The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, May 03, 1991, Image 7
)91 js iB iy 2 iy 2 jy 2 iy 2 ;b y 2 3 3 3y 2 4 4y 2 S s kee :k s s Fiiday, May 3,1991 =NT Ji-Sf/V/ WORLD/NATION BRIEFS From win reports Astronauts test Star Wars’ gear □ CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. — Discovery’s astronauts aimed a Wars” research satellite at fuel spewed in space Ttiursday as the shuttle, satellite fuel canister zipped around the world information. The seven astronauts also planned to snag the satellite and put it back in the cargo bay after the elaborate experiments, in tended to help the Pentagon de sign a space defense system. Groups rally for, against bill Q WASHINGTON — A leading Hispanic rights group says it will support a free-trade agreement with Mexico, but a coalition of consumer, farm and labor orga nizations rallied Thursday to de nounce negotiations to lift trade barriers along the Rio Grande. While the Economic Policy In stitute said a free trade agreement with Mexico could cause massive losses of high- paying U.S. jobs, the National Council of La Raza said it believes ttie accord could result in better jobs for both countries. Bodies surface after cyclone □ DHAKA, Bangladesh — The bodies of thousands of victims killed in a devastating cyclone washed up Thursday on the shores of Bangladesh, as the government struggled to provide relief to millions of survivors. The official death toll for Tues day’s cyclone, the most powerful to hit this impoverished nation, is 37,543. But thousands are miss ing on islands and coastal deltas. Prime Minister Khaleda Zia es timated at least 100,000 people were killed. Police jail, charge man in poisoning of colleague Report shows no contamination Explosion kills eight STERLINGTON, La. (AP) — Eight employees died in the fertilizer plant explosion that also in jured more than 100 others, a company official said Thursday. Between 500 to 600 evacuees be gan returning to their homes Thursday night. The bodies of all eight workers — seven men and one woman — were recovered from the site of Wednesday's explosion and fires, said Bill Pat terson, operations manager of the IMC Fertilizer plant. Among the dead was the plant's manager. The explosion occurred about 1:30 p.m. CDT Wednesday and it wasn't until 24 hours later that firefighters were able to extinguish the last of the smallfires that were still burning. City officials finally signaled the all-clear and began letting residents return at 7:30 p.m. Thurs day. Only people with drivers' licenses or similar identification were allowed past roadblocks, said Police Chief Walter Kemper. Sightseers and the curious were being turned away, Kemper said. Highways on both sides of the town began backing up with traffic in anticipation of a state Department of Environmental Quality report that showed no serious contamination, Kemper said. State environmental officials also were checking for pollution or chemical contamination at the plant, Sterlington's largest employer with be tween 400 to 450 workers. Patterson said damage assessment experts had been hired by the company, Sterlington's largest employer, to investigate the cause of the explo sion and amount of damage. Between 500 and 600 of the town's estimated 1,200 people were evacuated immediately after the blast, emptying the community. Other resi dents had left earlier because of floods that fol lowed heavy weekend rain. Although the state police evacuation order re mained in effect Thursday afternoon, a few busi ness owners were allowed back into town to as sess damage. Pope calls for social justice John Paul II pronounces new world vision in ninth encyclical FOR JEANS Used Levi's 501's Friday 12-6 Texas & New Main Next to Wings-n-More The Other Eclips Hair & Nail Care Studio Melinda Benavidez would like to welcome all her clients to her new location at the Other Eclips. She specializes in all hair & nail services & does complimentary consultation. Melinda only 1 $ 5 00 off I I Cut and Blow Dry j Must present Coupon Expires 5-18-91 | Melinda only $ 10 00 off Full Set Tip Overlay | Must present Coupon Expires 5-18-91 | 2551 Texas Ave. S. College Station 696-8700 VATICAN CITY (AP) — Pope John Paul II on Thursday spelled out his vision of a post- Communist world of eco nomic and so cial justice, leaving room for capitalism — with a moral core — but no place Pops John Paul for "consumer |t as k s i| capital- snriptips " 'sm should be the His views Q°al Eastern were p r e ^ uro P e - sented in his ninth encyclical, the Roman Catholic church's first major pronouncement of so cial doctrine since the fall of East bloc Communist governments. "Western countries ... run the risk of seeing this collapse as a one-sided victory of their own economic system, and thereby failing to make necessary correc tions in that system," John Paul said. The views should be especially