animals now at the center ranges from ostriches to addaxes. Estab lished through the veterinary physi- I ology and pharmacology depart- j ment, the center was initially started to study reproductivity and learn I aboutanimals not native to this area j oreven to the United States, Herman ' said. i "In the mid 1980's the head of the ’ physiology department decided | someone needed to play a role in .learning about exotic animals," Herman said. "So the department j started the center through the help of private donations of animals and money." Although it began with only three TRUTH or DARE? Latest Madonna film gives backstage look at pop queen SONDRA N ROBBINS/The Battalion LoriStephens, a sophomore from Midland, feeds fallow deer Rosie at the Wildlife Center. Rosie is one of three one-week-old deer at the center. buildings, the center has grown to will be used to house sick animals, mals here instead of having to use include what Herman called a re- "We will soon also have the facilities straintcenter, which when finished, to perform operations on the ani- See Wildlife/Page 4 By Julia E. S. Spencer It has been said that Madonna is a mo vie star in search of a mo vie. In the past, the further she strayed from her own persona, the bigger the bomb; witness the 1986 disas ter "Shanghai Surprise." Despite last year's success as Breathless Mahoney in "Dick Tracy," she isn'ttaking any chances, and with her latest film, effectively brings the mountain to Mohammed - or the movie to Madonna as the case may be. In "Truth or Dare," a much- ballyhooed documentary about last year's Blond Ambition world tour, a film which includes lots of juicy behind-the-scenes footage, she has found the perfect role - playing herself - and to great ef fect. By turns bitchy and sweet, plain and dazzling, crude and sexy,demandingand understand ing, bu talways mesmerizing. Ma donna proves that truth is stranger than fiction - and immensely en tertaining as well. Whether you're an avid Ma donna fan who has been follow ing her career from the beginning, or merely a curious onlooker who wants to know more, this peek at the woman behind the hype, and at the people she has gathered around her, is sure to grab your attention from the opening frames to the last post-credits snippet. Like her or not. Madonna is the kind of larger-than life performer who gets larger-than-life atten tion wherever she goes. When Toronto police threaten to arrest her for "immoral live perfor mance" if she does a controver sial simulated masturbation se quence during the song "Like a Virgin", she refuses to change her show, citing her right to express herself the way she sees fit. Her stubbomnessand natural instinct for the popular and the fascinat ing is what made her an interna tional superstar at the top of a very competitive heap. The stun ning color concert sequences dis play her expert showmanship and both the crack precision and the sensuality of her dancers. But director Alek Keshishian's cameras also catch the grainy black-and-white downside of fame and the single-mindedness that has made her so successful. Although she is very close to her dancers and personal assistants, mothering them, comforting them, lecturing them, keeping the entourage together, she is also jeal ous of the time they spend away from her, and isolated by her fame. It is obvious by the end of the film that her touring group is like a family to her, and as she says at one point, she mothers them to somehow replace her own mother who died of cancer when she was six. In one oddly touching scene. Madonna goes to visit her mother's grave, lying down on it See Madonna/Page 4 Urinary Tract Infection Do you experience frequent urination, burning, stinging or back pain when you urinate? Pauli Research will perform FREE urinary tract infection testing for those willing to participate in a short investigational research study. $100 incentive for those who qualify. Pauli Research International® Sioo 776-0400 Siooy Blood Pressure Research Study Individuals currently on medication needed to participate in a one week high blood pressure research study. No investigational medication.$100 incentive paid to those choosen to participate upon completion of research study. Pauli Research International® ,$ioo 776-0400 $ioo _ ^Chun KingM CHINESE RESTAURANT "b SCIMMER SPECIAL ALL YOU CAN EAT LUNCH BUFFET $4 50 Sunday - Ffiday 11:30-2:00 ^ DINNER BUFFET $5 50 Sunday - Friday 5:00-8:00 We Serve Beer & Wine Lunch 11-2 Dinner 5-10 § 1673 Briarcrest Drive, Bryan 774-1157 * REGISTER NOW FOR SUMMER WORKSHOPS A ARTS & CRAFTS Pottery lues. June 18 - July 23 6-8pm Wed. June 26 - Aug 7 7:30-9.'30pm Thurs. June 20 - Aug 1 7:30-9:30pm $28/studcnt $32/nonstudent Stained Glass Tues. June 18- July 16 6-9pm Thurs. July 11 - Aug 8 6-9pm $28/student $32/nonstudent Etched Glass Mon. June 24 6- 9pm $12/student $ 16/nonstudent Calligraphy Tues. June 25 - Aug 6 7- 9pm $26/student $30/nonstudcnt Drawing Wed. June 19. 