The Battalion. (College Station, Tex.) 1893-current, March 08, 1991, Image 4
Page 4 The Battalion Friday, March 8,1991 The Battalion Classified Ads Phone: 84S-0569 / Office: English Annex Help Wanted Services THE HOUSTON CHRONICLE needs carrier for several off campus routes and one male for on campus route. $450-$700 per month. Approximately 3 hours a day. Call Julian, 693-2323 or James 693-7815. WORD PROCESSING: PROFESSIONAL LASER QUALITY REPORTS, RESUMES, ETC. LISA 696-0958. TYPING in Macintosh computer. Letter-quality printer. Done 24 hrs. or less. 696-3892. Professional Word Processing Laser printing for Resumes, Reports, Letters and Envelopes. Typist available 7 days a week ON THE DOUBLE 113 COLLEGE MAIN 846-3755 For Sale THE PSYCHOLOGY DEPARTMENT at TAMU is conducting research on group dynamics and needs participants. We will pay $30.00 for 6 hrs over a three week period. If interested, instructions and sign up sheets are posted outside Room 409 in the Psychology Department. PATELLAR TENDONITIS (JUMPER’S KNEE) Patients needed with patellar tendonitis (pain at base of knee cap) to participate in a research study to evaluate a new topical (rub on) anti-inflammatory gel. Eligible volunteers will be compensated G&S Studies, Inc. (close to campus) 846-5933 Part-time Physical Therapy Assistant needed mornings. Apply Sherwood Health Care at 1401 Memorial Drive Bryan. LANGE MUSIC CITY 1315 Texas Avenue 822-2334 20% off accessories 30% off Yamaha guitars Bring ad when you come! CHIMNEY HULL OFFICE BUILDING Price reduced to $109,000.00 1700 sq. ft. owner financing 846-7805 1987 HONDA MAGNA LOW MILES, ONE OWNER, LOOKS AND RUNS GREAT $2600, 764-8781. Macintosh SE-20, Imagewriter II and software. One year old. $2,000/firm. Call Andy at 268-4543/leave message. 1987 Honda Hurricane 1000. Original owner. Garage kept. Excellent condition 3.795; 713-554-4243. Uniden Radar detector lor sale. One year old. Call Meg, 847-8062. SOMERVILLE - 6.17 acres, 1/2 mineral rights, furnished 1,200 sf A-frame, barn, +boat. Owner finance/with 25% down, $55,000, 974-7667. 1964 Chevy Impala, white, convertible top, ASM maroon paint and Interior, completely restored, original engine, $6500,713-974-7667. ENTREPRENEURS. BE YOUR OWN BOSS. MAKEBIG BUCKSSELLINGSUNGLASSES. NO.INV.REQ.WRITE P.O. BOX 70. TUALATIN, OR. 97062. Roommate Wanted Healthy males wanted as semen donors. Help infertile couples. Confidentiality ensured. Ethnic diversity desir able. Ages 18-35. excellent compensation. Contact Fairfax Cryobank, 1121 Briarcrest Suite 101, 776-4453. Houseto rent/share. Female roommate needed. Nice 3b/ 2ba house shuttle. Eastmark furnished all appliances W/ D, pool close. 250/mth. All bills paid+150 deposit. Call 693-5948 or 713-438-5325 collect. PART-TIME HELP - Mornings and lunch hours only. Call 696-3411, leave name and phone number and Patsy will call you to set up interview. Female roommate $150 month 2BFV1B +1/2 utilities. GREAT AREAl Call 693-1489. INTELLIGENCE JOBS. All branches. US Customs, DEA etc. Now hiring. Call (1) 805-962-8000. Ext. K-9531. Cooks and drivers, lunch and evening shifts available. Cooks $5.00/phr. Drivers $4.50/phr.+ fees. Must have own transportation. Apply after2p.m. Mario and Son's on Northgate. 846-0379. For Rent HOME TYPISTS. PC users needed. $35,000 potential. Details (1) 800-962-8000 Ext. B-9531. Water Safety Instructors, Supervisors and Lifeguards needed (June - Aug. 2). W.S. I. or Lifeguard certification required. American Red Cross - Dallas (214) 871-2175. EEO/AA Employer. COTTON VILLAGE APTS Ltd. Snook, TX 1bdrm $200 2 Bdrm $248 Rental Assistance Available Call 846-8878 or 774-0773 after 5 p.m. Equal Opportunity Housing/Handicapped Accessible ASSEMBLERS: Excellent inoome, assemble products from home. 504-646-1700 DEPT. P777. Sweetwater Pools, Inc. in Houston is looking for leader ship orientated individuals to run our pools this summer. Training is available - must have or be willing to take Lifeguard Training, First Aid, and CPR courses. You will manage as well as lifeguard. Salary range $800.00 - $1,000.00 per month plus lessons and bonus. Call be tween the hours c< 9:30 am-1130 pm and 1:30 pm-3:30 pm M-F to set up an interview. 713-270-5946. A 2B/1,1/2Bath, luxury four-plexes. Close to carrpus, shuttle bus, washer/dryer available $360.00. 