applied in Eastern Europe, which is "experiencing a serious lack of direction in the work of rebuilding," said the Polish-bom pontiff. Church-linked and labor groups in the United States and Europe hailed the document for its emphasis on social justice and workers' rights. Conservative groups rejoiced in what they called the Vatican's most forth right endorsement of the free market in a century. John Paul acknowledged capi talism's successes out de nounced the system for some times achieving them at the CONROE (AP) — A Univer- of Texas scientist remained ed Thursday, accused of try- rig to kill a colleague by tainting nose spray with a cancer-caus- ig poison. John Gunnar Linner, 47, a cell iologist at Cryobiology Re- *arch Center in The Woodlands orth of Houston, has been harged with attempted murder pd is being held without bond hhe Montgomery County Jail. Ie was arrested at his home lortly before midnight Tues- fay. Wallace Barry Van Winkle, 46, mner's co-worker, told police ;ehad a "terrible burning reac- ion" about two weeks ago after singAfrin Nasal Spray. The sci- ntist had the spray analyzed Jid found it was contaminated fith a potentially lethal dose of feta-Propiolactone, police said, iie colorless liquid is used as a kemical intermediate in the Jnthesis of acrylate plastics, as vapor sterilant and as a disin- fctant. Authorities believe Linner, a dentist credited with revolu- onizing biological tissue re- larch, may have planned the cident because he was angered tout losing his job. "All I can tell you at this point that he is not guilty of any of- Jise," Linner's attorney, Robert Bennett of Houston, said. Montgomery County District fttomey Peter Speers said an ther bond hearing for Linner lay be held Friday. State Dis- tot Judge James Keeshan ini- ally denied bond, linner was director of the lab ’ The Woodlands, about 25 % north of Houston and affil ed with the University of f xas Health Science Center at iouston. He and Van Winkle ( ere involved in research re- W to the preparation and Nervation of biological tissue, linner had been notified his anarch contract would not be Jiewed after Aug. 31. But Van inkle was to be transferred to l medical school's pathology apartment in Houston. IT Health Science Center ^keswoman Ina Fried said the >earch office was shut down ^nanently Wednesday, seve- imonths earlier than planned. SHOP GOLD POST FOR GRADUATION & MOTHERS DAY 20% OFF all CROSS PENS (Black, Chrome, Grey lOKt, 14 Kt, 18 Kt) Introducing Burgundy by Cross. Superb Cross craftsman ship in a rich, new satin finish with 22 karat gold electroplated appointments. Lifetime mechanical guar- CROSS' SINCE 1B46 70% OFF regular priced 14Kt. gold. Including Chains and Charms. (ATM dangle rings sale priced $49.00 ATM Charms sale priced $25.00) *prices good until May 5, 1991 60% OFF regular priced Sterling Silver 50% OFF Pulsar, Bulova, Carvelle Watches. Lay-Aways and Jewelry Repair Welcome Visa, MC, AmEx, and Discover 764-1004 ABORTIONS Complete GYN Exams Board Certified Physicians Licensed By The Texas State Dept of Health 1st TVimester & Up Through All Legal Stages When the time for pregnancy isn't right, we take the time to care. • Private & Strictly Confidential • Most Insurance Accepted • No Parental Consent LOW, LOW FEE INCLUDES: • Free Pregnancy Testing • Free Birth Control Pills • Sonogram * (when indicated) • Safe, Painless Procedure • Follow-Up Visit • Counseling We Are Open Monday-Saturday For information, we invite you to call our TOLL FREE number 1-800-392-8676 A TO Z WOMEN'S SERVICES, P.A. 'Providing the highest quality professional ser 'ices for- over 20 years' expense of the poor and of mor ality. John Paul asked rhetorically if capitalism should be the goal of Eastern Europe as well as a model for Third World countries "searching for the path to true economic and dvil progress." "The answer is obviously com plex," the pope wrote, saying capitalism could only be accepta ble if it had an ethical and reli gious core. "It is unacceptable to say" that capitalism is now "the only model of economic organiza tion," he said. "It is necessary to break down the barriers and mo nopolies which leave so many countries on the margins of de velopment, and to provide all in dividuals and nations with the basic conditions which will en able them to share in devel opment." A degree con move you into the fast feme. Varsity Ford has great deals to help college graduates accelerate into their future. Congratulations to the Class of 1991 Ask about our College Graduate Finance Plan. New - 1309 Texas Ave 779-0664 Used - 1700 Texas Ave 779-3721 LOUPOT'S GREAT GIVE-AWAY! AIWA® RADICAL HS-RD78 Weather Resistant AM-FM STEREO CASSETTE With headphones CHOOSE FROM TWO! NEC Multi Speed EL LAP TOP COMPUTER With 2-3 1/2" Disk Drives Classic Black Honda Elite 5000 SCOOTER 3 Ft. 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