26. July 10. 17. 24 6-8:30pm $24/student $28/nonstudent Woodworking M/W, June 17. 19. 24, 26 6-9pm M/W. July 8, 10. 15, 17 6-9pm $28/student $32/nonstudent Build a CD Rack Thurs. July 18, 25, Aug 1, 8 6-9pm $25/student $29/nonstudent Jewelry Casting Sat. June 22 & June 23 9arn - 12 noon & l-4pm $40/student $44/nonstudent Craft Sampler Class Mon. July 8, 15, 22 6-8pm $20/student $24/nonstudcnt Painted Canvas Shoes Mon. July 8 6-9pm $10/student $14/nonstudent HEALTH Self Defense T/Th, June 25 - Aug 6 8:30-9:30prn $22/studcnt $26/nonstudent Stress Management T/Th, July 9. 11, 16. 18, 23. 25 6:30-8pm $14/student $18/nonstudent CPR M/W, June 24, 26 6-1 Opm M/W. July 15, 17 6-1 Opm T/Th. Aug 6. 8 6-1 Opm $18/student $22/nonstudent First Aid Mon. July 1 6-1 Opm Mon. July 22 6-1 Opm $18/student $22/nonstudent Tai Chi Chuan T/Th, June 18 - July 30 7:15 - 8:15pm $22/student $26/nonstudent Yoga M/W, June 17 - July 29 7:15 - 8:30pm $22/student $26/nonstudent RAB A DANCE Country & Western Dance Wed. June 19, 26, July 10. 17. 24 6-7:15pm $20/student $24/nonstudent Jitterbug Wed. June 19, 26, July 10, 17, 24 7:30-8:45prn $20/student $24/nonstudent Ballroom Dancing Tues. June 25, July 2, 9. 16, 23 7:15-8:30pm $ 18/student $22/nonstudent PHOTO ART Video Camcorder & VCR Tues. July 16. 23, 30, Aug 6 7-9pm $18/student $22/nonstudent Studio Portraiture Wed. July 10. 17, 24 6-9pm $ 18/student $22/nonstudent Beginning Photography Mon. June 24, July 1. 8 6-8pm $22/student $26/nonstudent B&W Darkroom Tues. June 18, 25, July 2 6-9pm $25/student $29/nonstudent SLICE OF UMMER THREADS Quilting Tues. June 18, 25. July 2 6-9pm $ 18/student $24/nonstudent Sewing Mon. July 1.8, 15, 22. 29 6-9pm $30/student $34/nonstudent Smocking Tues. July 9. 16. 23, 30 6-9pm $22/student $26/nonstudent Craft Sampler Class Mon. July 8. 15, 22 6-8pm $20/student $24/nonstudcnt Cross Stitch Thurs. June 20. 27. July 11 6-7:30pm $12/student $16/nonstudent LANGUAGES I BUSINESS Sign Language T/Th, June 18-July 23 6-8 pm $35/student $39/nonstudent Conversational French T/Th. June 25 - Aug 6 6:30-8pm $35/student $39/nonstudent Conversational German T/Th, June 18 - July 23 6:30-8pm $35/student $39/nonstudent Conversational Chinese T/Th, June 25 - Aug 6 6:30-8pm $35/student $39/nonstudent Conversational Italian M/W, June 24 - Aug 5 6:30-8pm $35/ student $39/nonstudent English (ESL) M/W, June 24 - Aug 5 6:30-8pm $35/student $39/nonstudent Conversational Russian M/W. June 24 - Aug 5 6:30-8pm $35/student $39/nonstudent Conversational Spanish T/Th, June 25 - Aug 6 6:30-8pm M/W. June 17-July 29 (f:30-8pm $35/student $39/nonstudent intermediate Spanish M/W. June 17 - July 29 8-9:30pm $35/student $39/nonstudent (845-1631) Interviewing T/Th. June 18. 20. 25, 27 6:30-8pm T/Th. July 16. 18, 23. 25 6:30 - 8pm $12/student $16/nonstudent Resume Writing Tues. June 18, 25. July 2 6-7pm $ 10/ student $ 14/nonstudent Basics of Investing Tues. June 25 - July 23 7:30-9pm $ 16/ student $20/nonstudent Assertiveness Training Thurs. July 11 - Aug 1 7:30-9pm $12/student $16/nonstudent Business Etiquette Mon. June 24, July 1, 8 6-8pm $12/student $ 16/nonstudent PageMaker 4.0 For Macintosh T/Th. June 25 - July 18 6-7:30pm $32/student $36/nonstudent Intro to Macintosh T/Th. June 18. 20 6- 8pm T/Th. July 9. 11 7- 9pm $ 15/student $20/nonstudent Microsoft Word MTWTh. July 15, 16. 17. 18 6-7:30pm $20/student $25/nonstudent Intro to DOS and IBM PC M/W. June 24, 26. July 1. 3 5:30-7pm T/Th. July 23. 25. 30, Aug 1 6-7:30pm $20/student $25/nonstud SPECIAL INTEREST Discover Your Personality Tues. June 18, 25, July 2 6-8:30pm $ 18/student $22/nonstudent Organize Your Life Thurs. July 18, 25, Aug 8 6- 8 pm $12/student $ 16/nonstudent Bike Maintenance Tues. June 25. July 2,9, 16 7- 9pm (6- 10pm last class) $20/student $24/nonstudent Creative Writing Tues. July 9 - July 25 6:30-9pm $28/student $32/nonstudent Plan Your Own Wedding Mon. June 24. July 1,8 15 6- 8pm $22/student $26/nonstudent How to Buy a Diamond Wed. June 26. July 10, 17 7- 8pm $12/student $16/nonstudent Cake Decorating Skills Mon. July 1 7-9pm $10/student $ 14/nonstudent Matting & Framing Thurs. June 20. 27. July 1 1 6-8pm Wed. July 24. 31, Aug 7 6- 8pm $25/student $29/nonstudent Beginning Guitar M/W, June 17 - July 10 7:30-9pm Tues. June 18 - Aug 6 7- 8:30pm $28/student $32/nonstudent Intermediate Guitar Tues. June 18-Aug 6 8:30- 10pm $28/student $32/nonstudent MSC CRAFT CENTER - Basement iis- BA he se- > is t to ;les :ide : be ted up an ted be- ulls ulls irst ear um 7, 'I i of K'ou you ally me, the we l be ion- 0. he ters rim- ited >lay- :nch said :tive ner- acks and ison itire kl'll e to nkle i se- ■ight \.C. e at here jary iy to ither iting iven the ome id.