campus, us rate wi 0 a semeste fall, of an A&i ase from $ the increas) lienee, to computei fee will g( September now free, line monthi Friday Mostly cloudy High around 80 Bush was to be both the ‘Energy’ and the ‘Environmental’ President. Inter ested in his accomplishments? Don’t look too hard.” — Andy Yung Column/page 2 Still upbeat Former basketball coach Kermit Davis Jr. returns to tell his side of the story. page Dial-A- Ride The Parking, Transit and Traffic Services program picks up where regularly scheduled buses leave off. pages The Battalion Vol. 90 No. 114 USPS 045360 12 Pages College Station, Texas 'Serving Texas A&Msince 1893‘ Thursday, March 21,1991 , the Boart or chairpei rson durinj ice id was not wait but on ation in the es changed itreets, the s, and abo- gs, he said, vn as "the could no Kuwait, i Hitler oc- lechoslovo- lake them the streets 3,000 male being i Iraq, and d and mis- hopes the ecutes the s as war Japanese bash programs Official: Reputation imperils U.S. universities By Mike Luman The Battalion y Japanese media bashing of U.S. university programs in Ja pan threatens the reputation of legitimate institutions such as Koriyama A&M, a Texas A&M official said Wednesday. Dr. John Norris, co-director of the campus and head of the Ko riyama A&M support group, said poorly-run American col lege programs in Japan give a "negative public connotation" to U.S. higher education. To date, 29 U.S. universities have opened campuses in Japan. More than 130 U.S. institutions are studying the feasibility of es tablishing branches in Japan, according to Chronicle of Higher Education figures. These schools are exclusively for Japanese students and should not be confused with study abroad programs. , Norris said some U.S. institu tions in Japan are not credible, degree-awarding schools. In stead many "universities" use the name of an American institu tion with which they are not af filiated to attract students. These illegitimate schools offer English courses with no college credit and accept almost any stu dent, he said. This practice leads the Japa- See Japanese/Page 12 Davis breaks silence following resignation By Douglas Pils The Battalion Kermit Davis Jr. broke his five-day silence Wednesday on his forced resignation as Texas A&M head basketball coach. Davis, 31, spoke openly and candidly to select mem bers of the local media, saying he bore no ill feelings toward the University or those who asked that he step down. "Looking at the nature of the violations that occurred, I thought they were minor in substance," Davis said. "But with the past difficulties with the NCAA, I understand the situation that Dr. (William) Mobley had to deal with, and I respect his decision. "My lawyer (George Pam- ham) wanted to take A&M to Former head coach Kermit Davis Jr. speaks out against the eight violations found in A&M’s internal report. Davis reflects on his tenure/Page □ A&M guard Thompson weighs options/Page 7 court, but I didn't want to hurt the institution and didn't really feel it was in my or my See FIVE/Page 5 ition was ; believed ■ proposi' t proW -board ta* even pet' thing, , tuition, on would ;aid. uld advo however, ne would ith inade ty i remain-' progress an law I his wile :aries :ould law a®' s as from i charged athes shf 5 her^ Class schedules arrive HUY THANH NGUYEN/The Battalion A mob of students gather in front of Heaton Hall Wednesday afternoon to receive newly-delivered fall and summer class schedule books. The first day for seniors to preregister for Fall’91 is April 1. Student Senate passes budget for service fees By Greg Mt. Joy The Battalion After enduring only slight de bate, a Student Service Fee bud get in excess of $6.5 million was passed by the Texas A&M Stu dent Senate Wednesday night. Senate Speaker Kenny Cosset* said he was pleased with the speed in with which the student- appropriated budget passed. The budget included a 10 per cent increase in funds for the Multicultural Services depart ment, establishing the 1992 funding at $171,188, and a four percent increase in the Memorial Student Center budget, bringing it to $1,749,937 for 1992. "It's a credit to the budget committee that it passed so easi ly," Gossett said. "The proposals have been available to the Senate for quite some time, and the early exposure helped avoid any drawn-out discussions." The absence of proposed funding for two departments. Student Financial Aid and the Vice President for Student Serv ices' office, however, caused some confusion. Senate Finance Chairman Da vid Brooks said students were, in effect, taking a stand by not al locating funds to these depart ments. "Basically," Brooks said, "what we are saying is that the students are crying out saying 'we don't think we should pay for that, we think that should be a function of the state and the Legislature.'" The departments will probably get the money they requestecl. Brooks said, but the Senate is saying it doesn't want them to P et it from the Student Services ee. He said, however, that the Senate can only make recomen- dations not allocate funds. "In the end it is the adminis trator's choice," Brooks said. "We can only make a philosoph ical statement." Brooks said University admin istration and Student Senate came a step closer to resolving a dispute over funding of Bus Op erations. "In the past we didn't think funds for Bus Operations