The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 20, 1991, Image 10

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    TAMU Study Abroad in Italy
Discover Italy by living and studying in Tuscany
History and Art
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People and Culture
A UNIQUE study abroad experience
Tliis program invites students of all majors to live and leam in Italy for
the Spring Semester 1992 while earning a full semester of TAMU credit.
*Now offering courses in BUSINESS and LIBERAL ARTS.
Thursday, MARCH 21
3:30 - 5:00 p.m.
Room 410 Rudder
Study Abroad Office, 161 W. Bizzell Hall, 845-0544
The Recreation, Park & Tourism Sciences
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WED., MARCH 20, 1991
7 P.M. - 10 P.M.
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8:00 p.m. -12:00 Midnight
Page 10
The Battalion
Wednesday, March 20,199
A&M Board of Regents prepares to OK fee hike
Continued from page 1
Other proposed rate hikes are
to A&M's off-campus bus sys
tem, diploma fee, transcript fee,
elective and achievement test
charges and existing field trip
The Board also will consider
establishing field trip fees for
horticulture and forest science
courses and will decide the fate
of a proposed Commons mailbox
rental fee.
All fee hikes will be effective
before the end of the year if ap
proved, except the graduate tu
ition increase, which will begin
Fall 1992.
The graduate rate hike propo
sal calls for an increase from $20
to $30 per semester credit hour
for Texas residents. The increase
will affect all A&M graduate pro
grams except the College of Busi
Non-resident graduate stu
dents will pay $15 more per
credit hour than the minimum
rate set by the Texas Higher Edu
cation Coordinating Board.
HECB officials have not yet de
cided on the rate.
By Fall 1993, graduate tuition
again will be raised for resident
students from $30 per credit
hour to double the minimum
rate set by the Texas Legislature
at that time.
In 1993, non-resident graduate
tuition also will be increased to
$30 more per credit hour than
the HECB minimum at the time.
Mobley said A&M will step up
graduate financial assistance
while the two-year fee increase is
"All efforts will be made that
no needy graduate student will
be deprived of a graduate educa
tion oecause of an increase in
graduate tuition," Mobley said.
If the Board approves, A&M's
present computer access fee of
$3 per semester credit hour will
be increased to $4 by this fall.
Mobley said the revenue will
be used to build a computing
study center on west campus.
The off-campus bus rate wi
be increased from $50 a semeste
to $55 beginning this fall.
Also this fall, cost of an A&l
transcript will increase from $
to $5. Mobley said the increasi
will pay for convenience,
printing and access to compute
A&M's diploma fee will
from $15 to $20 in September
Commons mailboxes, now free
will rent for $20 for nine monl
starting this fall.
In other business, the Boan
will hold elections for chairpei
son and vice chairperson durinj
this week's meeting.
Professor tells nightmare of Kuwait experience
Continued from page 1
Many American and British
men were used as human
shields before and during the
Alshayeji said he was hiding
three Americans, including the
couple, and was risking his life
to do so. He said although the
penalty for hiding Americans
and British was on-the-spot
death by hanging, Kuwaitis suc-
cesfully sheltered 3,000 of them
until Saddam allowed foreigners
to leave on Dec. 6.
The final thing he will never
forget is his departure from Ku
wait on Nov. 29, he said. As a
professor he was not supposed
to leave the country, and he was
also a lieutenant in the Kuwaiti
armed forces and an adviser to
the Kuwaiti defense ministry.
He said he forged his papers
to leave the country, which was
another crime punishable by
death. After bribing border
guards, an Iraqi security officer
Alshayeji said he lied to the of
ficer and told him he was a pro
fessor of accounting and that he
went to college in Egypt, not the
United States.
"If I had told him I was a pro
fessor of political science, he
would have shot me right the
re," Alshayeji said.
The officer then went through
Alshayeji's personal belongings,
which contained small photoco
pies of his American driver's li
cense, American credit cards and
American marriage license. He
said he was fortunate, because
the guard did not realize he was
affiliated with the United States.
He said the officer told him if
he was lying about anything he
would shoot him.
The officer then went through
all his clothes, some of which
were in bags from American de
partment stores, but again, he
never caught on.
Alshayeji said the officer took
all of his possessions, including
all his identification and all his
money, and then let him go.
Alsnayeii said people were
killed daily, sometimes for no
reason, and beating was a rou
tine. More than 20,000 Kuwaitis
were killed during the occupa
tion, many in the final two
weeks of battle.
He said a friend of his was
wrongly accused of helping the
resistance, tortured for two
weeks, shot in the head and
dumped in front of his house.
"Tnere was no sanctity for hu
man life in Kuwait under the Ira
qis," Alshayeji said.
He said wives and daughters
were raped in front of Kuwaiti
men, and the soldiers played
Russian roulette with citizens.
"What Hussein did was not
only an assault on Kuwait but on
every peace-loving nation in the
world," he said.
The occupying forces changed
the names of the streets, the
schools and the towns, and abo
lished all Kuwaiti flags, he said,
Kuwait became known as "the
19th province" and could no
longer be called Kuwait,
Alshayeji said.