693-0551. 764-8051. Adoptions Immediate opening for medical technologist; full-time and part-time positions available. Personnel Department, TAMU. MLTS, CLA’S with previous hospital lab experi ence will be considered. ADOPTION - Our family longs for the baby who will fill our hearts. Call Ron & Karyn collect (802) 235-2312. ADOPTION - We're a loving, secure, nurturing couple. We are creative homebodies, devoted to each other, our families and pets. We want more them anything to adopt a baby to fill our lives. P lease call Steve and Cristina (80 5) 239-1409. INTELLIGENCE JOBS. All branches. U.S. Customs, PEA, etc. Now hiring. Call (1) 805-687-6000, Ext.K-9531. Graduate student couple needed to manage small apart ment complex. Must be able to do maintenance work. Apartment + salary. Call 696-7414, between 8:30 A.M. - 3:30 P.M. or send information to 1300 Walton Drive, C.S. TX 77840. Announcements THE WEKEELA CAMPS. CANTON. MAINE. One of America’s most prestigious camps, seeks creative dyna mos for staff positions June 17-August 18 for tennis, athletics, lacrosse, gymnastics, competitive swimming, water skiing, sailing, small crafts, piano, dance/ballet, drama, song leaders, campcraft/ropes, ceramics, art, woodworking, photography/yearbook. Also kitchen and maintenance positions. If you think you're tops, reply to: 130 S. Merkle Rd„ Columbus, OH 43209, (614) 235- 3177. BIRTH MOTHER SUPPORT GROUP meets Thursday. March 14, 1991 at 5:30 p.m. located at the Child Place ment Center 505 University East, Suite 801, College Station. TX 77840. Free to women fjcing unplanned pregnancy and women who have placed a child for adop tion. Free child care provided by Gimme-A-Break. For more information call 268-5577 or 260-1597. Travel SPARE TIME CASHI $5000 GUARANTEE Amazing Hot Details, 1-900-990-7014 + 1016 limited time offer. Cost $1.99 1st minute. .99« rest. OVERSEAS JOBS. $900-2000 mo. Summer, year- round, all countries, all fields. Free Info, write IJC, POBX 52-TX04, Corona Del Mar CA 92625. Mah-Kee-Nac for Boys/Danbee for girls. Counselor posi tions for program specialists: All team sports, especially baseball, basketball, field hockey, softball, soccer and volleyball;25tennisopenings;alsoarchery,rlf lory, weights/ fitness and biking; other openings include performing arts, fine arts, newspaper, photography, cooking, sewing, rollerskating, rocketry, ropes, and camp craft; all water front activities (swimming, skiing, sailing, windsurfing, canoe/kayaking). Inquire: Mah-Kee-Nac (BOYS) 190 Linden Avenue, Glen Ridge, NJ 07028. Call 1-800-753- 9118. Danbee (GIRLS) 16 Horseneck Ftoad, Montville, NJ 07045. Call 1-800-776-0520. Announcements The Brazos Valley Development Council's Section 8 Housing Office is accepting applications for the Operation Bootstrap Program. If anyone in your family is ISyearsof age or older and is currently attending school, or a training program and you need assistance with your rent, you may be eligible to participate in the program. Brazos County Applications will be accepted every Wednesday between 9:00 A.M. - 11:00 A.M. and 2:00 P.M. - 4:00 P.M. at the Council’s Offices 3006 East 29th Street Door #2, Bryan, TX 77802. Outlying county applicants may request an application by writing to Brazos Valley Development Council. P.O. Drawer 4128, Bryan, TX 77805-4128 or contacting Sandy Shumaker, Operation Bootstrap Coor dinator, at (409) 776-2277 or (409) 776-2281. EQUAL HOUSING OPPORTUNITY. Campus Directories Available Services Professional typing, word proc essing, resume writing and editing services are available at Notes-n-Quotes call 846-2255 MONEYI MONEYI MONEYI SCHOLARSHIP AWARDS GUARANTEED FOR EACH STUDENT. SEND BUSI NESS SIZE SELFADDRESSEDSTAMPED ENVELOPE TO: AWARDS. P.O. BOX 8179, ST. LOUIS. MO 63156. If you ordered a 1990-91 Campus Directory and haven't picked it up, you may get it in the Student Publications business office, room 230 Reed McDonald Building, 8 a.m. - 5 p.m. Monday - Friday. If you did not order a Campus Directory, you may purchase one for $3, plus tax, in 230 Reed McDonald. Smog levels in Mexico City lead to alert WED "7 'N WELL, pakdwek... VCU’VE GOT TILL SUN DOW A/ l TO... MEXICO CITY (AP) — The gov ernment declared a rare second- stage smog alert Thursday, telling