The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 29, 1991, Image 10

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Page 10
The Battalion
Monday, April 29,
Make your reservation now!
Deadline is May 6
Israel releases suspected Iraqi spy
Palestinian activist freed after three-month imprisonmentl
FINC 445: Funding International Business
ACCT 489: Special Topics in International Accounting
BUAD 489: Issues in International Business
ARTS 350. Art History
Informational Meeting
Thursday, April 30
11:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon
503 Blocker
freed a leading Palestinian activ
ist from prison Sunday, three
months after he was jailed on
suspicion of spying for Iraq.
Sari Nusseibeh had been de
clared a "prisoner of conscience"
by Amnesty International during
his imprisonment, and he said
on his release that he appre
ciated the human rights group's
Study Abroad Office, 161 W. Bizzell Hall, 845-0544
It really made me feel people
believed in what I stood for,"
said Nusseibeh, a Harvard- and
Oxford-educated philosopher
who teaches at Bir Zeit Univer
sity in the occupied West Bank.
Nusseibeh, 42, was detained
Jan. 29 and had been held at Is
rael's Ramie prison.
The Defense Ministry said in a
statement at the time that Nus
seibeh was "collecting security
information for the Iraqi intelli
gence, especially after the mis
sile attacks on Israel."
Iraq fired 39 Scud missiles at
the Jewish state during the Per
sian Gulf War.
Nusseibeh denied the allega
tion and said in a statement from
jail that "I believe my arrest is in
tended to silence the voices of
The Defense Ministry had or
dered him held for six months
under administrative detention
rules, which allow the jailing of
Palestinians without charge or
The Jerusalem District Court
in February ordered the
tion cut to three months. Thedi
cision was based on a polices
that never was made public.
Nusseibeh has been a I
spokesman in the
Arab uprising against
rule, and his name has
raised as a possible Palest!
participant in any
tinian peace talks.
He said he spent his timet
prison reading and writing,"
what I will continue to do."
This Weeds'
Game Plan
April 29
□ Homerun Hitting
□ Indoor Soccer finals.
□ Innertube Water
Polo finals.
April 30
□ Indoor Soccer finals.
□ Outdoor Volleyball
Triples finals.
Mau 2
□ Softball finals.
TAMU Women’s
Volleyball Club
The Women's Club Volleyball A
Team traveled to Houston on
April 13th to compete in the 1991
Regional Championship
Tournament for the USVBA
Lone Star Region. After playing
numerous intense matches, the
team ended up as runners-up in
Division "A”. Members of the
team included Susan Haring,
Rose Haynes, Joanna Bower, CC
Radsliff, Jennifer Schloz and
Stacie Heil. Much recognition
should also be given to the
coaches Wally Simpson and
Brian Edwards, and to the
Women's B team, who all put
much time and effort into a
successful year.
Photographs Available
Championship photographs, as
well as file,
can be p’uichage# a^ 1 ? 59 : Read
Building,\Tbe : c6sf jM!a 5 x 7 is
$2.00 ahd gri- 8 x;|fes|fe.OO. Pic
tures can be mailed to you if you
will hof b| ; h§feTfiis summer or
are unable to pick them up. If
mailed, an additioanl $1.00 fee
will be added; to your picture
order. * '
Recreational Sports
Monday, April 29, 1991
1991 Penberthy Softball Champions
Men’s A/B
1. Red Birds
2. Bad Boys
Men’s A/B
TIM BYRD/Rec Sports
Red Birds
Men’s B/C
1. CCB Squad
2. Hardballers
Men's B/C
TIM BYRD/Rec Sports
CCB Squad
Men’s C/D
1. E-2 Rebels
2. Land Sharks
CoRec Open
1. Slap My Dog
2. New Sensation
. v : 'V i/ii
Men’s C/D
TIM BYRD/Rec Sports
E-2 Rebels
CoRec Open
TIM BYRD/Rec Sports
Class A
CoRec: Elvis Lives
Corps: Foxes A
Fish: Boozer Fish
Fraternity: D-Chi A
Men's Ind.: Pummlers
Women’s Ind.: The Dumplins
Men's All-U: Pummlers
Women's All-U:The Dumplins
Slap My Dog
"Thanks for a fantastic year!
Wc couldn’t have done it without you 1 .
Good luck on finals and have a great summer."
from the department of “Recreational Sports <!>taff
Class B
CoRec: D.V.M.’s
Corps: Regulators
Fish: Ord Fish
Fraternity: Turbo Z
Men’s Res. Hall: Juma Too
Men's Ind.: ICE
Women's Res. Hall: Kuddlers
Women's Ind.: Hoop It Up
Men's All-U: ICE
Women’s All-U: She Ra's
Class A
Women's Ind: Wendy Grahatr.
Jana Harringtoi’
CoRec: Rodney Andersor,
Jana Harringtoi
Class B
Men’s Ind: BradKagler
David Lestei
CoRec: Roan Phillip!
Renee Hard' 1
Class C
Men’s Ind.: WadeBrotfi
Dustin Nagfl
Class C
CoRec: Jil
Men's Res. Hall: Unflushables
Men's Ind.: Seven Dwarfs
Women's Res. Hall: DG
Women's Ind.: DG
Men's All-U: Unflushables
TIM BYRD/Rec Sports
Front: Mike Waldron, Dennis Corrington, Tom Reber, Mark Ritter, James
Nash, Jr. Back: James Welford, Paula Opal, Pasty Kott, Rick Hall, Chris
Koperniak, Judy Steffes.
Men's: Jason Lower)'
Glen Clausen
Women's: Maria Cant)
Liz Bed
CoRec: Jason Lower]
Maria Cant'
Class D
CoRec: In It to Win It
Men's Ind.: Valley Rats
McDonald's® Rec Sports Highlights is sponsored by your local
McDonald's® Restaurant at University Drive, Manor East Mall, Hwy
21, Texas Ave. at SW Parkway and Post Oak Mall. This ad is a
creation of Jason C. Rogers and Judy Steffes.
Vol. 90