The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, April 25, 1991, Image 8
> CASH for BOOKS UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORE Northgate***Plaza«**Village MOVING? Reserve Your U-Haul Today. Guaranteed Reservations Easy Access • Speedy Service We Sell Boxes too. (ask about our discount) Call 822-3546 CM Wordstar LOTUS 123 WordPerfect COMPUTER BOOKS HALF PRICE AT UNIVERSITY BOOKSTORES THREE LOCATIONS NORTHGATE PLAZA VILLAGE We sell student softwatre. Turbo Pascal Ventura Symphony cut here Defensive Driving Course April 29 & 30 (6-10 p.m. & 6-10 p.m.) May 4 8:00 a.m. - 5 p.m.) College Station Hiiton For more infromation or to pre-register phone 693-8178 24 hours a day. CORPS OF CADETS Foods & Drinks ' TEXAS A«M n m>, ms TRADITION Music & Dancing Hclick's 100th Ayiniversary Celebration Sunday April 28, 1991 1 p. m. to 5 p. m. Brazos Center 3232 Briarcrest, Bi BUSINESS MAJORS EARN 12 HOURS OF CREDIT WHILE STUDYING IN ITALY SPRING SEMESTER 1992 Make your reservation now! Deadline is May 6 EARN CREDIT IN: FINC 445: Funding International Business ACCT 489: Special Topics in International Accounting BUAD 489: Issues in International Business ARTS 350: Art History Informational Meeting Thursday, April 25 2:00-3:00 pm 503 Blocker Study Abroad Office, 161 W. Bizzell Hall, 845-0544 1600 Texas Ave. S. 693-2627 College Station (jforona & Corona Light 1219 Texas Ave. 822-1042 Bryan 12oz. 6 pack Miller Light Miller Draft & Draft Light 12 OZ 24 pack *11 99 Jim Beam 80° 750ml Bud Light 12 oz $4 a fl 39 24 pack Budweiser $1 1 99 12oz. 24 pack Coors Light 24 pack $ Q99 Keystone & Keystone*,.-,-- Light 2lpack $ 7" Bacardi Breezers $499 all flavors 375 ml/4 pack We accept Cash, Checks, Debit Cards on sale items Specials through Saturday, April 27, 1991 Page 8 The Battalion Thursday, April 25,1<)1 jrsday, A| ( hours, t< ut anothe irmont sc microecc written t | not tal nt studer [taken th< learmont te tests w< its who h for the j howev uld be wr all instn arse. }ut in his [not help mtsaid. earmont of the 1 failed th on aftei commit n from t [n attempt nation, 1 the High five! Dan Avalos and Trisha at the Texas A&M Research Park. Avalos, an industrial engineering ma- taking a break from studying to enjoy the sunny weather. TIM MARTIN, Dan Avalos and Trisha Connor play with their dog, Shelby, Wednesday jor, and his girlfriend, a student at Sam Houston State University, were i ~ ‘ ‘ ~ rk. Av Board of higher education delays degree plans ,ew ie runnir ie center team t he benefit "Darren elf into a 2 irecaution Darren di ye want b me-time o 'xperimen "Darren mented sc enior) sea tears to s< us part to 1 Continued from page 1 ting off the antibiotics and the IV fluids to make that patient well," Guerra said. Gaston said A&M will con tinue to seek approval because it will want to proceed at the ear liest possible time. "Hopefully, the proposals will be approved without delay when the financial situation im proves and the board can unf reeze its funds," Gaston said. If funding does not improve by July 1992, then previously ap proved degree programs put "on nold" would be brought back be fore the board for another re view. "We need to do that because priorities can change," Reasoner said. Kenneth Ashworth, commis sioner of higher education, con ceded that the Board's action would "make some people and some schools unhappy," but he said it is an essential step toward trying to protect quality in higher education. "We cannot keep adding new programs, new services and new buildings on top of an educatio nal foundation lacking adequate financial support," Ashworth said. Gaston said two other non substantive proposals for a mas ter's of science in journalism and a doctorate in anthropology will be submitted shortly. The degrees are nonsubstan tive because they can be ap proved at the HECB staff level instead of requiring approval from the board itself. Gaston said he does not know how the nonsubstantive propo sals will fare with the staff, out remains optimistic. Funding for these requests is more readilly accessible than that needed for new degree programs, he added. All aspects of higher education are feeling the budget pinch, Ben Latham, chairman of the board's Campus Planning Com mittee, said Texas institutions al ready are half a billion dollars be hind in needed maintenance. "These new buildings could translate into a demand for over $4 million in state funds each year to operate and maintain them," Latham said. "I believe that for us to continue to ap prove projects would be to cause even more harm to higher edu cation through the further dilut ion of the limited funds we ha Dire filliam Mo ie instituh 175,000 in evelopmei The cent ie Texas i im Board r ve. fAGGIE RING ORDERS 1 Orders will be taken on the 2nd Floor of the CLAYTON W. WILLIAMS, JR. ALUMNI CENTER (Assoc, of Former Students) until April 26. 1991 for August '91 delivery. 2. For undergraduate students to place an order, the requirements are: 1. 30 credit hours must be completed in residence at A&M, if you arc a transfer student, (hours registered are not completed) 95 credit hours must either be completed or will be completed at the end of this semester, (if you are including hours registered for Spring '91, must be from A&M only) A 2.000 cumulative grade point average. Your transcript must not have any registration or transcript blocks for past due fees, loans, parking tickets, etc. Craduate students may place an order if the following apply: 1. If you are a May '91 degree candidate, your order will be accepted contingent upon your May degree being conferred. 2. Your transcript must not have any registration or transcript blocks for past due fees, loans, parking tickets, etc. Come to the Ring Office in the Alumni Center no later than noon April 26. 1991. to fill out the form for an eligibility check to be made However, we suggest you come in as soon as possible, in the event a problem exists. This may afford you an opportunity to resolve it by the deadline. When you come into the office, you will be given a time to return to check on your status and order your ring, if qualified. The full amount is due when ordering, payable in cash or by check only. MEN’S RINGS WOMEN’S RINGS 10KY - $251.00 10KY - $144.00 14KY-$341.00 14KY-$167.00 *There is a $4.00 charge for class of '90 and before. These prices are only guaranteed until 5:00 n.m., April 26.199L. which is the deadline for placing an order this semester. j M S c rr ’A Kaleidoscope of Color' jt Jair Gonzalez 1991-92 O P A S MSC OPAS Poster Artist Texas A£*M Student Exhibits his finest air-brush works. Rudder Exhibit Hall April 23 - May 1 Plastic Money • Mention you are using your credit card and we'll give you 50C off any of our coupon prices! Limited Offer - Act Now! WS4‘ Fast Free Delivery (Limited Area) (10 minute carry out guarantee) We Deliver From: Sunday - Wednesday 11 a.m. - 1:30 a.m. Thursday - Saturday 11 a.m. - 2:30 a.m. Ranch Dressing Available PIZZA 76-GUMBY Serving TAMC1 & Surrounding area 1702 Kyle A-1 Auto Wrecker Towing Service A-1 Wrecker •Damage Free Towing •Radio Dispatched •Open Locked Cars •Out of town towing Or Call 822-6043 Thomas < iguirre, a j c (Ban 13 Std. D SAME Chark D< 707 S. 1 Blk. South Codec