people to avoid outdoor exercise and ordering the dirtiest factories in northern Mexico City to cut opera tions by half. Citizens were also urged to drive only when “strictly necessary.” It was only the second time the government has declared a second- level alert. There are three alert lev els in the plan for reducing activity when smog reaches dangerous levels in this city of more than 15 million people. Ozone levels at four monitoring stations hit nearly three times the level the government considers satis factory when the alert was declared at midday. “The immediate effects are irrita tion of the eyes and pulmonary ef fects, but the long term damage is premature aging of the body and this is very, very serious,” said Hom- ero Aridjis, president of the Group of 100, one of Mexico’s leading envi ronmental groups. Ozone levels continued to rise at two of the monitoring stations after the alert was declared, said Sergio Reyes Lujan, deputy secretary of ur ban development and ecology. “Predictions were that the high ozone concentrations could persist for a good part of the afternoon,” he said at a news conference. The 60 most contaminating in dustries in the northern part of the city were told to scale back opera tions 50 percent. They included the government’s March 18 oil refinery and petro chemical plants, two thermoelectric plants, a major copper smelter, other metal plants and foundries, and glassmaxing plants, officials said. “Today there was no wind, even at an altitude of 13,200 feet,” Reyes Lujan said, explaining why a second- stage alert was called. by Scott McCullar ©1991 r THIS IS THE LAST TME^ W£ ALL CdlABOKATE ON A MOVIE SCRIPT TILL WE FIGURE. ViHAT G&NKE WE-’KE. DOING. Spade Phillips, P.l. by Matt Kowalski 5P/)C)£ PHILLIPS, Yoofi FERPLE .. PRowfss 15 TVKouohoot Y 9 0, P THE GftLftKY; THuS, WE HAVE CWo$Ei|L, Yoo To REfbPoutrE oup x EntireI. ^ \PIMLEG5, HmHZoM RflCF. ' n S‘. A or' n i . . TMTATp opno. Don't M/ss.-^'U WA5 USED FOR SEX I 110,000 /IM/JZoN gflBB't Tubularman by Boomer Cardinale FinAL ■pAt- Continued from page 1 Whafs Up Friday ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS: general discussion at noon. Call C.D.P.E. at 845- 0280 for more information. Saturday AUDUBON FIELD TRIP: Saturday morning in the park just north of Texas A&M at Hensel Park, College Station. Call Mike at 845-5158 or 693-9548 for more information. Monday ALCOHOLICS ANONYMOUS: general discussion at noon. Call C.D.P.E. at 845- 0280 for more information. SOCIETY FOR CREATIVE ANACHRONISM: Heraldry meeting, research and commenting on names and personal coats-of-arms at 8:30 p.m. Cali Ernesto at 847-0993 for location and more information. Items for What's Up should be submitted to The Battalion, 216 Reed McDonald, no later than three business days before the desired run date. We publish the name and phone number of the contact only if you ask us to do so. What's Up is a Battal ion sen/ice that lists non-profit events and activities. Submissions are run on a first- come, first-served basis. There is no guarantee an entry will run. If you have ques tions, call the newsroom at 845-3316. sues in the last presidential cam paign had to do with equitable access to higher education,” he said. “Pollsters on both sides found this was an issue that made the American heart skip a beat.” Gates said equal opportunity in education is an idea that has very broad appeal in America and gives an indication of what education means in this country. He said the current lack of equal educational opportunity is the result of several long-standing social pres sures and attitudes. Gates said some of these same contradictions and ambivalences, ones he faced in his youth, are still very much in evidence today. “The word overachiever meant .something different then than it *does today,” he said. “Then it was a kid who didn’t understand his place, his limitations or his natural capac ity. A colored boy who knew more than he was supposed to know was headed for a nervous breakdown.” Gates said the shortcomings of ed ucation are numerous not only in opportunities available to blacks but also in terms of curriculum offer ings. He said the world-wide domi nance America has enjoyed is threat ened by the vast ignorance of other languages and cultures in higher ed