k h25 19?! lorida y* March 25,1991 W M The Battalion Page 9 *'■> ;a ier score he throw )avis' ehavior sets sample Continued from page 7 Iways had of the young coach one of a warm, honest man. Ihe allegations portrayed Da- as a cold, calculating coach, ing advantage of his boyish ice to cover up flagrant NCAA lies violations. I think his mistakes were ade honestly, and that his na- enature betrayed him. at else could have hap- sned? Why would any coach line into a school already under CAA scrutiny and cheat? Davis is a smart man, as well good coach. He kept the Ag- esclose in games against teams ith tons more talent, and did it |h an injury-riddled and scan- il-plagued team. Davis told The Battalion last I lednesday that he was sorry at he ever met Johnson. — you could turn back the |||!ock and we could know what know now about Rob John- we wouldn't have gotten in- jlved," Davis said. "He pre- :nted himself as a good person, we found out later about background and the specu- itionabout him." And he obviously knew about iM's past problems, wise man once said you can Jfcasure a man by the size of the | ings that bother him. By that | andard, Davis is a big man. (would have gotten pretty up- tif reporters followed me into y office and asked how I felt to fired, when I hadn't been, iced with constant insinuations out my guilt, I might have en lashed out and punched a titer. But Davis didn't. He stood tall id firm in a media whirlwind a m * • • TT 1 • 1 /■ .would have blown away a t WO 6111068 111 -T lllcll 4 TANK &FNAMAIIA’ by Jeff Millar & Bill Hinds 'itwe usiidAppY lOHM YOU? CONTRACT • IAJI4Y AR£ HtJU TAKIN& IT OUT ON YOUR T£AMN/\ATte>' IF YOJ GOY^ MAP ^ PtAV&C SETTef^ i-A^t year, my 5GA50KJ tAJoaPNT PAYE ‘bfooc? our amp n ujcxjepm'T x , So o&Vio05 TpAT C (=[ PS5&KVG TPe McNE-Y I'M NOT &STTIN&. ned » 'ason The vie reer