He said even when Hitler oc
cupied Poland and Czechoslovo-
kia, he did not make them
change the names of the streets
and towns.
There are about 30,000 male
Kuwaiti citizens still being held
as prisoners of war in Iraq, and
they are being tortured and mis
treated, he said.
Alshayeji said he hopes the
United Nations prosecutes the
Iraqi military officers as war
Crow preaches patience as search continues
Continued from page 1
said. "I know our students are
getting tired of paying more dol
lars for football tickets.
"We don't want to raise (foot
ball) tickets anymore, so we've
got to find a way to generate
more income. Basketball is the
sport that can do that for us."
Crow knows the first step to
generating more income is gen
erating more wins. But he real
izes the prospect of that happen
ing in 1992 isn't a likely one —
even if the Aggies do emerge
from an NCAA investigation
"The chances of us going to
the NCAA (Tournament) are not
very good anyway," Crow said.
"The coaches are aware of (pos
sible NCAA penalties)," Crow
said. "But you come in to build a
program over a long range of
time. A year or two isn't going to
make that much difference in the
long haul."
Even in his inaugural press
conference as A&M coach, Davis
warned against hoping for an
Aggie turnaround similar to Pen
ders' magic at Texas. He gave
himself a goal of two or three
years before A&M could com
pete for the SWC title. But his
stint at the Aggie helm lasted
just 352 days.
However, Crow has heard
enough about Davis' problems al
A&M. All he wants now is to put
the basketball agenda he started
three years ago back into place,
"The other things have beei
hashed and rehashed," Crov
said. "We don't need to gral
players hodgepodge just so wt
can win a few ballgames next
year. We have to start on a sin
gle, sound base and build a bet
ter program."
Ogden clarifies registration card controversy
Continued from page 3
"Another problem with the
plans is that we are agreeing to
unpose the fee on students who
are not here and did not get a
chance to vote on the complex to
begin with," Ogden said.
Different levels of use by dif
ferent students also makes the
fee seem unfair, he said.
"Someone who used the fa
cility every day would obviously
see it as some great deal," he
said. "But I imagine there are
several thousand students who
would only use it three times a
week to get a P.E. class out of the
way. I'm not sure that is fair."
Ogden also said several other
fees were being considered by
the House, including a $10 in
crease in the Fixed Student Fee
and a significant increase in tu
ition. He said the fees were
needed to maintain the quality of
education offered at A&M.
Ogden also said he had voted
against the state lottery and
would not vote for a state in
come tax.
"I don't think the votes
needed to pass an income tax are
there, and I'll tell you this, we
don't need an income tax in
Texas to pay our bills," he said.
Ogden said the lottery was
nothing more than a regressive
tax and said he was surprised
the Democrats were pushing it.
"The Lottery was not what it
was cracked up to be," he said.
"It was essentially a new tax, one
on legalized gambling. The lot
tery would only be a new source
of revenue and would not re
place any tax.
"The lottery would not be tak
ing money from anyone's stock
and bond portfolio," he said. "It
would come from low-income
consumers and would hurt retail
Ogden said his position was
not yet locked, but he believed
the least objectionable proposi
tion to solve the deficit problem
would be an across-the-board tax
percentage increase.
"Something like a seven pei
cent increase on everything, in
eluding the sales tax, tuition
fishing licenses and so on would
be the best option," he said.
The only way he would adw
cate a tax increase, however
would be if the lack of one would
threaten Texas A&M with inade
quate funding, he said.
U.S. un
pan thr
official s
Dr. Jc
the cam
said pc
Fashion Fair
Wednesday, March 20
Rudder Auditorium
8:00 p.m.
Tickets available: MSC Box Office 845-1234
We sell the finest
Bridal Gowns for less,
707 Texas Ave. • 764-8289
*Now taking orders for June & July weddings
Health Education Majors
(Community Health Options)
Planning to intern in Spring, 1992
Friday, March 22,1991
Room 167 - Read Building - 3 p.m.
Women affect society
Continued from page 3
easy answer can tell women how
to balance their lives, she said.
"Being a superwoman is riot
the answer," Alpern said. "In
the 80s, women were expected
to be sexy wives, nurturing
mothers and superstars at work.
This doesn't seem to work. Alco
holism among women is on the
rise and women are experiencing
more health problems. These are
signaling that you can't do it all
at once. When I talk to these
women the guilt comes pouring
The women's movement of
the 90s wants to help women
achieve a balance in their lives,
Alpern said.
Although new challenges face
the movement, Alpern remains
optimistic about the progress
made by women.
Under British common law o:
the 1700s, a man owned his wife
Blackstone's Commentaries de
creed that a woman could not
witness in a court of law an;
could not claim wages as hei
own. If she ran away from hei
husband, she could be charged
with the theft of the clothes she
wore and for stealing hersel:
from her husband.
Women now have the oppoi
tunity to attend college and re
ceive the same education as met
and enjoy more freedom in tin
their personal lives, shi
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