The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 26, 1991, Image 7
, April 26, ) 199/ Bill Hinds World & Nation ? fiday, A91 The Battalion\ Saddam starts to rebuild Iraq NICOSIA, Cyprus (AP) —Sad- lam Hussein appears to have leutralized Iraq's Kurdish rebels n his drive to cling to power in he post-Gulf War turbulence hat has swept his nation. But the country's majority ihiite Muslims, alienated by iaddam's ruthless suppression if their own ill-fated revolt, re- nain a threat he cannot afford to gnore. A tentative agreement to give he Kurds the autonomy for vhich they have struggled for iecades has given Saddam >reathing space as he tries to lold his ravaged country to- ether with himself at its head. Yet big problems remain, apart from the festering hostility of the Shiites who make up 55 percent of Iraq's 17 million peo ple. Saddam will have to contend with growing demands for polit ical reforms, the awesome task of rebuilding Iraq and its shat tered economy, overcoming a humiliating peace treaty with the U.S.-led coalition that liberated Kuwait and preventing the de spair of many Iraqis from degen erating into hostility. The televised hugs and kisses exchanged by Saddam and the Kurdish chieftains Wednesday in Baghdad cannot mask the deep hatred and distrust be tween them. Saddam has a history of mak ing agreements when he's in a jam and tearing them up when he's in a posihon of strength. And not just with the Kurds. In 1975, when he was vice president and wielded the real power in Iraq, he was forced to sign an agreement with Iran to get the Tehran government to stop backing the Kurds against him. In return, he had to am-ee to share sovereignty of the Shatt-al- Arab waterway, formed by the confluence of the Euphrates and Tigris rivers and Iraq's main out let to the Persian Gulf. It was a humiliation he never forgot. Five years later, he went on state television and physically tore up that agreement. Dignitaries honor Tower at service rage :tive member of 5 my three one- rs with the 3avis. He'll find get back on his i got too much succeed WASHINGTON (AP) — John lower was remembered Thurs- I ay at Arlington National Ceme- l;ry as a man v/ith a "sharp nind and el- 1 0 w s to match," and Is a patriot with a pen chant for Brit- iih suits and cigarettes. J Shiny lim ousines with heir quiver- rg telephone antennas brought passel of dignitaries to the cem- tery's amphitheater for the me- Soviets join U.S. in Mideast talks of thanks for lot easier woi oorts even you Lisa, rtt, everyone att god and the im up next fall ion that will nit should be a herwise know na, was a night fall, but he oed out in sport i brainstorming •ries broke, t to thank my anion and l their support r. They are all i — Nanette or known around it her I don't /e survived, s cranky after re night before, ?n right there, e a safe summei or that Aggie hey've turned py little team, opinion page. Tower morial service, punctuated by the rumbling of jets and finished with four F-14s flashing across the cloudless sky. Defense Secretary Dick Che ney, who got the job the Senate refused to give to Tower, came to the service. So did Sen. Sam Nunn, the Georgia Democrat and Senate Armed Services Committee chairman who led the battle to deny Tower his grandest ambition. There were Cabinet secretar ies, Texans, and Tower's two daughters, sister, and first wife, Lou. "We gather today at this final resting place of American heroes to honor another worthy of that title," said Senate Minority Leader Bob Dole in recalling the man who rose from enlisted sailor to chairman of the Senate Armed Services Committee, from west Texas teacher to arms negotiator. When he died three weeks ago in a commuter airplane crash in Georgia, Tower was also a pub lished author on his way to Sea Island, Ga., to promote his bitter memoirs. His daughter Marian, 35, who worked with her father and was accompanying him on the trip, also died. "He had a sharp mind and el bows to match," Sen. William S. Cohen, R-Maine, recalled. "He crunched more than a few toes with his cowboy boots. But in side that tougn exterior, you could find the warmth and the kindness of a good father and a true friend and more than a touch of melancholy and sad ness as well." British Ambassador Sir An tony Acland remembered Tow er's taste for things British, from Savile Row suits and Jermyn Street shirts to a special brand of English cigarettes. He called him a "stalwart friend" to his coun try. JERUSALEM (AP) — The Soviet Union greed Thursday to join the United States in , Colin, Brad, iponsoring peace talks between Israel and ne Arabs. But the outlook for such a conference re named uncertain. After more than a week 3f shuttle diplomacy, Secretary of State ames A. Baker III has gained agreement neither on the format for negotiations or on which Palestinian Arabs would attend. Soviet Foreign Minister Alexander A. lessmertnykh speaking at a news confer ence in Kislovodsk, the Soviet retreat where ie and Baker had been meeting, said: "We intend to act as sponsors of that con ference, and the fact that there are two ma jor powers — great powers — that help in getting that process under way would make it possible for that process to move at a fas ter pace," For his part. Baker said a Mideast peace conference would not "be a successful un dertaking — in fact, it will not even take place — unless the real parties to the conflict nave a true desire for peace." It was not immediately clear whether the arrangement was acceptable to Israeli Prime Minister Yitzhak Shamir and Foreign Min ister David Levy. Baker flew from Kislovodsk, in the Cen tral Caucasus, to Israel to get an answer Fri day from Shamir and Levy on whether they would also accept a role for the United Na tions and ease the restrictions they want to place on who would speak for the Palestin ians. "My honest feeling remains that there is a genuine desire on the part of the parties for peace," Baker said before leaving for Israel. "My honest feeling is that there is a better chance now than has been the case for quite some time in the past." GRAND OPENING CELEBRATION New! Fox Photo 1-Hr Lab located inside your neighborhood MORE BYTES, LESS BUCKS. Wolvti -13) 20 8: FOX PHOTO COUPON FOX PHOTO COUPON I (PC-13) k. 7:20 COP (PC-15 >5 & 9:35 S (PC-13) 0 & 9:55 (PC-13) 0 & 9:55 UTILE LAP 1 :() & 9:45 1/3 OFF DEVELOPING & PRINTING Film developing and first set of prints from 35mm, 110, 126 or Disc color print film (C-41 process). Coupon reproductions are not ac cepted. Coupon may not be used with other offers or reprint orders. 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