should come from the Student Services Fee," he said. "Not all people who ride the buses are students, and they run during Christmas See Senate/Page 12 Seminar takes to sea By Mack Harrison The Battalion Maritime experts ranging from attorneys to oilmen are meeting today and Friday in Corpus Christi for the Texas A&M Sea Grant College Pro gram's 14th annual Marine Safety Seminar. The two-day seminar will include presentations, panel discussions, in-the-water demonstrations of safety and survival equipment and a shrimp boil. Mike Hightower, deputy director of the Sea Grant Pro gram, says the seminar's pur pose is to inform commercial maritime operators of changes taking place in the industry. "It's a continuation of our overall safety program," Hightower says. "It's about how to avoid mistakes that can result in down time for the vessel, higher insurance premiums, or crew injury or death." The seminar will cover the following topics: See Sea/Page 12 Equine expert creates nutritional diet By Isselle McAllister The Battalion Racehorses and other equine athletes live in a chronic state of fatigue that interferes with their competitive performance, says the equine program leader in Texas A&M's ani mal science department. Dr. Gary Potter says he believes the prob lem can be solved nutritionally through a fat-supplemented diet. Potter and a team of graduate students have developed what he calls a "Mercedes diet" for the horses. By increasing the horses' total fat intake, researchers are able to delay the onset of muscle fatigue and increase the length of time horses are able to engage in strenuous activity, he explains. "This changes the whole perspective about how horses are supposed to be fed," he says. Horses typically are kept on a diet con taining 2 percent fat. Potter says this level is extremely low, considering human beings ideally should get 30 percent of their calories from fat. Because of the low amount of fat in the horses' diet, equine athletes must depend on carbohydrates for fuel during regular workouts, a bodily process which leaves little energy stored in the muscles as glyco gen, Potter says. Horses need glycogen for energy when they become winded during intensive exer cise. Potter says he discovered that increasing See Equine/Page 12 JAY JANNER/The Battalion Dr. Larry Potter, of the Department of Animal Science, has developed a nigh-fat diet to in crease the competitiveness of racehorses. ie opP 01 a ana ® n as n' el ' m in d 1 ' IS, sN ? VIP study rill be J Bush welcomes Walesa to U.S., announces debt reduction for Poland WASHINGTON (AP) — President Bush welcomed Lech Walesa, Poland's first democratically-elected president, to the White House on Wednesday and erased $2.6 billion of the huge foreign debt amassed by Warsaw during years of communist rule. Walesa, the former leader of the Soli darity trade union, beamed with plea sure as Bush announced a 70 percent reduction in Poland's $3.8 billion debt to Washington and challenged other industrial nations to follow suit. "God bless you, Mr. President," Walesa said, chuckling at himself as he switched from Polish to English in his arrival speech. "God bless America." Later, at a formal state dinner, Wa lesa said America had become a sym bol of freedom but today "nobody, thank God, has to leave Poland." He hailed the debt reduction as a "magni ficent act" that would be a relief for millions of Poles. Bush called Walesa "an apostle of peace" and said in a toast on the eve of the first full day of spring, "Over the centuries, Poland suffered through a winter of adversity, but you and your countrymen have delivered Poland into a springtime of thrilling possibili ties." The $3.8 billion debt to Washington is a small fraction of the $33 billion owed by Poland to foreign govern ments, principally Germany, France and Britain. The 70 percent reduction announced by Bush goes well beyond an agreement by Western nations last week to cut Warsaw's debt burden by at least 50 percent as a reward for Po land's surge toward democracy and sweeping reforms to create a free-mar- ket economy. Bush urged other creditors to join with the United States in going beyond the 50 percent mark. Traditionally, the United States has opposed official debt relief for other governments but made an exception for Poland because of its political and economic upheavals. Walesa, a onetime electrician who became a symbol of the Polish workers' movement against communism, was welcomed to the White House with cannon salutes and military pageantry. "You played a key role in helping Cen tral and Eastern Europe join the com monwealth of freedom," Bush told Walesa. "And you have worked hard to build a prosperous land upon tyran ny's ruins. "We want your economic transfor mation to succeed and your new de mocracy to flourish, and we call on other nations to follow our example," Bush said. Walesa, speaking through an inter preter, thanked Bush for relieving "a major part of our debt burden." "Your personal involvement in this course has for Poland a historical di mension," he told Bush. "It gives a new great possibility." Walesa emphasized that Western na tions have a big stake in helping his country solve its massive economic problems. "Our success is important not only to us, it is needed for Europe because it is a condition of order and stability," Walesa said. See Poland/Page 12