ucation. The tendency of colleges and high schools to center on America and Europe is too narrow a view, he said, and the benefits of a more interna tional perspective are numerous. This narrow view, he said, has led to a new fragmentation — dividing the west from the rest. This is not justifiable in theory nor desirable in practice, he said. Multicultural studies in a variety of subjects could vastly benefit other studies in the humanities, Gates said. “The study of the humanities is the study of the possibilities of hu man life in culture,” he said. “It thrives on diversity. “We need to reform our entire system of core curriculum to account for the incomparable eloquence of the African, Asian, Latin American, Native American and Middle East ern traditions to prepare our stu dents for their role in the 21st cen tury as citizens of a world culture.” Athlete’s Foot Study Individuals to participate in an investigational drug research study. Must have symptoms of athlete’s foot. $150 incentive for those chosen and who complete the study. Pauli Research International® L$iso 776-0400 SisoJ m 55) ClNEPLEX ODEON THEATRES POST OAK THREE . iBQOHflrvoyROfld & $.1.50 OAriGAIN MATINEES ALL SHOWS PCfOUE 6:00 P.M. ON SAt.SUN A HOLIDAYS CINEMA THREE 315Collogo Avo. 693*2796 AMERICAN X - - TRAVEL & TOURS Great Ski Trips Available SPRING BREAK SPECIAL New York 202 R/T Miami 175 R/T Orlando/Tampa 224 R/T London 365 R/T Paris 530 R/T Frankfurt 510 R/T Some restrictions apply. Please make your reservations now. One way fares to some destinations avilable. 1-800-798-2226 7 Adult Sore Throat Study'?! ONE DAY STUDY, NO BLOOD DRAWN Individuals 18 years & older to participate in an investigational drug research study. $100 Incentive for those chosen to participate. Pauli Research International® L£ioo 776-0400 $105; My Heroes Have Always Been Cowboys (PG) Sat. & Sun. 2:30, 4:30,7:30 and 9:30 The Hard Way (R) Times not availible it press Home Alone (PG) Silence of the Lambs (R) Sat. & Sun.2:30,4:40, 7:30 and 9:40 Sat & Sun 1:30, 4:00, 7:00 and 9:20 Shipwrecked (PG) The Doors (R) no passes no passes Sat. & Sun. 2:00, 4:00,7:00 and 9:00 Sat. & Sun. 2:00, 4:30. 7:00 and 9:30 ^ /J FLY FOR LESS AS ACOURIERI Major Airline. Houston to: London $275 roundtrip, Tokyo $375 roundtrip plus first-time registration tee $50. Call NOW VOYAGER 713- 684-6051,212-431-1616. High Blood Pressure Study Individuals with high blood pressure, either on or off blood pressure medication to participate in a high blood pressure research study. $300 incentive. BONUS: $100 RAPID ENROLLMENT BONUS for completing study. Pauli Research International® ^$300 776-0400 $300J Asthma Study Individuals 18-55 with asthma to participate in a short clinical research study with an investigational medication in capsule form. Pauli Research International® 776-0400 SzooA TEXAS HALL OF FAME Y Your # 1 Live Country Night Spot! Y Frl. Night - .25 Kar Drink. ,V Oralt Itccr. / Music by Johnny Lyon A the r/ Country !\t‘\v Notes. yj Sat. Night - Any single shot bar drink, lungneek or mnrgnrltn $1.25 Music by Jay Eric A Bleeders Creek. y Tickets for the T. Graham Brown show are on sale. ,j $10 In advance $12 at the door/night of show College & Faculty I.D. Discount 822-2222 2309 FMf 2818 South / if > / / » i Urinary Tract Infection Do you experience frequent urination, burning, stinging or back pain when you urinate? Pauli Research will perform FREE urinary tract infection testing for those willing to participate in a short investigational research study. $100 Incentive for those who qualify. Pauli Research International® VS too 776-0400 SiooJ ki By dalla ady to stai just yet. Texas Texas Te first rour Conferer merely e: one mor< ranked Ai “I don break yet, iotravel. I in this ba while.” The A will last at The fir al Reunic was the fi the SWC ] swer: Tex That w; coaches a) Brenhai , but i Texas A&l Schulte. And th< nior. Com nity He; major is i aitely ma a name herself on Lady Aj softball tea Schull talent landed he the top fiv ♦ Our amo ♦ Fast ♦ Call ♦ Top ♦ Com rewa ♦ Join othe ♦ 2 ♦ 1 'The C S’ r JewelryRepair 19 years experience • ring sizing • watch batteries • chain repair • Aggie rings sized, stripped • diamonds mounted £o(in czH untCsy Unc. '"Very Personal Investments" 404 University Dr. East 846-8916