The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 26, 1991, Image 14
Page 10 The Battalion Tuesday, March 26,1991 Fall 1991 offers new minor for students interested in religious studies Continued from page 6 administrators did not believe it was the role of a public univer sity to teach religion. He said people also misunderstood what the courses involved. Stadelmann has been at A&M for 23 years and teaches four reli gious studies courses. "What I try to do is teach the religions from the stand point of that religion and why people would believe it," he said. Paul Parrish, associate dean of the College of Liberal Arts, said he is not aware of any problems caused by the new policy recog nizing religious studies as a mi nor. "If there is some resistance it would be based upon a misun derstanding of what is taught in these courses," he said. Stadelmann said, however, no matter how objective you teach religion, some people still will get angry. "I have had students threaten me and pray for me, which is quite all right," he said. "But people take religion strongly, and it does not matter how ob jective you may be teaching it." Oberhelman said the religious studies program now offers stu dents 15 courses that deal with the psychology of religion, women in the Bible and mytho logy. More courses will be added in the future, he said. "The minor has been set up to expose students to a multi-disci plinary and multi-theoretical ap proach to religion and does not advocate one particular religion or one set of oeliefs," Oberhel man said. A&M already has three other interdisciplinary programs in the liberal arts college, including women studies, classical studies and a prepared lecture program that will begin next year. Religious study courses are available in the anthropogy, En glish, history, modem and clas sical languages, philosophy and humanities, psychology and so ciology departments. have had students • **threaten me and pray for me, which is quite all right. But people take religion strongly, and it does not matter how objective you my be teaching it. 9*' —Dr. Steve Oberhelman, program coordinator Clip Coupons Save Money In The Battalion - Every Tuesday 776-7171 696-0191 268-0220 I— — - VALUABLE COUPON - — -|— — VALUABLE COUPON — — - little Caesars Pizza BRYAN 1775 Briar crest COLLEGE STATION NORTHGATE Tx. Ave. & SW Pkwy. University & Stasney TWO PIZZAS ITWO PIZZAS "WITH EVERYTHING" 16 Topping. •Roimd Only Two Small $9.99 Two Medium $11.99 Two Large $13.99 Topping, include Kun, pepparoni, green pepper., murKrooma, bacon, onion., ground beef, Italian sausage. Hot pepper, and anchovies upon request. No substitutions I With cheese only* Two Small $5.99 Two Medium $7.99 Two Large $9.99 Valid only with coupon at participating little Cac*at*. or deletions. Vajid only with coupon at participating little | No , v( ua with any other offer. One coupon per ensoroer Caesars. Not valid with any other offer. On* coupon per ■ Carry out only. No limit. 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